How to repost on VKontakte and what it is: an overview of the function


  1. What is repost
  2. Why do they repost?
  3. How to repost a post on the wall
  4. In a personal message
  5. To the conversation
  6. To the community/group
  7. Delayed repost with timer
  8. With attachment of image, video, document
  9. Marked "this is an advertisement"
  10. On mobile
  • How to repost to other social networks
  • Instagram
  • How to see who reposted a post
  • How to delete a repost
      Off the wall
  • From the message
  • How to send a link to a post to a friend without reposting
  • Conclusion
  • How to repost on VK from your phone?

    Let's look at how to repost VKontakte to your page using a mobile phone, because it is through it that we most often use social media. networks.

    • The icons in the mobile version look exactly the same;
    • Find the arrow under the desired picture and click;

    • A window appears with two lines: the first contains your contacts, and the second contains options.

    • The first line allows you to share material in the form of a personal SMS;
    • The second allows you to publish content on your VK wall, in your own community, send it to your daily history, copy a link, and share it through other smartphone applications.

    Please note that you will not be able to perform a delayed repost or add media files to it from your phone. But the process is completed much faster, without long presses and lengthy confirmations.

    Why do they repost?

    1. Reposting is done to share some interesting post, video, photo on your wall, on the wall of your group, or in a message to friends.
    2. Another reason is to participate in a competition or prize draw. The organizers ask you to repost so that as many people as possible can see their post. When you repost a post to your wall, your friends can see it in their feed.

    With the advent of the smart feed, the display of reposts has decreased significantly, since VKontakte itself selects what to show in the feed to each person, taking into account his interests.

    What is repost

    Reposting is one of the main functions in social networks, which allows you to add pictures, informational articles, videos, posts and other similar content to your page, to your personal group, or send them to a friend in a message. In this case, a link to the source is retained, and such an entry cannot be edited unless you are its author.

    Repost (from the English post - “announce, report”, re - “once again, again”) is literally translated as the repeated publication of a message within one site.

    Let's get straight to the examples. The first is a repost on my own VKontakte page. I saved a series of funny pictures so that my friends could see them and, if necessary, I would not lose this record.

    The second is a repost on Elon Musk’s Twitter. On his page, he reposted a tweet from the company SpaceX, of which he is the founder, regarding the next space mission.

    On the Internet you will find different repost wordings that are relevant for various social networks. For example, retweet (Twitter), repost, share, tell friends.

    How to repost a post

    To repost a post, you need to click on the repost button next to the post and then select where you want to repost it.

    The repost button looks like an arrow pointing to the right.

    Repost button in a post on the VKontakte group wall

    Repost on the wall

    After clicking the repost button, a window with repost settings will appear.

    VKontakte repost window selection Friends and subscribers

    Friends and subscribers Write a comment if necessary. The comment will reflect your personal attitude to the post. Or it happens that in competitions, as a condition, they ask you to write a comment on the repost. Click Share post

    Ready. This is what a properly done repost looks like on your wall.

    What does a repost look like on a VKontakte wall?

    Repost in a personal message

    You can repost in a personal message, then only recipients will see the repost.

    You can send a repost in a personal message to one friend or several at the same time.

    Important! Reposts made in a personal message are not visible to the author of the post and do not increase the repost counter.

    Therefore, if you are participating in a competition and there is a condition to repost, this means that the repost must be done on the wall, and not in a message.

    To repost in a personal message, in the repost window, select In private message .

    Select one or more friends to whom you want to send the recording.

    Write the text of the message.

    Click the Share post .

    Repost window in contact select Personal message

    The message with the repost was sent.

    A repost made in a message goes into the Messages section, where you can see whether your friend read the message with the repost or not.

    Repost to conversation

    Reposting to a conversation is done in the same way as reposting to a message, through the Send by private message .

    With only one difference, you need to scroll through the list of your friends to the end, because after them you will see all the conversations in which you participate and where you can repost.

    Scroll to the end, select the desired conversation or several and click Share post .

    That's the whole secret.

    Repost to the community/group

    If you are an administrator or editor of a group/public, then you have the opportunity to repost from another group to your group.

    Then the Community Subscribers .

    Repost window in contact select Community subscribers

    Select it and click share post.

    Done, now the post will appear on your group wall.

    A repost from group to group will look like this.

    What does a repost from group to group look like?

    Repost with timer

    You can repost with a timer on your wall or on the wall of your group.

    To do this, in the repost sending window, click the More button and select Timer.

    Setting up a repost publication timer

    An additional field will appear at the bottom where you need to indicate the time when the post will be published.

    Setting the repost publication time

    Deferred posts are a very useful feature for those who fill and publish news in groups.

    This way you can make a delayed publication of any number of posts and not have to think about forgetting to post in the group and not logging into VKontakte at the appointed time.

    Repost with an attachment of an image, video, document

    You can not just share a post, but supplement it with your own materials: videos, documents, images.

    You can make attachments to reposts both on the wall and in messages.

    To attach an attachment, click on the appropriate button at the bottom of the repost window: camera, film, sheet music, document.

    If you repost on your own or a group’s wall, the Document is hidden under the More .

    Panel with buttons for attachments

    Repost marked “This is an advertisement”

    If you are reposting an advertisement for money from another group to your own, then it is advisable to put the label This is an advertisement.

    What does this label give?

    Due to the introduction of the smart feed, simple reposts are shown very poorly in the smart feed and most subscribers do not see them, resulting in low efficiency.

    In order for advertising reposts to be shown on a par with regular posts in your group, you need to set the This is an advertisement label on them.

    To do this, in the repost window, click the More and select This is an advertisement .

    Then the post will have an icon indicating that it is a promotional post.

    This way, the ad will be seen by all subscribers in your group who also see your regular content.

    Important! Advertising entries placed by agreement should be no more than 3 per day! In total, you can publish no more than 5 advertising posts per day: 3 by agreement and 2 from the exchange.

    Failure to comply with these restrictions may result in penalties being imposed on the community.

    Repost on mobile phone

    On a mobile phone, reposts are done almost the same way as on the desktop version, regardless of whether you have an iPhone or Android.

    You need to click on the repost button, indicate where you are going to repost

      • on your wall
    1. on your group wall
    2. to friends in messages or in conversation

    Write a comment if necessary.

    And click Share post.

    Repost icon in the mobile version of VK

    Additional options

    In order to slightly diversify the display of posts or customize their publication, you can use additional options.

    Photo, video, music

    • When duplicating, you can add accompanying text to any entry. To do this, after clicking the arrow in the special field, enter your comment.

    • This line is also available in the mobile version.

    • In addition, in the browser version you can add a photo, video or music track to a note. Just click on the corresponding icon in the lower right corner before clicking “Share post”. And select the desired file.

    • If necessary, you can even attach a document. To do this, hover over the word “More” and click on “Document”.

    • Additionally, you can configure alerts and comments by clicking on the gear. The same settings are available in the mobile version.

    Delayed repost

    There is another interesting option. Do you know how to repost on VK from a group on your wall so that the post appears not immediately, but at the right time? For this, there is a timer function that allows you to set the date and time the post appears on your page.

    To use it:

    1. Hover over the word “More” in the computer version and click on “Timer”;
    2. If you use a smartphone, click on the gear and move the slider next to “Delayed recording”.

    How to repost to other social networks


    Click on the repost icon.

    In the repost window, go to the Export

    Click the Facebook

    Repost on Facebook

    If you are not logged into Facebook, an authorization window will open. Log in and the system will open the repost settings window for you.

    If you are already logged into Facebook, you will immediately be taken to the repost settings window.

    Facebook repost settings

    You can specify where your post will be published:

      • In your chronicle
    1. in a friend's chronicle
    2. in Group
    3. in the event
    4. in a personal message;

    Who will see it - this is the friends button.

    After clicking the Facebook button, the post will be published.


    With reposts, everything is complicated.

    You can set up VKontakte synchronization with Instagram, then published photos from Instagram will be published on VKontakte.

    But nothing will work with reposting from VKontakte to Instagram, because... This is a fairly closed network and there is no function for reposting from VKontakte.

    Why can’t I repost on VKontakte?

    It is not always possible to repost on VKontakte. This happens if:

    • the established limit for duplicating liked posts has been exceeded;
    • The user does not have administrator/moderator rights to publish messages in the public;
    • a system failure occurred;
    • they are trying to repost from a closed group;
    • The entry from the public wall was made on behalf of an individual, not a community.

    If a system failure is to blame, you can try to re-login to your account or wait a little.

    How to see who reposted a post

    Previously, there were no problems with this, but after legal proceedings over reposts, VKontakte closed the ability to see who reposted.

    You can indirectly find out who reposted a post by liking it, because when a repost is made, a like is automatically added, and if you don’t specifically remove it, then based on the authors of the likes you can roughly estimate who did the reposting.

    If the numbers of likes and reposts are not equal, then one can only guess which of those who liked it also reposted.

    To see who liked it, you need to hover over the heart, a pop-up window will appear showing those who liked it. 6 likes are shown, to see everyone, you need to click on the words “Liked by N people.”

    See who liked it

    How to make money from reposts

    You can earn money by reposting on social networks! I already mentioned one of the methods at the beginning of the article - this. That is, if you are the owner of a group with an audience of 5,000 people or more, you can repost from other less popular communities, contributing to their promotion, for money.

    But ordinary users can also make money from reposts. Community owners, trying to promote themselves, order paid surveys on special sites. All that remains for the user is to perform an action in one click and receive money.

    Similar work can be found on axle boxes. We won’t go into details [read the separate article What are axle boxes, as well as how and how much you can earn from them], I’ll just show a couple of examples of paid tasks from the SeoFast website:

    Another way is with the help of special services that promote social networks. It's simple: people order services (for example, 100 reposts), and the performers, whose role you play, do this work.

    • Read more: How to make money on likes, reposts, subscriptions on social networks - review of the 7 best sites

    Example of tasks from the ForumOK website [detailed review]:

    You should not expect that such income will become the main one. This is a cheap job based on simple actions, which is suitable for those who are completely bored.

    How to delete a repost

    Off the wall

    To remove a repost from the wall, click on the checkmark in the upper right corner of the post and click Delete post .

    How to delete a repost on a wall

    From the message

    A repost sent in a message is deleted in the same way as any other message.

    To do this, click on the edit message button. It will appear in the top right corner when you hover over a message.

    Edit message icon

    In the message editing window, the contents of the repost will be displayed at the bottom. You need to hover your mouse and click on the cross.

    Removing a repost from a message

    Then send the edited message again, it will no longer be reposted.

    What is maximum repost

    Often in a post, authors call for “maximum repost.”

    This term is mentioned when the author:

    • Wants to spread information extremely quickly;
    • I want this post to be seen by as many people as possible.

    Maximum reposting is usually needed for posts that deal with the search for missing people, urgent fundraising for an operation, and any important events (accident, power outage, water, gas, etc.). More often than not, people realize the importance of this information and help spread it.

    How to post a link to a post in a group

    Via PC

    • Click on the button in the form of an arrow under the entry.

    How to post a link to a post

    • In the menu that appears, select “ Community Subscribers

    Community subscribers

    • Click on the “ Share post
      ” button.

    Via smartphone

    • Click on the button in the form of a megaphone under the entry.
    • In the menu that appears, select “ On the community page

    On the community page

    Here's how to quickly post to a group.

    How to share a VKontakte entry in a conversation

    To share information with a specific user, you can send him a link to the publication.

    Via PC

    Right-click on the publication date of the post.

    Share post

    In the window that opens, click on the address bar and copy the link.

    Address bar

    Via smartphone

    Click on the speaker icon and select “ Copy link”


    How to share an article from a website (blog)

    Let's imagine the situation that you read some interesting article on a site that is in no way social. network, you liked it and wanted to share it with your VKontakte friends.

    For everything to work out, you must be logged into VKontakte at this time and perform all actions in the exact browser through which you logged into your VKontakte account.

    In this case, you can do the following. Usually, on almost all sites, at the bottom of each article there are social networking buttons, with which you can share site materials in different social networks. networks. We find the button that is responsible for VKontakte and click on it (the location and appearance of the buttons on different sites, of course, may not be the same).

    Reposting an article from the site

    A window opens in which we can also choose whether we share this article with our friends or simply send it as a message to a specific friend. If you just want a link to the article to appear on your wall, then simply leave the “Share with friends and subscribers” option

    You can also write your comment or addition to the article. You can do this in a text field.

    You can also select an image that will be displayed next to the link to the article using the arrows.

    If you don’t want any picture at all, then simply uncheck the box next to “Add an image”

    After everything is configured, click on the “Submit” button

    Share link to article

    After all the manipulations have been completed, something like this appears on your wall:

    Example of reposting an article

    Advantages of reposts

    The main advantages of the VKontakte repost option include the following:

    • Convenience.
    • Functionality (due to the fact that you can specify not only the recipient, but also add your own comment to the post);
    • The ability to send quick messages without additional procedures, such as copying a link to a post and then pasting it into the text field of the message, or a form to fill out on the wall of a profile, or community, group.
    • There is no need to download and install a third-party application extension.

    Repost competitions on social networks

    As we have already discussed, you can also earn money by reposting. But the wonders of this button don’t end there – it also acts as a person’s right to participate in a repost competition. You can often come across the following posts on social networks:

    Just by reposting the page, you will become a full participant in the drawing and will be able to win something tasty and healthy.

    Why are such competitions held? To promote groups. The more reposts, the higher the coverage of the community and the more people will know about it. They offer a variety of prizes: movie tickets, food, certificates or cash rewards.

    How to make a drawing in VK for reposts

    At its core, a drawing on VK for a repost is the same post as news, pictures, videos that a group can be filled with daily. Therefore, if you want to make your own draw, you should take care of the following things:

    • Explain the conditions of the draw in an accessible and clear manner;
    • Create a high-quality post . Remember that people will share it, and in order for their friends to want to visit your group, you need to design it beautifully;
    • Create an image for the competition. This can be done easily using a graphic editor (just choose a beautiful background and write “Attention, competition!”). The picture can also be downloaded from the Internet;

    • Real prize. This could be a small monetary reward if the group is small, or free food if the community’s theme is food delivery. It all depends on the topic of the group. If you “exaggerate” too much with the prize and create a fake competition, then the audience will quickly understand that they want to deceive them, and you will lose subscribers. A striking example is a car giveaway from the IGM gaming community. Although this contributed to a huge number of reposts, it caused a lot of negativity from the public.
    • Honestly summarize the results of the competition (repost generators will help you with this);
    • Provide evidence that the prize reached the recipient (you can ask the person to take a photo or shoot a video).

    Nobody forbids you to see how other people do similar competitions (for example, VKontakte).

    Tips for creating and running a competition:

    • To make people aware of the competition, you can place it in the “Free sweepstakes directories” . These are groups on social networks that post information about various competitions (for example, Free VKontakte Competitions);
    • Don't force people to join a group . This may cause suspicion for the system (blocking should be expected), in addition, after the competition, people will probably cancel their subscription;
    • Follow the competition. Make sure that the winner did not cheat and followed all the rules. Check that there are no suspicious individuals among the people who reposted (bots, empty pages). Such omissions can cost you the trust of your audience.

    Now let’s learn more about what a repost generator is and how to use it to determine the winner.

    Repost generator

    The repost generator is a special service that, based on randomness, determines the winner of the repost competition. Let’s say there are 100 people in total – after providing a link to the post, the service randomly gives out one or more winners. Examples of such services:


    Thus, if the organizer uses such a service, then the possibility of a “set-up” is practically eliminated. Practically - because such generators can be “tweaked”. Fortunately, the above services eliminate this possibility.

    An example of determining the winner using the Randstuff repost generator is given in the video below:

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