How to increase reach on Instagram: 31 ways to increase reach and impressions of posts

Paid or free advertising

Targeted advertising

Targeted advertising is a “white hat” method of increasing engagement. The bottom line is that you increase the audience that will see publications or an account/public, and also interact with them (like, leave a comment or repost).

The possibilities for targeted advertising are limitless, the main thing is the budget. The more money you spend, the more engagement you get.

Polls as a way to increase activity in the VKontakte group

People generally respond very positively to surveys, and you will usually get many more responses to your question than you will get likes, shares or comments. This is also an interesting point that should be used, according to our observations, a user’s answer to a question in a group leads to the fact that he is more often shown posts from the group, and this thus helps to increase reach.

close Does all this seem too complicated? Don't want to bother so much? Take advantage of our services for maintaining groups on social networks - we will fill your groups with thematic content, promote them, gain an audience, monitor comments, and respond to them according to agreed upon scenarios.


Everything related to PR can rather be attributed to offline activities. But they are the ones that perfectly increase engagement on social networks, as there is a transition from offline to online. One example of this transition is the wooden hashtag. Clients take pictures with it and post it to their account, tagging your social networks and subscribing to them. Thus, you get new subscribers-commentators interested in your product or services.

This also includes: SMS mailings, business cards with contacts, a printed Instagram business card attached to the monitor at the checkout area, pasting mirrors and shop windows with a logo, and so on.

How to get clients from VKontakte

First of all, you need to get a group. Then advertise your group in order to get the first members, and then retain these members. If you think people join your group to find out about discounts? Yes, but that’s not all there is to it! Interesting content attracts them much more! If your group contains interesting posts, and not just posts with your products, then the group’s activity will grow at a high speed. Therefore, you need good content, competitions and surveys, then through likes and shares you will not need to spend a lot of money on promotion, the group will begin to grow on its own!

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Remove spam from the group in a timely manner

What feeling do you get when you see a group where there is spam from other groups right in the feed or in the comments? We bet you’re thinking: “Yes, this is some kind of abandoned group, the moderator hasn’t even looked here for a long time!”

Therefore, it is important to remove spam so as not to create such a feeling. This service will help you remove spam in your communities in a timely manner.

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How to increase activity on a VKontakte page?

Social networks occupy a large part of the life of a modern person. Many people spend time on VK, actively subscribe to other pages and join groups. At the same time, account owners and community owners successfully monetize their stay on the site. What is needed for this? Promote a project from scratch using all kinds of promotion methods.

Until recently, the number of subscribers was considered an indicator of the popularity and success of a group. Today, you won’t surprise anyone with a large number of followers. If there are 100,000 followers on the counter, this does not mean at all that the public will be on the first lines of the TOP search results of the social network. If people's activity levels are low, it will sag in the search engine or even drop out of the list. Promotion of a group, paid or free, will bear fruit only if subscribers comment, like, participate in surveys and competitions, and repost interesting publications. All this has a positive effect on the rating and increases positions in the TOP. Therefore, increasing activity is a key task. Are you interested in comprehensive promotion of VKontakte? Follow the link. The paid SMM promotion service will ensure a rapid increase in audience and activity.

To popularize the project and involve followers in the life of the community, use methods that are free and accessible to everyone.

Increase visibility in the first stages

VKontakte users are reluctant to join new groups with a minimum number of fans and low activity rates. This is a purely psychological barrier. Nobody wants to be first. Promoted communities with a large audience that likes, comments, and reposts, on the contrary, attract attention. Therefore, in the first stages it will not be superfluous to use the services of paid SMM promotion. Use comprehensive promotion. Buy likes, comments, reposts to create the appearance that your content is interesting and useful to people. Finally, ask a friend to write the first comment under the post. This step will allow new users of the site to be involved in the discussion.

Make content useful for your subscribers that they want to share

Unique useful content is 50% of success. It is necessary to regularly publish thematic posts that will be of interest to the audience. Only in this case will you be able to arouse interest among participants and “draw” them into the discussion. Remember that each post is an opportunity to promote the project and attract new followers.

Openly ask your subscribers for likes, comments and reposts

A good promotion method that works. The main thing is not to make it a habit. It is only necessary to occasionally, in an unobtrusive manner, remind fans of the likes and reposts that they can make after reading or viewing the material.

Use mutual PR

This is a great opportunity to significantly increase activity in the group completely free of charge. It is enough to independently find public pages on similar topics on the site and offer the admin mutually beneficial cooperation.

Give gifts for activity

To motivate your audience, assign points to each action. For example, 1 point for 1 like. At the end of the week or month, determine the winners and generously pamper your fans with pleasant gifts. They may be purely symbolic, but they are significant.

Conduct surveys

Surveys can be very diverse, including humorous ones. The main thing is nothing abstruse. Come up with the simplest possible questions that do not require much time to answer.

Conduct sweepstakes, quizzes and competitions

People love to take part in such events where they need to like, write an original comment, or simply share a post. This is the easiest way to “highlight” your project among the friends of your followers.

Don't hold quizzes and competitions too often. Otherwise, people may get used to endless gifts. Then they will be interested solely in the benefits, but not in your project.

Don't forget to publish the results of the drawings in a timely manner. Let them be beautifully decorated. In this case, many winners will want to share the good news about their winnings on their page.

Conduct live broadcasts

Interesting thematic broadcasts always attract many viewers. They provoke new comments. The main rule is that the broadcast should not be too short or long. Don't forget to take care of the quality of video and sound: people don't like and don't watch a bad picture with background noise.

Use keywords

This is an asset that should not be ignored. Keywords work everywhere, including in matters of promoting the VK group. To ensure that social network users quickly find your project, use keywords in the name and description of the community.

Clean up negative comments

From time to time it is necessary to clean the wall of negative comments. Delete insults, cruel jokes, inappropriate statements addressed to someone, political discussions, anything that can upset subscribers and provoke unsubscribes.

Arrange “battles”

Choose a couple of interesting competitors. For example, BMW and Audi. Ask your subscribers what they prefer. Choose your antagonists wisely so as not to cause a “fight” in the public.

Celebrate round dates

1000, 10,000 or 100,000 followers is a great reason to write a beautiful holiday post and please your fans with gifts. Let there be an atmosphere of joy in your group from time to time. People love ease!

When choosing effective promotion methods, discard stereotypes, strict rules and show your imagination. Be closer to your followers and they will reward you in return!

Conduct surveys

Participating in surveys shows social network algorithms that your content is interesting to users. Don't neglect them: you can discuss anything with your audience. For example, ask to tell your attitude towards one of the news channels, choose your favorite artist or plans for the evening.

And with just one survey you can kill two birds with one stone. And increase engagement, and find out the audience’s opinion about the new product in order to receive feedback. Or about lifestyle in order to more accurately paint a portrait of the target audience.

Sberbank asked subscribers for their opinion on the new advertisement: it increased activity and unobtrusively worked with the focus group

In addition, surveys help to attract the attention of a wide audience. When a person votes, his friends see information about this. Someone may go to the group and also follow you.

You can come up with a lot more - hold small weekly giveaways, create entire quests looking for the answer in several posts, play board games online in the comments, and so on. And then work with an active audience: offer them discounts, indicate the most active ones in the header, or something else.

The Pepper.Ninja parser will help you find an active VKontakte audience and work with it.
In it, in a couple of minutes, you can collect the ids of everyone who reacted to a post, and, for example, run advertisements for these users. Hurry up, register with SMMplanner and try what is described in the article!

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