Black list
Smiley emoji “exclamation mark” on VKontakte – red, double, heart, white: smiley code, meaning and decoding
I can’t send a message to VK red exclamation mark Contents of the article (navigation) Social networks
VKontakte poll widget
How to vote on VKontakte (open and anonymous). Why are surveys needed?
06/13/2019 Now everyone can create their choice: Open surveys or Anonymous! In open
How to send music in a message in Odnoklassniki
In this section, you can listen and send the song as a gift to your friends’ phone
Music recommendations in VK: what is it and how to use it?
Music plays a big role in the life of every person. Today everyone is dependent on her
What should be the photo for your avatar - photo
How to take and put a profile photo on Instagram. Making ava in a circle
The first thing every person does when joining a new social network is upload a profile photo.
Host File
JavaScript error: Mutations are not initialized - how to fix it?
undefined in JavaScript is a real nightmare for a beginner front-end developer. What is the difference between undefined and NULL,
Avatar (avatar) - what is it and how to judge a person by his userpic (ava)
We make your page interesting and encourage subscribers to visit your page more often or
VKontakte social network blocking window
Validation of VKontakte account. What to do, how to decide if it’s a virus?
The essence of the problem Most likely, a “Trojan” has appeared on your PC, the purpose of which is to lure out more money
Why can't I save the file? Why music is not saved on VK, or how to save audio recordings from social networks
If you have problems saving a photo in Photoshop, please carefully review our
Sending VK messages - how to do it in a group or among friends
My Friends in Contact - Section my VK friends Contents of the article Let's look at the section
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