How to make hashtags for posts on VKontakte, photos - search by hashtag

VKontakte hashtags

What do you need to know about VKontakte hashtags?

It is widely known that hashtags are very popular on social networks such as Twitter and Instagram. In the latter, hashtags that tag photographs or videos are perhaps the only tools for independently searching for suitable content.

On Twitter, hashtags are used when publishing short notes and allow you to quickly track interesting news or other news items. When similar functionality was developed by VKontakte, then, apparently, the developers were counting on a similar effect.

However, the capabilities of the social networking site itself turned out to be quite wide, so hashtags have not taken root much, they are not actually searched for, so this approach most likely will not be able to help attract targeted traffic.

Search by hashtags and why do you need a hashtag?

It is not possible to make a search using hashtags popular for one simple reason - on VKontakte you can use the most common search using phrases that interest a person. Moreover, you can search by people, and by photographs, and by communities, and by video recordings. And why, in this case, add a hash mark before the word in order to search using hashtags?

But for some needs a hashtag is still needed, namely for tagging certain posts in the community. For example, a group with a broad topic may publish posts that differ in topic. So, if a community is dedicated to creating websites, then some of the information posts may be devoted to programming, another to content, and a third to website promotion. Tagging with hashtags makes it easier for visitors to find exactly those posts that are most interesting to them.

How to make a VKontakte hashtag

Creating a hashtag on the social network VKontakte is not difficult at all - just put a hash mark in front of the word (for those who were once fond of music, this sign resembles that same sharp). But for social marketing on Vkontakte, one should not forget about one subtlety.

If you set a hashtag of a general nature, for example, #nature, then it will display all posts with such a tag from the network - not the best option for structuring your own posts in the community, since the user may simply leave your group by searching for them to another community. And if we are talking about a commercial group or public, then this is a loss of a client!

Therefore, there are two options left:

— come up with a unique hashtag that no one else uses; - after the tag itself, write the name of the group, but if the name itself is long, then the tag will be ugly and unreadable - not the best solution for marketing.

Do Popular Hashtags Work?

Many people, trying to promote their own services, try to find a list of the most popular VKontakte hashtags and use them for each of their posts. This promotion system partly works on Instagram, where searching using hashtags is virtually no alternative, while on VKontakte this only leads to another attempt at spam and the inability to find something interesting and necessary using a given tag.

Therefore, we can say that hashtags for promoting VKontakte actually do not work, but for the convenience of structuring information within the community, they can be used only if the subtleties mentioned above are taken into account.

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Instructions on how to find people by tag

Some users create unique tags to make their profile stand out. And this feature can already be used to search for people on Instagram. All actions are performed through the standard functionality of a mobile application or website on a computer. There are no special instructions for this case, so you can safely use the guide presented above.

But it is more suitable for smartphones, although doing everything with a PC is no more difficult. To do this, go to the official web version of Instagram, log in to your own account, and then enter the desired tag in the search bar. We remind you that a distinctive feature of such a label is the presence of a hash mark (#).

All you have to do is carefully look through all the photos and try to find the right person in one of them. If the tag is too general, then this will be quite difficult, or rather, almost impossible. Try to remember a unique keyword for which not many posts have been added.

Let's talk about VKontakte hashtags?

May 14, 2014

Hello colleagues.

Judging by the survey I conducted, the social network VKontakte still continues to interest the majority of my subscribers, as well as those people who are not subscribers. This:) means that I will continue to publish articles related to the promotion of communities.

Let's talk to you today about VKontakte hashtags - miniature signs that offer us good opportunities.

First, it’s worth clarifying what hashtags are (English hashtag from hash - the hash symbol + tag - label). This is a small # icon that we can put in social network posts before key phrases or words that describe the content of these posts.

For example, your public page has a virtual section in which a new e-book appears every other day. At the same time, you have subscribers who cannot log into the community every day, but they are only interested in this public for the opportunity to download excellent free books.

On the one hand, you don’t have to worry about such people - let them scour all the posts of the community and look for materials that are useful to them (at the same time they will look at other things).

On the other hand, why not show respect to people by saving their time and highlighting all relevant posts in the virtual section with some relevant hashtag, such as #Only_USEFUL_BOOKS*?

*The link works, go to our public After-school group (for freelancers), subscribe and receive a new trendy book on business every other day. My collection of excellent materials will be enough for about a year (as long as you have time to read :)).

Yes, it's that simple. Now a person who wants to view all the posts with books attached to them will click on the hashtag, and he will immediately see the entire list of such posts posted on the social network. Believe me, you save a lot of time.

How to write hashtags correctly?

In order for the site to accept the hashtag you wrote, you need to follow several rules:

  • The key phrase must contain no spaces, as well as some symbols such as +, =, /, *, ~, !, % and some others (in particular, parentheses);
  • The key phrase must either be written together without a space, or the words in it must be separated by an underscore “_”;
  • Hashtags can be written in different languages, including transliteration.

Types of hashtags on VKontakte

Well, I don’t know how correct it is to talk about “types” of “lattice,” but now you’ll understand what I mean. Hashtags are:

  1. Working throughout VK;
  2. Working exclusively in the community.

How to make a VKontakte hashtag common to the social network?

The answer to this question is elementary. Come up with a keyword or phrase that you can use to describe your post, and this keyword should be “generalized.” For example, in our case we will use the hashtag #Books or even #Useful_books (#Usefulbooks).

What is good about using a generic hashtag? Using this tag, your community within VKontakte will be found even by those comrades who have never heard of it. That is, we can assume that the use of hashtags affects the promotion of public pages and groups on the social network.

There is also an inverse relationship: the more popular the group or public, the higher the post with a popular hashtag will be in the VKontakte search.

How to make a VKontakte hashtag within a community?

There are two options:

1) Come up with a unique hashtag that is not used on the social network.

For example, #Only_USEFUL_BOOKS is used exclusively within my community. It’s unlikely that anyone would think of using such an unpopular tag for their posts. Therefore, by clicking on a hashtag, users will only see posts from the After-school Group (for freelancers).

Hmm, however, if such a hashtag does occur to someone, then it will work not only in the community, but throughout the entire social network.

2) After the hashtag, write the abbreviated name of the community via @:

Example: #Books@prosto_zarabotok,

Where prosto_zarabotok is the name of the group from the page address

If instead of a “beautiful” name you still have something like club1111111 written, then use this identifier after @.

Why doesn't the VKontakte hashtag work?

I had to deal with a situation where a hashtag designed to be searched across the entire network did not work. Of course, I immediately scoured the Internet in search of a solution to the problem, but I really couldn’t find anything. I had to contact the Support Service.

VK employees suggested this option: they clear the community I supervise of bots and blocked users - and the hashtag will be valid again. Naturally, I agreed.

Is it worth adding that the “grid” has become operational?

Quickly search for “dead” community members and subscribers

Yes, they helped me get rid of all unnecessary subscribers in one fell swoop - removing bots on your own is a difficult task. Do you know how to even understand whether you need to clean up a community?

There is a special application:, which allows you to find out how many “dead souls” you have in your group or public (and even among your friends). It’s a pity, of course, that the program doesn’t allow you to clear the page of “sad dogs” in one fell swoop, but it’s very easy to track the statistics of banned participants (the statistics will only be available if you are a community admin).

How many hashtags can you put in one post?

In principle, you can install as many “lattices” as you want. However, according to statistics, it is better to put no more than 2-3 tags in one post. Otherwise, instead of beautiful hashtags, you will have a mess of barely legible keywords.

How relevant are hashtags?

In addition to Vkontakte, hashtags are present on Twitter (where they came from), Google+, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and other popular social networks.

How relevant are “grids”? This is an interesting question... The problem is that not all “our” people use hashtags. In vain, of course, but that’s how it is.

For myself, I decided that it is necessary to put tags in each post - you can write down key phrases very quickly, and knowledgeable people will benefit from them a lot :)

What do you think about this? Write in the comments to my article, let’s discuss the relevance of VKontakte hashtags and other issues related to them.


  • Comment on the site

Search history on Instagram via Facebook

When you have installed the application and created an account

on Instagram, the best way to get your first followers is to invite them from Facebook. The application has an "Invite Friends" function.

It is possible to send notifications to those who have not installed the application. They will receive a notification with a link and a call to subscribe to the profile.

To invite friends, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the Instagram page;
  2. Click Settings. The icon consists of three vertical dots and is located in the upper right corner;
  3. Among the options offered, click “Invite Facebook Friends.”

After clicking the button, a list of friends to whom you send invitations will become available. A blue “Invite” button will appear opposite the person.

To lure all your friends, you need to methodically press the buttons. It is not possible to select everyone at the same time.

Instagram allows you to choose options for inviting people: via email, via SMS, message on Skype and other instant messengers.

How to use VKontakte hashtags

Most social network users use hashtags without thinking about their purpose and meaning of existence. But you and I must use them consciously and be able to extract maximum benefit.

A hashtag (English Hashtag from hash - the hash symbol) is a word, sometimes an entire phrase, preceded by the hash symbol #. The purpose of using hashtags is to group individual messages and create information flows.

How to write a hashtag on VKontakte

There are also hashtags on VKontakte. VKontakte hashtags support Latin and Cyrillic alphabet. Remember that hashtags cannot include a space. Instead, use the #SvetlanaRaevskaya case or the underscore symbol #Svetlana_Raevskaya. Why do we, community administrators, need them? And is it worth using them? Let's figure it out.

Why do we need VKontakte hashtags?

Hashtags on VKontakte perform two functions.

The first function is to attract search traffic to the community. That is, you can use popular hashtags in your posts in the hope that social network users will find you using them. When choosing hashtags, you should use your common sense. If you're selling parts, it's not wise to use #chicks #party or #wedding. When choosing hashtags, focus on the interests of your target audience.

Personally, I almost never use hashtags on VKontakte. Why? It's simple. I believe that they are useless on VKontakte. They don't work here like they do on Twitter or Instagram. During my time working on this social network, I have not come across a single example of effectively attracting traffic from search through hashtags. If you know such stories, please share them in the comments!

Planning to use hashtags to get search traffic? Then here's a useful life hack. Do not write hashtags in the body of the post itself. They eat up the space and ruin its appearance.

The exit is as follows. After completing the post and attaching a photo, click on it. Place the necessary hashtags in the description of the photo. What will this give you? The post will participate in the search for the added hashtags, but they will not be visible in the text of the post and will not spoil its appearance.

The second function of hashtags on VKontakte is content categorization in the community. And I recommend using this hashtag option when running communities. When you create a content plan for a community, be sure to come up with stable categories. This will be convenient for you and your readers. When publishing posts, use for each a local hashtag of the category to which it belongs.

Categories hashtags or local hashtags allow you to search for posts with a specific hashtag within the same wall. This rule works for both communities and profiles. For example, if your community has a “Useful Tips” section, then you need to add the @ symbol and the letter domain of the community to the hashtag #Useful Tips. Please note that this rule does not work with a numeric community ID! As a result, you will receive a clickable link #UsefulTips@domain, which leads to a search page for posts with this hashtag in your community. This is very convenient for new users of your community. Once in a group or public page, they can quickly look at your publications on topics that interest them.

Don't forget to explain the rubrics. For example, you can create a discussion topic “Navigation” and list all the hashtags in it. For each section, give a short and interesting explanation of what kind of content is published in it.

I hope my recommendations will be useful to you. As always, I look forward to your comments. Ready to answer questions. Happy ideas everyone!

Click on a found user to view their Instagram profile

Search on Instagram by hashtags

When searching for users, the most similar and/or most popular users will be shown first, along with their name and profile photo. To view their profile, you can click on the username found.

Instagram determines relevancy by looking at your search query and the usernames and first/last names of Instagram users that are most similar to the query. The number of followers can also play an important role in the placement of a found user, making it easier to find popular brands and celebrities on Instagram.

In our example, we were looking for the singer Beyonce and her account would be first in the list. Following him will be several popular fan accounts that have more than 200,000 followers - it turns out that Instagram does place accounts with large numbers of followers at the top of the list.

To get an idea of ​​what to look for on Instagram, check out the list of the most popular hashtags used on Instagram, or learn how to get your photo or video to appear in the Explore tab (also known as Popular Pages).

Why are my VKontakte hashtags not displayed in searches?

I put forty hashtags on my VKontakte post and I can’t find it using any of them. I have already tried both Russian and English words, letters and numbers, and still - my post is not there. What's the matter? Let's figure it out.

So, first of all, what is a #hashtag?

A hashtag, hashtag (tag) or hashtag (eng. hashtag from hash - hash symbol + tag - tag) is a word or phrase preceded by the # symbol. Users can group together a group of posts by topic or type using hashtags—words or phrases starting with #. For example: #art, #technology, #funny, #jokes, etc.

Short messages on microblogs of social networks such as Twitter, Tout,, Google+, Facebook, Instagram and VKontakte and can be tagged with hashtags, including one or more combined words.

Hashtags provide the ability to group similar messages, so you can search for a hashtag and get a set of messages that contain it.

In the real world, hashtags are used in advertising, political events, or art performances as a reference to an emerging trend on the Internet or in an attempt to create such a trend.

VKontakte hashtags, why they are needed

Hashtags as links to a group of posts united by one word (#hashtag), as you can see, are not indexed by either Yandex or Google, however, they are indexed like ordinary words. That is, if you put the hashtag #PromotionInstagram UrgentCheapQuality in your post, then such a hashtag will “work”. Yes, it will attract search engine robots, which will show it in search results when requested. However, an important condition here is that the hashtag must be Unique. Unique. New. Memorable. Then it will make sense.

Why is my VKontakte post not shown using hashtags?

I did a little experiment and this is what it turned out to be. You see, I added ten hashtags to the post, numbering them in order.

If I add the eleventh hashtag, it will not work, moreover, no hashtags from this post will be shown at all. What VKontakte will probably show are long-indexed entries that have nothing to do with us.

Thus, if you want VKontakte hashtags to work, there should be ten (10) or less. If there are more of them, not a single hashtag will work at all!

The second important point is grouping according to the criterion “Interesting first.” If you click on a hashtag that interests us, but there still doesn’t seem to be an entry, it means it’s somewhere below.

That is, the post with the hashtag that has more likes will be higher. Look, our post for the hashtag “#hashtag1” is not at the top, although it is one hundred percent the latest, I just added this hashtag:

The post has 51 likes and is higher than our post if the “Interesting first” slider is turned on, that is, set to the right.

If “Interesting first” is turned off, then our post will be the first in the search for hashtags:

So, don't forget about that "Interesting First" switch on the right if you want to see your post.

Related links:

Why hashtags (#hashtags) don't work on Instagram and how to fix them

Why hashtags (#hashtags) don't work on Instagram and how to fix them. Part 2

Commercial consultations Instagram

❗️Attention! Commercial consultations (for work and business accounts) on all Instagram issues, as well as on non-working hashtags PAID (RUB 500).

This means that first you pay, and only then I open your account and do an analysis, answer why something is not working and how to fix it.

At the same time, I do not give guarantees; in the case of Instagram there are no guarantees, only recommendations.

If this suits you, write to me on VKontakte.

What should you consider?

Many users are interested in whether it is possible to make a request on several tags simultaneously on Insta? Unfortunately no. The system is designed so that you can search for hashtags if you enter one word or phrase without spaces. Only underscores are allowed to separate words. You can use any letters and numbers for the label (no spaces).

Read a separate article on our website about the possibilities of searching for a person on Instagram.

How to get rid of a ban on Instagram?

Unfortunately, even after a long search, I did not find any solution.

Users who encountered this problem did everything they could - they tried to deceive Instagram using a proxy server and logging in from another country in order to reset the account, deactivate the account for a week, contact technical support by phone, Twitter, but received no response. Someone tried to connect Instagram to Facebook and send new posts from there, disabling any third-party applications associated with the Instagram account. Nothing works!

Don't spam and you won't be banned, friends!

Better yet, come to me for !

From the editor.

Those who follow the pictures and haiku on my Facebook page have probably noticed that the pictures are reposted from Instagram. This is a non-commercial account, just posting photos - that's what Instagram is for.

Last week I checked in to a couple of airports, I was in Moscow and St. Petersburg. After that, I was followed by several airline bots, pilots and flight attendants who adore the sky (one photo plus a stupid slogan in the profile). After a trip to Kaliningrad, I collect followers from there - hairdressers and spas, delivery services and bars. You put the tag #Minsk - hello to the city portals, they are right there. You put a tag in Latin letters and a couple of bots from Latin America or India come running. And “promoters”, as without them. One per day.

Remember the SMM mantra that was repeated a couple of years ago at every conference? Make attractive content, then follow people, they will see that you are so cute and will start following you back.

Does not work.

Do not do it this way.

Alexey Tkachuk is, yes, on Instagram. His work is complicated by the harsh fact that his clients need real buyers from a very small region. That's why his statements are so harsh - he reads articles about the incredible ease of life on Insta, and then tries to follow popular advice. Had tried. Now he advises himself.

How to choose a hashtag

When selecting thematic tags, it is important to be specific. Agree, the hashtag #clothing is general. It could be anything. And it’s not a fact that the user will be interested in or notice the publication in the mass flow of analogues. The hashtag #jackets or #evening_dresses will be much more appropriate if the tag is used as advertising.

By the way, VKontakte users, unlike Instagrammers, do not like a large number of tags. They react to them extremely negatively, especially if there is no measure. It’s better to add a couple of “lattices”, but specific ones.

I like 0

Converting words into hashtags makes online life easier. The “#” sign is read in Russian as a hashtag, in English as hashtag. How to create a hashtag is easy to figure out. Example: a person writes an article about phones and puts #iPhone. It is easier for Internet users to find a note. Hashtags are used for advertising and brand promotion on social networks and blogs.

What is a hashtag and what is it used for?

Most likely, if you use at least one of the social networks, for example, one of the most popular in Russia today - Vkontakte, you may have noticed in the description of photographs or in the text of any posts words marked with a hash icon (like this: “# ") In front of them. These are hashtags.

We used the hashtag when tagging and tables of contents of various topics on resources using the IRC network (a protocol mainly for instant messengers). They also served to tag messages with special hashtags to indicate that this message belongs to a particular area.

Interestingly, local hashtags do not start with a hash symbol, but with an & symbol. Before entering the daily life of a VKontakte user, hashtags conquered Twitter in 2009, where they became widespread due to their convenience. We will tell you how to create your own hashtag below.


Instagram is one of the few social networks where hashtags play a significant role.

And that’s why experienced marketers, advertisers, and people in related professions use them so actively and teach them how to make hashtags on Instagram correctly.

But either they themselves do not fully understand Instagram algorithms, or people do not attach importance to this; when using hashtags, they make a lot of mistakes. Which negatively affect the promotion of their pages:

  1. Lots of hashtags. Often, business accounts will post a lot of hashtags in hopes that it will attract traffic. But unfortunately, the more hashtags you use, the more you turn the system against yourself, signaling that you are a spammer;
  2. Lots of popular hashtags. Another mistake. It’s better to put hashtags like #stretchceilings_vologda in your post than just #stretchceilings. The number of likes will be less, but there will be more clients;
  3. Same hashtags. This is a powerful signal to Instagram that you are a spammer. The punishment can be very serious. Change your hashtags in each post, and release some without them at all;
  4. Closed page. Very often people try to write hashtags on a closed page. This is a completely useless activity, since hashtags on closed pages are not ranked by Instagram.

By the way, for incorrect use of hashtags there can be 2 types of punishment: complete account deletion (the worst) and “shadow ban”, this is when you see your publication, but your subscribers do not.

On the subject: Shadow ban: signs + how to get out

In general, punishments are an extremely rare occurrence, but I was obliged to warn.

Different approaches

If we are talking about the classic hashtag placement scheme, which is used by most users, then it is simply to write a list of all the words that come to mind and, plus or minus, are relevant to the publication being posted.

This will certainly have an effect, and little by little traffic will be attracted. But there are smarter approaches to how to install them more effectively, which I recommend using.

Lifehack. A new trend on Instagram is a chatbot. He will respond to customers in 4 seconds, remind them of important events/promotions via direct mail, and as a result will increase sales by 3 times. Implement before your competitors do it + use the promo code “inscale” for 5 days free. Click -> BossDirect.

Improved version

In advance, you prepare hashtags for each post of no more than 20. The ideal number is about 10. And at the end of the post, highlight them in a separate block from the text. Readers will perceive this more sympathetically to the perception of the main text.

Improved version

Native option

In the text of the post itself, you need to place several hashtags (preferably 2-4), scattering them along the entire length.

You post the remaining 7-10 hashtags in the first comment. So we kill 2 birds with one stone: it all looks beautiful and users go inside the post to look at the comment.

Native option

Bomb variant

The main task of hashtags is to attract traffic to the site and help publications reach the TOP or the top of users’ feeds.

Therefore, you can use the following trick, which is called the “like bomb”. In the post itself you publish 30 hashtags, and in the first comment another 30.

At the start, this will give a small but increase in likes. In addition, do not forget that you need to “give impetus,” that is, increase likes and comments using special services, for example, GetComment, Bosslike.

Two points. After a couple of days, be sure to delete most of these hashtags, leaving only the low-frequency hashtags. Otherwise, Instagram will impose restrictions on you as a spammer. The second point is don’t repeat this thing often. Otherwise... you know the punishment.

Bomb variant

Are your Instagram posts not getting likes?

I've been experimenting quite a bit with Instagram. When you create a new picture or video on Instagram, just like on any other social media platform, you use hashtags.

If you have broken any rules or your account is blacklisted for any reason, your hashtags will not be searchable.

Only you and your followers will be able to see your posts using hashtags if you are banned from Instagram. New users who do not follow you will not be able to log into your account and certainly will not be able to like you!


How to choose hashtags? This can be done in three popular ways (bypassing spam lists of the best hashtags): manually, “removing” them from competitors, using special programs and services. I still recommend using a service where everything is already thought out and there are analytics - Instatag.

Its beauty is that the hashtags are sorted by direction and there are even special classifiers like “hashtags for likes”. All you need is to go to the service and select the hashtags that are needed.


Don't forget to carefully study our article. There we have collected the best services for promoting your Instagram account!

On topic: Instagram promotion services: the best to be at the top.

Myth 3. Users constantly search for posts using hashtags

Have you ever done something like this? As a user, I have never followed hashtags. As a SMM specialist, I do this from time to time and I’m not embarrassed to talk about it out loud.

Other users behave in the same way. Well, what's the point in searching for something using the hashtag #dress #sunset and the like? What relevant information can be found in this dump?

The exceptions to this whirlpool of information are:

  • Animal hashtags.
    Our little brothers have been looked upon, are looked upon and will continue to be looked upon. But this will not help in promoting your business.
  • Hashtags flash mobs.
    Here you have a chance to get included in collections on entertainment sites, and you can get a lot of likes.
  • Hashtag events.
    #Rio2016 #SmartSales and some similar movement always generates a large amount of targeted and interesting content through which like-minded people can find you (especially when it comes to various kinds of forums and master classes).

Instagram is not Twitter (wow!), users have no need to look for additional information, they scroll through the feed and look at their friends relaxing in the country. And everyone looks at the cats. But going beyond the tape usually proves problematic.

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