Where are the bookmarks on the Honor phone: a place accessible to the chosen ones

What are Bookmarks in the browser and why are they needed?

Bookmark (bookmark) is a list of your favorite Internet pages, collected in one place in the browser. Thanks to this option, you do not need to search for your favorite site on the Internet every time.

Yandex.Browser logo on a smartphone

Almost every active phone user can view dozens of sites a day. Often they are all on different topics. Some you want to close immediately, and some you want to return to. For example, these could be interesting news resources, online stores, recipes, etc.

If you do not save the site, you may not be able to find it again, or it will take a lot of time. Therefore, in order not to engage in pointless work, it is recommended to use bookmarks. If at some point the site becomes irrelevant, its address can easily be removed from the list.

Note! To make working with bookmarks more comfortable, you can create folders and save sites according to categories. This will make it even easier to find your favorite Internet pages. This option is available in every browser, on all devices and every operating system.

On a PC, adding bookmarks is usually intuitive, since each menu item is labeled there. On a smartphone this is not so obvious, so a little instruction may be needed.

What is this?

First, let's find the answer to the question, what are bookmarks in VK, why is this tool needed? This is an opportunity to save important, interesting and necessary content in a separate tab, and to structure it.

The main purpose of the function is user convenience! Didn't have time to read the article or watch the video? Do you want to postpone an item? This is for you!

Sorting by section occurs automatically. The user can select one of the following tabs:

  1. All;
  2. People;
  3. Communities;
  4. Records;
  5. Articles;
  6. Links;
  7. Podcasts;
  8. Video;
  9. Plots;
  10. Goods

A cool innovation has appeared - now tags help set up bookmarks in VK! You create categories yourself that allow you to separate your favorite materials, for example:

  1. Important;
  2. Watch later.

Add other tags yourself to make sorting your favorites easier!

A little useful advice. Every user can make bookmarks on VK, but first you should pay attention to the privacy settings:

  • Articles are not available to a limited circle of people;
  • You cannot add communities if you are not on the list of participants;
  • The pages of blocked and deleted users are hidden;
  • Deleted products automatically disappear.

We’ve sorted out the definition – everything is obvious and simple. Let's talk about how to go to VKontakte bookmarks from your computer and phone and look through them.

How to create a bookmark in Yandex on Android

Downloads in Yandex Browser on Android - where to find and how to set up

You can create bookmarks in just a few taps on your smartphone. However, the first thing you need to do is log into the browser and your Yandex account. Next you need to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. If you have several tabs open in your browser, you need to select the one you want to add to your favorites.
  2. Click on the three dots. Depending on the Android device, they may be located in the lower or upper right corner. Sometimes, instead of three dots, there may be three stripes parallel to each other. This will open the quick menu. If you can’t find them, you can press the “Menu” button, which is located directly on the smartphone.
  3. After clicking, a list with possible options will appear. In it you need to select the “Add to bookmarks” item.
  4. A window with two lines will appear on the screen. On one of them is a link to the site, and on the second is the name of the page. The latter may be very long or may not display the correct content of the page. You can change this name to your liking to make it more understandable and easy to remember. You can skip this step and leave everything as is.
  5. When the page is ready, all that remains is to confirm saving with the appropriate button.

Adding a site to Bookmarks

Thus, the bookmark on Android is added and can be opened at any time.

How to edit a saved bookmark

Saved pages can not only be created or deleted. The user also has the opportunity to edit them:

  • This concept includes renaming and copying the link itself.
  • Bookmarks can also be rearranged among themselves. This feature will be convenient for those who have a large number of saved pages.
  • In order not to search for the one you need every time, you can arrange them in a convenient sequence. Move those that will be used most often to the top.
  • To do this, you need to open the bookmarks section in the standard way. After this, you should go to the editing menu. This can be done in several ways depending on the browser version.
  • The user can hold down the name of the resource for several seconds. In the case of an iPhone, you need to click on the “Edit” command, which is located in the upper right corner. An icon of three vertical bars will appear next to the bookmark name. The user needs to hold it and move the page up or down.
  • You can also rename bookmarks. This function will be useful for those who like order in everything. In addition, its name will allow you to quickly understand what exactly this resource is. There is no longer any need to navigate multiple pages to find the bookmark you need.
  • To change the name, go to the editing section. Then click on the page title itself. In the open window, the user can enter any name for the resource. To save changes, click on the appropriate button.

  • In the same window, the user can copy the link address. This may be needed in order to share a web page with friends or publish the address on another resource.

More options are available directly on the page itself.

For more information on how to work with bookmarks, watch this video.

Where are bookmarks stored and how to view them

How to cancel a Yandex Music subscription on iPhone

A list of bookmarks is created so that you can use them regularly. However, for those who are just starting to use the Android operating system, it may be a problem to find out how to open them.

Main menu of Yandex.Browser

The easiest way to find bookmarks on an Android phone is to do it through the main menu. To do this, go to the application and click on the tabs icon. It looks like a square with a number written inside it (it indicates the number of tabs currently open). When the tab page opens, there is a Bookmarks icon, it looks like a star-shaped icon. You need to select the required site from the list that appears.

Tabbed icon

View your favorites through the feature list

Another place where bookmarks are stored in Yandex.Browser on Android is collections. You can store pictures, videos, and links of interest in them. You can only view your list if you are logged into your account through all synced devices.

Note! A special feature of the collections is the ability to view “My links in Yandex” on Android in any other browser. To do this, you just need to go through authorization.

To open collections, you need to click on the three dots in the browser or open the menu with the button on the smartphone. Next, click “New Tab” and move the board down. Above it will be a collections feed. To view all your bookmarks, you need to click on the “My Links” card.

How to find and open previously saved URL pages

For people accustomed to working with the desktop version of the Yandex browser, it may be difficult to immediately find bookmarks on their Android. Let's figure out where saved pages are stored in Yandex.Browser and how you can view them.

Do the following:

  1. Launch your Yandex on Android on the home page;
  2. On the right side of the search, click on the button with three horizontal lines. If any tabs are already open on your site, then in place of these lines the number of open tabs will be displayed in a square;

    Button with three lines

  3. If you do not have any tabs open, a page with bookmarks will open. If there are tabs, click here on the star located at the bottom left;
  4. A list of all the bookmarks that you have saved in your Yandex Browser will open;

    Browser bookmarks

  5. Opening a bookmark is done by tapping on the bookmark in this list. After this, the desired Internet page will open and you can view the content on it.

Editing bookmarks

Often, users save bookmarks as suggested by the system by default. Over time, they accumulate and it becomes increasingly difficult to navigate them. Then you may need the ability to edit the saved links to make them more understandable.

How to disable Yandex.Zen on Android - ways to remove it from your phone

To begin the process, you need to know where to find bookmarks on your Android device. Once the list is open, you need to find the link you want to edit. To do this, you need to click on the required line and hold it until a menu appears on the screen, and the required “Change” item will be in it. You can change the name of the bookmark to something more understandable to you. It is also possible to change the link (for example, insert a shortcut).

Important! Changes must be saved using the appropriate button.

How to view your bookmarks in Odnoklassniki on a computer?

In the full computer version of the site this is quite simple. First, you should go to the corresponding section on the “Bookmarks” website through the left menu, which is located under the user’s avatar.

The next page will initially display all of the user's bookmarks, grouped into different categories. At the same time, in the left menu on this page you can switch between different categories of bookmarks: for example, here you can view only saved pages of other users, communities, notes and other materials.

Sync your Android phone bookmarks with your tablet and PC

You need to synchronize your devices so that the user can use data from the browser in the same way on each of them. This happens due to the fact that all information of each person is stored on the server, but in encrypted form. It is transmitted from device to device over a secure channel. Passwords, Bookmarks, forms, as well as those tabs that are currently open are transferred between the tablet, PC and smartphone. That is, the browser will work completely identically on all devices.

Note! The advantage of synchronization is the ability to restore all important information if one of the gadgets fails.

Data is synchronized whenever the information the user is working with changes. That is, if bookmarks are added or deleted, the browser instantly sends the changes to the server, and other devices download them.

It can be enabled if Yandex Browser is installed on all devices. In addition, be sure to log in to each of them using the same data. Next you need:

  1. Go to the browser and click the ellipsis (if it is not there, then the menu on the device).
  2. In the drop-down list, find the “Settings” item, which you need to go to.
  3. Click "Enable synchronization".

Tabs from synced devices

All that remains is to select an account from the list and enter your login and password. If there are no created accounts, you will have to go through the registration process. To do this, you need to select “Create an account” and fill out the fields: first and last name, unique login, password, mobile phone number. To confirm the creation of an account, you need to enter the characters from the picture and click the “Register” button.

To open bookmarks from your smartphone on your computer in the future, you need to go to the browser and click on the icon with the plus sign. A star icon will appear to the left of the display; sections for devices will appear there: computer, tablet, phone. You need to select the appropriate item.

For your information! If bookmarks are created on the same site, but from different devices, then the links are combined at the time of synchronization. If the same resource is added to favorites on devices that are already paired, then the link that first sends data to the server will be saved.

The list of synchronized data can be changed. This is also done through the settings and the “Synchronization” line. There you can disable or enable what data will be displayed on different devices. For example, you can make sure that autofill passwords remain only within one device, and the rest of the data is synchronized.

If you no longer need this option, you can disable it without any problems. To do this, you need to follow the same steps as when turning it on, just select the appropriate item.

Yandex registration form

Export and import bookmarks on Android

make import export in Yandex browser

Exporting and importing bookmarks in the mobile version of the Android browser is different from the computer version.

To import bookmarks, you need to enable “Synchronization” in the settings.

To export bookmarks, you need to select the “Share links” option and export them, for example, to email.

You can also use Bluetooth, Wifi Direct, Notes in Viber and other options.

Changing settings

In the “ Bookmarks Bar ” of your web browser, through the parameters - an icon in the form of three dots - you can:

Changing bookmarks Ya.Browser

  • add new favorite tabs by indicating the name and address of the site;
  • create folders to separate links by category;
  • copy tab addresses;
  • organize bookmarks by title;
  • import and export saved sites as an HTML file.

To manage a specific page in your favorites, hover over the link in the list with the mouse and click “ More ” to the right of the name. Select the desired action in the window that appears.

Using basic web browser settings, you can pin saved links to the top bar so you can navigate to any of them in one click. To do this, open Interface ” block Settings Show bookmarks bar checkbox .

On your phone you can also change your favorite links in Yandex Browser. To do this, open the saved web pages panel and select the desired tab. Hold the item with your finger until a miniature window appears.

Using Hot Keys

You can manage bookmarks on your computer using the following key combinations:

Yandex Browser keyboard shortcut

  • Ctrl + Shift + D – create a folder for storing favorite links;
  • Ctrl + Shift + B – display saved tabs in the top panel;
  • Ctrl + Shift + O – go to the dispatcher.

Bookmarks in Yandex Browser on Android or computer help you open important or frequently used network pages in two clicks. To keep the tabs you need always visible, you can pin your favorite links to the top bar of your web browser.

Bookmark synchronization

If you use Yandex Browser on your smartphone and PC, you can synchronize them and access the same saved sites from any device. Just log into your Yandex account from all devices you use and click “Synchronize” . The usefulness of the function cannot be overestimated. All your hundreds of useful and interesting saved sites will instantly become available on your smartphone. All saved pages are displayed in the same way as on a PC. Pages that you add directly from your smartphone go into the “Phone” .

The context menu of the menu of each link allows you to perform a number of manipulations with them:

  • move to another section;
  • create your own folders;
  • sort bookmarks by categories and topics of sites;
  • any link in mobile can be changed (edit the name and (or) address);
  • share it on social networks;
  • copy the link and send it to someone in a message;
  • move to another folder;
  • add to Tableau for quick access;
  • delete;

Perform a long tap on any tab until the context menu appears and select the item of interest, what you want to do with this link.

Bookmarks on different devices

Owners of several devices have access to the option of synchronizing information between gadgets. Thanks to the function, personal data and basic browser settings are stored on a special server. Information in encrypted form arrives to the server via a securely protected channel.

The following are automatically synchronized in the browser: bookmarks, open tabs, Internet resources on Tableau. After enabling the synchronization function, it runs every time the information stored on the server changes. For example, a user adds new bookmarks in the Yandex mobile browser. The web browser then sends a link to the server and downloads changes to other gadgets.

With synchronization, the browser will be configured identically on all devices. Also, if you lose your gadget, there will be no problems recovering passwords, settings, bookmarks in the Yandex browser or laptop.

How to transfer data from android to android manually

Manual file transfer is useful when you need to transfer a specific type of information or a selected group of files. For example, music, videos or application data. Moreover, sending directly to a new Android device, cloud storage or computer is available.

Method 1: Back up applications using Titanium Backup

The program allows you to selectively or completely create a copy of installed applications, or save only the data and then restore it on a new device. In this case, you must obtain ROOT rights on both smartphones. For details, visit the corresponding section of our resource.

  1. Open Titanium Backup on your old Android device.
  2. Click on the "Backups" tab.
  3. Select the application you are interested in and click the “Save” button in the new window. The backup will start automatically. For the duration of creation of the r.k. influenced by the amount of data.
  4. To transfer data, hold down the application item until a window with actions appears. Select "Transfer latest backup" and then the data type.
  5. In the next window, select the desired method for transferring files: email, cloud drive, etc.
  6. If you need to make multiple backups, check the required applications. For a complete backup, visit the “Batch Actions” section in the menu.
  7. By default, backups are saved in the Titanium Backup folder on the internal drive. Move the folder to the new device, then go into the program and restore the data of the necessary programs one by one. Or, through the “Batch Actions” section, restore all applications.

Important! Some programs are sometimes restored incorrectly due to hardware and software differences between the new and old smartphone.

Method 2: Copy files to cloud storage

Cloud storage services offer 5-50 GB of free disk space. Sometimes this is enough to temporarily or permanently store some data, including photos, music or videos. To choose the optimal service, we recommend reading the relevant material below.

  1. Activate Wi-Fi Internet on your phone.
  2. Install your preferred cloud storage service client.
  3. Register an account and/or log in.
  4. To copy content, in the application, click the “Add” button, and then mark the necessary files.
  5. Install a similar client on your new phone and log in. Then go to the application and download the necessary information.

Select the required files, click on the “Share” button. In the new window, select the cloud drive and confirm the download.

Method 3. Transferring data to a computer

A convenient method of transferring data in case the old device is damaged - the screen is broken or the sensor does not respond.

  1. Connect your old phone to your PC using a USB cable.
  2. In the “USB configuration” section, select MPT.
  3. Wait until the removable drives are displayed. Then copy the necessary data to your computer.
  4. Then connect the new Andro >

Method 4. Transferring data to a computer via a Wi-Fi router

  1. Install the Moto File Manager app on your old phone.
  2. Connect your smartphone and computer to the Wi-Fi network.
  3. In the hidden left panel on your phone, select remote control, and then “connect.”
  4. Enter the displayed address on your PC in the address bar of Explorer.
  5. Transfer content from your old smartphone to your computer.
  6. When finished, stop the connection on the old phone, and then connect the new device to transfer data.

Method 5: Send files using NFC

Important! Data exchange is possible provided that the old and new smartphone are equipped with an NFC module.

  1. Open the system settings of both phones. Expand hidden sections to view additional items.
  2. Activate the NFC module and the Andro function >Method 6. Transfer files using Bluetooth
  1. Open the settings of both devices.
  2. In the Bluetooth section, turn the switch to active.
  3. On your old phone, prepare files to send, select and click on the “Share” button.
  4. In the new window, select "Bluetooth".
  5. On the new device, enable discovery.
  6. Wait on the old phone for the name of the new device to appear, and then select the device.
  7. If necessary, confirm the receipt of files on the new Andro >Method 7. Transfer files using a memory card

If your old and new smartphone support installing MicroSD cards, you just need to transfer the information to the drive and then install the card in the new device.

Important! Do not use this method if the Adoptable storage function was activated on your old phone.

  1. Insert a memory card into your old device.
  2. Open your file manager.
  3. Go to the internal memory of the device, select the necessary data and transfer it to the memory card.
  4. When finished, remove the memory card and install it in a new device. If necessary, use a file manager to move information from the MicroSD card to the internal partition of the phone.

Method 8. Transferring files using an OTG adapter

If your new or old device does not support installing a MicroSD card, you should use an OTG adapter to connect the drive externally.

  1. Insert the MicroSD card into the Card reader, and then into the USB connector of the OTG adapter.
  2. Connect the assembled structure to the old phone.
  3. Open a file manager and transfer data to a removable drive.
  4. When finished, disconnect the drive and connect it to the new phone. Open the file manager and transfer the data to the internal memory.

Method 9. Use Android applications to transfer data

Another effective method of transferring information is data transfer programs. It works provided that both devices have working Wi-Fi and/or Bluetooth modules.

  1. Install one of the programs from the article “Android applications for data transfer” on both devices.
  2. On the sending device, select the files, then click on the “Send” button or the button with the corresponding function.
  3. On the receiving device, click on the accept button. Or use the QR code.
  4. Next, specify the recipient on the sending device. In a little time, the information will be successfully copied to the new device.

Part 2. 3 Ways to Backup Browser Bookmarks Cloud/PC

Besides your Android phone, you can sync or backup your browser bookmarks on your computer to the cloud. You can easily get them back. In this part, I will tell you 3 ways to sync browser bookmarks.

Google Chrome Sync:

After installing Google Chrome on your computer and Android phones, you can use it to backup bookmaks from Android to computer. It will backup your browser bookmarks data with your Google account. To set up syncing in your chrome, click the chrome menu and select sign in to chrome. Open the setting screen and click Advanced sync settings after logging in, you can control the browser data. With it you can synchronize 1. applications 2. Automatic filling of data 3. History 4. Password 5. Settings 6. Themes 7. Bookmarks

Then open the chrome menu on the top right corner and select bookmarks. Click Bookmark Manager > Organize > Export Bookmarks to HTML File. Bookmarks can be saved as an HTML file. You can then import your bookmarks into another browser.

Firefox Sync:

If you are a Firefox user and have Firefox installed on both Android phone and computer, you can use Firefox Sync to backup bookmarks on Android to Firefox desktop and computer. Firefox sync (https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-do-i-set-up-firefox-sync) is used in Firefox to synchronize browser data. Before this, it was used separately for synchronization. Now that's Firefox's summation. To use Firefox sync go to the official Firefox browser and select the sync icon and use the option.

Firefox sync will sync your

  2. 60 days of history
  3. Open Tabs
  4. ID with passwords
  5. This application creates and edits bookmark
  6. Backup bookmarks to file
  7. Also import bookmarks from Android browser

Click the Bookmarks button > Show All Bookmarks to open the Library window. In the Library window, select Import & Backup > Backup.


Xmarks (https://www.xmarks.com/) is an easy-to-use browser to sync and backup bookmarks for Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer and more. Simply sign up to your Xmarks account, then all your browser bookmarks will be backed up. This way you can use bookmarks on multiple computers.

Just go to the official Xmarks website and click the Install Now > Download Xmarks button to add it to your browser.

Then Download and install Xmarks for premium clients on your Android phone. Sign in to your Xmarks account to use bookmarks saved in the service. You can then make a copy of your bookmarks by syncing from your Android browser. In addition, you can add or remove bookmarks. However, this is only a 14-day free trial, and then you need to spend a $12 per year Xmarks premium subscription after.

Download Xmarks for Premium Clients from Google Play >> (Xmarks for Premium Clients)

Sooner or later, you need to replace your old Android smartphone with a new one. But before you send the device to the shelf or find another use for the phone, you need to transfer the accumulated information to a new device. In this article you will learn how to transfer data from Android to Android in the most convenient and affordable way.

How to enable the bookmarks bar in Google Chrome

It's not convenient to search every time where links are contained in Chrome, but there is a better way - to display the bookmarks bar.

Step by step guide:

  1. Open the browser menu.
  2. Hover your mouse over the bookmarks and select “Show bookmarks bar” from the drop-down list.

    google chrome bookmarks

the same by pressing the combination Ctrl + Shift + B.

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