Profession VKontakte administrator: responsibilities, opportunities, training

So, friends, after the recent modernization, the powers of the leaders of public pages and groups on VKontakte have also been updated. We will talk to you today about how to become an administrator of a VKontakte group, and we will also tell you who a community moderator and editor are, as well as an administrator. In all communities, without exception, one system of authority was established for their leaders. As we have already said, this entire system includes three levels of leadership:

  1. Moderator
  2. Editor
  3. Administrator

These are already entire vacancies, and not just a hobby. How are they different from each other? We strongly recommend that you study these instructions before appointing leaders to your community. After all, if you appoint the wrong person, then a situation may even happen that your community will simply be “hijacked”.

What does an administrator do?

1. Creates a group (this is if we are talking about developing a community from scratch). To do this, you need to select the type of community (public or group), design it visually (create a cover, an avatar), write general information and make the first post - a dating post. If a brand or community is sufficiently promoted, the visual component is usually handled by hired designers.

2. Publishes posts. Not as his left leg pleases and not once a week, but constantly, regularly, to accustom subscribers to new portions of content. Ideally, the admin should create a content plan, according to which he publishes posts. There may be several of them per day, preferably 6–8 for a large community and 2–3 for smaller groups.

3. Communicates with participants. In order for the group to become alive, so that people want to communicate, you will have to start with yourself. Be sure to respond to all comments and messages in the group so that their author does not think that he is speaking into the void.

If the group is new and there is no activity yet, write comments yourself, and such that you would like to answer them. Further. Create polls and ask subscribers for their opinions on any issue. This can be done right in the post, the most banal example is to ask: “What do you think about this news”?

ask questions in a group
Ask questions to your subscribers. They love answering them!

4. Monitors activity on the community wall and in the comments. If the comments and the group wall are open, anyone can write a post and share their opinion.

It is not always appropriate: trolls can come to the group and do mischief: offend other subscribers, send information that falls under the article about inciting ethnic hatred, etc. And okay trolls - you can just ban them. But any subscriber can pour out their negativity in the comments, and you will need to do something about it.

5. Conducts competitions, ensures that there are no cheats, selects the winner, contacts the participants and informs them about the results. If the company whose community you moderate does not have a marketer, you may have to generate contest ideas yourself.

If a company positions itself as an open and creative brand, repost competitions alone will not do the trick; please come up with something interesting. For example, a competition for the best photo, the best slogan for the company, the best story related to the brand’s products and services.

6. Places advertisements, puts pending entries. Sometimes you have to talk with advertisers for hours, finding out what they want and how best to design the advertisement.

Don’t work on your own, make sure your advertising gets maximum effect. If the advertiser receives a good response, he will most likely contact you again. And you can receive a bonus from the group owner.

Home: Memes and Music

It all started when, at the age of 13, I became the editor of a public page with memes about writers on VKontakte. At that time I was interested in literature, adored the poems of Igor Severyanin, but at the same time I was interested in music - I had many musician friends. At some point, the creators of the public launched another project - the public “Abyss of Musical Comfort”, and I was appointed administrator.

By that time, VK had a lot of public pages with reviews and releases, but I wanted to do something special - create a platform that would become the foundation for aspiring musicians. Then I decided to buy the public, but there wasn’t enough money, so I had to sell several personal items - including a rare volume of Severyanin’s poems.

I didn’t have a business plan - I did everything with enthusiasm and didn’t think about income. But then there were more and more releases from different groups, and it was no longer possible to post them for free, so I began to charge money for publication. At the first stages they cost 75 rubles per post, which I received every three days.

Gradually, I began to analyze the market: how advertising works, what promotion tactics other public sites use. First of all, I was looking for something that I personally like and inspires. I didn’t just post releases and collections, but created original, high-quality content in the hope that subscribers would appreciate it. It worked. So the public began to bring in more significant profits: after four years it was no longer 75, but 500 rubles. At some point, posts began to get a thousand likes, then 20 thousand - this was a real breakthrough.

What should an administrator know and be able to do?

A common mistake many newbies make is to think that if they have been on VKontakte for many years and are active users, then they can handle the responsibilities of an administrator.

No matter how it is! It’s not enough to clean up the comments and publish some insignificant post once a day.

We tell you what a VK administrator should know and be able to do.

1. Publish interesting and useful content. The main thing is to guess the interests of your subscribers and continuously supply them with quality content. Let's say you undertake to moderate a group dedicated to new films. The subject matter is wide, write and write.

popular posts on VKontakte

This means that you must constantly monitor thematic sites, news, and other public pages, select the most interesting publications and make original posts out of them. These could be new photos of actors, interviews, trailers, film announcements, audience reviews, etc.

Now let's talk about small and medium-sized business groups. For example, let’s take the community of an online women’s clothing store. On Monday you can introduce subscribers to new products in the assortment, on Tuesday you can write an informational article about the trends of this fall, on Wednesday you can make a photo selection of store products (for example, 10 fashionable coats), on Thursday you can come up with an interesting contest, on Friday you can please your subscribers with an entertaining a picture or an interesting test (“What is your clothing style”, “Which character from the series are you”, “Which of our images suits you” and so on).

Under no circumstances copy posts from other communities or sites - firstly, this is punishable (VKontakte recently launched the “Nemesis” algorithm, which tracks stolen posts and issues strikes to violators), and secondly, subscribers will not be interested.

Nemesis VKontakte

Let's say you were offered to lead a group of a company selling plastic windows. So what, for the millionth time, write about the advantages of windows, about how to install them? All this has been published a thousand times in other groups and wanders from community to community without bringing any benefit.

What to do? Rewrite in your own words, add interesting facts, photographs, videos, look for features that will hook the reader. Who said it would be easy? The administrator must have the makings of a copywriter, otherwise it is better not to take on this matter.

2. Have basic web design skills, master Photoshop and other graphic editors. There are many instructions on the Internet on how to design a community cover - it’s not difficult to learn.

3. Know the basics of marketing: understand what the target audience of the group is - that is, who reads it, and focus specifically on this audience. For example, if you undertake to administer a community like “Overheard”, focus on young people, but if you are the admin of the “Plant Seeds Wholesale and Retail” group, youth slang will not work, you need to speak in a language understandable to readers. And the readers in this case will be middle-aged people, mostly women.

Partial information about the audience can be viewed in the group statistics - the age, gender and place of residence of subscribers is indicated there. It’s even better to ask the customer – the business owner or company manager – for information.

VK group statistics

4. Be a good psychologist, understand people’s motives and moods. The Internet is often used as a place to release negativity. As we have already written, offended or angry people can come to the group and write a complaint.

Some admins solve the problem simply: ban the complainant and delete comments. Under no circumstances do this - you will ruin the group's reputation. You need to find an approach to each of the people: smooth out the situation, bring it to a constructive and positive level.

Let me give you a few examples. The simplest one: someone comes and starts whining: “The group is crap, the posts are uninteresting, fire the admin immediately.” Don’t rush to be offended: ask what, in his opinion, should be changed in the group? Sometimes subscribers come up with original ideas that you can bring to life.

Now it's more complicated. You are the admin of a community for a company that installs air conditioners. A dissatisfied client finds your group and starts writing a complaint: “Sharashkina’s office! Prices are through the roof! The employees are boors! I wasn’t licked affectionately enough from all sides, but the client is always right!”

Just a cry from the heart, from which, however, it is not clear what happened to the person. In this case, you first need to apologize (even if the client, to put it mildly, is not adequate) and ask what exactly did not suit him.

If it’s about prices, provide statistics on the cost of air conditioners in your region and explain what the price consists of. If the service is bad, write that the employee has already been given a dressing down and punished.

The main thing is to show that you are solving the problem, and not brushing off the visitor like an annoying fly. It happens that a person just needs to speak out and pour out the negativity. In this case, leave with a neutral comment.

In especially difficult cases, it is necessary to involve the company’s management and together think about what to do next. Often directors or their deputies also have administrator rights - so let them take the rap. In the end, your business is the group; you don’t have to get involved in disputes within the company.

Tips for VK administrator

1. Create group rules that clearly state the rights and responsibilities of the administrator and subscribers, and strictly follow them. Well, for example, subscribers to a public page dedicated to movies are allowed to communicate only on the topic - otherwise your wall will be spammed with unnecessary information.

In the group, swearing, spam and flooding, insulting participants, and getting personal are prohibited. The administrator has the right to delete such comments and block the subscriber. Rules are needed to minimize conflicts between the admin and the subscriber.

So that for every question “Why was my comment deleted?”, “Why is he calling me names?” you were able to present the rules and justify your actions.

VKontakte group rules

2. Work as a team. It's always easier when someone helps. The administrator can hire a moderator as an assistant - to clean comments, remove spam and flood, and always be on hand if you are distracted by working on another group, leave the computer, and go about your business. Just keep in mind: the team’s actions must be coordinated.

Where to look for a VKontakte administrator job

There are several proven options.

1. Yes, on VKontakte itself! Go to freelance groups - they are constantly looking for admins, often full-time. You can also leave your resume in job search discussions.

2. Another option is copywriting exchanges, where they look for those who will publish posts in communities. The work will take place through the exchange - which means you have a 100% guarantee that the customer will not be deceived.

3. By word of mouth. Surely among your friends and acquaintances there are those who have opened their own business or run a VK community. Pay attention to urban communities - they also often require admins. In short, make full use of your personal connections.

Is it possible to do without a hired specialist?

Beginners can hardly afford to hire a professional right away. You need to learn how to run a public page yourself, in this case. To do this, you should study what a VKontakte group administrator can do and invest a lot of effort and time.

The social network itself provides resources and tips that will help make the public more popular. No one knows the exact secret of success, but we can identify factors that can influence the attractiveness and ease of work:

  • “catchy” title that matches the content;
  • interesting content;
  • correct selection of posting time (you can use data analysis from Pabler);
  • To save time, you should use delayed posting;
  • invite friends;
  • analyze statistics;
  • use mini applications from the social network that will help promote the public - targeted advertising, VK Admin, native integration.

During the process, you need to be patient - the site does not allow you to post more than 50 entries per day; persistently inviting strangers to the community can result in a ban. You should also beware of offers for instant promotion or think about how to make a friend an admin in a VK group. The only way if there is no money for promotion is to invest your own efforts, try to interest the user, study your target audience and enjoy the well-deserved success.

How much does a VK administrator earn?

This depends on many factors: the amount of administration experience, the number of responsibilities (some administrators do not do advertising), the size of the workload (you must admit, 1 post per day or 8 is a big difference).

On average, a group administrator with minimal responsibilities (1–2 posts per day) receives 3–6 thousand rubles. Accordingly, if there are more groups, multiply their number by this amount.

If an administrator works full time and fully manages the group (writes and publishes posts, selects photos and puts copyright on them, holds competitions, communicates with advertisers), his income can be from 20 thousand rubles monthly. However, he will spend more time - in parallel he will be able to lead a maximum of one or two more groups.

VKontakte administrator salary

Advice: before earning a living as an administrator, “practice on cats”: try leading a group of an acquaintance or friend, or create your own from scratch. This way you will gain the necessary experience and learn how to communicate with subscribers.

So, decide whether you have the necessary knowledge and skills, test your strengths in a trial group and go ahead - looking for an administrator position. We are sure you will succeed!

Bottom line

Today we talked about the now popular profession - VKontakte community administrator. As you can see, this is not as simple a job as it might seem at first glance. If you are interested in this prospect, then acquire the necessary skills and knowledge, gain experience (for example, in your own group) and go for it! We hope the article was useful to you.

Read further:

Become an admin of a VK group: for money or art

Is the VK administrator the main person or the “servant of the people”?

Administrator, editor, moderator: who are these people and what do they do?

Professions in demand: online training

“The Elusive Avengers” - how to find out who is the admin of a group if he doesn’t want it

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