How to find out the admin of a VKontakte group: determine the owner, creator of the VK community

Sometimes community members and visitors may need to contact the administration of the group on VKontakte. For example, to suggest material for publication, to express gratitude, or to make a complaint. And here the question arises, how to find out the admin of a VK group in order to write to him?

In this article we will consider the following questions:

  • How to find out the administrator of a VKontakte group
  • How to find out the hidden admin of a VK group

How to find out the administrator of a VKontakte group

how to find out the admin of a group on VK

If you want to find out the identity of the creator of the community (for publishing your own content in the public, advertising offers, friendly communication), you need to follow these recommendations.

  • Go to the social network VKontakte, and then click on the “Groups” section, it is located on the left.
  • Find the group you are interested in in the list of communities that opens.
  • Go to the main community page.
  • Pay attention to the right side. There is a list of contacts there.

Each person on the list is usually accompanied by a short, succinct description, which indicates his role in the creation and development of the public. Sometimes the description is humorous and formal, which complicates the task. Serious communities publish clear, accessible, verified information so that users have the opportunity to express their point of view in private messages.

We do not recommend boring administrators and moderators with unnecessary questions. The answers are easily found in the “Discussions” section, where the most popular, hot-button topics are often listed. You can also ask other users, community subscribers: they are probably familiar with your problem.

How to find out the admin of a VK group - VK Monster

Since you got to the page about how to find out the admin of a VK group, it means that in the group you are interested in, the admin decided to hide himself and his name is not displayed in the “Contacts” block, and he signs all posts with the name of the group without leaving a signature with the name under the post .

How to find out the admin of a VK group if he has hidden himself everywhere

Indeed, sometimes you go to a group and there it seems that the admin is hiding, because his name does not appear anywhere. Technically, it is possible to hide the group admin from the “Contacts” block.

In order to calculate the admin of a VK group we need:

  • We go to the group we need
  • Open a search on the group wall. This is just before the beginning of the wall - a magnifying glass icon

How to find out the admin of a VK group: if contacts are hidden or open

  • In this search, enter the text “Gif” without quotes
  • Press enter
  • A list of all the GIFs that were published in this group will open and line up in front of us.
  • Right-click on any GIF
  • In the window that opens, select “open in new tab”

How to find out the admin of a VK group: if contacts are hidden or open

  • Let's go to this newest tab
  • In the address bar of this tab, change “doc” to “id”
  • We delete everything after the seven-digit number
  • Press enter
  • Voila! We receive the name and link to the personal account of the person who published this GIF. And once it’s published, it means it’s an admin.

Where to see who is the admin of a group if you are a newbie and the admin never thought of hiding

In any community there is a “Contacts” block, where all community admins are displayed, unless they decide to hide themselves.

It is located in the lower left corner of the screen on the main page of the group, if you scroll down a little.

Posts in groups can sometimes be signed, but this does not mean that the author of the group post is its admin. Posts can be signed if it was published after any of the subscribers of the public (namely the public and not the group) suggested this post for publication and only then the admin decided to publish it.

For example, this post has the signature of the author of the post but not the admin of the group:

How to find out the admin of a VK group: if contacts are hidden or open

How to find out the administrator of a VKontakte group if he is hidden

Above we described the ideal option, which is rarely found in reality: administrators are people open to dialogue, the necessary data is publicly available. Practice shows that the prospects are usually not so rosy: communities are often led by people who do not strive for openness, discussions, and feedback. How to find out the admin of a VK group if he is hidden? The question is ambiguous and not always solvable, but we will try to find the answer.

how to find out the admin of a group in VK if he is hidden

  1. Go to the community you are interested in, then find the discussion section. If it is missing, further actions are pointless.
  2. Hover your computer mouse over any list discussion. Press the right key, select “Copy link”.
  3. Now go to a group where you yourself are an administrator (or create a separate group for testing).
  4. Select the “Links” section, “Edit”, then “Add link”.

You will see the name of the person who created the community that intrigues you. The method does not always work: instead of the person’s first and last name, the name of the community appears. But the probability is high, it's worth a try. There are no other methods to find out the identity of the moderator. Now you know how to find out the creator of a VKontakte group if he is hidden.

Explore the Contacts tab

Before making drastic decisions, try to get to know the administrator of the VK group by simply studying the page. There are two options here:

  1. If the community is open, enter the page and scroll until you see the Contacts section on the right. There will be information about who the administrator is.
  2. To find out the admin in a closed group, if the creator has not “hid” his personal information, scroll to the Contacts section at the bottom right. There will be information about who the founder is.

It is with these methods that you begin your search. If they don't help, try other options.

Alternative methods

  • Often, administrators begin to hide their identities when the published content becomes unflattering: maintaining anonymity ensures security. Manually scroll through the community wall to earlier posts. There is hope that the admin forgot to “cover his tracks” and delete the posts that were published on his behalf.
  • Organize a small event and create an online discussion, inviting the group administrator you want to identify. If he agrees to become an organizer, you will be able to see the administrator's name in the “Leaders of the organizing community” column.
  • If offensive materials are published in the group, please contact the site's technical support.

Explore the Discussions section

There is another effective method for finding out who the administrator of a VKontakte group is. We are talking about the Discussions section, which is located on the right side of the group page. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Right-click on one of the discussions.

  1. Select copy link address.
  2. Click on the Groups button, and then Create a community.

  1. Select Community of Interest.

  1. Indicate the title and topic (can be anything).

  1. Click Create a community.

Go to the menu of the created group and select Manage, and then Links. Click Add link and paste the copied link from the discussion. After this, a window appears where the name of the discussion is indicated, as well as the admin details. The disadvantage of this method is that it does not always show the necessary data. Sometimes the method displays the name of the community.

Attention to the wall

In order to identify the administrator, you need to start by studying, but this time it’s worth doing it with the wall. Each group in contact has a wall, on which administrators and editors publish materials. Posts are sometimes signed with the name of the group, and in some cases you may get lucky, because sometimes administrators forget to hide their name and check the “post on behalf of the group” box. This is where you can identify them. Sometimes this happens during the first period of creating a group; as practice shows, they don’t start hiding the administrator’s name right away. The only difficulty is scrolling to the end, that is, to the beginning. Instead of the group name, there should be a person's name that you can write to and ask if they are an administrator.

how to find the name of the group administrator on the wall

Of course, there is no guarantee that the person will answer you, but trying is not torture. If you're unlucky enough to find someone other than the administrator, they may be able to help you find one.

Additional Methods

In conclusion, we will highlight a number of additional methods that allow you to find out the admin of a VK group. Let's briefly look at each of the solutions:

  1. Examine the wall. Most often, it is the administrator or editor who acts as the creator of the materials. When adding a post, the founder often forgets to hide his name and tag the post on behalf of the group. But keep in mind that over time, admins stop making such mistakes.
  2. Create an event. If the method discussed above did not help, arrange an event that matches the theme of the VK community. It is better if the event is closed so that people who have signed up can be seen. Here it is important to attract the attention of the creator of the VK public and make him subscribe. Periodically, go to the Community Management and Members section, and then see who has signed up. If next to a person there is the inscription “Community Leader”, it means that the “fish” has been caught.
  3. Hacking security. Another way to find out the admin of a VK group is to hack the security. But you shouldn’t do this, because without the proper experience, it’s unlikely that anything good will come of it. If you use third-party programs, remember that they are often created to steal data or infect your PC with viruses. We must not forget about other consequences of hacking, which is a criminal penalty. Here we will teach you how to propose news in a group - the instructions are simple.

Using the methods discussed above, you can easily identify the administrator of the VK public page and resolve the issue that has arisen. If you are unable to find the person directly, you can contact a moderator or editor, who are guaranteed to have a direct connection with the creator and can pass on your message.

Hacking protection

And finally, it’s worth talking about the existence of special programs created specifically for hacking accounts or identifying the administration of a group. Before using them, it is important to remember that many of them do not work entirely correctly and may show unreliable data, so it is worth checking and testing several similar programs. First of all, pay attention to reviews, visit developer forums, where such software is often discussed and can recommend the best. But remember that any hacking is a criminal offense and a direct violation of ethical standards.

If nothing helps you, and you have really good reasons, you can try writing to technical support. In order for hidden data to be revealed to you, it is important to explain the situation in detail and patiently wait for an answer. In any case, if support does not give out the name of the administrator, they will probably contact him and report your complaints.

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