VKontakte has added job search through the Worki service

Social networks are not only a place where you can communicate with friends or find interesting information, it is also an opportunity to earn additional income. There are quite a lot of ways to make money on VKontakte.

So, let's start with the fact that today you can earn extra money on a social network in a variety of ways, each of which we will consider in detail today. They have their advantages, and also, in some ways, disadvantages, but more on them a little later. The most important advantage of this kind of income is that you don’t have to go anywhere or sit somewhere for 8-9 hours, like at a regular job. Everything on the Internet is quite simple, and most importantly, it’s mobile. This type of work is called home-based work, because you earn income while sitting at home, and if you try hard, it’s very good.

A small announcement of a new section about VKontakte

As you know, we (me and my wife) have been working remotely for 2 years, making money on our projects and traveling. When I started to master remote work, I came across the book “7 Professions for Making Quick Money on the Internet,” in which I became acquainted with the profession “VKontakte Group Administrator.”

This profession was the start for me, I found several companies that I helped run VKontakte groups and at the same time developed my own, which have already brought me tens of thousands of rubles, although they do not have many subscribers.

After working for more than six months in this profession, I learned a lot, and therefore decided to share my experience and launch a column in which we will analyze from A to Z how to make money on VKontakte and work with groups.

Cleaning the system

VKontakte has become a very popular social network. “My page is blocked, but can I solve the problem on my own?” - the Internet user thinks. Can! Even without the help of anonymizers or conversations with system administrators. True, for this step you will have to have some skills.

If VKontakte is blocked at work, then you will need to find one file that is responsible for the operation of sites on a particular computer. It's called "Host". We will work with him.

Has your VKontakte page been blocked? What to do? Just open “My Computer” and find the system partition there. It is generally called a “C claim.” Open it and go to the Windows folder. In it, go to “system32”, then to “drivers”, and then to “etc”. Here will be the document we need.

Right-click on it and open with Notepad. In order not to think for a long time about what should be changed in the written text, simply erase all the inscriptions contained inside “Host”. Save your changes and then look at the result. As a rule, this is enough.

If not, then restart your computer. Now everything will work properly. Now you know what to do if VKontakte is blocked at work. But these are not all the options for solving the problem. There are several other very interesting ways. Which ones exactly? Now we will look into this matter.

How to make money in VK

Before we move on to considering the methods, let’s tell you how VKontakte makes money.

Like all the other 99% of sites on the Internet, VK receives its main income from the sale of advertising. This is contextual advertising that appears on the left side of the website and in the news. Companies pay tens of thousands of rubles for VKontakte to show their advertisements.

Almost all the popular groups you are a member of are maintained and promoted for the sake of selling and publishing advertisements in them. And you can also make good money by pumping up a group before it starts bringing in good income.

Therefore, earnings in VK can be divided into 2 types:

  1. When you create your sites (communities), promote them and advertise something.
  2. When you work remotely, helping someone promote their advertising sites.

By advertising I mean not only the sale of some posts with goods and services, but also the advertising of your own projects. For example, a group for a restaurant is created in order to advertise only this restaurant in it.

Now let's take a closer look at all the ways in these two types of earnings.

How to look for a job

The Worki application consists of three tabs: vacancies, responses and resumes. To create a resume, you must allow access to your profile, or enter the data yourself. In “Responses” you can contact the employer if he responds to your resume, or if you select a vacancy.

In the “Vacancies” tab there is a search line where you can enter the desired specialty. Below is the geolocation (set automatically, but the user can change it). In the upper left corner there is a button for setting up vacancies. The following filters are available:

  • location (you can select any locality or find it on the map);
  • radius (from 5 to more than 50 km);
  • categories (types of work);
  • schedule (part-time or shift);
  • salary type (month, shift, hour);
  • salary level (from 10 to more than 60 thousand).

You can also indicate that you are looking for part-time work, have no work experience, are under 18 years of age, or are disabled.

To contact the employer, you must select an offer and click the “Respond” or “Call” button. To apply for a vacancy, you must first fill out a resume.

Worki is a modern job search service that is available on various platforms. Recently, this application was built directly into VKontakte, which gives users of the social network a convenient, simple and fast opportunity to search for work, post a resume and respond to vacancies.

Earn money on your page or group

I want to say right away that promoting your page or community to a large number of subscribers so that they start buying advertising in it is not a quick way to make money and it cannot be done without investment.

Method 1. Selling advertising posts

The most popular way to make money in VK on a group.

If you have a well-promoted page or group, interesting content, a lot of subscribers (from 50,000 – 100,000, depending on the topic) and they are active: they comment, like, repost your posts, then you can make money on it by selling advertising posts .

They send you a picture and text, which you post in your public page like a regular post. There is an official advertising exchange on VKontakte, where you can see how much it costs to place one post in popular communities.

How to make money on VK by advertising in a group

But to get on the exchange with your community, you need an average monthly reach of more than 30 thousand people. Judging by the same exchange, you can see that groups with a coverage of 30 thousand or more have an average of 500-800 thousand participants.

Until such coverage is achieved, you can sell advertising directly or through special advertising exchanges on social networks. We use these:

  1. Sociate
  2. Plibber

You can add a platform to them with 1000 participants. Only a post with this amount will cost no more than 5 rubles.

Method 2. Monetization with affiliate programs

The second great method to make money from your VKontakte group is affiliate programs. By advertising various products on VK using my affiliate links, I have already earned hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Until your account or group has many subscribers, no one will buy advertising from you, but you can easily advertise some other people’s products or services yourself by connecting to their affiliate programs. You receive a percentage of sales made through your link.

I have a separate section on my blog, “Everything about affiliate programs,” in which I talk about how to work with them and make cases with my income.

To make it clearer, I will explain with an example how this works. For example, you read some interesting book that you bought in an online store. Many online stores have an affiliate program. Registered in it, made an affiliate link to this book and wrote a few words about it on your page or in the VKontakte group.

Has anyone read this post and bought this book by clicking on the link in the post? Let it cost 500 rubles. According to the program, you are entitled to 10% - your earnings will be 50 rubles. If 10 people buy it, it will be 500 rubles. Do you understand why it’s interesting to start creating your own VKontakte audience? The more subscribers you have, the more you will earn.

Method 3. Selling physical goods through a group

Many shops, cafes, etc. start their own groups in order to attract customers through them and sell their goods. Some, even without a website, create online stores purely based on the capabilities of VKontakte.

They sell clothes, various accessories, homemade goods (for example, embroidery, growing flowers and other things) and earn more than 20-30 thousand rubles per month.

We used to resell things from Aliexpress through the VK group without risk or investment. First, they advertised the product, found a buyer, took an advance payment equal to the full amount of the product, ordered it, received it by mail and delivered it to the buyer, receiving the same amount. It was easy to sell goods at 2–4 times more expensive.

We stopped doing this when we started traveling; it was simply physically impossible to accept the goods and deliver them to the buyer.

Method 4. Advertising your services and projects

Similar to the way physical goods are sold. Through VKontakte you can find clients and provide them with your services. For example, apartment renovation, computer and office equipment repair, wedding organization, photo shoots, etc.

If you provide some services remotely, then this is even more interesting. For example, website creation, design, article writing, training and more. The group will not only be a way to attract new clients, but also an excellent portfolio that will create trust in you.

Nowadays, any successful business or project has its own public page on VKontakte.

Have you ever thought? After all, someone is watching all these communities. Publishes content, writes news, creates designs, etc. They are paid money for working on VKontakte. This can also be considered earnings in VK.

Earning money from likes and comments

Here the springboard for making money at home is simply huge.

Today there are a lot of groups, sites and communities that are looking for purposeful and active people who want to receive money without much effort and stress. The work is not difficult, you just need to clearly carry out the tasks that are given to you. There is a lot of such work on social networks, and there are also enough tasks in groups for everyone.

4 16 - How to find work from home on VKontakte?
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Can you imagine how simple it is: you sit in a warm apartment, you don’t need to go anywhere. You go to links, sites and pages, put your like, and for each of them they send you money to your wallet. It’s clear that no one will pay a dollar for one like, but you won’t lose your fingers by putting a like. Slowly, without much effort, you can earn real money, which can be withdrawn without problems in several ways, one of which is Yandex.Money. Transfers from wallets are also possible through WebMoney and other Russian payment systems. There are two mandatory rules for performing such work: have a virtual wallet on the Internet and be registered in the social network in question.

Earning money on VKontakte while working remotely

Let's look at several basic types of activities that you can learn in a very short time and start earning up to 3,000 rubles a day from completing these tasks.

Method 5. Administration of VKontakte communities

Quite a good and stable method, as I said at the very beginning of the article, I started with it.

To carry out one project wisely costs from 5,000 rubles per month if you are busy 1-2 hours a day. In publics with millions of participants, admins earn from 20 to 50 thousand. In the regions of Russia these are huge salaries, but you can work from anywhere, as long as you have the Internet.

Method 6. Writing posts in groups

An administrator is a universal profession. But there are certain types of work. Some specialize only in searching and creating posts for groups. Writes texts, selects pictures and publishes them according to a pre-created plan.

Managers are willing to pay good money for writing interesting texts that will bring value to people, collect a lot of likes, reposts and attract new subscribers to the community.

You can also find orders for writing content for groups on copyright exchanges. The salaries of content managers, like administrators, can be from 5,000 rubles. Depends on the quantity and quality of work performed.

Method 7: Community Design

Another type of individual work where you can make good money is designing the appearance of groups (avatar, menu) and branding posts.

If you are a creative person and own graphic editors or want to learn how to work with them, then this is a great way. The cost of registering one community ranges from 1,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Method 8. Advertising specialist

Well, the last normal way that I see can be considered specialists who are involved in advertising and know how to sell (to catch an audience with posts, create attractive headlines, etc.).

There are 2 types of advertising:

  1. The usual one is when posts are purchased and posted.
  2. Targeted (contextual) advertising.

making money on VKontakte advertising

In my circle there are guys who professionally set up targeted advertising and guys who do PR (advertising) for various VKontakte projects. Slightly different directions, but the essence is the same - attracting customers and sales.

I don’t know exactly how much they earn, but it’s enough for them to travel to different countries all year round (Indonesia, Thailand, India, etc.).

Method No. 3: SMM specialist

This is the name given to people whose main job is to support activity on social networks. One specialist can lead dozens of different projects, publish interesting content, organize competitions, and give away prizes.

Becoming a truly in-demand SMM specialist is much more difficult than creating and developing your own group. To understand how a good SMM tool works, look at the public pages of large companies, such as KFC and, especially, Burger King.

The first thought that arises when looking at this disgrace is: “are they completely beaten off there”? No, it’s just that their SMM manager works very professionally. He knows his audience and speaks the same language with them. But to outsiders it may seem like a game.

Being an SMM specialist means constantly being on trend. All news feeds, popular memes, opinions in society should pass through you. If you missed something, you are a bad SMM person. If you don’t know how to analyze your audience and adapt to it, you are not professional. Fortunately, all this is taught. I can recommend the Rock Star SMM , it is an interactive encyclopedia of everything you need to know and understand.

Salaries of top specialists reach up to 200,000 rubles per month. This is a very responsible job, an unsuccessful post can cause serious damage to the brand, so smart SMM specialists are worth their weight in gold.

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Earning money in VK for schoolchildren

It makes sense to talk about a couple more methods of making money on VKontakte. Only I consider them completely unpromising and petty, unlike those described above, where there is at least some prospect and development, there is only money. Schoolchildren can earn extra money for pocket money.

Method 9. Clicks, reposts, likes and comments for money

There are special exchanges for earning money and promoting profiles on social networks, where you can earn small money by performing simple actions such as likes, reposts, subscriptions, etc.

Here are some examples of good services:

  • QComment
  • Bosslike
  • VKSerfing
  • Vktarget
  • V-like

The money you earn from these sites is transferred to various e-wallets from which you can spend it wherever you want.

Method 10. Creating accounts and communities

Earn money by creating accounts and communities for advertising spam. Some entrepreneurs who have not yet learned how to use the Internet are asking for help in creating and setting up a community. The cost for such a task is 100–300 rubles.


From my 2 years of experience, I can say that earning money in VK is quite real and can bring good additional income or even replace your main job.

I consider all the methods, except the last two, very good and recommend, even if you are doing something else, to use them in parallel and develop your personal pages and communities.

In the following articles in this section, we will tell you step by step everything about creating and promoting your VKontakte projects. Subscribe to blog updates and follow the news.

If you still have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments. Good luck to everyone and big earnings!

How to make money on VK from likes, reposts and subscriptions - TOP 10 sites for work

This list is excellent for beginners who plan to earn their first money, or immediately engage in promotion. If you are the owner of a group, then with the help of such resources you can significantly increase the number of subscribers and receive the first advertising offers. So let's get started.

Site No. 1: Vktarget

The VKtarget project has been working for a long time and is in high demand among performers. The cost of one like can reach up to 2 rubles, but such a price is quite rare. The main tasks of the project are:

  • Joining a group/community for a fee;
  • Putting likes under avatars or on the wall of a group/user;
  • Writing thematic comments;
  • Watching videos or participating in streams.

Earning money using this service is very simple, and withdrawals are available to most well-known wallets. It is quite possible to start earning from 50 per day (rubles) from scratch if you register right now. Gradually, your income level will increase, and you will understand how you can earn more. But everything comes with experience.

Site No. 2: Vkserfing

Another equally interesting project, thanks to which thousands of users receive rewards every day for completing tasks. The system interface is simple and clear, and there are a lot of tasks for the VKontakte social network. The platform offers an affiliate program, thanks to which you can receive up to 10% of the remuneration of the referred artist. Getting started is extremely simple - just register and create a new account on the social network so as not to spam your main profile.

The system has the ability to receive funds through Yandex.Money. There are also no problems with withdrawals to a Qiwi wallet.

1 ruble for joining the group . The administration allows you to keep several accounts at once, thanks to which you can significantly increase your income.

Site No. 3: Promovk

Another service for making money in contact. A large selection of tasks allows you not to sit without work, and the ability to attract referrals makes your income as efficient as possible. The platform has a 3-level system, with the help of which each attracted referral can call 2 more lower-level performers, from whom you will also receive a reward.

Payments are available to most electronic wallets, and the execution time takes from 2 minutes to 2 weeks, depending on the workload of the service. You can earn the minimum wage for withdrawal quite quickly, and the affiliate program will help make receiving money a completely automatic action.

Site #4: Smmok

The SMMok platform is also quite old, but reliable, which is why so many customers and performers work on it. The tasks here are the same as on other similar projects, but their number is significantly higher than that of competitors.

The platform has a convenient and intuitive interface, making it easy to find tasks. You can earn a lot only if you have a large number of referrals. The average income is 300 rubles per day, but with several accounts you can earn significantly more.

Site No. 5: Forumok

On the Forumok service, the potential for earning money in VK is much higher. The reason for this is the availability of almost any type of task, ranging from the simplest (comments and likes) to the extremely large-scale (conducting a PR campaign).

In addition, there is the opportunity to earn money on third-party resources, for example:

  • Post information about your group or company on a thematic forum or website;
  • Comment on this or that event;
  • Watch the video on YouTube or another platform, etc.

There are a lot of types of tasks, so you can start working with absolutely no investment.

earn an income of 500 rubles after just a week of active work. The main thing is to understand what makes money extremely profitable, and what takes a lot of time and does not generate income.

Site #6: Likesrock

An excellent service for attracting a new target audience to your group or community on VK. A wide range of tasks are available for performers, which are paid quite highly. Likes, posting on your page, writing comments and other types of tasks can be obtained immediately after registration.

Advice ! In order to quickly clear your profile of spam, you can use the vkbot program , which automates deletion actions at a certain interval, so you can clean your page completely autonomously.

Site #7: Prospero

If you are the owner of a group, then here you can quite profitably buy subscribers, likes, and reviews about a specific product. Performers on the site have no restrictions on how much they can earn - if you are active and hardworking, then getting 1,000 rubles a day will be quite easy.

If you have knowledge and skills in the field of copywriting, then your income can increase significantly. Write reviews or comments, as well as make full reviews of the company and earn big.

Withdrawals are available on Yandex.Money, and there is no minimum amount, which is why the service is extremely popular among beginners who decide to try their hand at this area. Earning money in VK using the Prospero platform is interesting and profitable, so register and start earning income from any action!

Site #8: Sociate

If you have a large number of friends on the page, or many subscribers in the public, then you can make money from this by placing advertisements.

If you are the owner of a large community, then here, with the help of advertisements, you can earn really big money. Many people have a reasonable question: “How many friends do you need to start earning money?”

You can start with 1000 subscribers, gradually increasing them through communication, competitions and other events.

The project implemented an application on Android, which made tracking ads much easier.

If you have a group with 100,000 subscribers, then it is quite possible to earn from 100,000 rubles. per month. But, only if all these people are alive and active, otherwise the amount may be significantly reduced.

Advice ! You shouldn’t fill the group with bots and fake accounts. When the number of bots reaches 30%, the group or account may be banned, without explanation from the administration. Take this into account before you get ready to increase statistics.

Traffic on the platform is a key aspect that the customer relies on. You can get the most orders for products from Aliexpress, as they are always in trend and are quite cheap. In second place are cosmetics and toys, and only then everything else. It all depends on the target audience and its ability to pay.

Site #9: Likeberi

The service got a great start in 2014, when the user was awarded up to 15 rubles for 1 repost. The desire to open new pages has significantly reduced the cost, and now the service pays from 50 kopecks to 5 rubles per repost, so the price dumping for 5 years is more than significant.

Reposts can be made from Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, VK and other popular social networks, the main thing is to complete the tasks in a timely manner.

The disadvantage of Likeberi is payments, which are made only twice a month. This decision scares off most beginners, since earning money on VK turns into a long wait, and you may never receive the money.

Worth knowing ! It is better to register 2-5 accounts in order to provide yourself with work on an ongoing basis. This way you can receive higher payments, and your waiting time will not be wasted.

Site #10: Cashbox

Another platform that is perfect for both beginners and more experienced performers. A large selection of tasks and an attractive referral program make the service quite profitable compared to other competitors. Recruit a large number of participants and get passive income!

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