Search for VKontakte user comments

How to find user comments on VKontakte

The VKontakte social network provides a large number of functions, including tools for users to interact with each other. One of these options is comments, which can be posted in different places on the resource depending on the privacy settings of the post or discussion. In the course of today's article, we will tell you how you can find people's once-published messages using mainly standard tools.

Method 1: Search your comments

If you are interested in searching mainly for your own comments, it is worth reading the separate instructions at the link below. And although the methods themselves do not differ much in different cases, later in the article we will focus only on other people’s pages.

Viewing your comments on the VKontakte website

Read more: How to search for your VK comments

Why is this necessary?

Why might you need such a function as finding all your VKontakte comments?

  • Perhaps you referred to something important in your comment.
  • Or maybe you've changed your mind and want to delete it.
  • You also don’t want to leave “traces of your presence” on someone’s page or group.

As for other people's comments, the reasons can be even more varied:

  1. You are not indifferent to a certain person and want to know how he lives.
  2. Do you want to find important information that someone sent you in a reply comment?
  3. Or maybe someone insulted you and you want to complain about this user.

In general, no matter what your reason, now you know how to find both your own and other people’s comments on VKontakte. We examined this topic in detail and answered all the questions raised.

Method 2: Internal Search

On VKontakte, internal search allows you to easily find not only people, communities or content, but also individual user comments. This system works very unstable, since the necessary feature was not initially provided by the site developers, but it still allows access to some messages. In addition, any page is suitable for searching, including closed accounts.

  1. Go to the social network website and through the main menu, open the “News” section. From here you need to switch to the “Search” tab.
  2. Go to Search in the News section on the VKontakte website

  3. Expand the “Search Options” block below and in the “Message Type” list set the value to “Comments Only.” As a result, the feed will begin to update, providing a list of mostly random posts from different users.
  4. Viewing the list of comments via Search on the VKontakte website

  5. If you need to search for comments from a specific person, use the “News Search” line. Here you need to enter the identifier by placing the “*” symbol at the beginning and pressing the “ENTER” key.
  6. Successful search for user comments on the VKontakte website

  7. Unfortunately, the results presented are rather references, which we considered separately. However, these may also include responses from the right person, leading to relevant messages and simply to records.

How to find information on the wall of another person/group on VKontakte?

You need to go to your friend’s page and do everything in the same way as with a search on your page.

For example, I go to the page of a girl I know, click on her blog with photos for 8 ENTRIES (here each person has their own number of open entries)

Next, click GO TO SEARCH

search for a post on the VK9 wall

Enter any word or phrase to search.

Here I wrote “style”, and as you can see, it says that nothing was found for your request.

This means that the friend does not have posts on her wall with that word. You can change the ending in the search word and try again, or simply enter a different phrase.

search for a post on the VK10 wall

Method 3: Special link

Purely as an alternative and at the same time an addition to the previous method, it is important to mention the ability to search for comments via a link. This method is not very different from the previous one in terms of effectiveness, but can be useful in some cases.

  1. First, find the page ID of the user whose comments you are trying to find. We described this procedure in a separate instruction.

    Obtaining a page ID on the VKontakte website

    Read more: How to find out a person’s VK ID

  2. After that, copy the link below and paste it into your browser's address bar.
    To continue, be sure to replace "XXX" with the ID you received earlier.§ion=mentions
  3. Search for comments using a link on the VKontakte website

The page will present all comments containing the name of the desired user and essentially allow you to go to the post itself or a specific message.

From computer

First, let's figure out how to find records of other people from a PC, that is, when using the full version of VKontakte. You will definitely learn something new for yourself.

Other people's comments

A huge number of people leave their opinions every day under various posts, photographs and other posts on the network. If you want to find the comment of one specific person, you can do this in the following ways.

Search by ID

There is one interesting way - searching for comments in VK by id. We can find comments from other users addressed to this person, and from them we can find the comment we need. To do this, we need this person's ID.

What is ID and how to find it, you can see in this article.

So, to use this method, you need:

  1. Open a new browser tab.
  2. Paste the code§ion=mentions into the address bar.
  3. Now, on another tab, go to VK.
  4. Find the page of the person whose comments interest you.
  5. Copy its ID (numbers or letters only, no need to copy “id”).
  6. Return to the tab with the code and instead of the numbers “12345678”, paste the copied fragment.

You will see a list of records that mentioned the person we need. There will also be a link to the post that was commented on. You can open it and, after scrolling through all the comments, find the one among them. This method is convenient because you will not only find a person’s comment on VK, but also see all the answers to it.

Search in a group

Now let's figure out how to find all user comments in a VKontakte group. If you know that a person has left a post in a certain community, then you can find him in the following way:

  1. Log in to your VK account.
  2. Go to the groups tab.
  3. Open the desired group (if it is not in your list, you can use the search bar).
  4. Press the Ctrl+F key combination or the F3 key.
  5. A search bar will appear at the top of the screen.
  6. Enter the name of the desired user.

If you do not know the user's full first and last name, you can enter only the first name. In this case, all comments with the same name will be highlighted on the community page, and you just need to click on the up and down arrows to switch between them. The arrows will be located there, in the search bar, to the right of the name you entered.


The most popular application that allows you to view other people's comments is SearchLikes. This service has quite extensive functionality, so it may be useful to you. To use its search function for comments in VK, you need:

  1. After logging into VK through this application, go to the page of the desired person.
  2. Here you will see two buttons - “Search for comments in a photo” and “Search for comments in a specific group.”
  3. When you click on one of them, you will see not only the posts, but also the photo or post itself.

Keep in mind that this method will not show comments, photos and posts if they have been hidden by privacy settings.

Page hacked

If you have access to the login and password of the person whose posts you are interested in, then you can easily view not only all of his comments, but also likes, messages and any personal information. However, you must understand that these actions in virtual reality are illegal, and if a person complains about you to law enforcement agencies, then you will face very real criminal liability.

We will not dwell on this method of searching for other people’s comments on VKontakte and hope that you are not interested in such methods.

Your comments

There is nothing easier than finding your comment in contact. The site developers have provided this opportunity for users and made it as convenient as possible. To do this you just need:

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Switch to the news page.
  3. On the right side you will see a field with additional functions.
  4. You need to click on the “Comments” button.
  5. You will see a list of all the entries that you have left on VK recently.

If you wish, you can set up a filter to see comments only under certain posts. To do this, you need to remove unnecessary checkboxes and leave the necessary ones.

Method 4: View updates

A more accurate method of searching for comments is to use another standard news section that provides information about all friends' updates. As you might guess, it will only be relevant when searching for messages published by your friends.

  1. Open "News" from the main menu of the website and go to the "Updates" page. All mentions of users from your friends list will be presented here.
  2. Go to the list of VKontakte friends' updates

  3. To highlight comments among other events, check the appropriate box in the “Filter” block. After this, you will be able to see who and where exactly left a message recently.
  4. View notifications about comments from VKontakte friends

You won’t be able to view the contents of the comments directly, but you will have access to the post without any problems. This in turn can be used for the next option.

Method 5: Manual search

The simplest search method is to use the search function in your browser to find the person you are looking for from a general list. This method is only relevant in certain situations, for example, if you have already found a post with comments using the previously discussed methods, but are still trying to find specific messages.

  1. Open the desired VKontakte post in a new browser tab and scroll to the very bottom of the page to download all comments. Please note that with a large number of messages this may cause browser freezes and some other problems.
  2. Loading a page with comments on the VKontakte website

  3. On your keyboard, press the keyboard shortcut “CTRL+F” to open the search window. As a rule, this combination is the same for all popular Internet browsers.
  4. Go to search through a browser on the VKontakte website

  5. In the text field provided, enter the first and last name of the person you want, without worrying about case. If the search is successful, you will be automatically redirected to the nearest post.

    The process of searching for a comment through a browser on the VKontakte website

    To switch between comments, use the arrows in the same block. In addition, here you can see the exact number of matches.

Provided there are not too many messages under the selected entry, the presented method demonstrates high efficiency. However, in the case when the number of comments reaches several tens of thousands, the search may be impractical due to the significant time required to fully load the page and simply because of possible username matches.

How to respond to a dubious compliment

Dubious and even insulting compliments are not directed at you. Remember this. They indicate the lack of self-confidence of the person who said something stupid. Don’t answer with anger, but don’t leave malicious words unanswered. Answer options:

  • “I know that you want to compliment me, but it’s not clear what you said. Maybe we can just talk?” These words will force the interlocutor to start a conversation with you, and you will understand why he is rude;
  • “I may have been lucky, but it wasn’t luck that brought me success, it was hard work.” Use these words to respond to the caustic praise of your work colleagues if they are jealous of your success.

If you hear a sarcastic compliment from a stranger on the street, just walk by. You will show him by your appearance that you ignore such people and do not want to communicate with them.

Correctly responding to compliments is a real art. If there are no words, just smile, look at your interlocutor and shake his hand in a friendly manner. He will understand everything.

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