Close friends on Instagram, or how to create a closed group of selected contacts?

The social network “VKontakte” is one of the most popular Internet projects in all of Russia and the countries of the post-Soviet space. Every day, year after year, the resource is used by millions of users who go to the website not only to communicate with each other, but also to find out news, listen to their favorite audio recordings, watch a movie or TV series, find out something interesting and even make plans. where to go to update your wardrobe.

At the moment, everyone can add up to 10 thousand other “inhabitants” of the social network as friends, and, as statistics show, the average user of the resource has about 200-300 people as friends. However, when looking through the list of your VKontakte friends, you may unexpectedly discover that they are located in different orders and can sometimes change places. Why does this happen and how is this entire list formed?

As it was before

Before answering the question asked above, I would like to remind you how the list of VKontakte friends was formed several years earlier. Just a few years ago, people appearing in a user's friends list were sorted by rating. Everything is clear here: the higher the user’s page rating, the higher he was displayed in the list of friends. Ratings could be obtained by filling out information on your own page or by purchasing additional votes. Later, it was decided to abandon the rating, which greatly upset users who bought a large number of votes and/or gave them to other “inhabitants” of the social network.

How to create an application for a contact (VKontakte). First request - how to get a list of friends

Hello friends. In this post I will talk about how to send the first request to the VKontakte server, receive and process the response from it. We will request a list of friends of a specific user. A list of what you need to know to write a contact application is in this article. Let's get started. Before you start writing application code, you need to create it on in order to get the application identifier and the application secret code; without them, sending requests to the contact server is impossible.

Log in to your VKontakte account. At the very bottom of the page, click on the “developers” link, and then click on the “Create an application” button and follow the instructions, just don’t forget to select the Flash/IFrame application.

Now let's start writing the application itself. Launch Adobe Flash, I use Flash CS5, but there are no fundamental differences from CS4. Create a blank ActionScript 3.0 application (File->New->ActionScript3.0->OK)

I want to make a reservation that in this article we will place the code in a frame, since it is not large, but in general in ActionScript 3.0 code should always be placed in separate files.

And so, now we have a clean layer. Let's create 2 dynamic text fields and a button on it. The id of friends will be displayed in one text field and their first and last names in the other; when you click on the button, a request will be sent. Instance Name for the id_output and name_output text fields, respectively, and for the go_button. Instance Name – these are the names of the variables through which we will access the scene elements in the code.

Now you're ready to write the first lines of code. Select the first (and only) frame of our scene and press F9, the ActionScript editor will open.

Don't forget that we will be writing the code ourselves, so make sure that the editor's simplified mode is disabled. In addition, for convenience, you can hide the left panel with operators, since we don’t need it. The editor should look like this:

Now you're ready to write the first lines of code. Select the first (and only) frame of our scene and press F9, the ActionScript editor will open. Don't forget that we will be writing the code ourselves, so make sure the editor's simplified mode is turned off. In addition, for convenience, you can hide the left panel with operators, since we don’t need it. The editor should look like this:

Now we need to save our application. Create a separate folder for it and save it there, for example D:\VKAPI\GetFriends\GetFrinds.fla

First, we need to connect all the necessary libraries. In this application, you only need the MD5 library; I’ll tell you why it’s needed a little below. But the fact is that Flash does not include this library and we will have to use a third-party one, no problem, you can download it from this link.

Create a new libs folder in the folder where you saved the application (you can choose a different name) and drop the downloaded file into it.

Now let's write the first line of code:

import libs.MD5;

This way we connected the MD5 library.

Next we need to declare all the necessary variables:

var URLLoad:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); // loader to load id var URLLoad_names:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); // loader for loading names var XMLdata:XML; //the server response in XML format will be stored in this variable var v:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); //this variable will store the data that we send to the contact server var API_ID:String = “********”; //id of your application var VIEWER_ID:String = "*******"; //id of the user who is viewing the application. This variable should be taken from the flash_vars browser variables or from the contact container, but for now just enter your id into it var API_SECRET:String = “APFFhywt9K”; //secret code, it can be viewed on the application settings page in contact var API_URL:String = “”; //address of the script to which we will send requests var TEST_MODE:String = "1"; //test mode, 1 – enabled, 0 – disabled.

Now we need to assign a listener to our button in order to respond to its pressing, so we do this:

go_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ButtonGO); Now let’s write the ButtonGO function itself: function ButtonGO(e:MouseEvent):void { var sig = MD5.encrypt(VIEWER_ID+»api_id=»+API_ID+»method=getFriendstest_mode=»+TEST_MODE+»v=2.0″+API_SECRET); //this is where the MD5 library came in handy. The fact is that one of the requirements of the VKontakte API is the presence in the request of a checksum of all request variables, arranged in alphabetical order and encoded using the MD5 algorithm; this is necessary to protect requests from interceptions and changes. var URLReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(API_URL); //create a new request and initialize it with the address of the contact script //Next, create all the variables that are needed for the request v.api_id = API_ID; vv = "2.0"; v.method = "getFriends"; //here we indicate which method we use, since at the moment we need to get a list of ids of all our friends, we use the getFriends method v.test_mode = TEST_MODE; v.sig = sig; = v; //Add all created variables to the request URLReq.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; //Specify the method for sending the request URLLoad.load(URLReq); //Send a request to the server URLLoad.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,OnLoadId); //add a listener that monitors the response from the server and when it arrives calls the OnLoadId function }

And so, we sent a request to the server and received a response from it. Now we need to process it, which is what the OnLoadId function does, let's write it:

function OnLoadId(e:Event):void { var uids:String = ""; //we will save all the ids of friends into this variable, so that later we can use them to find out their first and last names XMLdata = new XML(; //save the response received from the server into an XML variable var len:Number = XMLdata.uid.length(); //find out how many friends we have, that is, how many ids came from the server in its response // We start a cycle that iterates through all the received ids and displays them in the desired text field, in addition, a string is formed from these ids separated by commas for(var i:Number=0;i ids of friends have already been displayed, now it remains to find out their first and last names. For this, there is the getProfiles method, with which you can find out any information about the user, but now we are only interested in the first and last names, but you can add yours fields, looking at their list in the description of this method here var fields:String = “first_name,last_name”; // these are exactly the fields that we want to know var sig = MD5.encrypt(VIEWER_ID+"api_id="+API_ID+"fields=" +fields+"method=getProfilestest_mode="+TEST_MODE+"uids="+uids+"v=2.0″+API_SECRET); var URLReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(API_URL); v.api_id = API_ID; vv = "2.0"; v. method = "getProfiles"; v.test_mode = TEST_MODE; v.sig = sig; //As you can see below, 2 more variables have been added for the getProfile method v.uids = uids; v.fields = fields; = v; URLReq.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; URLLoad_names.load(URLReq); URLLoad_names.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,OnLoadNames); }

Now all that remains is to display the first and last names on the screen, which is what the OnLoadNames function will do, there is nothing complicated about it, it simply iterates through the XML data and displays it in a text field:

function OnLoadNames(e:Event):void { XMLdata = new XML(; var len:Number = XMLdata.user.length(); for(var i:Number=0;i That’s all, in the end, we got our first application that uses the VKontakte API: Next times we will put all API functions into a separate library and simply connect it to the desired application, but for the first time, in order to understand at least a little how everything works, I think it’s enough. Be sure to read the official documentation on the VKontakte API. At the end, I’ll give the full application code again: import libs.MD5; var URLLoad:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); var URLLoad_names:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); var XMLdata:XML; var API_ID:String = "1833756"; var VIEWER_ID:String = "9060138"; var API_SECRET:String = "APFFhywt9K"; var API_URL:String = "https:/ /"; var TEST_MODE:String = "1"; var v:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); URLLoad.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,OnLoadId); go_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ButtonGO); function OnLoadId(e:Event):void { var uids:String = ""; XMLdata = new XML(; trace(XMLdata); var len:Number = XMLdata.uid.length(); for(var i:Number=0;i That’s all for today, good mood everyone, good luck! Video that always cheers you up =) S1ZZreXEqSY

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How is the friends list formed now?

Now the list of friends on the most popular social network is formed in a different way : the first positions in the list are those users with whom you communicate most often. However, such sorting of the VK friends list may puzzle some users. For example, some people wonder why a person with whom communication is extremely rare is so high on the list. The answer is simple - when creating a list, not only messages are taken into account, but also likes, page views, replies, and comments on posts. It turns out that the first person on your list of friends may not only be the user with whom you do not communicate that much.

However, there is one small exception to this rule: users whom you recently added to your friends list are usually located in 5th or 6th place on the list so that, according to the developers of the social network, you do not lose sight of them.

How to add many friends on VKontakte?

If you are interested in promoting your page, now I will show you how to add a lot of friends on VKontakte (see how to make your VK page first in the search).

The method is free and does not take much time. With its help you can receive a large number of applications.

Using groups

Log in to VKontakte and go to the “Groups” section. In the search we write “Add as friend”.

People are looking for friends here. Everyone needs applications and they are ready to add you. The whole point is to find such a person and send him an application. He will immediately add you as a reply.

Or go the other way and start publishing the ad yourself. Now I'll show you everything.

We receive a lot of friend requests

We find a suitable group in the search results and go to it.

We immediately look at the wall and look for a suitable ad.

Go to this user's page and add him as a friend. In response, he will do the same (see make friends on VK for free).

Keep in mind that you only have 40 requests per day (see how many friends you can add to a contact per day). So once you've sent them all out, start posting a similar ad.

Users will see it, go to your page, and add you as a friend. You will have to accept them.

You can get thousands of friends using this method. My page is a good example (see how to get 10,000 VKontakte friends).

Video lesson: how to add many friends on VKontakte


How to hide a friend on VK from a computer?

VKontakte developers care about their users and have introduced a very flexible and convenient privacy setting that you can adapt to your needs.

We remove one or more friends (up to 30 people)


  1. Log in to your social network account (if you have not logged in).
  2. Click on the avatar in the upper right corner of the screen (repeats the profile initials).
  3. In the drop-down window, click on the “Settings” item.
  4. A list of all settings will open.
  5. Pay attention to the right block and select the “Privacy” tab.
  6. Next, you need to select “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions.”
  7. A window will open with the ability to select friends.
  8. Now just mark the desired contacts and save the changes.

Visual illustration of actions:


It is most optimal to use a computer and the full version of the VKontakte website to set up privacy, since the mobile version of the social network does not have the ability to configure the hiding of friendly contacts (only through the “For Computer” version). However, the alternative method is less convenient in practical terms.

It is also possible to hide friends through the official VK mobile client using a similar algorithm, but if through a computer you can hide a specific contact in one click, then through the mobile application for a comparable result you will have to enter the full page address (the so-called personal identifier), which will significantly complicate procedure.

More than 30 people

Officially, VKontakte does not allow you to hide more than 30 friends (the maximum number that can be hidden through privacy settings). However, there is a way by which you can bypass this limitation and hide your VKontakte friends. The instructions are as follows:

  1. Go to the VK page and open the “Friends” section.
  2. Press the hotkey combination using your keyboard CTRL+SHIFT+I.
  3. A debugging window will open in the form of a console (right block).
  4. Go to "Console".
  5. Now copy the special debugging code to bypass the basic limitation. Since debugging codes are constantly updated in accordance with the elimination of vulnerabilities by the programming team, you must search for specific code on the Internet yourself.
  6. After entering the appropriate debugging code, press "Enter" and type "itr(30, true)".
  7. Press "Enter" again.
  8. This way you will remove the basic limit of 30 people and will be able to hide more friends.

Visual illustration of actions:


This method is not official and uses the vulnerability of the social network. Since the developers and team of programmers constantly fix such vulnerabilities, it is far from a fact that using this method it will be possible to hide the required number of friends by entering a “universal” debugging code. However, in 2020, the console as a tool allows you to relatively successfully bypass the basic VKontakte restriction on hiding friends.

All available friends

The principle of hiding all existing friends is based on the previous method of entering a script through the console (this way you can hide or add any number of hidden friends to VK).

New way 2021

In one of the latest updates, the developers introduced into the Vkontakte social network the ability to close an account from outside contacts who are not included in the list of friends, similar to Odnoklassniki. There is only one difference: “OK” for a closed profile requires a donation, that is, the function is paid, while “VK” allows you to close a profile for free. The instructions are as follows:

  1. Go to your profile page or log in (only if necessary).
  2. Click on the avatar at the top of the screen (duplicates initials and profile image in miniature).
  3. Select "Settings" from the drop-down menu.
  4. Find the "Privacy" section.
  5. Get to the "Other" item.
  6. Profile Type tab.
  7. Click and change the public account to private.
  8. Save your changes.

Visual illustration of actions:


The method is most effective if the account has a small number of friends: in the case when the number of friends exceeds 100 people or more, the usefulness of this method is questionable due to the fact that private information is still available to a large number of people. Additionally, you can scroll through the list of friends and exclude the most dubious contacts.


You can also divide your friends into lists. The standard options have the following names: “all friends”, “new”, “best”, “relatives”, “colleagues”, “at school”, “at university”. All of them are on the right side under sorting. You can add any person to the desired list by clicking on the “Customize lists” button under the “Write a message” button, and then select the desired one from the drop-down list. There is also a very useful list called “Birthdays.” By clicking on it, we open a calendar that shows who will have a birthday when. You can also find out the phone numbers of users by clicking on the “Phone Book” list, after which the treasured number will appear under the friend’s name and surname. In addition, you can create your own list and name it whatever you want. And, as has already become clear, they can be sorted and deleted if necessary.

I accidentally mixed the audio in VK. Is it possible to somehow return the old order of songs?

Keep the file in the archive, Zheka) 473586 look here

Yeah... strain your memory and arrange everything manually.

click on the shuffle icon again and they will return

logging out of VK and logging in helped

Come out and come in. I will cross myself too

From “Current playlist” you need to go to “My Music”

I found a way! You need to remember the song that was added most recently and add it again. My order has been restored

Thank you, I crossed myself too)

you need to find the default line, and only then select it in reverse order. It's a pity you can't send a screenshot. If you helped someone, write to me on VK Ablyamit Seit-Ametov

Restarting the browser helped

From above I see only the pros, especially those who were the first to answer.. If you don’t know, keep silent and that’s it, go to the audio recordings tab and there will be an inscription on the right “in random order”, change it to “default” and that’s it.. What they’re saying I don’t understand ..

Can! Select set as default!

Log out of the page and log in again

I somehow returned everything, I didn’t understand how. I just went back and within 5 minutes everything was back to normal.

I read on the Internet that nothing would happen if you pressed it, pressed it and everything got mixed up, I almost fell out of my chair, to say that I was in awe is to say nothing. Re-entering the page helped)) _

From “Current playlist” you need to go to “My Music”

You need to get in and out! helps)

Recently, a button appeared near the search for friends in audio recordings, which allows you to return the “Default” order of songs if you clicked on “Shuffle All”

Who might benefit from this feature?

This option will be useful for those who do not want to share news with all subscribers. For example, my employer and some clients follow my page.

So I’m wondering if, in the middle of a workday, it’s worth posting a photo of how fun my colleagues and I are having lunch at a restaurant. Setting the “Hide from” settings in each story is inconvenient.

And if I include my colleagues in a separate list and publish photos from lunch, then they will see the photos, but the employer and clients will not. There will be no consequences for professional image.

“Close Friends” is also useful for those who create paid content. Then you need to add subscribers to the group who have paid for the service. For example, an astrologer makes free forecasts for the week in a post on Sundays. But in addition he offers to get a “Daily Forecast” for 300 rubles. per month.

Also Read: When to Reject an Instagram Follow Request

The astrologer adds those who paid this amount to the list of close friends and writes daily forecasts in stories, which are shown only to this group of subscribers. If the broadcast is broadcast on Instagram, then the link to the paid recording can be posted in stories.

How to close friends on VK

Sometimes a user who already has 1000 friends or more decides to “hide” the profiles of those who are especially important to him. And then they will not be available to everyone. This is done using the appropriate privacy settings in your account. You need to find the line starting with the phrase “Who is visible on the list...” and put a mark next to it. Here you need to select the option “Everyone except...”, and then list the profiles of friends that should be hidden.

Not everyone knows about the existence of applications that allow you to see those friends that have been “hidden”. One of them is called 220vk.

Important friends on the phone

Everything described applies not only to the web version of the VK website for a personal computer, but also to official mobile applications for iPhone and Android.

The social network VKontakte is a place on the Internet where millions of people from all over the world communicate every day. The functionality and convenience of the site allow it to occupy a leading position among similar services for many years. Do you know everything about this social network? Or maybe you have questions about some of the site's features? In this article we will tell you how to see friends of a friend on VKontakte.

Method No. 3 how to move a VK friend to the list of important friends

This is the easiest method to change the order of important friends. To implement it, you need to take a person from your friends, and then add him again.

Then it will automatically move to the top. And if this does not happen, just write a few messages to the person, like the post, and he will rise up the list.

The fact is that VKontakte works on the principle that new people and those with whom you most often come into contact become important friends.

So if you want your friend to rise to the top and not find out that you did this on purpose, then visit his page more often, and visit the pages of other profiles less often. If you do this together, then remove him from your friends list, and then add him again - and the Vk algorithm will work in the direction you need.

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