How to find out the date of birth in VK - How to find out the hidden age and date of birth of a VKontakte user - instructions

Age clarification via search

If the data obtained above is not enough for you, then you can find out the exact year of birth by searching for VKontakte users and for this you do not even need to register on the site.

This method will work even if the person has completely hidden his date of birth.

  1. We go to the page of the user we are interested in, look at his main photo, and also remember (or better yet, copy) the first and last name from his profile.
  2. Enter the copied first and last name into the search box ( We indicate the country and city (if we know), as well as other data known to us. As a result of the manipulations, a small (or large) list of profiles should appear, among which the page of the person we are interested in will loom.
  3. Let's start playing with the "Age" column. First, indicate the approximate interval (from and to). If the profile of the person we are interested in still appears in the search results, then we are right! If so, then we begin to narrow the scope until the numbers from and to coincide, which will be the answer to our question.

Suppose first in the search, we indicated the person’s age from 20 to 30 years old and his profile was successfully displayed among others. Now we change one of the numbers (instead of 20 we put 25) and see that the person has disappeared from the search results. This means that his age is in the range of 20-25 years. Now we set the value to 20-22, and we see that the person has returned to our search results. This means that he is either 20, 21, or 22. Next, we set 20 - 20, we see that the profile has disappeared, set 21-21 - the profile is displayed, which means the person is 21 years old. Hidden age determined!

How to find out the date of birth of a community subscriber?

If you want to find out how old the owner of a VKontakte profile is and when is his birthday, then first of all you need to go to his page on the social network and find the register of communities and publics of which he is a member, and then open any item from this list.

  • On the page of the group or public that opens, you need to open the register of its members or subscribers, where you need to enter the name of the person you are interested in in the search bar.

Selecting a group
Selecting a group

Selecting participants
Selecting participants

  • When it appears in the search results, you can start filtering the age in the appropriate section (where the age is indicated “before ...”). When manually selecting an age, start from the maximum value, and when the person’s name disappears from the results, you’ve guessed it right! (That is, if a secretive user indicated during registration that he was 35 years old, and you typed age “up to 34” in the search section, then his name will disappear from the list of found ones).


We select accuratelyWe select accurately
In a similar way, you can find out the date of birth, indicating the numbers and names of the months in turn: if the values ​​are incorrect, the name of the user you are looking for will again disappear from the list of search results.

Let's find out the hidden age through the calendar.

The method only works if the year is hidden, but the date of birth is shown.

  1. We go to the user’s page and see the day and month of his birth.
  2. Go to the VKontakte calendar (for example, using the link
  3. We open the month and date in the calendar that coincides with the month and date specified in the person’s profile.
  4. Now we simply point the mouse at the user’s avatar and wait until his age is displayed. If it so happened that you flipped the calendar forward and not back, then the age that the person will turn next year will appear.

How to find out your birthday

If you want to dig deeper and determine the exact day, then you will need to use a similar technique:

  • Repeat steps 1-2 of the previous list.
  • Scroll the right column of search parameters to the very bottom. Expand the “Advanced” block. Here you can select the year of birth, but unlike the previous method, you will need to indicate not a range of years, but an exact value.
  • Start selecting the month. For example, first indicate “January” if the person disappeared from the results - he was born in a different month. Then set “February”, etc. When the month is specified, and the user remains in the results, it means that this parameter was found out.
  • Continue selection regarding the day. Here you will have to go through more possible combinations: from 1 to 31.

When the month and day are indicated, and the person remains in the search results, we can assume that the task is completed and we were able to find out the exact date of birth.

Attention! The proposed technique will only work if a person indicated information in his profile, but then hid it from other users.

Using the proposed recommendations, you can easily determine the year and even the exact date of birth of any member of the social network who indicated this information in their profile.

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How to properly hide your age on VKontakte

As you already understood, even if you hide age on your page, it still remains available to users. If you want no one to know your age, then you need to delete it and hide it.

Even if you remove the age, it will still be available to third parties through advertising campaigns for targeting, which means it will be available to other people. From here it follows that the only way to hide your age is to compromise this information, namely by indicating the wrong date and/or year , for example, that you are 99 years old, or you can set the age that you feel in your soul!

How can I find out a user's date of birth if he is not a member of any community?

If a privacy-minded user is not a member or subscriber of public pages or groups (which is highly unlikely!), then you should not give up.

  • Enter the person’s details into the search bar of the social network and enter his page.

Are looking for
Are looking for

  • By going to the “People” link, write down all the information about the owner of the account that you own and are confident in its accuracy (such as place of residence, study, etc.), and then, according to the scheme described above, begin to select age and date of birth.

We are looking
Of course, the developers of VKontakte took care of preserving the personal data of their users, so if a person seriously decided to hide his age and date of birth, then he will succeed.

VK calendar

There is probably no better way than to look at the birthday calendar in VKontakte. This method is convenient because you can see the important dates of all your friends at once. The upcoming holidays will be included in a separate list, and by scrolling through the months, you will be able to plan your schedule of congratulations.

To view the calendar, you need to go to your page and open the list of your friends. On the right you will see a block with various tabs - “My friends”, “Friend requests”, “Phone book” and so on. So, opposite the inscription “My friends” there is a calendar icon. By clicking on it, you will be taken to a calendar where not only upcoming birthdays will be marked, but also past ones.

This block is made of very high quality. At the top you will see a list of people who are celebrating their holiday in the coming days, and maybe even today. You will be prompted to send these friends a gift or write a message. Below is information about the current month. On the dates when one of your friends has a holiday, their avatar will be displayed. And the avatars of past dates will be a little dimmer. Scrolling through the months ahead or back will also show your friends' future or past milestones.

When you hover your mouse over a particular date where your friends’ avatars are, you will see their names and how old they are. And the information will even turn out to be true, unless the user decides to change the date. By the way, by clicking on the person’s name in this reminder, you will be taken to his page.

How to find out age on VKontakte (2 working methods)

I bring to your attention two small secrets that allow you to find out the hidden age of a VKontakte user indicated in the profile.

We find out age through the standard VKontakte search.

This method will work even if the person has completely hidden his date of birth. The only restriction is that the person must be over 14 years old.


  1. We go to the page of the user we are interested in, look at his main photo, and also remember (or better yet, copy) the first and last name from his profile.
  2. Enter the copied first and last name into the search box. We indicate the country and city (if we know), as well as other data known to us. As a result of the manipulations, a small (or large) list of profiles should appear, among which the page of the person we are interested in will loom.
  3. Let's start playing with the "Age" column. First, indicate the approximate interval (from and to). If the profile of the person we are interested in still appears in the search results, then we are right! If so, then we begin to narrow the scope until the numbers from and to coincide, which will be the answer to our question.


Let’s say a person is 20 years old , but we don’t know that yet.

Let’s first assume that in the search, we indicated the person’s age from 14 to 20 years old and his profile was successfully displayed among others. Now we change one of the numbers (instead of 20 we put 16) and see that the person has disappeared from the search results. This means that his age is in the range of 16-20 years, and not 14-16, as we assumed. Now we set the value to 19-20, and we see that the person has returned to our search results. This means that he is either 19 or 20. Next we set it to 20 - 20, we see that the profile is still looming on the left. And this means only one thing - the man is 20 years old and we have successfully found out his age! Goal achieved!

In words, it may sound a little complicated, but believe me, this is the easiest and most reliable way to find out your hidden age!

Method two. We use a calendar.

The method will only work if the year is hidden, but the date of birth is shown.

We proceed as follows:

  1. We go to the user’s page and see the day and month of his birth.
  2. Go to the VKontakte calendar (for example, using the link
  3. We open the month and date in the calendar that coincides with the month and date specified in the person’s profile.
  4. Now we simply point the mouse at the user’s avatar and wait until his age is displayed. If it so happened that you flipped the calendar forward and not back, then the age that the person will turn next year will appear.

That's the whole secret!

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