17 ways to increase the activity of a VKontakte group

September 15, 2021 Cases

The social network VKontakte has its own internal search. What gives a group a place in the TOP 5 of VKontakte search results and what needs to be done for your community to be in the first positions?

I will give answers to these questions based on a specific example of working with the “Secrets of Chinese Medicine” group. I, as an administrator, was given the task of bringing the group to the TOP-5 search results on VKontakte.

We bring the VKontakte group to the top of the VKontakte internal search

A little theory. There are three main factors that influence your group’s ranking in the first positions in VKontakte’s internal search:

  • Number of subscribers in your group
  • Group name
  • Community activity

Number of subscribers in the VKontakte group

This is one of the most important factors.

The more subscribers you have in a group, the higher you are in the search results.

Moreover, it is important that these are living subscribers. If a few years ago, in order to get to the TOP in the VKontakte search results, bots and offers were added to groups, today such methods no longer work. You risk losing your community forever.

I recommend recruiting people into the group using exclusively white methods, and this is public advertising, targeted advertising and promotion of records.

For the query “CHINESE MEDICINE”, 431 communities were found in the internal search on VKontakte. In order to get into the TOP 5, we needed to gain more than 4,000 subscribers. Quite an achievable goal.

How to bring a group to the top in VKontakte search results

The SECRETS OF CHINESE MEDICINE group was created in July 2015. In January 2021, the group already had more than 4,000 live target subscribers. Participants were recruited through organic advertising (advertising in large public pages, where our target audience is concentrated) with a very modest budget for promotion. Then paid promotion in the group was stopped.

How to bring a group to the top in VKontakte search results

The target audience of the group is women over 35 years old. Their interests are health, longevity, Chinese medicine, qigong, self-development, self-improvement. I was given the task of recruiting just such an audience into the group. I think I managed it.

How to bring a group to the top in VKontakte search results

With the help of empirical experience and small tests, the basic principles for ranking groups in VKontakte search were found. Here's what we learned about the new algorithm. Although, of course, it is difficult to call it an algorithm, since it is too mysterious and there are no technical details of its operation.

It was possible to identify two main factors:

  • Accuracy of the request in the header;
  • Number of participants.

Less significant factors:

  • Dynamics of group development;
  • Dynamics and amount of content;
  • Heart likes.

Incredible Traction ©:

  • There is manual moderation or group checking. Sanctions may be imposed. There are many confirmed facts.

Possible negative factors:

  • Too many clues in the title;
  • Spam;
  • Number of blocked bots.

Now let’s look in more detail at some points of the study:

  1. Title, i.e. group name. Judging by the tests, the semantics of key queries are important here. If we take the query “briefcases”, then the group with the key “briefcases” will be higher than the group with the key “leather briefcases”.
  2. Number of fans. Here, for the most part, everything is clear, but the connection with the first parameter shows that a group with the key “briefcases” and a number of 10k people will be higher than “leather briefcases” with a number of 15k.
  3. By holding competitions or buying advertising, and thereby increasing the dynamics of new users joining, you can raise the positions of groups in the search for a short time.
  4. Content, The truth here is more likely due to the fact that there are a lot of likes and a ball at once, it is better to upload en masse if the goal is to raise the group in the search. It is also worth making descriptions for photos, since photo descriptions can be indexed by search engines. This will attract organic traffic.
  5. Topic names are also indexed by search engines. If the “topic title” is exactly included in the user’s query in the search engine, such a topic will be in the SERP.
  6. Likes influence. A lot of likes is good.
  7. Pages that are overspammed with keywords in the title fall or do not rise high. Fact.
  8. After purchasing spam services (banned bots can also influence), groups fall.
  9. Blocked users and bots greatly reduce the rating of groups and can lead to the absence of the group in the search.

In general, all this is relevant for those who want to receive traffic from search.
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Over the course of 2.5 months, we conducted active tests with several of our groups. The groups differ in the number of participants (from 150 thousand to 8 thousand joined) and with different activity. The most important conclusion

— “Name” has more than 90% of the weight in the ranking of groups.
All other factors influence only if the query exactly matches the name and can add positive weight for higher ranking. The second important conclusion
will be more useful to application and game developers.
Name your groups based on the name of the application and game. This is necessary in order to stand above all other groups in terms of the exact occurrence of the query. As practice shows, most of the “fan” groups are created for fraudulent activities, and such groups multiply like mushrooms. When starting to promote a new application, it is recommended to create “clone” groups with different “occurrences” in the names and put in them a link to the active official group. This is also recommended for brands - this way you will reduce the number of negative requests and make life more difficult for scammers. The third conclusion
is that public groups, when indexed by search bots, can receive organic traffic from search engines.
Especially if there is useful content. It may happen that, with the socialization of search, sites and the opening of a group of one company will deal with the TOP SICKLE. The fourth conclusion
is more interesting specifically for receiving traffic from the SERP of search engines - the accuracy of the inclusion of key queries in the title, description and headings of open group topics increases internal optimization. In fact, we can say that the main page of an open group = the main page of the site. When working with content, most of the basic rules of on-page SEO apply.

For example, if you study the
https://vk.com/bez.agenta and take any topic, you can easily find it in the search in fairly high positions Topic Request: Moscow, looking for a partner for joint rental housing (via https://wordstat. yandex.ru 314 requests per month) Yandex issuing upon occurrence of a request.
Group in 14th place I hope the material will be useful and interesting. In this case, we will be ready to continue research about the connection between community management and promotion of groups on social networks.

Andrey Yablonskikh

Account Director at Social Networks

Interesting analytics, but even more interesting are the statistics of search queries on VKontakte.

It seems to me that most users get into groups through direct links from applications, targeted advertising and personal messages.

I would also like to understand how much the group’s audience has grown when the group rises to the top in searches?

Does this affect activity within the group itself? Those. First of all, I’m concerned about how much I can increase the incoming live (and if users came through a search, then they were looking for a specific group) traffic in groups?

The technique itself is interesting, but there are not enough numbers. Seryoga, finish it - we’re looking forward to it!

Maxim Yurin

SMM Director at Red Keds

Very useful material, many thanks to Sergei!

After VKontakte began to be actively indexed by search engines about 2 years ago, many webmasters and site owners were extremely saddened by the fact that sometimes very strange groups crawled above their sites in SERPs. On the contrary, group owners began to receive a large influx of organic traffic.

Today this topic is even more popular. Just recently I saw this picture, where the VK group climbed to the TOP for a rather competitive request - - and today I also read this study. There is an increasing penetration of social networks into all areas of Internet marketing! I wouldn’t be surprised if a whole new direction and profession at the intersection of SEO and SMM soon appears. SEO specialist sounds scary! :)

In connection with all this, I once again urge agencies and brands to honestly and diligently manage communities on social networks, not use bots, and make good, detailed descriptions in media content. After all, who knows, maybe soon the communities of a company or product on a social network will rank higher in searches than the official website!

Ilya Kopan

Digital Strategist at Brandy Digital

With all due respect to Seryozha, as a good specialist, I cannot help but compare the discoveries presented with some of the research of scientists from You-Know-Which Country. I am sure that without spending two and a half months on active tests, it is possible to say with a high degree of probability that an accurate name, interesting content that will cause a wave of likes and shares, as well as fresh blood in the form of new members showing interest in the group will raise her (group) in the ranking. On the contrary, the names “buy sell apartment car dog carpet Moscow free download without SMS” and games with bots will pessimize positions.

The most useful passages were about SERP, I would leave only them in the article. And in general, the whole topic with the worship of VK search looks doubtful. Can you imagine an ordinary user who, during his next night surfing on Katya Sambuca’s profile, suddenly gets the idea to search for groups about briefcases? I'm having a hard time.

Alexander Bakeev

The guys did a great job, I’m sure everyone is extremely interested in seeing the numbers that were obtained during the experiments.

For example, how much organic traffic can you get from a VKontakte search to a community? An equally interesting question is how does the popularity of a post in the community (likes and comments) affect its ranking in the subscriber’s news feed? There are answers to these questions for foreign social networks, but unfortunately not for domestic ones.

The trend in the development of search algorithms within social networks, as well as the active socialization of global search engines, is obvious. In other words, not only the place in search results will depend on the quality and compliance of the community’s content with the stated topic, its popularity among page subscribers, but also, as a consequence, the rate of organic growth of the community and its popularity within the topic.

Based on these and other data, we can conclude that brand communities filled with entertainment materials will begin to rapidly lose audience in favor of ordinary entertainment communities. In addition, reversing the trend of audience outflow will not be so easy, due to the large amount of content generated in the community. Think now, maybe stop posting cats and jokes on your pages?

Yuri Smagin

Leading specialist of the strategic marketing department at Ingate Development

An interesting article that makes you think and start studying the mechanics of social networks. Just for fun, I entered the query “portfolios” into the vk.com search bar. The output was as follows:

  • https://vk.com/club18296475 - 1224 participants. A “dead” group is in 1st place with a large number of banned bots.
  • https://vk.com/portfel_design - 100 participants. Design studio "Portfolio".
  • https://vk.com/club12957533 - 301 participants. A “live” group in which briefcases are actively sold, and the name is “BAGS, BRIEFS, BELTS, WALLETS!!!” not overspammed

Also of interest are positions 5 and 6 in this search results. In fifth place is the group “Two Briefcases”. A truly “live” group, 900 participants.

In sixth place are “Branded bags, gloves, briefcases, purses, belts, purses, covers, personalized bags, clutches, key holders,” a “live” group, 3,741 participants.

Based on such a small experiment, I can draw the following conclusions, which slightly differ from the conclusions of the author of the article:

  1. The accuracy of the occurrence of the query in the group name does not play a key role in ranking;
  2. The number of fans also does not play a key role in ranking;
  3. VKontakte does not understand the semantics, the relevance of the search results is at the level of the plinth.

If we talk about the connection between social networks and search engines, then this is still in the realm of science fiction and idle speculation. You won’t believe it, but in the top 1000 sites for the query “portfolios” in Yandex for the Moscow region - there is not a hint of VKontakte!

It would be much more interesting to learn about traffic from internal search on VKontakte. Or look at the statistics of branded groups and see what share of traffic comes from search engines. Is there such information?

Anatoly Skopin

Social Media in SUP

In the case of the name and the optimization of descriptive content in general, everything is quite simple and intuitive, however, there are always cases when the group is not commercial, aimed at selling some services, where traffic to the group is important at any cost, and the group is “branded”, owned by for a large project, in many ways, it is image-based, where the name must contain: the brand name, description must reflect the project’s mission, goals and objectives, while in part such texts must duplicate information from the site.

Now, it seems to me, sellers are increasingly stopping monitoring this and there is a tendency to develop “abstract” corporate communities, where people with common interests gather, very abstract content with jokes, trolls and cats is published for them, and once a day a link to website with products that can be purchased. In this case, of course, it makes sense to follow such advice.

Also, depending on the season and life situation, the same user can look at the same request differently, which, logically, should entail either frequent changes of name, or frequent changes of description, etc. For example , photos, celebrity photos, porn photos, cat photos, wedding photos, as in the case of “Briefcases” from the article. You can't keep up with everyone. If Sergey had mentioned exactly how many transitions you could count on, then it would have been easier to assess whether the game was worth the candle.

Otherwise, similar recommendations can be heard in relation to website optimization in the short course “SEO in 5 minutes”, even I heard something about the importance of links, TIC, PR and some other terms, although, admittedly, it’s very cool that they also work to optimize content on social networks.

Natalia Prytkova

SMM Project Manager at BINBANK

Useful material from the point of view of systematizing information about the algorithm for getting groups into the internal search results of a social network. After the introduction of the new algorithm, the search certainly became better - over-spammed groups and groups filled with bots fell out and it became easier to find a really high-quality group.

But why all this? I mean moving to the top positions of internal search. On social networks, people do not search for groups unless they are “club” communities, such as school, university, or “fan” communities, such as fans of musicians or football clubs. When promoting commercial topics, bringing groups to the top of the search is not justified, because the number of users who will theoretically search for your group is so small that taking into account the factors influencing this completely loses its meaning.

Of course, there is a demand for such services and, as a rule, such customers perceive a social network as an analogue of a search engine, striving to be in first place everywhere (or to be in first place at least in a social network, since with the same Yandex everything is more difficult ), but such a goal is not justified. It has long been known that results from VKontakte promotion can be achieved mainly through high-quality and interesting content for users, its correct presentation, attracting an audience and regularly working with it.

Hence the conclusion - work with your audience, develop the community, make it useful and interesting for users, do not chase beautiful numbers in the form of the number of participants and you will get commercially significant results. And with such high-quality work, your group will rise in search by itself.

Olga Josanu

Digital Strategic Planner at Tribal DDB Moscow

I agree with all the author's conclusions. We also conducted many different tests for search results and came to approximately the same conclusions - the name is the determining factor when searching for a group, and the official pages of brands often do not use this. The only addition is that groups overloaded with keywords are well indexed until the first 3 weeks, and then they fall in search. As for how many keywords you can put painlessly, in our opinion, no more than three. If you put more, the page will slowly fall in search results.

Valentin Dombrovsky

Marketing Director at SevenQuark

I don’t think that when working with a group, you should rely heavily on traffic from search - unfortunately, the very structure of VKontakte pages does not allow individual discussion pages in groups to be raised high. There is no way to put internal links with the necessary anchors, the weight of internal pages is very small (although, of course, a site like VKontakte is trusted by Yandex and growth can occur due to this). In general, in matters of working with groups, I would rather focus on working within VKontakte, perceiving traffic from external PSs as a pleasant bonus. :-)

Anton Sorokopud

SEO expert at Artjoker

The main thing is that VKontakte’s internal search is evolving. The principles of ranking are becoming more complex, and promoting communities is becoming more interesting. As for the ranking algorithm, it is quite simple, and of course, in the future, it will become more complex.

Now there are really two main parameters: the name of the community and the number of its participants. Of great importance, in this case, is not only the occurrence of the keyword in the group name, but also the number of words in the name. Other factors can be taken into account, but to a much lesser extent.

All other things being equal, if you have a community whose name consists of two words. In order to be in search when asking a one-word query, higher than your competitor, whose group name consists 100% of this one-word query, it is necessary that the number of members of his group be approximately 10% - 20% of the number of members of yours.

This can be seen in a number of examples, below are fragments of search results for single-word queries: SEO, hairstyles and marketing:

Using the example of marketing, a group with 100% occurrence of a keyword takes 3rd place, ahead of it is a group with a two-word name. At the same time, the audience of the community called “marketing” is slightly more than 10% of its competitor “Actual Marketing”, as a result, the second community is ranked higher.

To be at the top today, community owners have 2 ways: either rename the community, including the exact occurrence of the required query in its name, or attract more users, or do both, but it is important not to overdo it, since the community is blocked for cheating - this is reality.

But if the group administrator is looking to the future, then he should think about developing and increasing activity both within the community and outside it (external widgets on websites). Since this ranking algorithm is far from perfect, it will be improved and complicated.

As for the promotion of communities or some of their individual topics in search engines, now their inclusion in the TOP for more or less competitive queries is rather an accident. This is due, first of all, to the fact that today, social networks do not provide enough tools for group owners to optimize them.

In more detail, I plan to consider the issue of ranking and promoting communities on the social network VKontakte at the “8p” conference, which will be held in July this year. If you are interested in this topic and report, you can read the abstracts and vote for it on the page - https: //8p.ua/voting/anton-sorokopud-2012/.

Thank you
Nikita Saytkulov

Advertising Specialist at Absolut Real Estate

VKontakte sells. Even with direct advertising (i.e. the landing page leads to an external site, not to the community). Even in real estate. I’m not giving any calculations - take my word for it. What about communities:

These are statistics on visits to one of our promotional sites. There are no direct advertisements with a landing page to the site. I’ll say right away that our work on SMM is still in its infancy (that is, the stage of creating communities has just ended), but the first results are already visible. Good traffic, good viewing depth, good conversion of the goal “visiting at least 4 pages, with viewing the contacts page.”

The problem lies elsewhere - how much more profitable is it now to promote the VKontakte community, making it a full-fledged representation of the site in social networks? There are only questions here. If SEO is already partly a “guessing game” and “shamanism” - no one anywhere can guarantee a position in the TOP, then in relation to social networks this is even more difficult to predict.

My only explanation (Imho) for such a high-quality flow of quality traffic from social networks, with subsequent generation of leads, is people motivated to search for ALL INTERESTING information (for example, on objects). An aggressive advertising campaign generates a large number of contacts with the target audience, people remember the objects, and they begin to look for information.

For clarity. As an example, we take a search query in the form of a phone number for our organization. It did not appear either in the contextual advertising campaign or in SEO, so one can safely judge by this indicator - people came from offline, outdoor advertising, indoor, outdoor, radio began to work. A surge in activity is visible - this is the beginning of an aggressive RK. That is, a person begins to look for information that interests him. Otherwise, he would have simply called the number provided. And this is where a person begins to dig. Official site. Forums. Reviews. Social network.

To confirm my words: Check Wordstat by entering the name of the developer/seller. See where queries with the prefix “reviews” rank in popularity. Draw your own conclusions.

Today, working with social networks is more about experimentation. Everyone understands what is needed, everyone sees that there is an “exhaust”. For many, it is a mystery how to get it. Albert Hoffman did not immediately make his great invention, spending about 10 years circling around the bush.

Revolutionary evolution is just around the corner.

Nikolay Svyaznoy

Digital Communications Manager at PRP Ukraine

Very important article! The thing is that both Western and domestic social networks do not want to reveal the “algorithm” maps of how their own tools work. And it’s not so much about information that can be useful to “black SEOs” and “bot operators”, but about sane help for the user. Personally, sometimes it’s unclear to me: why, when searching for women’s topics, I’m more likely to see a community of several thousand people than a group of 100,000 people?! You need to understand that the first positions in search results are not relevant for all brands. Getting involved in a race like Google and Yandex means turning to the services of additional specialists. Ideally, today's marketers will thoroughly master search results on social networks, and not just the influence of social networks on search engines. Moreover, searching, in particular, on VKontakte does not imply complex queries - usually “humor”, “cinema”, “girls”, etc. Moreover, why should a user turn to search today if all the most interesting things are happening in his feed (with the exception of “newbies”, who for some reason have been forgotten in SMM).

The article lacks the following: timing for being present in, for example, the top 10 for key queries throughout the year. And what is more important: likes or content containing keywords? I think that the answers to these questions are hidden in the bright heads of St. Petersburg, but they, of course, will not tell us anything. Based on the example given: a request in VK and search engines does not display the community. Does this mean that VK is tracking my location or is the request simply outdated? To summarize, I would like to say that for e-commerce, search on social networks comes in third place in importance after contextual advertising and posting posts in the user’s feed. For all other brands, most likely, it is less relevant, because usually there is not much competition for a unique community name.

VKontakte group name

If you chose brand positioning when creating a community, then the name of your group will be very important. It must include keywords, and the accuracy of queries in the title is very important.

The group fell into my hands already with an avatar and a name - “Secrets of Chinese Medicine”. If I were choosing a name, I would definitely choose the name “Chinese Medicine”.

We bring the VKontakte group to the top of the VKontakte internal search

I decided to replace the title “Secrets of Chinese Medicine” with the shorter title “Chinese Medicine”. After changing the name, the group was first in the VKontakte search results the very next day.

We bring the VKontakte group to the top of the VKontakte internal search

A detailed article on how to choose a name for a VKontakte group is HERE.

How to find out what search queries users are using?

In order to select keywords and find out what search queries people enter, use the Yandex word selection service - Wordstat.

It reflects statistics on impressions of a user-specified word or phrase, as well as queries made by people who searched for it. Personally, I use this tool all the time.

We see that 23,985 people entered the phrase “Chinese medicine” in their search.

We bring the VKontakte group to the top of the VKontakte internal search

But only 219 people entered “secrets of Chinese medicine” into the search bar. The difference is obvious.

How to bring a group to the top in VKontakte search results

Activity in the VKontakte community

The social network VKontakte itself states that activity in the community affects the ranking of groups in internal search. However, I often come across information in articles by experts in the field of VKontakte promotion that activity in the group does not affect getting into the TOP at all.

I will express my opinion on this matter and support it with an example. Yes, indeed, the importance of activity in the community should not be overestimated, however...

We bring the VKontakte group to the top of the VKontakte internal search

We have before us an internal search on VKontakte. With the name “Women's Happiness” we see three communities. In first place is a group with 20,072 subscribers, in second place - 18,403. It would seem that everything is natural, a community with a large number of subscribers is higher in the search.

But pay attention to the third group, which has more than 23 thousand subscribers. I looked into the community and was not at all surprised. The last time posts in the group were updated was in September 2014.

Thus, I conclude that activity in the group still has its own, albeit insignificant, impact on the group’s placement in the VKontakte search results.

And one more very important detail. In fifth place we see the group “ஐ Women's Happiness ★ Beauty ★ Health ஐ”, which with its 35 thousand subscribers could easily overtake its competitors. But the title was too long, the lack of an exact entry of the request into the title, and unnecessary embellishments prevented her from doing this.

Of course, in real life, few people will search for a community using the key query “Women’s happiness,” but my goal was simply to convey to you useful information that you can then use for your projects.


First of all, it was necessary to collect a representative sample of requests. To do this, you cannot take queries from one or two topics, because in this case, the sample will turn out to be unrepresentative, and the analysis will be incomplete and will not prove anything. So I decided to create a completely random sample of business inquiries using the power of Rush Analytics.

Obviously, not all hypotheses can ultimately be justified, so it is necessary to make several assumptions at once, which is what I did. As a result, I came up with 19 hypotheses.

Text factors

The presence of keywords during SEO promotion of the vk group is no less important than when optimizing the site, but has its own specifics.

Hypothesis 1 - The key is in the group name

The name of the group is the Title of the page. However, if in the Title on the site we can deviate a little from the rules of the Russian language, then the incorrect name of the group will clearly be evident. The second minus of the group that should be taken into account is the limitation on the maximum number of characters in the group name (48 in total), while Yandex takes into account up to 15 words when generating results.

Hypothesis 2 - Adding the VKontakte key

By including a vital query in the group name, we will be more relevant to branded queries. But, it is important not to forget about the limit on the number of characters. I recommend neglecting this factor.

Hypothesis 3 - CNC

The page address is similar to Exact match domain or human-readable URLs. Therefore, it is important that the address contains a key phrase. Historically, it is “-” that separates words, not “_,” because the latter is used to write variables in programming languages. Therefore, I recommend separating words using “-”.

Demonstration of the compiled CNC

Hypothesis 4 - Status is the Key

The status can be adjusted in the Description. Although descriptions do not directly correlate to rankings, a good description will increase CTR.

Hypothesis 5 - The key is in the group description

The group description must contain full text. The description is limited to 4 thousand characters, however, this is usually quite enough for a commercial page.

New buildings in Sevastopol

Tables and chairs in Izhevsk

Hypothesis 6 - Clues in topics in discussions

Topics in discussions also have an impact on how a search engine determines the relevance of a page, so creating topical discussion pages (which can also rank like internal site pages) is encouraged.

Key "Spitz girl" in discussion

Hypothesis 7—Toponym Integration

When providing services/selling goods in the regions, it is advisable to indicate a toponym, because, firstly, it increases CTR, and secondly, it increases the relevance of the page for geo-independent queries.

Toponym in the group name

Toponym in the group name_2

Hypothesis 8 - Image Optimization

Everything is as on the website. The quality of the images, their name, as well as the caption/commentary to it are taken into account.

The image description is present, the image size is acceptable

Description of the image and its size

Hypothesis 9 - Thematic and uniqueness of posts on the wall

Wall posts should be unique and themed, so it's important to keep that in mind. It is not recommended to sell advertising in the community, or open a comment wall.

The text is in the TOP, which means the search engine considers it unique

Important: when scrolling, the page content is loaded using JS, so only part of the latest posts is indexed. Therefore, you should consider changing keyword density when updating your posts.

Commercial factors

Hypothesis 10 - Adding a VK group to Ya.Directory (if there is a website)

If the site is in the directory, Yandex also allows you to specify links to social networks. networks.

Hypothesis 11 - Completeness of information provision

All optional fields, such as type, phone number, author's name, products or region, must be filled out.

Blocks to be filled in red marked

Blocks to be filled are marked in red

Hypothesis 12 - Image Uniqueness

It is believed that all content should be unique, including images, so it is necessary to change the hash amount of the image, by cropping it, or by uploading its mirror version (the same applies to videos), or better yet, make your own content.

Hypothesis 13 - Group age

The influence of the age of the group on ranking, following the example of sites that fall into the so-called. "Sandbox".

Important: this refers to the age since the first indexation.

Reference factors

Hypothesis 14 - Lack of outgoing links (including in the “Contacts” block)

Outgoing links allow the internal weight of the page to leak, which is unacceptable.

Hypothesis 15 - Adding a pass-through link from your site

A through link in the footer of the site to the VK page will have a positive effect on the ranking of the page itself, and will also be assessed for the site as the presence of one of the commercial factors.

The basement of one of the sites with end-to-end links to social media. networks

Hypothesis 16 - Buying links

A group is the same page on a website, so why not buy links to it or paste a drop?

Screenshot of analysis from Ahrefs

Behavioral factors

Hypothesis 17 - External Behavioral Factors

External behavioral factors are quite difficult to fake, so they certainly affect rankings in the same way as for full-fledged sites.

Hypothesis 18 - Internal behavioral factors (within a social network)

Likes, reposts, comments have a positive effect on traffic within social media. networks, and also accumulate behavioral ones, which will indirectly affect the ranking.

Hypothesis 19 - Increase CTR by working with posts

Description is formed based on which part of the text the search engine considers more relevant, so we can influence this, thereby increasing CTR, and indirectly influencing positions.

Important: the group must be accessible to search engines

The group is closed to users outside of social media. networks

Why do you need to display a group in the TOP of VKontakte search results?

Let's assume that when creating your community you chose brand positioning, you sell children's clothing and the name of your group sounds like “Children's clothing”. In this case, getting to the first positions in the internal search on VKontakte will bring you additional buyers.

If your community has a mixed positioning and you named it, for example, “Club of Caring Mothers,” then the internal search on VKontakte interests you insofar as... It is unlikely that anyone will formulate their search query in exactly this way. Don't believe me? Check out Wordstat.

Tags: business on the Internet, VKontakte business, online business, VKontakte Group, VKontakte groups, How to sell from a VKontakte group, VKontakte promotion cases, sales, sales from a VKontakte group, promoting VKontakte groups, creating VKontakte groups, VKontakte community

What will help you quickly promote your group on VK from scratch?

The very informative photo below, as you can see, highlights 4 main steps to promote the community. Content filling and paid advertising on VKontakte are already described in separate articles.

What starting levers does the process called “promotion of a group on VKontakte” consist of? First, let's look at the free methods, without bots and without investments. First of all, since you have embarked on this path, you need to send an invitation to your friends, they will help you in this difficult matter of PR.

Having explained to them that this is your page in which you would be glad to see them, quickly send them invitations and ask them to also invite their friends; you yourself will not be able to add more than 30 people to the community per day, since there is a limit on this number. An important factor is the demographics of subscribers - this is very important if the page is about promoting a business.

We must try to recruit people from a certain area (city or even countries).

Also, one of the free, but quite effective ways is to send out messages to various communities - that is, go to a public page with a similar topic, but already with a fairly decent audience, and leave a comment with a link to your group. Another option for promotion without bots is search optimization. The main thing here is the hashtags in the posts. The more of them within the theme of your group, the better. Without investments, you can promote your page through other social networks, of course, with a link to your main VK group - Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Telegram will help you with this.

And it should be noted that without a decent and interesting design (note, it does not have to be paid, but interesting) and regular activity in the community, all this will not be entirely effective. As for paid methods of search promotion, there are many bots for promotion, but there is always a big risk of getting banned for these actions in the form of automatic mailings, the most famous of which are VKBot and VKInviter.

Step-by-step instructions for quick promotion using search:

  1. Your first assistants are your friends. They will not only join your group, but will also be able to support you with likes, reposts and even comments. And they will even help you recruit new members. If you want the page to be at least visually alive, use free advertising services.
  2. Optimization. Such a complex word means a fairly simple process - a clear, concise and most meaningful name for your group on its topic, and of course the correct hashtags by which other users can find you in Search.
  3. Reposts. People, or different communities with similar topics on a mutually beneficial basis.
  4. Competitions. This method is not completely free, you will have to spend money on a gift and sending, but the result will be a clear increase in reposts of posts.
  5. Probably the most risky way is to comment and send invitations to your group. There is a chance that you will receive some negative feedback and a block from the site administration.

There were 4 main steps in the photo above. All of the above will only work if you can apply them all at the same time. It won’t work, for example, to just add content and not invite anyone to the community. What you can do to keep up with everything:

  1. Work as a team;
  2. Use programs to automate the search and attraction of clients;
  3. Use mutual advertising services, exchange of likes and comments.

Read also our article “How to make money from a group on VK.”

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