Rules of the TVOE VKontakte group

Rules for creating a VKontakte group

The process of creating a VKontakte group is as follows:

  • Log in to VK;
  • Go to the “My Groups” section in the left menu and click on the “Create Community” button;
  • Enter the name of the community. Important rules for choosing a name are originality and the use of keywords for the query by which you intend to promote your group;
  • Select the type of group, select the topic in the drop-down list and click on the create button;
  • Next, you need to fill out a description of the group, it should be easy to read, simple text with organically inserted keywords;
  • Choose a group URL with thematic words and as short as possible (so that it is easy to remember);
  • Indicate the address of your site (note that VK may not redirect to some domains, but issue a warning to the user about the danger (for example, free hosting or domains). To bypass this “pad” it is best to use a new domain *.com, *.ru or and similar services with a high reputation). We recommend reading the article about redirects for VK.
  • Next, you should specify an avatar. This could be a thematic picture or a photo of the product that you intend to advertise. The main thing to remember is that this is a small picture, so you don’t need to overuse small details.

After saving the changes, the group is created. Now you have to develop the community, invite participants, fill the wall with information, perhaps engage in mass following or mass liking.

Where to get ideas for creating a VKontakte public page

This social network has not only millions of users, but also hundreds of thousands of communities. There is only one way to win the competition for the audience over competitors - to offer users interesting and unique content. Therefore, the creation of a VKontakte public should begin with an original idea. You can find it by reading discussions in other communities with a large audience - what users care about is what they write about. Each option is worth checking using Google Trends, starting with large trends and paying attention to the “Related queries” block.

When working with affiliate programs, it is wise to start from those offers to which you are going to send traffic. For example, if you are going to make money from gaming offers, then you need to create a community for gamers. If you intend to sell DVRs, create a group based on a popular car brand or automaker. For any topic of the group, you should not copy other people’s materials, but offer users something new and interesting, then they will become subscribers.

Login to the site

Dear Alexander.

Let me point out that you need to count correctly, otherwise you will be scammed! This is the case when the word “intellectual” is once again insulted. And “Cart” is slang, that is, already a prohibited word on this site and in this group. You immediately show yourself as not an intelligent person.

One day I had a book by Boethius in my hands. I didn’t read it all.

but I extracted what I needed from it. Namely.

The concepts of Words were given there

“intelligent” and “intellectual” Both concepts are written in Latin letters.

So, according to Boethius, “intelektia” is the ability to think, and

"inteligentsia" is the ability to understand

As a person familiar with the Holy Scriptures, I know the Words

The Savior, that “Salvation is from the Jews, for we know what we bow down to, but you do not know what you bow down to.” Therefore, in difficult cases and serious issues, I decided to focus on those “from whom salvation comes.”

And then one day the Book of Jews opened to me in which it was said that Understanding is a Property of God. Everyone knows that Man is the Image and Likeness of God. In other words, a Man, if he is only a Real Man, is also characterized by Understanding. And if a person does not understand, or

He lacks this property. Either due to bad manners, or being in a bad community (such as a low level of development, bad company, some kind of group, etc., families at war with each other, carrying the hatred of someone from generation to generation - from his ancestors, etc. The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet” was written precisely about this) his understanding is atrophied or destroyed. This is inhumane. And this inhumanity is overcome, apparently, precisely by intelligence and high culture. as a person himself, and such a wonderful community as intelligent people. Which, let it be known to you personally and to everyone, will never stoop to “rolling a cart at someone,” or in civil language a complaint or, even worse, a denunciation.

But they will definitely express their indignation, their disagreement, their categorical “No”. And this statement almost always carries Truth and Judgment Protection for the weak and defenseless, the poor and the needy, the orphan and the widow, support for the oppressed, bread for the hungry, clothing for the naked, medicine, healing, care and healing for the sick. Because they understand these people and the whole horror of their situation. Which means their anger is righteous anger. If they are angry, it is not in vain, but Fairly and deservedly by those who caused this Righteous anger.

This is who Intelligent People are - They are always Decent People.

Highly and with Honor bearing in this life the High Call of Man -

as the Image and Likeness of God. A title to which many and many people still need to reach. These are genuine Aristocrats of the Spirit, and as a result of the whole society. They are noble and exalted. They decorate life, ennoble society, and all public life. All this is reflected in their faces and in their entire appearance. They create around themselves a wonderful atmosphere of Love, Friendship, Trust, Mutual Understanding and Mutual Respect, if you want, Celebration and Joy of Life, Happiness, where “it’s good for us to be here,” All that makes Life Beautiful. Their speech is distinguished by literacy, correctness, sublimity and nobility. (Remember, as in Pushkin: “The beautiful must be majestic”). Only they are able to say truthful things “Lying lips are indecent for a nobleman” (Bible) These are not praises for them. I was just born among them , grew up, grew up and became a human being. I have this from my mother’s womb. And therefore I will never, under any circumstances, confuse this. And anyone who tries to convince me otherwise will work in vain. This is the atmosphere without which it is impossible, unthinkable, to live. And thank God I am among Them. All this is reflected on their faces. And one should thank God for a beautiful face, For God made him that way. I learned this wisdom from childhood, and from the people from whom I was saved.

And “if God is for us, who is against us?” (This is what the Gospel says).

It is impossible to confuse them with anyone - that is why they are hated so much (academician Dmtriy Likhachev)

And this hint comes to us from the Great Men of the Past

in the person and in the book of Boethius.

I wish you, Alexander, to become and be an Intelligent Person - in the highest sense of this Word.

Sincerely, Irina.

Setting up a VKontakte group

A well-designed community builds trust among visitors and attracts them to join the group and communicate. Since the structure of the page in this social network and the fonts are strictly defined, you can influence the appearance of the public by choosing the right graphic elements and providing the group with a beautiful menu, which is discussed in the next section.

The following images are used for VKontakte design:

  • Avatar, picture located at the top right of the page. Image size 200x500px (other sizes are possible, but the aspect ratio must be 2:5). The thumbnail that appears in post headers and on mobile devices has dimensions of 200x200 pixels. When uploading a large avatar, the system will prompt you to select a fragment for the thumbnail. This thematic picture is the first thing the visitor sees. You can place a logo or inscriptions on the image. But it should be taken into account that the text must be large enough to be read from the thumbnail and not extend beyond its edges. To upload an image, move the cursor to the picture (or empty block) in the upper right and click on “Update Photo” or “Change Thumbnail”.
  • The cover is a new and important design element that appeared after the VK redesign. This is a horizontal image of 1590x400 pixels located at the top of the page. Due to its size, you can place the name of the group on the cover, briefly describe the topic, and indicate the address of the related site. If there is a cover, the large vertical avatar on the right is not shown. The cover is loaded in the group settings. In the action menu, select “Community Management” and click on the “Download” link next to the “Community Cover” inscription.
  • A picture of the menu, which is published in the attached wiki page or the “latest news” section. Unlike the avatar and cover, which are ordinary images, the menu image consists of button fragments, for each of which you can assign links. The overall width of the menu image should be 510px. If you want the bottom edge of the menu to match the vertical avatar on the right, the menu height should be 308px.
  • Images in publications: width 510 px, height up to 510 px. Pictures for posts play a big role in attracting attention. There are many artistic techniques aimed at enticing a visitor to read a publication. You can use bright, rich images, or vice versa, darken the picture and write text, interesting facts, or a call on top. A combination of a high-quality photograph and an area with a contrasting color on which the inscription is made (for example, a headline, an interesting fragment from a message) looks good.

The group will look nice if the vertical banner of the avatar and menu or the cover and menu are parts of the same image. Ideally, all elements: avatar or cover, thumbnail and menu should be made in the same style, with the same color scheme, fonts, and logos.

When loading graphic files, VK automatically compresses the image, which leads to its distortion and the appearance of pixels, especially on a dark background. There are two options to solve this problem:

  • The official one from VK is to save the picture in a graphics editor in the “for the Web” mode, always in 100% quality and with the “Convert to sRGB” option enabled.
  • Practical, from experienced SMM masters: avoid dark backgrounds and upload an image with a resolution 2-3 higher than required (for example, not 200x500, but 600x1500 pixels).

There are several approaches to designing the top of a community page. You can place a beautiful cover and below - a pinned post with text and a link to the site (or tracker). Or the public administrator may not pin the post or load a horizontal header banner, but immediately show visitors the text of information about the community in the hope that after reading it, the user will immediately go to the site. This approach is more suitable for public advertising of one single product.

If the public is on a broad topic, and you are counting on collecting and retaining a regular audience, then it is better to place advertising less noticeably in the form of reviews or small messages between regular posts with useful information. And in the attached message at the top, make a group menu for easy navigation.

The entry point to the menu in the public may also vary. Either the menu items will be immediately visible in the pinned post, or the top post will contain a beautiful image, an enticing call to action, and an “Open menu” button that will direct you to a separate page where wiki markup will be used to navigate the sections.

How do you create communities in VK?

102 votes

Hiring a designer myself

Rules of the TVOE VKontakte group

Rules of the TVOE VKontakte group

Dear friends, members and guests of the group!

The group is the official representative of the brand and was created to discuss not only the latest news and announcements, but also to conduct various discussions. To actively participate in the life of the group, you must adhere to certain rules of conduct. Compliance with the Rules and the work of the group is controlled by the administrators and moderators of the group. The rules are aimed at maintaining normal healthy communication when discussing various issues and topics. The concept of “normal healthy communication” is determined by these Rules and the personal opinion of the moderators, based on the management of groups. The rules of the group are not challenged or discussed. The administration of the group reserves the right to change and supplement this set of rules of behavior and communication in the group.

Basic concepts:

Group Administrator

— a member who has a full set of rights to manage the group.
is a group member appointed by the administration and vested with certain rights.
(from the English off top) - moving away from the topic or discussing any other topic not related to the main problem (question) posed at the basis of the created topic (topic).
(from the English flood) - “clogging” a page with messages, meaningless statements, multiple repetitions of the same symbol or element, a random set of different letters, numbers, or all together.
Flooding also refers to repeated or similar user messages written in a row or within the available editing time. Flame
(from the English flame) - emotional, unreasoned statements regarding which people have different opinions and tastes, inciting disputes, provoking participants to break the rules, rudeness, etc.
(from the English spam) is the sending of advertising messages of various types.
Ban list
- a list of participants who do not have access to the group. Applies to serious or repeated violation of the rules.

Group members have the right:

  • participate in discussions, express your own opinion on any issue in any topic of the Group;
  • to a representative of the group Administration regarding the work of the group and clarification of certain rules (this can be done in a personal message);
  • notify the Administration of violations in the Group in a personal message.

All Group members have equal rights and obligations, regardless of age, gender, nationality, place of residence, network address, time of registration and other circumstances, except in cases of violation of these Rules and the participant’s affiliation with the Group Administration.

Participants are NOT recommended to:

  • use any languages ​​other than Russian when writing a message;
  • create messages related to offtopic, flame, flood;
  • create short uninformative or meaningless messages (such messages also include meaningless statements like "Hello, please join me"

    “Put “I like”
    , etc.);

  • create messages consisting only of emoticons;
  • create topics that duplicate existing ones in terms of basic parameters;
  • use groups directly or indirectly for campaigning;
  • abuse the CAPS LOCK function key (this is not in accordance with etiquette, as it is equivalent to shouting and disrespectful attitude towards other participants);
  • publish photographs (pictures, images) that do not correspond to the theme of the Group.

Participants are PROHIBITED:

  • use obscene language when communicating in a group;
  • "become personal";
  • insults and discrimination against participants and third parties on any basis (nationality, gender, religion, race, age, professional or any other basis);
  • distribute private information about the participant, his personality, activities without his consent;
  • create messages and topics with a pronounced nationalist slant;
  • create topics and messages that are in the nature of calls or propaganda of any kind, illegal or illegal actions, statements containing manifestations of national, racial, religious or any other intolerance, propaganda of extremism, fascism, etc.;
  • leave messages in the group that are advertising (to any extent) in nature and not related to the brand;
  • post links to Internet resources and/or files containing advertising information not related to the brand;
  • repeatedly create the same message (topics) with an interval of less than 2 weeks, unless this is due to special circumstances;
  • create topics and messages that provoke users to violate these Rules;
  • deliberately change the meaning of the interlocutors’ statements when quoting;
  • post files in the group that violate copyright and related rights;
  • post in the group images containing obscene expressions (corresponding gestures, images of a pornographic nature, openly erotic content, directly or indirectly advertising the use of drugs, violating any of the paragraphs of section No. 3, as well as insulting someone’s (including third parties) dignity , personality, etc.

Consequences of violations:

  • violations of the rules are punishable by warnings, temporary or permanent exclusion from the group - depending on the severity of the violation and at the discretion of the Moderators;
  • in case of serious and/or systematic violations, access to the community (temporarily or permanently) may be closed without any warning, and the user may be added to the ban list;
  • messages that do not comply with the Rules are either blocked or deleted (with or without warning, depending on the severity of the situation).


  • Each participant, upon joining the group, agrees to the terms and rules of the group;
  • ignorance of the Rules or lack of understanding does not relieve participants from responsibility for their actions;
  • User messages express the point of view of the author, and it may not coincide with the point of view of the Group Administration;
  • any user who believes that a sent message insults him or someone else's dignity, or is contrary to the Group Rules, can contact any Group administrator via private message;
  • the administration of the group is not responsible for material and moral damage caused to the user in the event of opening any links posted in the group by another user;
  • The administration of the group is not responsible for violations of copyright and related rights when users post information, images, audio-video materials on the group’s pages and, if possible, tries to get rid of this kind of information on the group’s pages;
  • in the group everything that is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation is also PROHIBITED. Violation of this condition will result in being added to the ban list;
  • All product prices are presented for informational purposes only, the group does not sell.

How to create a menu for a VKontakte public page

Having a beautiful menu is one of the rules for creating a VKontakte group. This is an important design element that represents an attached wiki page. The menu provides convenient navigation through community sections and gives the group individuality, a unique design, and helps to stand out among competitors.

The community menu can be very simple, if it is a header image and a list of links, then you can design all this using the visual editor of wiki pages. In order to create a more beautiful menu, you will need to work with a graphic editor and manually format the page.

In order for your public to receive a unique graphical menu, you need to complete the following steps:

  • Think over the structure of the community, make a list of menu items;
  • Create pages or sections to which menu items will link and record links to them;
  • Select an image for the background (for example, from free photo stocks);
  • Open the background image in a graphics editor and write menu items on it in the required positions;
  • Using a graphic editor (the “Slice” tools in Photoshop, the “Guillotine” in Gimp, the grid + magic wand in, you need to cut the picture into parts (each menu item is a separate fragment);
  • In the community, go to the “Community Management” item, select “Sections” in the menu on the left and select “restricted” in the “Materials” item (this means that only administrators can edit the menu);
  • Upload pictures to the group;
  • Create an attached Wiki page in the public (in the group, go to the “Latest News” section and click “Edit”);
  • Create a menu structure using wiki markup.

Rules of the "Women's Club"

ONLY WOMEN are accepted into the club...

The rules for conducting discussions in the group (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were introduced to ensure an atmosphere of fruitful communication between community members. Or in other words: to create and maintain the most comfortable conditions for exchanging information, gaining new knowledge, identifying new directions in one’s activities, establishing business and friendly contacts, finding advice and friends.

Communication in the group is based on the principles of generally accepted morality and respect for interlocutors.


  1. During discussions, participants are strongly advised to avoid:
  2. unreasoned (unconstructive) critical comments;
  3. provoking behavior, mutual accusations and incitement of conflicts;
  4. abuse of writing words in capital letters (caps).
  5. It is recommended to adhere to constructive strategies for discussing topics, based on the principles:
  6. goodwill and respect for discussion participants (regardless of their level of professional training!);
  7. meaningfulness of discussions (no thoughts - no words);
  8. open and active position (if you want help, ask, if they ask for help, help, if they refuse, don’t impose);
  9. emotional neutrality (analytics is the way to establish truth, and truth is dispassionate);
  10. constructive criticism (criticizing - offer, offering - respect);
  11. respect for the native language, stylistic and lexical correctness;
  12. development and self-development (“there is nothing more practical than a good theory”);
  13. personal responsibility (The group administration is not responsible for the content of topics and posts of participants).
  14. Condemning the lack of experience of beginners is not constructive. For participants (“lovers” of asserting themselves based on criticism from newcomers) who condemn the topic author’s lack of experience, you directly point this out.


  1. Within the framework of the group conference, it is prohibited to post messages, information materials and links to messages, information materials and resources containing: . pornographic images and links; links to phishing sites, any advertising.
  2. information classified as state secret;
  3. calls for violation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and changes in the constitutional system;
  4. statements of a racist nature and aimed at inciting ethnic and religious hatred,
  5. Being rude, insulting interlocutors, making unfounded or unsubstantiated accusations against discussion participants is “trolling” discussion participants and topic authors.
  6. Condemnation of new topic authors for lack of experience
  7. Discuss the personal qualities of the discussion participants.
  8. Creation of identical (repeated over time) discussions by the same author.
  9. Placing repetitive, uninformative and irrelevant messages in topics (flood and offtopic).
  10. Use of profanity.
  11. Placement in an online conference of direct advertising of goods and services, various announcements: about vacancies and job searches, searching for partners, seminars, festivals, etc.
  12. MLM advertising of any kind.
  13. Spam.
  14. Ignore and discuss administrators' decisions.

Requirements for created topics and posts

  1. The title of the topic should be informative and reflect the meaning of the problem as clearly as possible.
  2. The description of the topic is complete so that you can understand the essence of the problem.
  3. The author of the topic is responsible for its correct correspondence to the topic of the group.
  4. Posts should be informative and on topic.
  5. Closing a discussion can be done by the topic author or the group administrator. The administrator may decide to close a discussion in the following cases:
  6. the issues of the discussion topic are revealed;
  7. lack of responses to a newly created topic within a week;
  8. no response to an existing topic within 1 month;
  9. violation of the Discussion Rules.

Requirements and recommendations for the format for publishing articles

  1. Heading format - “Article: “Title””

1.1 For analytical materials published in your blogs, you can also designate - “Blog post: “Title””

1.2 Of course, compliance with the topics of the articles and the topics of the group.

1.3 When publishing an article, it is recommended not to exceed its volume of more than 2 pages, since reading moreover, given the existing (or rather, lack thereof) formatting, is problematic. Post large articles in an abbreviated version, outlining its key points. At the end of the article, if possible, outline the range of issues for discussion.

Rights and obligations of participants

A group member has the right:

  • express your opinion in any discussion, if it does not violate the Rules;
  • start any new discussion topic;
  • demand compliance with these Rules in relation to yourself. The discussion participant is obliged to: comply with these Rules.

Responsibilities and rights of Administrators

  1. Make sure that these Rules are not violated during the conference.
  2. If possible, try to avoid conflicts in discussions, and if they arise, take measures to resolve conflicts.
  3. Administrators are granted the following rights:
  4. editing, closing and deleting topics;
  5. deleting posts of participants if they violate the Discussion Rules;
  6. the right to temporarily block (ban) or remove a participant from the group, including blacklisting in the event of a malicious violation of these Rules.

The administration of the group reserves the right to change the Rules with subsequent notification of participants. ——————————————————————————————————— Editorial Board Rules dated July 31, 2010

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