A way to find out who visited your Instagram page

To recognize people who visit or show any activity on your page, it is enough to launch a certain kind of application on the social network itself. There are relatively few such applications, and in total only two stand out, namely “ My Guests

” and “
My guests and analysis

The first application is much more successful and has been downloaded over 33 million times to date, this is a huge number even for VK. After the first launch, you will immediately be prompted to enable

a real-time guest scanner, that is, you will receive
a notification
if “My Guests” notices that someone has visited your page.

There is also a tab “ Fans”

”, various
of the activity of different users are collected there and sorted in the form of a top of three places.
You can find out who has performed what activity
over the entire period of time, without having to worry about it yourself. Quite a useful feature; you never know when traffic information might come in handy.

If you need to make your account popular

, you can buy ready-made
that will increase the level of traffic to your page.
function , by running which your photo will be added to the register of other similar photos, where other users of this function can evaluate it.

In addition, you can use “ Photo show”

”, where coins are earned, with which
are valued
. This is a good way to meet people or just look at other people's photos if you're bored.

It is worth noting that in the last tab “ My Profile”

” you can see another statistics, namely
the number of
friends of guests and subscribers, and the ratio of boys and girls.

How to make a “trap” for guests

Among other things, “My Guests” has one rather funny and interesting feature, thanks to which you can find out exactly who visited your page. In the “ My Profile”

“there is a mode “”

For it to go into operation mode, you need to press the “ Activate”

”after which you will be given a link that you need to enter in the “
Personal site
” line in the page settings.
Now if a person clicks
on this link, you will certainly be notified that he visited your page. This mode is the most reliable and accurate.

Via VK

Most people know that information about your activity, preferences and discussions is stored under the heart icon at the bottom of the Instagram page. But we will not know about those who visited the page and did not take any action there. And this is a very important indicator, especially if you are promoting your business page. So let's move on.

An account on the social network “Vkontakte” will help us with this. If it is not there, then you need to start it urgently. In your profile, you should find the “Games” item and search for the word “PoiskVS”.

how to view guests on Instagram through the VKontakte application

The application works on a system for generating trap links. It captures everyone who clicks on a link that does not give itself away in any way. Installed and operated for free.

List of what else the application can show:

  • list of deleted subscribers;
  • list of inactive subscribers;
  • a list of those who clicked on a hidden trap link;
  • The list of visitors can be seen by clicking on the “Guests of your page” button.

The trap is created using a very simple system. In the application you need to find the “Manage Traps” button. Here you should copy the link to your Instagram profile and click on “Get link”. The finished link will differ only slightly: usually only the domain changes. For example, from .com to .ru or vice versa.

Now you need to go to your profile settings in VK. There is a “Personal Site” field there. The generated link should be placed in this field. Now everyone who visits your page will first follow this link. You will see this through the application interface.

If you have a question about how to connect Instagram and VK, then follow the link and read the article about it.

Alternative applications

There is also a similar application with analysis, which allows approximately the same capabilities as “My Guests”. We are talking about “ My guests and analysis”

”, here you can not only
guests and fans, but also carry out various checks.
For example, you can find out the level
of sympathy of specific friends, that is, understand how interested some people are in your page, how often they visit it and how often they like something.

If you are looking for a person with similar interests

, you can analyze your groups and the groups of this very person.
This way, without unnecessary work and wasting time, you can find out how much you have the same interests and what you can talk about. A very practical
function that can help if you are going to meet this person for the first time, but have absolutely no idea what to talk about.

Every modern social network has both advantages and disadvantages. For example, the disadvantage of the VKontakte site, beloved by many, is that the user cannot see who visited his page. However, the developers of many applications took this into account and created several programs that will help satisfy your curiosity. The fact is that today the so-called VKontakte guest trap is gaining particular popularity. Are you interested in what this is and how this resource works? Then the material in this article is for you!

Guests and fans

Despite the fact that the VK social network itself does not have the function of viewing page guests, anyone can download and install applications that will help them find out this information. However, you should understand that you will not be able to see everyone, only those who have been active on your page or fallen into a trap. So, going to the “My Applications” section, enter the name “My Guests and Fans”, then launch it. In the appropriate section you can, while doing some action. That is, if a person just came to you and left, he will not appear in the application, but if, say, he likes a photo, you will see him. Of course, this program cannot be called too informative, but it is still better than nothing.

Another similar application is called “My friends (connections, guests)”. It operates similarly to the previous one, differing only in the interface. Thus, as you already understood, with the help of these applications you will find out who came to visit you only if this user performs at least one active action.

Why is all this needed?

If we are talking about monitoring visitors to a private profile, then there is only one explanation - simple human curiosity or tracking the reaction of a particular user to his or her actions.

why follow guests on instagram

But this is not the reason why special applications and services are created.

For those who promote commercial pages on social networks, such indicators are very important. They help identify the weak points of SMM policy. Literally, this can be understood this way: a person looked for your page, found it and followed it, but not a single publication, not a single photo caught his attention! Ideally, you want him to like all the photos, subscribe and become an active fan of your page.

Find the My Guests app

To search for this service you need:

Important! If this item is not present then:

  • select My settings;
  • go to the General tab;
  • check the Applications box.
  • enter in the search bar: My guests;
  • choose the first one from all the proposals.


Once the required service has been found, you need to proceed to installing the application directly. It is worth noting that the installation takes place on the VK page, and not on a personal computer.

Important! Before launching, be sure to read the application rules and only if you agree, proceed to installation. The rules may state that your data will be used by third parties.

You must also allow access to:

Installation process:

  1. click on the “Launch application” button;
  2. wait for loading.

The following window will appear:

Like most services, this one has paid and free services. The latter are quite enough for the average user.

Setting up and viewing visitors

This stage is quite simple.


  1. select the guests section;
  2. indicate the period of interest for the search (day, week or month);
  3. Click on the “Guest List” button.

After loading, a list of visitors will appear.

In order to understand how to watch your guests again, it is enough to have simple knowledge of launching any VK application.

In the same menu list, located to the right of the avatar, there will be the name “My Guests”, or it will be in the application list itself.

Important! Such services show only those who performed some action on your page (click, like, etc.). If you just came in and left, it is impossible to see such a guest.

Precisely based on the fact that only an active visitor can be caught, it is necessary to stimulate him to that very action. To do this, this service offers to install a trap for VKontakte guests.

Simple steps:

  • in the running application, select “More guests”;
  • read the instructions and follow them.

As a rule, it is necessary:

Or post a Secret status on your wall; to do this, just click the Allow button and Confirm posting in the window that appears.

How does the trap work?

Video: VKontakte guests - how to find out

What are the ways to see guests on Instagram?

This is not to say that the guest viewing function is uniquely useful and convenient. Some people didn’t like her on Odnoklassniki. After all, in order to look at the profile of a person you know and remain unnoticed, you need to buy an “invisible” device. Perhaps due to disagreements, other social networks are in no hurry to implement it. Therefore, Instagram officially does not have such a privilege. Users can only guess about the guests based on other standard features - likes, comments.

Instagram, like many other social networks, does not provide a means to view account visitors. Some methods still allow us to find out the details we are interested in. But in fact, displaying data from a page is a rather complex process from the technical side. Therefore, you should not trust applications and browser extensions that promise you the desired function. When installing them, you can personally transfer the login/password into the wrong hands. After which it will no longer be possible to return the account.

Do you know what an Instagram business card is?

How to increase the number of guests

Another function is to increase visitors. Helps you quickly find friends, a soul mate, attract clients and customers, and simply become more popular.

This service gives:

  • up to 100,000 new profile visitors per day;
  • increase in subscribers;

All people who visit your page are included in the guest list. If you want to track their activity, you can use the “My Guests” application in VKontakte. With its help, you can collect all the necessary statistics, see who visited your page, and increase its popularity (see).

We need to add an application to our personal VK page. To do this, go to the “Applications” section, and in the search type “My guests”. The very first option on the list will be the option we need.

Click on the icon. A window should open with a full description and an offer to install. Click the “Launch application” button.

Let's look at the available options.

Standard ways to view guests on Instagram

It is best to use secure methods to obtain statistics on visits to Instagram. To do this, you do not need any applications or services, which are almost always fraudulent in this case. You can close your profile from views. Then others will need to add you as a friend to see all your profile photos.

All users can see visitors to their account through likes and, of course, comments. Even if your photo has been liked by a huge number of people, just click and see them all.

Instagram likes

The Visitors mobile application has become very popular on the Internet, which shows the number of visitors to an Instagram page. But today it was removed from all online stores for unknown reasons. New similar developments appear on the Play Market, but they all require money. There are no guarantees that we will get the desired result after payment. Therefore, you may use them at your own risk.

This may be useful: How to close an Instagram account.

How the application works my guests in contact

Viewing guests is the main function. So let's start right away with the Guests tab. Open it.


Here we will see a list of all users who recently visited our page (see). Unfortunately, it will not be visible what they were doing, the very fact of visiting us will simply be noted.

Pay attention to the list right away - there are two categories. Users who participate in the application on a paid basis are the first group. They appear at the top of the list. Due to this, you are guaranteed to see them, and you may be interested in viewing their page. This way they increase their popularity.

Their distinctive feature is the heart in the lower right corner of the photo. And the “Add as friends” link.

But immediately behind them are those users who are truly your guests. Under their avatar you can see the date and time when they visited your page.

If you click on their profile photo (see), you will go to their personal page. You can see if this person is interesting to you, comment on his photos (see), send messages, etc. (see).


You can purchase a paid membership on this tab.

This service works according to the following principle.

You pay for participation, and those users who use the application begin to show your profile on the “Guests” tab. We have already seen such an example in the previous step. If a person is interested in you, he can go to your page and add you as a friend. Nothing complicated.

The easiest way to start promoting is to buy a ready-made package. Open the tab, select the appropriate option, and click the “Buy” button.

The calculation is carried out using the internal currency of VKontakte - votes. We've already sorted it out.

If you are interested in more powerful promotion, it makes sense to configure the parameters of your target audience. Then your advertisement will be shown only to the category of users that you define.

Go to the “Manual configuration” tab. Here we configure each of the points:

  • Who to promote? You have the opportunity to order advertising for any user who is your friend. Or show your page
  • Decor . Specify what data you want to show next to your avatar
  • The most important thing is to choose the parameters of your target audience. Specify the gender, age and city of residence of the users to whom you want to show your advertising
  • Use the slider to determine the desired number of votes you are willing to spend. The number of impressions will be automatically calculated

You can sort the results by week, month, and for the entire time you used the application. The rating is simply shown in graphical format.

All about friends

On this tab you can see a small report about the activity of your friends.

A total of four reports are available:

My profile

On the last tab, you will be shown brief account statistics.

These seem to be all the current functions of the My Guests application. In addition, a short video review.

How to become a guest on Instagram yourself and visit others

Now let's talk about how to become a guest on Instagram. If we are talking about a person who visits other people’s pages, then everything is easy and simple. Essentially, you become a guest every time you go to someone's profile. There are no restrictions on this. If your account is open, come in, take a look, and if you like something, don’t hesitate to give it a “Like” rating or write a complimentary comment. You might also want to subscribe to this page.

Democratic Instagram is distinguished by its free rules. Even people who are not registered on the network will not have to think about how to become a guest on Instagram. They can view basic user information. All you have to do is type the name of the social network in any browser and add the name of the person you are interested in. And the search will return the desired page. Several photos will be visible, information that the user specified in the profile description, the number of subscribers and subscriptions. If this is not enough for you, you will have to log in to Instagram. After all, a guest without registration will not be able to like, comment, watch stories or subscribe.

Solution to the problem:

But, today a new, unique program has been created that will track all curious users! This program is called SearchBC. It will allow you to identify visitors to your page, not by likes, comments and posts, but in a slightly different way. Her job is to create false links to pages such as sprashivai.ru, ask.fm

and Instagram. And now all the most curious people who follow this link will be displayed on your screen.

Very often people come to your page who want to read your answers to their insidious anonymous questions, but no such luck, they will immediately fall into a trap. This program is very popular because it is quite effective. A link to a trap is indistinguishable from a regular link to your page.

To create such a fake link, you just need to enter it into the input field in the application and click the “Get Link” button. Then you simply place it on your wall or in a special field on VKontakte and wait. Very soon a considerable number of users will fall into your trap. And now you will know who visits your pages and when. So we wish you good luck in such a treacherous business!

"The Temptation Trap"

The gist of it is this: a certain user Z posts a “hot” photo with the obvious goal of attracting the attention of M. M—can be either a former or a current boyfriend. He may be the one who was active, but remained unanswered in the direct message . If everything is done correctly, the victim will be exhausted from thirst and will not be able to resist. So the victim falls into a trap and slides into the PM, ready for anything. P/S. The main thing is to serve everything with juice!

View this post on Instagram

They call it a thirst trap 'cos you serve it with juice #

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