How to create a test in VK: find out more about your friends!

Telegram channel Programmer and business. Every day there are interesting stories about how a programmer builds a business.

In this publication, we will look at VK tests - how this tool helps promote a group or public page. You'll learn how to create and add such content.

Benefits for advertising a VK page

So, what are the benefits of creating and publishing various questionnaires?

  1. The first thing that comes to mind is a cool tool for attracting the attention of visitors to your profile or community. Agree, the more interesting and varied the content on the page, the higher the chance that a person will want to subscribe to it. It would probably be superfluous to remind you that the more subscribers a group or public has, the more successful it is commercially.
  2. Testing is a great way to establish feedback with your audience and find out questions that interest you and theirs. Find out the strengths and weaknesses of a product or service, study the public, its needs, interests, expectations;
  3. Don't overlook the fact that this is a cool interactive entertainment tool. Many people like to dabble in various profiles, so why not give your profile visitors that kind of fun?
  4. Testing allows you to identify the needs of clients, as well as subtly remind them of the need to turn to your services;
  5. Using it, you can analyze the intelligence of the audience, its solvency and other parameters;
  6. Well, this tool allows you to create an interesting format for consulting a potential buyer. With the help of the questionnaire, a person will indicate his request most accurately, and you will be able to serve him with the highest quality. As a result, he will become your regular client, and, who knows, maybe he will bring two more!

How to add an application with tests on VKontakte to the community?

To start creating and publishing a test, you first need to go to the administered community and click on the “Manage” button under the avatar of this community.

Next, in the right menu, you need to go to the “Applications” tab and in the central part of the window click on the “Show all” button to display the full catalog of these applications.

In the drop-down list, find the application called “Tests” and click next to it on the “Add” button.

Next, a new pop-up window will open in which you need to mark with a blue circle the community where you want to add this application. In this case, several communities can be noted at once. When the marks are correctly placed, the user can click on the “Add” button.

How to create a test in VK?

Well, we hope we have convinced you, and you understand that it’s time to start doing tests for advertising in VK. Let's look at all the ways you can create them. To begin with, let us explain that there are 2 types of testing:

  1. A simple survey or vote;
  2. An extended test consisting of several questions and summing up.

Let's look at how to create and upload both types of tests to VK.

How to create a poll or poll?

Everything is very simple here; this option is one of the official tools for creating any post or message. You can create a poll in a group conversation, private conversation, wall, profile, or community.

The instructions are the same everywhere, we will tell you how to do this using the example of a post on the wall:

  • Enter any text in the microblog field, for example, “Poll”;
  • Click on the “More” link and select “Survey”;

  • Enter a topic, answer options, select a background;

  • Set the desired settings below and click “Publish”.

If you are interested in where to find this test in VK, just refresh the page with the wall. Any user (if you have not set anonymity settings) will be able to participate in the voting, and the percentage results will be updated in real time. No separate unloading is required. The option is available in VK both from a computer and from a phone.

How to create a detailed survey with results in VK?

As you understand, voting is a very simplified version of full testing. Therefore, next we will find out how to add a detailed test in a group and on a personal VK page. Since the tool is most often used for marketing purposes, it is logical to assume that owners of commercial communities are more interested in it.

So, how to create a test in a group, let's learn!

For this purpose you will need to use the services of a special application:

  • Open the main page of your group in VK and find the “Management” section on the right side;

  • Inside, look for the “Applications” block;

  • Select the “Tests” widget, click on the “Add” button;

  • Set visibility settings, enter the name of the utility and click “Save”;

  • Return to the community start page, find the new application and click on it;

  • Click on the “Application Settings” button;

  • Next, you need to press the “Create” button;

  • The next step is to choose the type of testing. We advise you to carefully read the explanations in each paragraph;

  • We chose the “With buttons” option (with each question the user will immediately see whether he answered correctly);
  • Press the “Create” button;
  • Enter the name and description of the test, insert an icon if necessary;

  • Next, you will need to create questions, answers to them and mark the correct option everywhere;

  • When you finish creating questions, there is a “Results” button on the left side of the window, click on it;

  • Here you need to distribute the number of points scored (the highest score is the number of questions) into categories and give a description of each.

  • When finished, press the “Save” button.

  • At the next stage, so that anyone can find your test in VK, you need to move the visibility slider to the “ON” position;
  • Ready! You have successfully created a detailed survey on your community page! Successful results!

Thus, you can create a test for friends and VKontakte subscribers about yourself or your product, place it in a group and quickly collect the necessary data.

Test as a tool for promoting a group on VKontakte

This category of content on VKontakte does not promote public pages, because it was conceived for a different purpose. The main task is to identify a person’s needs or remind them of existing problems.

Example: the psychology community launches a post with a survey “How to determine that depression is starting.” Based on the results (how many users are in the “risk group”), the next step is taken. For example, advertise the website of a specialized clinic. The effectiveness of direct advertising is significantly higher when knowing the needs of the audience than blindly posting a similar post.

How to create a full-fledged test in your personal VK profile?

Now you know how to do a test in a VK group, but what if you are an ordinary user who does not have a personal community? You will also have to use the services of a special application, for example, MegaTest.

  • Go to the “Games” section from the profile start page;

  • Through the search bar, find “MegaTest”;

  • To create a test, click “Run Application”;

  • Go to the editor and enter the code word - “GOD”;

  • Click on the “Add” button;

  • Next you need to fill out all the fields: title, description, insert a picture, create questions and answer options, fill out the “Results” column;

  • The final step is the “Download” button;
  • After checking, click the “Publish” button.
  • Done, you have managed to create a test.

You don’t have to summarize the results yourself; the applications will perform the necessary calculations themselves and familiarize participants with them. To upload the necessary data, in the testing settings, check the boxes in the “Send a message to the admin” sections for each answer or only for all correct answers.

In general, we recommend that you carefully study the settings of both applications - they have a very clear interface that is easy to understand.

The best tests on megatest

The app contains a huge number of different surveys with a variety of topics to choose from. The authors are usually VKontakte users. Mostly children and teenagers are interested in this activity, so the appendix presents all sorts of frivolous nonsense - for example, “Who are you in the Marvel universe” or “How well do you know anime.”

A huge plus is that absolutely any user is able to create content tailored to their own needs. To start creating, go to the editor (Tab next to the directory). The control word is GOD.

Illustration on the topic VK Tests: definition, creation, search, features

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