How to make money on VKontakte on your page and without it - really working methods

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merchant 08/12/2019 50165

VKontakte (VK, VK) today is one of the largest social networks in the world, whose traffic is confidently moving towards the mark of 100 million visitors per day.

VKontakte is not only a platform for communication and entertainment: it is a set of tools with which almost any user, from a schoolchild to a large businessman, can make money on the social network.

Let's try to figure out exactly how to make money in VK and what kind of income you can expect.

Earning money on your personal page

Let’s say right away that you won’t be able to make money on your page quickly and a lot. Moreover, you will have to create a fake account to protect your main profile from being blocked by the social network.

This type of earnings in VK is the simplest, but at the same time the least profitable. As a rule, the whole process of making money comes down to liking other posts, photos and videos.

Earning money from likes, reposts and joining groups

To do this, you need to register in one of the special exchanges, where advertisers use promotion to promote their communities. There you will have to like their advertising posts. To get started, select one or more services from the list: Cashbox, Forumok, Bosslike, V-like, Socialtools, VKserfing. Today there are a lot of such promotion services on social networks.

You can earn a maximum of 200-250 rubles per day in this way. As an example, we will show you how to make money from likes in the Bosslike service.

After registering and logging in to Bosslike, select the VKontakte social network in the menu on the left and go to the “All tasks” tab in the “Task Exchange” section. Here you will see a list of currently available tasks, for which you will be instantly awarded points.

Rice. 1. Completing tasks in the Bosslike promotion service

First of all, we recommend completing those tasks where you need to join a group or post a post. You shouldn’t start with reposts, so as not to litter your wall with low-quality content. A special SmartLike module will protect your account from completing tasks too quickly, creating temporary delays so that the social network does not respond to suspicious activity.

The points earned in this way can be spent on promoting your main (or fake) page, as well as promoting your VKontakte community. You can additionally earn money by inviting other users – referrals – to the service. This will significantly increase your income.

Points in the system can be exchanged for rubles and withdrawn to electronic wallets. In Bosslike, for example, 2000 points is 100 rubles, this amount is the minimum for withdrawal. You can make an exchange in the “Affiliate” section on the “Withdrawal” tab. Payments here occur automatically every two weeks on Mondays. As you can see, this way of earning money is very simple and easy, the only downside is that you won’t earn much this way.

Placing advertising posts on your page

This method of earning money in VK is more profitable than the previous option. If you have a well-developed account with a large number of subscribers/friends, and you often publish posts in a particular niche, then finding an advertiser willing to post an advertising post on your wall will not be difficult.

True, you will often have to refuse advertisers who work in a completely different niche or promote low-quality goods and services. Don't neglect the trust of your readers.

A personal VKontakte page can be a good help for your business. For example, if you offer some services (copywriting, manicure, legal advice, etc.) or sell handmade crafts, you can significantly expand your customer base. Today, all people with money have mobile gadgets, traffic from such devices in most niches is already ahead of desktop traffic, and these people are ready to pay you for your services.

Method number 2: your public VK

The obvious, but most difficult way to make money in VK without investments. Close to impossible. The competition in every niche is too high; simply creating a public page “the boy was on his way to success” and posting “clear” quotes there, or starting a group “Overheard *City*” and making millions will not work.

In order to start making money on a VKontakte group, you just need awesome content. Interesting, useful, fast. The average duration of viewing a wall post is 20 seconds. During this time, you must have time to convey all the information. This imposes serious restrictions on the topics of posts. An ideal VK group in 2019 should consist of bright graphic content and infographics. Do you want to publish something? Wrap it in a colorful wrapper, otherwise the potential reader will see a wall of text and miss it. These are the realities.

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Commercial information on promotion and monetization of the VK group

  • Every 100 subscribers in a group add approximately 1 ruble to the cost of advertising. In entertainment topics it is even lower, you need to look at the audience, if there are more than 50% of minors, the cost of advertising should be divided at least in half
  • A public with 10,000 live participants can sell each commercial publication for 100 rubles
  • Attracting one subscriber costs 3-4 rubles. 10,000 live subscribers will cost 30,000 - 40,000 rubles
  • For investments in such a group to return, you need to sell advertising 300 - 400 times. If you do this 2 times a day, the payback will come in 5-6 months

It would seem like an excellent investment, a ready-made VK business with a payback period of six months. But no. I'm not counting the cost of content in these calculations. To publish advertisements on VKontakte twice a day, you need to make at least 8 useful posts. Otherwise, you will have to place ads half as often and, accordingly, double the payback period and publish 3-4 content posts for a whole year without the slightest profit. Hard work for your own money.

In general, as you already understand, making money on VKontakte public is not a goldmine. If you come up with a niche where you can rip out batches of cheap, interesting, viral content, you will be in chocolate. Otherwise, you'll just waste time and money.

A few gray things

Everything described above refers to the “white” way of making money, when you simply create a cool project that is useful to readers and receive profit from advertisers. There are other schemes that are absolutely legal, but can harm karma. I will give three mini-cases to understand how the gray side of making money on VKontakte works.

Please take them as information for thought in your own development of profitable schemes for making money in VK, and not a direct guide to action.

VK groups “for adults”

  1. We register in any affiliate program where there are advertisers of dating sites (dating offers).
  2. We go to any exchange where you can buy a ready-made VKontakte group. Two important criteria: - Number of subscribers; — “White” theme: cats, dogs, jokes, whatever.
  3. Select a group of 10,000 users. You can buy one for 3000 - 5000 rubles. If all the people live there are bots, that’s even better.
  4. Open wordstat
    , type in any query on an “adult” topic, and see how many people search for it per month. We have a decent website here, so I won’t give examples, you’ll figure it out for yourself.
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