V-Like: review of earnings and promotion on v-like.ru

Good day to everyone who has gathered at their computer monitors! Today we will continue to understand the variety of projects for making money on social networks. Imagine a situation in which you, as a new entrepreneur, are actively looking for a place to sell your product. Unfortunately, you do not have the opportunity to open a store or purchase a trading stall at the market, since this requires a relatively large investment. What to do in this case? Of course, go to the Internet ! In order for your sales to be successful, the community in which you operate to be popular and noticed by search engines, you need to work on promoting your selling page.

With the v like markup service, earnings from your sales will grow by leaps and bounds. In addition, this project will always allow you to earn extra money on your pages on social networks and provide yourself with a stable additional income. Let's talk about where to start working with the exchange and how to make friends with it right now!

A little about the service

To give you an idea of ​​the v like service, I think it’s worth making a short excursion into its history and discussing a little functionality. Vlike appeared on the market back in 2012 . In just 4 years, the service managed to gather a huge number of users who began to actively promote their commercial projects using the exchange or simply make money by getting likes, reposts and other indicators of popularity on social networks. As of today, 937,758 users are registered on the site and over 5 million rubles have been paid. It follows from this that vlike is a truly reliable, stable and solvent project that allows you to earn real money.

According to many users, Vlike ru is a service with almost the best conditions for making money. Many advertisers note that the exchange provides only high-quality order fulfillers, strictly monitors their execution and has an uncompromising attitude towards overly spammed accounts - immediately freezes them until the performer clears the wall in his profile of a huge number of advertising entries.

Get started with v-like

A brief overview of the V-Like website with a description of its features and capabilities

V-Like is a classic exchange for social promotion on the Internet. It is one of the first of its kind (at least in RuNet) and has continued to function stably since 2012. To date, over 1.3 million people are registered on it, who have successfully withdrawn more than 15 million rubles from the project.

The V-Like service actively operates through two categories of users:

  • The first category is advertisers. They create different types of tasks to promote their social profiles and, for a monetary fee, order the required number of subscribers, likes and other activity;
  • the second category is ordinary workers who registered on the project with the goal of earning money through accounts on social networks. They carry out advertisers' tasks and receive fair payment for it.

The service administration is a kind of connecting link that controls the fairness of each operation within the project.

It’s worth noting right away that with the help of the V-Like project you can earn money even without any special skills or experience in making money on the Internet. All you need is just a desire and an account on one or another social network, or better yet, on all of them at once to get maximum profit. Interested? Then start reviewing the instructions for working with the project.

Instructions for earning money

I want to say right away that earnings from the project can be considered additional rather than main. Only a few manage to squeeze out of such services amounts that would allow them to live comfortably. However, do not rush to give up , because you will still be able to “find out” a little money on the site to adjust your own budget, top up your mobile phone or pay for the Internet.


To get started, you will need to log in to the site. Registration on v like as such is not provided. To get started, simply log into the service through the VKontakte page. To do this, on the main page of the site, click on the huge “ Log in via VKontakte ” button and start completing tasks.

Advertisers and performers

Immediately after authorization, you will see a black working panel at the top of the window that opens in front of you. We are only interested in two tabs – “ Advertiser ” and “ User ”. The first one will be of interest to those who are puzzled by the problem of how to promote a VK page on their own. Here you can promote your projects - accounts, communities, public pages, etc. for a reasonable fee and in the shortest possible time. Those who, on the contrary, are interested in how to make money from a contact on their page without any investments will have to go to the “ User ” tab.

Registration in the system

Click on the window in the center of the screen.

First, you need to read the rules for staying on this portal and confirm your agreement with all the available points.

To receive payments to your account, it is important to provide payment information.

The next step is to clarify the email to further complete the assigned tasks.

Confirm your address by clicking on the link attached to the message sent to you by the site administration.

Receive the following notification and take the specified action.

Now you become a full member of “V-like” and can start working directly.

Types of tasks

In order to start earning money through social networks v like, just click on the “ User ” button, go to this section and get acquainted with the new menu, which is directly related to receiving additional income. From the first seconds of getting acquainted with this menu, we clearly understand that there are exactly 5 options for making money on Vlike, and we can get rich not only with the help of our beloved VKontakte, but also in alternative ways.

I bring to your attention a brief overview of the most popular types of tasks that the service offers us to complete:

Joining VKontakte communities

All that is required of you is to become a subscriber to a certain group, and then confirm the fact of your membership in it. Confirmation occurs automatically and literally instantly.

The minimum cost of one such task is 5 kopecks. 20 kopecks to join a group on Vlike.ru .


Many users of cheating services are interested in how to make money from likes on VK. Everything is quite simple: all you have to do is like the profiles of certain users and rate informational posts and posts with “hearts”. For VK likes, newcomers to the service are paid 5 kopecks . However, the cost of completing such tasks doubles immediately after you perform the first activity in the project.

Subscribe and add as friends

For adding new users to your friends list, you will be paid 10 kopecks for each friend . Unfortunately, the list of potential friends is updated slowly, and therefore literally after the first 40-50 kopecks earned, this gold mine will dry up.

Subscribe to YouTube channels

To complete such tasks, you will need to create your own account on YouTube by linking your Google profile. Click “Login” , enter your Google account login and password. Next, on the Vlike website, click “Link account”

After this, you can begin fulfilling orders for watching videos and subscribing to channels. For each such subscription you will receive 15 kopecks to your account

Subscriptions to pages on Instagram

These are the most expensive tasks, for which they pay 30 kopecks apiece.
This is due to the fact that this order section was formed relatively recently, and therefore the Vlike administrator needs to attract users to work in this category as quickly as possible. The principle of operation here is the same as everywhere else: add your account on Instagram, subscribe to pages and receive money.

Registration on v-like.ru

  1. To register, you need to go to the main page of v-like.ru.
  2. Next, click the “Log in via VKontakte” button.

  3. We will be asked to consent to access the special application page. Enter your username and password to log in to VKontakte and click on the “Login” button.

  4. The page for the personal account of the v-like.ru service will open in front of us. All registrations are completed.

A few tips that will allow you to increase your earnings in Contact on V-Like

I am sure that many of you are familiar with the principle of operation of services for boosting and earning money online, and therefore are interested in how to increase your earnings from this activity. I bring to your attention several simple but very effective ways that will allow you to significantly increase your income on the vlike service :

  • Before you start, create a separate account for yourself on each social network with which you will interact. This way you can protect your space from strangers. Remember that work and personal life are two categories that should not come into contact. Considering that to make money on social networks you will have to regularly share a lot of posts with your friends, join all sorts of groups, most of which will simply be uninteresting to you, it makes sense to protect yourself from unnecessary information by simply VKontakte profile
  • Don't rush to leave the group, which you entered immediately after the money entered your account. Since Vlike system administrators regularly check whether you retain membership in a particular community, such fraud may result in your work account being placed on a ban list. To protect yourself from blocking, don't be lazy not only do not leave the community, but also show minimal activity in it: write a comment or like some post

  • Since most tasks appear at the beginning of each hour, maximize your earnings by making it a habit to start working on the service at the beginning of a new hour . This way you can complete more tasks and, as a result, get more money
  • Don't neglect the issue of security : install a good antivirus on your computer, which will be especially useful when you start watching videos on YouTube. The fact is that often before the video starts playing, completely third-party pages are opened on the computer, which are often carriers of malicious software. To protect your working tool from all these “diseases” and “infections”, install an antivirus
  • If you plan to earn money on several accounts in the service at once, then you will need to use different computers with a VPN connection or proxy server . The thing is that the site administration strictly verifies the activity of profiles by the IP address of the machine from which the activity is performed. If you are caught fraudulently with your accounts, you will immediately find yourself on the project’s ban list. Conclusion : you cannot perform tasks from several accounts from one IP address on one social network

How to complete the VK task and get money

  1. Log in to your v-like.ru personal account using your VKontakte page.
  2. Go to the “VK Entries” tab.
  3. You will see a current task that you can complete and earn money.
  4. Click on the "Run" button.

  5. A group or community will open before us. Let’s join it - to do this, just click on the “Join” button.

  6. The message “You are in a group” should appear.

  7. Next, close the page and return to the open v-like.ru tab. Click on the “Confirm” button.

  8. We are glad that the money has been credited. All money earned goes to our balance.

  9. We proceed to the next task as desired. Tasks for making money on v-like.ru appear every day, so you need to regularly log into your personal account and check if any work has appeared yet.

Affiliate program

The last and sixth option for making money on the service is participation in its affiliate program. So, for attracting performers and advertisers to the project, you will receive a percentage of their income or expenses, respectively. For example, if you involve a performer in a project, the service returns you up to 10% of the amount of his earnings . If an advertiser becomes your referral, then you can count on 5% of the amount of his expenses on the advertising campaign.

Withdrawing funds from the V like service

When we have accumulated a certain amount of money in the account, we can withdraw it.

To do this, in the “User” section, open the “Cabinet” tab. Here in the menu, find and click on the “Withdraw” link

A pop-up window will appear telling you that your page must comply with the rules. Check if this is the case and make the necessary changes if necessary. Then click the “My page complies with the rules” button.

Then you need to fill out the form. Specify the amount you want to withdraw and your wallet. Then click the "Confirm" button.

After this, you need to wait until the money arrives in your account.

Withdrawal of funds

Well, now I propose to talk about the most pleasant thing - money. I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that on Vlike only the payment history, information about the state of your balance, and wallets for withdrawal are clearly recorded. From this we can draw a completely logical conclusion that, unlike other promotion services, the functionality is quite limited.

To withdraw funds earned in the project, you will need to have at least 15 rubles . You can get this money in several ways:

  • transferring to the ruble electronic wallet WebMoney
  • Yandex-Money wallet
  • transfer to your mobile phone . In this case, the minimum withdrawal amount should be 50 rubles

As soon as you make the first request to receive a payment, the tab with the withdrawal history will be updated in your personal account on the service. Typically, withdrawals take 14 days , during which time all your hard-earned money will be credited to your account. Delays in service may be due to some holidays. If you have any problems earning money, I advise you to contact the service administrator using the online chat .

How to withdraw money from v-like.ru

  1. We go to the “Account” tab, under the inscription “My Wallets” you need to indicate the account numbers to which the money will be received.

  2. Next, click “Output”. Enter the amount you are going to withdraw and select a wallet.

  3. A window will appear in front of us. We carefully read the terms and conditions and click “My page complies with the rules.”

  4. Next, select the wallet for payment and the amount you want to withdraw. Click “Confirm”.

  5. Within 14 days, the administration will check your page and withdraw money manually.

You can withdraw money from Vlaik.ru to WebMoney, Yandex Money or to your mobile phone account. In the first two cases, we need to have only 15 rubles. For a telephone, this amount increases to 50 rubles.

The promotion exchange v-like.ru, unlike many others, pays its employees well and gives them the opportunity to withdraw even small amounts. You can make money on v-like.ru from 1 social network account, but not much. Attracting referrals can change the situation. To do this, you need to use the service’s affiliate program and start attracting people using your affiliate link.

If you use several accounts to make money on v-like.ru, the situation changes dramatically. Depending on their number, you can vary your daily income. As for advertisers, this exchange is a good way to promote your project. Since the administration does not withdraw money to openly fake pages, you can be sure that such cheating will not arouse suspicion among the administration of social networks.

If you have any questions about making money on v-like.ru or you want to leave your review about the exchange, write it in the comments.

Ways to promote your social networks

Those of you who are puzzled by the problem of how to make money on your VKontakte group can take advantage of the help of the Vlike service and significantly succeed in promoting your project. To do this, you just need to go to the “ Advertiser ” tab and select a strategy for developing your community. To do this, you simply decide on the type of actions you need to promote, fill out the required fields in the online form, attach a link to the page for promotion and “ Create ” the campaign.

Considering that the service strictly monitors its performers and does not allow “dogs” among them, you don’t even have to worry about the quality of promoting your personal VKontakte group on your own.

Tasks for advertisers

Among the tasks and social networks available for ordering, Vlike offers advertisers the following options:

  • Buying subscribers to VKontakte groups and Instagram profiles
  • Cheat likes and subscribers on Vkontakte and Facebook

  • Increasing the number of views and subscriptions to the YouTube

The cost of completing it will depend on the type of task chosen:

  • for 1 like (follower) on Facebook you will have to pay 85 kopecks
  • on VKontakte the cost of a like will be slightly lower - for 10 hearts you need to pay 2 rubles
  • one VKontakte subscriber will cost you 60 kopecks
  • for one follower on Instagram you will have to pay 75 kopecks

In principle, prices can be considered more than acceptable, and therefore Vlike should be used as a platform for promoting your projects.

A few words about social promotion. networks using V-Like

If you are interested in effective promotion and promotion of a social page, then go to the “Advertiser” section. Using the V-Like service, you can increase the following activity in one or another social network. networks:

  • VK – subscribers to the group/public, friends to the page, likes, reposts;
  • Instagram – likes, subscribers to the page;
  • YouTube – likes, channel subscriptions;
  • Telegram – channel subscriptions.

In each category of tasks you will find all the necessary information about the cost of these services. It is also possible to monitor the statistics of each campaign.

The service for VK groups – “Group support with likes” – deserves special attention. By adding your social group, you will receive a random number of likes or likes + reposts (within the selected range) for all new posts. This will maintain the visibility of activity on the page without the need to add each post separately. This is very convenient and not all projects have such a function.

It's also important to note that with V-Like you get really high-quality executions from live profiles (or at least those that make that appearance). The fact is that the administration carefully monitors the profiles of performers so that they comply with the prescribed rules. So your money spent on promotion will be 100% justified.

Similar services for additional income and promotion

To maximize your income from working with promotion services, I advise you not to limit yourself to working with v-likes alone, but also consider the following as platforms for work:

  • Vktarget is one of the simplest and easiest-to-use projects, which is distinguished by strict requirements for user working profiles. If you decide to make money on this site, you will have to work hard to promote your page on the social network
  • Vkserfing is a specialized platform that works exclusively with the VKontakte network. It is good because it offers users a huge variety of fresh tasks every day, and also supports a fairly generous affiliate program, holds contests and promotions in which you can win real money
  • Qcomment.ru is a multifunctional platform that is designed for SMM and SEO. Daily update of tasks allows you not to worry about earning money
  • Likesrock is one of the most modern services that pays for work in euros. Unfortunately, it has a rather meager range of withdrawal methods, but it captivates with a huge number of tasks and social networks

How to connect accounts to earn money

  1. Your VKontakte account is connected to the v-like.ru service during registration and is used to log into your personal account. There is no need to perform any additional actions with it. Therefore, earning money from completing VKontakte tasks is immediately available to all users. You can start earning money immediately after registration; to do this, you need to select and complete any available tasks. For example, like or join a group.
  2. YouTube — go to the “YouTube Subscriptions” tab and click on the long link.

    A new window will open asking for permission to access your Google account. We agree and that’s it, you can start earning money.

  3. Instagram – go to the “Instagram Subscriptions” tab and click on the “Click on this link” button to begin the process of linking your Instagram page to your v-like profile. After this, a new window will also open for us, in which we allow access to the account.

My review

Having studied a lot of positive reviews about vlike, and having become acquainted with the capabilities of this service personally, I am ready to give it my own verdict. Overall, the site is quite simple and easy to use . The money is credited to your account instantly, you just need to complete the task. There are no problems with payments. I was very pleased with the loyalty of the project administration . In addition to Vkontakte, the service also cooperates with such platforms as Instagram and YouTube, which can undoubtedly be considered an advantage of the site. If we talk about the weaknesses of the project, then I would include a limited number of tasks here. To provide yourself with sufficient volumes of work, you will have to find several more sites for yourself. Scrolling through the pages of my blog, you will definitely find several suitable options for yourself. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you spend a little more of your time and study other articles dedicated to services for making money on the Internet. Be sure that you will not be left without tasks .

If we consider vlike from the point of view of an advertiser, then an adequate price/quality ratio for promoting accounts on VKontakte, Instagram and YouTube can be considered an undoubted advantage. In addition, I want to pay tribute to the minimum number of “dogs” on the service and note that all tasks are performed by living people . To sum up all of the above, I can safely put this service in the top at the moment in the CIS.

Get started with v-like

At the end of today’s review, I just want to remind you that making money on promotion services requires not only high-quality completion of tasks, but also quantitative ones . Don’t be lazy to study alternative projects, get acquainted with new platforms and work on several exchanges at once. Read my reviews on projects that allow you to make money on pages on social networks, and form your own springboard for generating additional income. Good luck in your endeavors, and see you soon!

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Account preparation

When you go to your user account, you will be asked to confirm your wallet for withdrawal. Three options are available:

  • Webmoney
  • Yandex money
  • Mobile phone account

Select the option that suits you and enter the number in the appropriate field.

Then click the "Confirm" button.

You will also be asked to confirm your agreement with the rules of the system. Do it. After all the preparatory steps, you can start earning money.

Standard Likee window

If you click on the profile icon, you can see all the information about your Like account and edit it, namely:

  • Number of subscriptions and subscribers (people who see your videos and people whose videos you watch),
  • “My Video” section (your videos in the public domain and private),
  • Personal messages from users,

  • Wallet function is available only if you link your profile on Google, VK or other social networks,
  • Level and privileges. The higher the level, the more unique stickers, emojis, and filters will be available.
  • “My hashtags” will allow you to create your own tags and participate in competitions for the best of them,
  • Invite friends function
  • Rating for Russia or other countries of the world.

So, Like is a service that allows you to create video clips or even films using your phone or computer. Today, Like is one of the most popular applications for creating and editing videos, designed to interact with the world through videos. Like was developed by a company from Singapore, BIGO TECHNOLOGY, specializing in broadcasting and editing videos. The application offers the function of meeting famous video bloggers; you can also subscribe to them and leave comments on their creative projects.

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