How to find a job on VKontakte? Groups and public pages with vacancies

How to put your place of work in VK

Today we will tell you how you can add, remove or change a place of work on VKontakte, and we will also reveal the secret of how you can set a group as a place of work on VKontakte. Many people use social networks as advertising for their main activity. The social network Vkontakte is no exception. For these purposes, groups or thematic communities are created. Some people use personal pages as business profiles; for this, on the main page they indicate their type of activity in the “Place of work” column. For example, “Lawyer of BusinessGroup LLC” or “Custom wedding paraphernalia”. For these purposes, the request “how to indicate your place of work in VK” is more than relevant. This article will answer the reader’s questions:

How to put your place of work in VK

Contents of the article (navigation)

First, you need to go to the website and log in by entering your username and password. This is followed by a transition to the user’s personal page, and the main profile page opens. You need to follow the “edit” link, which is displayed under the user’s photo.

In the menu on the right, select the “Career” category from the sections:

A window will then appear, the items of which must be filled out. In the “Place of work” line, indicate the name of the organization where you work. Fill in the fields:

When all lines are completed, click on the “Save” button and the changes on the page will be saved. On the main page of the profile, the place of work and all the data that was mentioned in the paragraphs when filling out will be indicated.

How to delete a VKontakte page - step-by-step guide

Have a wonderful time of day, friends!

Not long ago, the blog talked about registering in VK. Continuing the topic, I want to share all the methods known today on how to delete a VK page. This can be done either via phone or from a desktop PC or laptop.

Why do people delete the page?

The reasons why you need to get rid of your profile on one of the most popular social networks can be different. Here is a basic list of why people delete their page:

  • desire to control the time spent on the Internet;
  • someone decides to make a “clean start” in life and gets rid of the accumulated “junk” of their old profile;
  • there is a pure calculation when many business pages simply become unnecessary.

How to delete a VKontakte page from a PC?

Whatever your reasons, deleting a page from your computer is now fairly easy. There are several options, and I want to point out that choice matters. The significant difference is in the timing when your data will be deleted from the system, and your number and email will become available for a new link.

Direct method (official)

The VKontakte user agreement gives each user the right to leave at any time. Using it, we can see that the service kindly provides time for reflection.

The period is 7 months, but keep in mind that your data will remain in the database for about another year. Only after this the page will be permanently deleted.

That is, re-registration under the same number and mail will not be available very soon.


Step 1. From the profile that we are going to delete, go to “Settings”, click on the “General” tab.

Step 2. At the very bottom of the page we find the entry: “You can delete your page.” We click on it.

Or simply paste the following link into the address bar: .com/settings?act=deactivate.

Step 3. We look at the menu that opens - we are asked to indicate the reason for deletion. It doesn’t matter what exactly you indicate, it is needed solely for statistics.

Interesting things in this field: the “Tell friends” checkbox. VK also gives us the opportunity to choose which words to delete the page with. You can ignore everything by selecting “Other reason” and silently “Delete page”.

Now we see, when logging in with our usual login and password, the date and the “restore your page” link. If you click on it, the period will reset to zero and you will again have 7 months.

Important: when deleting in this way, all posts, likes, marks, in other words, all traces of your presence on the network will remain forever with the name under which the deletion is carried out. If it makes a difference, try changing the name before deleting the page and linking a different number.

An obvious advantage of the official route: within the allotted time, you can return and restore access with all data intact.

Indirect methods

For those who are ready to consider a different method of removal than that offered by VK developers, there are a couple more viable and effective ideas. Unofficial methods make the process much faster. Therefore, if you are confident in your decision, there is plenty to choose from.

The fastest way

Using this 5-step instruction, you can clear your credentials in 1 to 3 months (no one can tell you the exact time, since this method is not official).

Step 1. Through your account settings, go to the “Privacy” section.

Step 2. In the “My Page” section, opposite each parameter, set “Only me”.

Step 3. A little lower in the “Contact me” section, put “Nobody”.

Step 4. Below, opposite the parameter “Who can see my page on the Internet”, make “Only VKontakte users”.

Step 5. Log out of your account and don’t log into it again.

Thus, the profile is reset and the system will soon get rid of it. To speed up the process, you can manually delete friends, posts, photos and personal data, but this is not necessary. Especially if you have more than 1,000 friends and hundreds of photos.

Within a month, you are guaranteed to get your old page back. But keep in mind that if you continue to visit it regularly, no one will delete it.

Linking new data

Do you want to know how to remove yourself from a contact completely and irrevocably? More on this below.

  1. Follow all steps from the previous instructions.
  2. Hide your date of birth and remove personal information.
  3. Link a new email and unlink the old one.
  4. Buy a new SIM card and link your profile to this number.
  5. Change the password to a random set of letters and numbers that cannot be reproduced.
  6. All that remains is to exit your profile and throw away your SIM card. Even with a great desire, it will be impossible to restore access.

Removal time is also from 1 to 3 months.

Become an undesirable person

A way, so to speak, for rebels and hooligans. I present it purely for information, without recommending action, solely for completeness of information.

It is to achieve blocking by violating the rules - spam, intrusive advertising, insults, extremist calls and altercations with users, agitation and calls for the overthrow of the existing government, posting adult materials in the public domain. In a word, what is enough for your imagination?

It is worth considering that blocking occurs quickly, most often forever, that is, without restoration and the right to re-register under the same data.

How to delete a VKontakte page from your phone?

Only the official method of oblivion from the VKontakte developers is available from the phone. In a regular mobile application, you won’t be able to use it to delete your account. Both on Android and in the case of iOS (iPhone), you will need to use any browser and do this in the mobile version of the VK website.

We go into the settings, we see the same menu that is on a laptop or PC. We perform the same algorithm:

  1. “Settings” – “General” tab.
  2. At the bottom of the page, click on the button: “You can delete your page.”
  3. We select the reason, whether we want to tell our friends and click “Delete”.

Deleting a deceased person's account

A situation may arise when you have to resolve an issue with a profile that belonged to a deceased relative or close friend. How to delete someone else's page? It is usually removed using official documents.

This is a passport proving the relationship (since only relatives have the right to decide the fate of the account) and a death certificate. No problems should arise in such cases; the removal time is minimal.


Deleting pages on social networks is a personal matter for everyone. My main advice for you is, friends, approach this process consciously. Completely deleting a profile is not a problem. But it will be unpleasant if you suddenly remember that important information, a necessary photo or some kind of work contact remains in the correspondence.

But if this happens, first of all take a look at the instructions for restoring a deleted VKontakte page. Perhaps the information will be useful and will help you out.

Good luck and success, dear readers!


How to put your place of work in VK

In the “Place of work” line, indicate the name of the organization where you work. Fill in the fields:

  1. “Year of start of work”;
  2. "A country";
  3. "City";
  4. “Year of end of work” (if you no longer work in your previous place);
  5. "Job title".

When all lines are completed, click on the “Save” button and the changes on the page will be saved. On the main page of the profile, the place of work and all the data that was mentioned in the paragraphs when filling out will be indicated.

If you need to insert a link to a group or community where you are advertising an activity in the “work” column, in the “Place of work” item you should enter the name of this group; the required group that you need to select will appear in the drop-down list. Then enter information about the country, city, position and start date.

Don't forget about the "Save" button. On the main profile page, friends and users will be able to see a link to the group in the “Place of work” column and follow it.

Deleting VKontakte documents

You can verify this by following a special direct link, provided that the “Documents” section in the main menu is deactivated: .

Despite this, it is still recommended to enable this block for more convenient switching between site pages.

Hover your mouse over the file you want to delete. Click on the cross icon with the “Delete document” tooltip in the right corner.

For some time or until the page is refreshed, you are given the opportunity to restore the just deleted file by clicking on the corresponding “Cancel” link.

How to indicate your place of work in VK () 2020

And you don’t have to be the admin of this group to do this!

To assign a group to work as a place of work you must:

  • If the user is not subscribed to a group, then you can specify it as a place of work by indicating its name in the “Place of Work” field, and VK will automatically find it and offer it as an option.
  • In this case, the user will automatically be offered a list of groups to which he is subscribed. You just need to select the one you need and click on the “Save” button;
  • Go to the editing section of the VK page in the “Career” tab and place the mouse cursor in the “Place of work” field;

This is how you can make a VK group a place of work!

Our readers can also find out! Also, a number of users are interested in how to indicate their place of work in VK from their phone.

How to remove a place of work in contact

Now the Place of work in Contact will be indicated in the basic information section of your page. After you save the changes, the link to the public page or community will be displayed in the “Career” column.

The column will contain information about the name of your public or group and an avatar. If you hover your mouse over the photo, you can see the community tooltip. Just as usual, you can enter in the place of work column the name of the enterprise, company or institution in which you work, even if they do not have their own VKontakte community.

As already mentioned, the place of work where you work will contain basic information about the VKontakte user. Now on VKonatk there is no reminder that the social network was created for those who studied at elite universities.

Previously, even if you were the head of a large company, the place of study was more significant for network users and was indicated in tooltips and friends lists.

How to remove a place of work on VK

Removing a place of work in VK is not difficult. To do this, go to the main profile page and follow the “Edit” link. Select “Career” from the menu on the right. A window opens in which information about the place of work is saved. Click on the “X” next to the line “Place of work” and be sure to click the “Save” button when the message “This entry will be deleted after saving the changes” appears. If you have any doubts about deleting, you can use the “Do not delete” button.

How to change your place of work on VK

Everything is very simple! Go to the page editing section, which is under the profile photo. The algorithm of actions is the same as when deleting a place of work from a profile page. After deleting the information, a window appears with an empty place of work; the “Career” menu items can be filled in again. It is also possible to add another place of work. To do this, in the “Career” window, click “+ Add another job.” We fill out information about the second place of work. Don't forget to click "Save". Ready!

We hope that the feature article helped to understand the problem of “how to set a place of work in VK.” After all, success in any activity begins with a competent advertising strategy, and indicating a place of work or a link to a group/thematic community is the first small step in disseminating information about a business or activity among friends and family. Don’t forget about friends of friends on VKontakte, who may become your first potential clients. We wish you good luck if you are just starting the path of success and if you have been following it for a long time!


Install using a computer

In order to set up a place of work via a browser on your computer you will need:

  1. Click on your name at the top left
  2. Select "Edit"
  3. On the right select “Career”

How to put a place of work in VK

  • In the point of choosing a place of work, indicate the enterprise group (there exists), if not, then you can create a group yourself.
  • Indicate the city, country, year of start of work
  • If necessary, indicate the position
  • You can also specify a second place of work by clicking on “Add another place of work”
  • Click "Save"

  • This is what the completed settings for a place of work in VK look like

How to indicate your place of work on your VKontakte page

If the user fills out all the information in his profile, this will give him some privileges. For example, pages that have all the information completely filled out have a higher ranking and will appear closer to the top in searches. Now we will look at how to fill out one of the sections - place of work on VKontakte.

So, to indicate your place of work, click on your avatar in the upper right corner and select the “career” section. In this section there is an item “specify the company”.

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By clicking in the “specify company” column, a list of groups to which you are subscribed will appear. You can select the group of your company in which you work. If you are the owner of your own group, then you can also choose it, and this will even be an additional way of promotion, since your friends and page visitors can follow this link and subscribe to your community. If you want to select a group that you are not subscribed to, enter its name in the line. In addition, you can choose more than one place to work. Below there is a tab “add another job”. By clicking on this tab, you will be given the opportunity to select another group in the same way as the first.

How to register a VKontakte group after setting up?

Finally, you have completed the setup - this is an important step in the proper functioning of the group and its interaction with potential clients.

When you have done everything according to the above instructions, you should have a clear idea of ​​what information the group should convey and how.

To summarize, here's what we had to do during the setup period:

  1. Connect and correctly write a greeting in messages to the community
  2. Add address and opening hours
  3. Add links to the right group menu
  4. Set up comments section
  5. Set up all sections of the group
  6. Add 2 discussions: “Reviews” and “Q&A”
  7. Create photo albums and video albums in your theme
  8. Add “products” and create product collections
  9. Sign the “Contacts” section.
  10. Decide on an application through which we will interact with the audience (and others, if necessary)
  11. Customize menu
  12. Prepare the most complete description of the community
  13. Customize action button
  14. Write a status with a call to call or open the application

And only now, knowing the entire set of necessary information, can you go to the designer and give him technical specifications (I repeat that the first time there is a high probability of needing a rework, so it is better to do it yourself or from an inexpensive designer):

  • Logo (company name and type of activity)
  • Cover (with a call for a specific action)
  • Menu design (number of menu items and text on them)
  • Product collections (number of product collections and text on them)
  • Design of photo albums (number of albums and text on them)
  • Post style (company name, header space)

I wish you success in setting up and designing communities.

Let's move on to the next important step. We have prepared the group: it is ready to welcome new visitors, it has become understandable and convenient for them.

How can you now direct visitors to the group?

Adding groups to the “place of work” section

Also, when adding a place of work, you can indicate the country and city of this company, as well as the position you hold. If you are still working for that company, you can indicate the year you started working there. However, if this is a previous place of employment, you can also indicate the year it ended. Thanks to this, after a while, your former colleagues will be able to easily find you in a people search engine. When completing the settings, click on the “save” tab.

Additional workplace settings

After you add your place of work, a tab for this group will appear on your page. If I click on this tab, the user will be able to go to this group.

In addition, now other users who see you in their friends list, or in the main people search list, will be able to immediately see where you work.

Methods No. 1 – No. 3

Searching for users by position is the hottest target audience.

Users usually indicate their position, but they can write it in a variety of places:

  • In the Position
  • In your Status
  • Or even in the First Name or Last Name

This is what users who came from another social network used to do. You can also test this hypothesis in your niche.

Now we’ll find out how to find target audience for a certain profession on VKontakte.

  • Go to the Search tab > Users > Key phrase
  • We set three tasks: by Position , Status and First Name + Last Name
  • In the input data we enter a keyword, for example, psychologist
  • Give the exact name of the task
  • Launch the parser

How to find people of a certain profession in VK: 11 tricky waysWe are looking for people by Position , Status , First Name + Last Name.
As a result, we will find users who have the specified keyword in their Open Data in their Position , Status , First Name and Last Name .

Why do people set up a group or public VK where they work?

First, let's figure out why people put a group at their place of work on VK. In fact, everything is very simple, there are 2 reasons why this is done.

The first reason is that a person wants to show off in front of his peers, and set up a place of work, for example, the large scandalous public MDK or any other

For example like this

The second reason is more banal but occurs more often: a person has his own group or public and thereby attracts new people to it. Many people think that this no longer works, however, from personal experience I will say that if you add 10,000 friends, set up a group at your place of work and periodically repost from your group on your wall, then from 10k in a couple of months to a public or community it can go up to 1-1.5k Human.

A trivial example from a friend list:

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