How to find a song from VK history. How to find music or video on VKontakte

Search for music on VK

Go to your page. To go to the “Audio Recordings” section, you need to click on the link of the same name in the main menu, or click on the “Music” icon at the top of the screen.

VKontakte audio recordings

Enter the name of the song or artist in the search bar. Pop-up tips will help you find the song you need (see how to upload music to your page in VKontakte). As you type, search results will be generated automatically. Find the desired composition in the ready list.

Search music

You can check out the chart leaders. To do this, open the “Popular” category in the right menu. Here you have the opportunity to select music by a specific genre.


You can write your query directly in the search bar. After that press Enter. You will be taken to the search results page. Here, make sure the Audio Recordings tab is active.


If I'm not registered, can I listen to VK music?

How to search for music on VKontakte without registration? Is it possible? If you do not have a personal profile on VKontakte, you will not be able to search the site. Create a page without at least a photo to gain access to all audio recordings of the system. It is also possible to listen to them on those sites that use the social network as a music library.

people search

What to do with a found song

Well, of course, listen (see). To do this, click on the Play icon opposite the song (blue circle with a white triangle).

Listening to music

If you hover your mouse over a song in the list, an additional menu will appear. It has the following functions:

  • Add to group;
  • Show similar;
  • Play next;
  • Add to my audio recordings (see how to add an audio recording on VKontakte);
  • Skip.

Additional functions

You can also find and listen to music that your friends have added. To do this, find and click on the person in the list located in the right menu block. When you click, you will automatically see his compositions (see how to view hidden audio recordings on VKontakte).

Friend's audio recordings

Finally, useful tips

It should be taken into account that an audio recording can mean not only a musical composition, but also various recordings of radio broadcasts, books in audio format and other elements.

To quickly find a musical item, you will need to know the artist and its name, but users may not always remember the exact details. You may only know the artist or the title. It also happens that you have no information at all - you forgot or don’t remember at all. In the latter case, it is unlikely that you will be able to find the composition. However, you might get lucky.

Where are the settings in the new version of VKontakte?

In the new version of VK, the “Settings” item is located in the drop-down menu at the top of the site. You need to click on the top right where your name is written next to your avatar. There is also a triangle pointing down. When you click there, a small menu will appear - there will be a settings item in it. To open the settings, you need to click on the word “Settings” a second time.

Where are the settings in the VK mobile application?

  1. Fifth button in the bottom row (profile).
  2. Once again the same button (or the menu button at the top right).
  3. Settings.

If the composition is unknown, but the artist has been found

Write the artist in the line and set the search to him. If you remember a line from a song, also write it in the search bar next to the artist. It happens that users post compositions not with an official name, but with one or even several lines in the title.

I heard the melody, but I don't know the artist

Also write a line from the song, preferably from the chorus. Enter the words correctly - just one mistake and the site will not be able to show you the results.

Songs in English

Write the name in Russian - that is, in Russian letters, but with maximum accuracy. Many users write the names of foreign compositions in Cyrillic, since they may also not know English or another language in which the text of the composition is written. If the song is popular, then in any case you should get in the search results what you were looking for and, perhaps, no longer hoped to find.

If you don't remember a single line

Don't despair ahead of time. Remember where you heard this song before. Perhaps this composition is from some popular TV series. Often the title of the composition indicates which film or TV series this track is from. In this case, it would be logical to enter the name of the series or movie.

Finding the desired audio recording on VKontakte is quite simple. You can always use the search by composition or artist. Searches can also be carried out in groups. You can find a composition recorded in the studio in the official artist communities.

Where is the search for people in the new version of VKontakte?

Searching for people in the new version of VKontakte is located at the top of the screen on the blue bar. Just click on VKontakte on the field that says “Search” and start entering the name of the person you want to find:

The site will suggest people to you (friends will be shown first). Then click “Show all results” or the “Enter” key to view the search results in more detail. After this, in the right column you can switch the search mode to “People” to clarify the city, age, date of birth.

Where are friends' birthdays in the new version of VKontakte?

Notifications (alerts, reminders) about friends’ birthdays in the new version of VKontakte appear in the notifications section - in the same place as about, friend requests, etc. We described how to find the notifications section just above. This is the button with the bell sign:

You can see all your friends' birthdays. First, open the “Friends” section (through the menu in the left column), and then in the right column, at the top, find the calendar icon next to the words “My Friends”. The calendar will open and all the birthdays will be there. You can scroll through the months using the left and right buttons. You can open your calendar even faster using this link: calendar.

For more details, see this manual:

How to watch private audio recordings on VK in a legal way

VK is an interesting and educational resource where all people have the same opportunities. Here they can freely communicate, get acquainted, find old comrades and like-minded people. A big plus is the ability to add friends and not communicate with scammers, and hide your data or playlist from viewing. To do this, you don’t need to pay money or download additional programs.

Recently, users of the VK website have been interested in the question of how to view audio recordings if they are hidden. Now it is impossible to do this, but some time ago a certain link was used for this. In it you had to substitute the id of a friend whose songs you wanted to listen to. If the downloaded music is hidden from prying eyes, then now there is only one way. How to view hidden audio recordings on VKontakte? You will have to ask the person who closed them to change the access rights.

If you wish, you yourself can hide downloadable compositions on your page. To do this you should:

  • go to settings;
  • select “Privacy”;
  • opposite viewing the audio list, leave only yourself.

What can you do with a found song?

Once you have found a good song, you can use it as you wish. Using special programs and extensions, you can even download music to your computer, but the social network itself has various options.

Add to group

If you are an admin of a group or community, you can share the song with your audience. If you only have a personal page, then in this case you can please your friends and subscribers with your find.

  • When you hover your mouse over one of the songs, a hidden menu appears on the right side. Select the item in the form of an ellipsis.
  • In the menu that opens, click on “Share”.

  • In a new window you have to make a choice:
  • Check the box next to “Friends and Followers” ​​to add the song to your wall.
  • By selecting “Subscribers and Communities”, you can repost to one of your groups.
  • The “Send by personal message” column is intended for sending a composition in a personal message to your friend.
  • Once your selection is made, click the “Share Audio Recording” button.
  • Show similar

    You can easily find compositions similar to the music you liked. For this:

  • hover over the song;
  • click the “Find similar” line (icon in the form of a magic wand).

This way you can choose music from the same musical direction and authors performing in a similar style.

What's new

The most noticeable change is the clean design with improved navigation.

Most tracks have their own cover, which is automatically generated based on data from search engines and open sources.

The basis of the new section of audio recordings will be playlists, thanks to which you can organize a music library of any size. Add your favorite songs, sort them inside the playlist and design the playlist with cover art and description. There is more freedom of choice - one track can be added to several playlists at once.

Where are the page statistics in the new version of VKontakte?

The statistics button in the new version of VKontakte is located on your page under your photo (avatar), but only if you have more than 100 subscribers. If there are less than 100 subscribers, then the button is not there. In the statistics you can see the traffic to your page, the gender and age of the guests, what cities they are from, and the like. To open statistics, click on the button with a picture in the form of graphs under your main photo:

And if you don’t have 100 subscribers, then you can also look at statistics, but more limited. You can view it at this link: limited statistics.


Unlike the old “albums,” you can add a playlist to yourself with the click of a button. You can pin it to a post on your wall or send it in a message. Forget about the ten attachment limit for an entry—the playlist can accommodate hundreds of songs.

Share good music: everyone who likes your playlist will be able to subscribe to it and follow the updates. And to make it easier to evaluate the popularity of our collections, we have added counters for the number of subscribers and listens.

Any playlist can be recommended and make the day of thousands of people. They get good music, you get new subscribers, approval and recognition.

How to recognize VKontakte music

Looking for a song from your computer

In this case, you will need a microphone connected to your PC. We start playing the desired composition. Please note that this may be a video recording with music playing. Now bring the microphone to your speakers.

In a dialogue with the bot, click on the “Microphone” icon to send a voice message.

You need to record a fragment lasting 5-15 seconds. Then stop the process and send the file to the bot.

In response you will receive the results found.

Via an application on your phone

The process is similar here. Go to a dialogue with the bot and send him a fragment of the song. To do this, start recording a voice message and bring your phone's microphone to the sound source.

The result will come in response.

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