Dirty games via correspondence in contact. What to play via correspondence on VK with a girl

Truth or Dare is a game that came to us relatively recently. Despite her young age, she quickly gained popularity. Now people of completely different ages use it at any event. It is increasingly being played by couples in love, as playing with a guy helps develop relationships. The advantage of such entertainment is that you can play it both in real life and by correspondence.

Truth or dare questions for a pen pal need to be chosen carefully, especially at the beginning of a relationship. The fact is that just one question can bring you closer or further away.

100 questions for a pen pal.

Tricky questions for boys

Girls strive to learn more about their interlocutor.

Various tricky questions for boys will help with this:

  • What will you do if I stop writing?
  • Are you able to apologize first?
  • Will you answer what you really think about my attractiveness, appearance, hairstyle?
  • Do you think we can get along?
  • Are you prone to jealousy?
  • At the age of 15, did you meet girls?
  • How do you feel about free love?
  • Are you faithful to a woman or are you not going to commit yourself?
  • Tell us about your sexual fantasies?
  • How do boys feel about erotic films? Your opinion?
  • How much can you give me up for?
  • Seeing young people quarreling with each other, you want to know what caused this? What do you think?
  • Tell us about the stupidest thing you have ever done in your life?
  • If you get married, what will you give preference to: spending time with friends or the company of your wife?
  • What will upset you the most?
  • Did you commit shameful acts, tell me?

Such tricky calls will help you form an opinion about your interlocutor and decide whether it’s worth continuing the conversation.

There is no need to interrupt the guy, let him give a complete answer, clarify unclear points, but avoid intrusiveness in situations where the interlocutor does not like the topic.

Examples of strategies

Experienced girls who know how and love to flirt with men identify several strategies for correspondence over the phone. You can adopt any one, depending on who you want to appear to your partner - a cute cat or a dangerous predator.

Strategy #1: Self-confidence

You show that you are confident in your charms and the success of the first date. You also convey your confidence to the guy, let him also “understand” that he liked you. Examples of messages:

  • “You’re cute, we can meet again...”;
  • “What clothes did you wear in your dream today?”;
  • “Are you drooling? Soon you will be able to see me again ;).”

Confidence is confidence, however, you should not make any proposals and make the next date. Let the guy take the initiative in this matter.

List of vulgar questions for correspondence

Communication by correspondence has characteristic features. Many people decide to show greater frankness with this method of communication than in a normal conversation.

This also applies to intimate topics. Vulgar things written on the screen hurt less directly, but allow you to get to know the person better.

An approximate list of vulgar questions for correspondence:

  • Ask if you had to spy on a person at a nearby urinal - a negative answer indicates modesty, a positive answer indicates doubt about the size of your own manhood.
  • Are you going to get married soon? – the girl will not answer directly, the likely answer is a joke, but you will get some information.
  • After 17 years, have your preferences in men changed? – Possibility to unobtrusively clarify age.
  • Do you agree to go to the registry office tomorrow? – It will confuse anyone, especially at the initial stage of acquaintance. Then clarify that he is invited to a friend’s wedding. It'll be fun.
  • Do you change your socks often? – A simple question, but it will say a lot.
  • Describe your sleepwear? – It’s better to ask if he’s lying in bed.
  • Asking to talk about your first sexual experience will allow you to form an opinion about the intimate side of a person. It’s worth considering: an overly detailed story will come from a virgin who has not yet had sex.
  • An option to continue communication on a sexual topic is to ask to list your favorite positions, the type of girls you prefer, the parts of the body that are most exciting; The answers will help determine whether it is worth moving towards rapprochement.
  • Asking what the extent of his male pride is is important so that you will be understood, but direct information will not be superfluous.
  • Finding out what turns her on the most is one way to continue communication on sexual topics.
  • What is more important to him: satisfying the girl or getting pleasure himself? – I would like to know how honestly he will answer.

When resorting to vulgarity, the main thing is not to offend a person.

Do not start talking about intimacy from the beginning of the conversation; move on to the sexual topic gradually if the interlocutor shows interest.

But such communication will allow you to decide whether you should limit yourself to correspondence or whether the guy deserves a real acquaintance.

How to make sure that a man does not find rest in his wild imagination?

When you open up in front of a young man, he has no room for imagination. To excite a guy in correspondence as effectively as possible, you need to make his imagination work. What do I need to do:

  1. Provoke your man to think with a playful message. “Remember, we watched a movie where a couple had sex in the shower. What do you think about this?". You hint to him to diversify your carnal pleasures, but there is no direct indication of this. And the scene from the movie will immediately appear before his eyes, the man will only think about you.
  2. Don’t write him a detailed report: “I undressed, went to bed, it’s warm here, I’ll go to bed soon. It would be nice to make love to you.” Write briefly but succinctly: “I’m already naked, I really want to pamper myself in the crib. And you?".
  3. Don’t write in plain text: “Come, I want you!” The guy will probably come, but this way you won’t ignite his imagination. And the longer he fantasizes, the sweeter the time you will spend together.
  4. Avoid callous phrases: “I want us to get into bed and start kissing.” Try to diversify your messages with more detailed descriptions of your specific feelings:
      “I get goosebumps when I imagine you caressing me with your strong hands,”
  5. “When I feel your soft lips, I just want to scream with pleasure.”

Such detailed messages will make the guy imagine, as if in reality, what could happen between you if you were nearby.

Trust your innate sexuality, and every woman has it, you just need to wake it up. Therefore, cast aside doubts and plunge headlong into erotic flirting. Become a provocateur of variety in your sex life.

Games for VK 18 plus: I have never, question answer and others

A good option to spend time is games for VK 18 plus, this will interest the interlocutor, communication will become more exciting and exciting.

The table shows examples of such games:

100 questions for honest answersTitle option - question and answer. One asks and answers a question, the other is invited to say his opinion
I never…The phrase from the title is said and ends. If the interlocutor cannot say so, he loses
Advantages and disadvantagesAn interesting situation arises. Possible option: I see a very attractive girl, but she is under 14. It is proposed to give pros and cons. The one who finds it difficult to answer loses
How much time has passed since...The implied action is said
I didn't have to...You need to finish the sentence one by one
Truth or wish fulfillmentThe partner is invited to answer truthfully or fulfill a wish. Wishes can be written down in advance in the form of forfeits
I can…The player says: I can (perform any action), the opponent responds. Allows you to get to know your interlocutor better

These are some of the games, there are many options, you shouldn’t limit your imagination.

truth or dare

You can even play it in correspondence. If one player chooses the truth, then the other asks him a question, to which the most truthful answer must be given. If he chooses an action, he must do what his opponent tells him. You can send a photo or video as proof of the action taken.

Now you know what to play in correspondence on VK. You can use almost all word games in conversation. They will help you spend time with interest, as well as get to know your new friend or the girl you like better. Also, with the help of simple gameplay, you will find a common language and learn about the hobbies of your interlocutor.

What to write to a pen pal?

Have you decided to take the initiative? Correct solution! Not everyone is able to take the first step and send the cherished message.

Kindly say hello to the guy by adding a smiley face instead of a dot. Wait for him to answer you in kind.

Read what he writes carefully. His phrases are an excellent “hook” for moving from one topic to another.

Tell the young man whatever you want, excluding what concerns your own problems, troubles and failures. There is no need to “download” him, to evoke sympathy.

The heart asks for revelations about love - confess it, don’t be shy! Don't think in advance about how the guy will react to this. The main thing is that you will be able to open your soul to him and feel incredible relief.

Answer if he asks what you did during the week or a few days ago. Omit details that you consider too personal to disclose.

Write that you are very bored at home and want to unwind somewhere. It is likely that the interlocutor will invite you to the park or to a cafe so that you can change the environment. Don't refuse! Accept the invitation willingly and run to your closet to choose the right outfit for your upcoming date.


One of the popular games in correspondence on VK develops imagination. In addition, it can be fun and give a lot of positive emotions. An abbreviation is a word that is formed by shortening the phrase. It is read by the names of the first letters or sounds of words. So first, come up with two to four letters and send them to your interlocutor. He must decipher each letter.

For example, you send the abbreviation “PKS”, the interlocutor deciphers it as “Kalashnikov machine gun.” He asks you to translate “ULT”, to which you can answer “narrow-beam transgenerator” or come up with another more fun decoding.

Replies to guy's messages

Imagine he wrote a message. Try to answer right away. What might be the answer to his “hello”:

  1. Hello! How are you doing?
  2. Hello! What new has happened to you lately?
  3. Hi! How is the mood today?
  4. Good afternoon! How do you plan to spend the day?
  5. Hi! What news is heard on the horizons of life?
  6. (Name), hello to you! Would you like to talk to me about pleasant things?
  7. Greetings! What do you expect from today?
  8. Hello! What are you doing at home in such great weather?
  9. I'm glad I'm writing to you now! Do you believe in fairy tales and miracles?
  10. How are you doing, my dear friend?
  11. Intuition told me that you would write to me. Thank you for finding time for me.
  12. Have a good day! Have you already made plans for today?
  13. What are you thinking about right now?
  14. Hello. What would you like to talk about at this moment?
  15. And I just wanted to send you a message! Well hello!

Examples of successful phrases

You can flirt with a guy by correspondence using the following phrases:


“I'm not very good at dancing. It seems to me that you will be able to correct this situation.”

“I look at you and understand that real men still exist.”

“I’m very lucky to have met such an interesting guy here.”

"I'd like to know a little more about you."


“You are under criminal charges for stealing my heart!”

“Have a conscience, leave my thoughts at least for a while and let me work a little.”

“Hi, I decided to give you... that wonderful book to read.”

“It’s already very late, I really want intimacy... with my pillow.”


“Today I dressed very modestly, but for some reason everyone around me is looking at me.”

“The subscriber is tired of working and wants something sweet to grab.”

“The doctor advised me to take vitamins for a good mood. But I have my own recipe."

“It’s high time you were banned, you’re addictive.”


“Today I went fishing and caught perch and crucian carp. But only then I realized that the fish of my dreams is you!”

“I don’t know how to tell you this... I took a test and it showed that we are perfect for each other.”

“Don’t be surprised if Santa Claus kidnaps you on New Year’s Eve and takes you to me. Wishes must come true!”

“As it turns out, I know how to look for treasures. I found you and I won’t share you with anyone!”

What questions should you ask a guy when texting?

  1. What cities, villages and countries have you visited?
  2. Have a best friend and best girlfriend?
  3. What's your favorite movie?
  4. Do you smoke cigarettes or have you quit a long time ago?
  5. What qualities are missing in your character, and which ones would you be happy to get rid of?
  6. Where and what people do you usually hang out with?
  7. What types of art are you most drawn to?
  8. Any plans for this evening? Is it possible to take part in them?
  9. What doesn't suit you in life?
  10. Do you work by profession?
  11. What is your attitude towards pets?
  12. How do you lift your mood if it drops to zero?
  13. Do you like to gamble?
  14. Do you believe in friendship between a woman and a man?
  15. How do you feel about initiative people?
  16. Do you like to take risks?
  17. What type of temperament do you consider yourself to be?
  18. What sports do you prefer?
  19. Do you believe in various mystical things?
  20. What do you collect?
  21. How do you feel about small children?
  22. What do your acquaintances and friends used to call you?
  23. Do you lose your temper easily?
  24. Are you looking at your horoscope?
  25. Do you have a favorite dish, a favorite drink?
  26. Do you often meet unusual people?
  27. What do you truly value in life?
  28. Are you good at cars (motorcycles)?
  29. Do you have an internet or gaming addiction?
  30. Do you like shopping?
  1. Avoid long pauses. Try to “fill” the silence with anecdotes, gags, aphorisms or witty phrases.
  2. Don't be intrusive. Don’t forget for a moment that there is also real (real) life.
  3. Try not to make mistakes in words, as literacy fascinates many representatives of the stronger sex.
  4. Stop thinking that you will write something wrong. You can and do communicate well! All that remains is to sincerely believe in it.
  5. Answer all questions in detail, and not with short and dry words - “yes”, “I don’t know”, “probably”, “maybe”, “no”, “hardly”, “I don’t know” “well”, “yes no”, “yeah”, “uh-huh”, “yes-yes”, “exactly”, “true”, “of course”, “I doubt”, “I don’t think”, “I think otherwise”.
  6. Don’t show off your intelligence, don’t try to seem smarter than your interlocutor. Behave as tactfully as possible.
  7. If you disappear somewhere for a while, apologize and explain the situation. By doing this, you will gain respect for yourself.
  8. Be yourself. You should not play the role of a serious lady or a “star of the first magnitude”.
  9. Don't repeat the same words. Try to use synonyms, recalling your full vocabulary.
  10. Call your interlocutor by name. By doing this you will show your good attitude towards him. Be careful with nicknames at first, as he may react to them negatively or with undisguised dissatisfaction.

Switch it up. . .


  • 19.10.2017


    Oh, I remember when I first met my husband, we sent text messages to each other like this for a very long time, but now I read it and wanted to start flirting like that again. As they say, even though I’ve been married for 10 years, I think it will be fun to flirt like that. I wonder what the husband will answer. You will need to use a couple of phrases from the article.

  • 19.10.2017

    Petrova Daria:

    I really like communicating with men via SMS, because this way I can feel the most relaxed. In personal communication, I cannot afford this.

  • 02.11.2017


    As for me, flirting is “akin to” the adrenaline rush when you write to a loved one or a guy with whom you would like to start a relationship and wait for what will answer. My heart always beat like crazy at such moments. In general, I am for flirting to always be present, even after 15 years from the date of acquaintance or wedding. After all, routine and gray everyday life eat up everything around you.

  • 06.11.2017


    Good examples, from personal experience I can say that any guy is greedy for compliments from a girl. When you praise a man, his self-esteem rises greatly and it is easier to win him over. I was always just curious to video chat with men and in regular chats too. Men are like an unexplored clearing, always wondering what is on their mind. You need to be original and come up with your own flirting methods, and not just copy someone else’s.



    The main thing is not to over-praise, otherwise they will put a crown on your head and that’s it. I’ve seen something like this, you have to understand the line, of course not all men are like that, but still. In general, regarding flirting, it’s cool when you can add some spice to communication or relationships. But rightly so, men are most often quickly led into flirting and take part in it with pleasure.

  • 12.11.2017


    In any relationship and when flirting and meeting, meeting and parting, you must always remain yourself. People like sincerity and always remain noticed and in demand. Girls, don’t run after guys, there will be many more of them in your life at any age) In general, your site is cool and there are many interesting topics, I’ll be happy to read what you recommend.

  • 14.11.2017


    I really like one guy, I’m very embarrassed to approach him. I wrote him a stupid text message that I’m ashamed to repeat. Naturally, she didn’t catch his attention. He didn't answer. It’s a pity that I didn’t read your article then. What should we do now? Write from another number? And just like that, a teasing SMS, and if he answers in the same vein... I don’t know if I can move on to a conversation with him? Perhaps SMS is the best option for me. Keep the intrigue until I dare.



      In a relationship between a man and a woman there must always be a game in order to evoke positive emotions in each other. Therefore, if a guy accepts the game, support it. Girls, by the way, love to do this, the main thing is not to cross the line so that he later says that you are blowing his mind. Be sensitive, sometimes remain silent and everything will be OK.

  • 28.11.2017


    Excellent selection) I took a few things into my treasure chest)) We’ll use them) But you really shouldn’t overdo it, otherwise they’ll think a lot about themselves)))

  • 08.12.2017


    Before writing an SMS to a guy, you need to make a plan in a notepad: Approximate answers from the guy and a couple of dozen intriguing phrases, for all cases. This way, you won’t overdo it with intrigue and will remain within the framework of “no nonsense, overacting and nonsense.”



      In my opinion, the plan is overkill. Relationships should be natural. The presented ready-made SMS prompts the direction of the “game” and expands the horizons of communication. They should not completely replace your own language of communication. I repeat once again, the purpose of these words is to enrich the vocabulary and add color to communication, nothing more.

  • 08.12.2017


    Now that you know these secrets, feel free to join the millions of women who regularly use SMS to flirt with men.

  • 28.12.2017


    Funny examples are given, but they don’t work in real life. Not all men are so romantic. They are businesslike and serious!



      Examples are a line of thought, nothing more. You must come up with your own words - it will be natural for the two of you. And business and serious men will be pleased at heart.

  • 28.01.2018


    I also like this kind of flirting with messages, but in an intriguing style. One or two successful phrases turn a guy on so much that by the time he waits for the meeting in the evening, he will be exhausted with impatience.

  • 28.01.2018


    In addition, SMS flirting with men is an exciting activity that can instill confidence that you are unique.

  • 04.02.2018


    It seems to me that it is impossible to predict how a man will respond to your message, it all depends on his mood, on his character. Communication should not look formulaic, you just need to keep the conversation going.



      Yes, Katya, that's exactly right. There is also such a category of men - they are such beeches! At least flirt with him, it’s useless! In this case, it’s better to lag behind, imagine what it will be like in real life!?

  • 19.03.2018


    I think that it doesn’t matter how you flirt, the most important thing is that all the words come from the very soul and heart.

  • 21.06.2018


    I think that flirting via SMS, especially frank and sexual ones, is only possible with your husband.

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