How to quickly delete all messages (dialogues) in VK from your phone - detailed instructions

Greetings! In the process of communication on the VKontakte social network, correspondence - messages and dialogues - can accumulate. If you like order and there is no need to accumulate them for history, then the question may certainly arise, “how to quickly delete all messages from your phone at once.”

This material is precisely intended to answer this question.

We will consider a solution for an Android smartphone, thanks to which you can literally clear all your correspondence on Vkontakte in just a few clicks.

There is another way to quickly delete all correspondence on VK. Read about it in the corresponding material.

Deleting individual messages and dialogs

Let's start with something simple. Go to the “My Messages” section. Here we open the desired dialogue.

To delete an individual message, click on it, then click the “Delete” button.

Deleting a single message

If you need to completely delete correspondence with this user, then in the same window, click on the “Actions” link, and in the list that opens, click “Clear message history.”

The entire history of correspondence with the user

Please note that if you use this method, a copy of the message remains with your interlocutor. We discussed this point in the article - how to recover deleted VKontakte messages.

If you have a small number of dialogs, you can delete them using this method. But if you corresponded with hundreds of people, you need a different solution. Let's look at how to immediately delete all VKontakte dialogues. To do this we need a little trick.

Own funds VKontakte

IMPORTANT. If you delete correspondence, you get rid of it forever. Messages cannot be restored.

VK tools allow you to selectively delete an entire individual dialogue or conversation. There are two possible scenarios.


  • Go to Messages.
  • Hover your cursor over the right edge of the line with unnecessary dialogue. A small cross and the words “Delete” will appear.
  • Click on the cross. A pop-up window will appear reminding you that your actions are irreversible and asking if you really want to delete everything. If yes, click the corresponding button.



  • Open the conversation you want to delete.
  • Hover your cursor over the three dots at the top right of the window. A menu will appear in which you need to select “Clear Message History”.
  • Likewise, a pop-up window will appear. It will remind you that your actions are irreversible and ask if you really want to delete everything. If yes, click the corresponding button.


ATTENTION. Regardless of the selected scenario, the interlocutor will still have the sent message, unless he deleted it himself.

If the volume of correspondence with users is large enough, you will have to delete dialogues for quite a long time. Thus, cleaning the “Messages” section without using third-party tools is a monotonous and time-consuming task. As of June 2021, there are no other official tools for getting rid of correspondence. However, you can speed up the process by using JavaScript or unofficial browser extensions.

We recommend: How to view all attachments in VKontakte conversations

How to delete all dialogs in VK

Let's go to the dialogue page. Next we copy this code:

(function(){var pp=document.createElement('script'); pp.src=''; pp.type='text/javascript'; document.getElementsByTagName(' head')[0].appendChild(pp); })();

Now place the cursor in the address bar of the browser and delete the line “” from there - the field should remain completely empty.

Now type “javascript:” from your keyboard. And immediately after the colon, paste the copied code. Next press “Enter”

Inserting a script

The script will begin to delete dialogs, and you need to wait until the operation is completed.

Get rid of SMS from your phone

If you are looking for how to delete all messages on VK from your phone, then we will have to upset you. The only official method is to manually delete all dialogs.

If you don't have the patience for this, we recommend installing the VK Cleaner application.

It's easy to work with:

  • Just download it from the Play Market and access the social network through it;
  • Select the "Clear dialogs" section.
  • Wait for the process to complete and check the result.

We tested the utility - out of 89 conversations, it deleted all but 4, which were group conversations. But now it won’t take long to clean them manually.

Delete all dialogs using the VKopt extension for a contact

You can use a browser extension.

Follow this link:

and download the version for your browser.

Then everything is extremely simple. Just go to the dialogs, call up the action menu, and then click on the buttons one by one - “Delete all incoming” and “Delete all outgoing”.

Delete all dialogs via VKopt

After this, all your correspondence will be cleared.

Manual method

  • Go to your page and go to the “Messages” block;
  • Select the dialogue and click on it - the correspondence will be loaded in the window on the right;
  • Click on the three horizontal dots to bring up the Menu and find the command “Clear message history”;

  • Select the next dialogue - and so on down the list.

If you are looking for how to delete all messages on VK, and you have few dialogues and enough time, this method is definitely for you. To execute it, you do not need to install additional utilities and waste time analyzing their functionality. But it will absolutely not suit people who are trying to clear all messages on VK at once. We recommend that they carefully read the material below. The main thing is not to change your mind later, otherwise you will have to look for a way to read deleted messages. In general, sometimes it’s easier to simply hide the dialogue than to look for a way to get rid of SMS messages.

Website creation and promotion, layout and optimization

Now about the script. It must be inserted NOT into the browser (address) bar, but into the console. The tool is called differently in different browsers. For example, in Opera, Chrome, etc., you need to press the key (either f12 or another) or right-click on the page - “examine element” or “inspect element”. It's easier to explain the instructions in the google chrome browser. Open the page with your dialogues and go to message mode (show as messages). Then press the F12 key and go to the CONSOLE tab.

You clean everything that is there (either with a button or simply erase it). Next, to delete all messages in a contact , copy the entire script below, paste it into an empty console and press ENTER. The number of messages will begin to decrease sharply and, after some time, all dialogues will be deleted .

window.delMessages = function() { window.nodes = document.getElementsByClassName('mail_actions'); window.alex = 0; window.c = 0; var m = document.body.scrollHeight;var e = function() { var num = window.nodes[window.alex] if (num) { num.childNodes[1].onclick(); window.alex++; topError('Deleted ' + window.alex + ' messages. Made by Alexander Sergeev.'); }if (window.c == 20) { mail.showMore(); window.c = 0; } window.c++; } setInterval(e,100); } window.delMessages();

Good luck with deleting messages and dialogs. Alexander Sergeev.

What is in the console tab does not need to be deleted, there may be text about an error and so on, you will not delete it. You need to delete what is being deleted, like in a text field...i.e. Roughly speaking, you WRITE text into the console, and for everything to go well, you first delete the text that is deleted... well, how else can I explain it.

For those in the tank, your actions:

1. Open Google Chrome or Yabrowser. 2. Open the dialogue page, select the type of “messages” (so that there are no dialogues, but separate messages) 3. Press F12 OR in Chrome, click on the menu button (three bars to the right of the address bar), then “tools” and “javascript console” 4. When the panel appears at the bottom (it is the console), check which tab we are in (it should be Console). 5. Whether there is any text there or not, IN ANY CASE, click in the white field so that a blinking cursor appears so that you can write text in the console. 6. INSERT the text (I wrote the code above) into the console - this means you need to: 6.1. first copy the code above (select it with the mouse, then EITHER right-click “copy” OR press Ctrl+C) 6.2. then paste the code into the console (EITHER right-click on the console and select “paste” OR left-click on the console and press Ctrl+V). 7. The console window should contain the script code that I indicated above, and THEN YOU PRESS ENTER and run the script.

...if you have any more questions, I’m afraid I won’t be able to explain in more detail))

How to delete all messages using VKBot?

There are special programs created to provide users with simple, comfortable and partially automated use of social networks. One such program is VKBot. You can download it on the official website, as there is a risk of virus infection on other resources.

Once the program is downloaded, you just need to unzip it and run it. When working with the program, first of all, you need to log in with the desired profile and set message cleaning in the settings.

Attention! In order to use the program, the operating system must be at least Windows 7, since it will not be supported in other versions. If you have different versions on your device, you should consider alternative methods for deleting conversations.

Mass deletion of messages - script for IMacros

At the moment, I can recommend the IMacros extension for chrome to the most desperate ones who have a lot of dialogs. In short, do the following:

Go to the new messaging interface. How to do this is described in the second method.

Log in to the VKontakte page using your login and password, after which you can close the tab.

Next, create any macro recording, then edit it. Alternatively, navigate to the Demo-Chrome folder directly on the left side of your browser. Select any test pattern that IMacros offers and edit it with the right mouse button Edit

Then download the code in a text document. Copy it and paste this copied script there:
Save. Next, select this script and make the appropriate settings below as shown in the screenshot. Current

leave 1 and in the
indicate the approximate number of correspondences that need to be deleted. In our case, the screenshot shows that 13 correspondence from different users will be destroyed. That is, the template will be executed 13 times.

I myself do not understand macros, so duplicated sections of code are unnecessary; instead, you need to add either a pause or a condition. However, I am not eager to understand the intricacies of macros, so use what you have. In this case, the macro works fine for me.

Ways to delete sent messages from correspondence

The interface of the social network Vkontakte provides for deleting messages only from the sender. The addressee will be able to see it in his dialogue. But there is a little trick.


Submitted information can be successfully edited and deleted only in the first 24 hours. It is during this period that the edits will be visible to the recipient, but he will not see the deleted letter at all.

Delete the message in the standard way

In order to cover up unwanted traces, you need to perform the following steps:

  • enter into dialogue;
  • Press to highlight the required message;
  • A trash can icon will appear at the top, which is what you need to click on.

If more than a day has passed since sending, the message will be deleted immediately. But don’t delude yourself; your interlocutor can still read it.

If less than a day has passed, a window will appear in which you need to check the “Delete for everyone” option and confirm the action. Done, the interlocutor will not be able to see the mistake.

Edit unwanted message

You can change the contents of the message if it still reaches the right person, but needs editing. In this case, the “24 hour” rule also applies. Editing after 24 hours will not have the desired effect.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Go to dialogue.
  2. Select the required message.
  3. Click on the pencil icon that appears in the upper right corner.
  4. It’s a small matter, all that remains is to rewrite the text and press “Enter”.

On a note!

By the color of the message you can determine whether the interlocutor has read it or not. Unopened messages are darker than others in the dialogue, and in the mobile version they are indicated by a circle.

Remove unwanted images, videos and music

You can remove unwanted multimedia information from the message even after 24 hours have passed. But only if it was sent from personal page files.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • find a photo, video or music on the page that should not be visible to the recipient;
  • in the media file settings, click “Delete”;
  • reload the page.

This method has a significant drawback. The media file is completely removed from the page. But you can download it again. When this operation is performed, the file identifier will change, and it will not appear again in the message.

Be a spammer

There are two options for deleting dialogs in this way, and both of them do not provide a 100% guarantee of a positive result.

The first option involves sending the recipient many links of a dubious nature. An automated social networking system may classify them as spam and delete the entire conversation. But this may not happen. In addition, if this operation is successful, the user’s page may be blocked by the administration.

The second option involves entering the dialogue into spam yourself. This can be done in the following way:

  • enter into dialogue;
  • select the desired message;
  • Find the crossed out circle icon at the top and click on it.

This method does not provide any guarantee of removal. The chances are minimal provided that the recipient has been on the friends list for a long time.

How to delete a message in VK on mobile devices

In order to delete a message from your phone, you must use the browser version of the site. The mobile application does not provide these functions. That is, you can delete text and multimedia from your mobile phone, but you will have to access the site through a browser.

The algorithm of actions does not differ from that described above. There is only one difference. To get to the delete button after the text is selected, you will need to click on the ellipses.

Deleting messages in classic view

This is not the best way to delete all VKontakte correspondence, but nevertheless, we will briefly consider it.

Clear the history of all dialogues with a specific user in the classic view of the VKontakte interface.

To do this, open a correspondence with the person you are communicating with and want to get rid of it. Above, move the mouse cursor over the ellipsis as shown in the image and select the item from the context menu “ Clear message history”


And do the same with all other messages.

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