3 practical ways to delete all messages on VK

Popularity on social networks has become a very important aspect of the lives of a large number of modern young users. They want to receive thousands of likes and reposts, type comments under each of their messages, thereby causing envy among others. But competing with famous representatives of show business, professional athletes and politicians is incredibly difficult for an ordinary person. That is why some people resort to various types of cheating in order to appear more famous than they actually are. Today it is even possible to cheat VK messages via phone.

Cheating messages on VKontakte

Among regular users of social networks, it is considered very fashionable and prestigious to have a large number of unread messages. This in some way demonstrates their status and emphasizes their popularity. Receiving a large number of messages can also demonstrate your social relevance.

Cheating VK messages in 2021

In the case of promoting accounts for sale, such parameters increase their cost. After all, the more messages you receive, the more active the profile is considered, which means you can earn more from it. Social demand generally has an extremely positive effect on the commercial value of the page. For such purposes, it is possible to cheat messages.

How to create messages on VKontakte using scripts?

If you think that only programmers can deal with program script files, then this is not true. Using a simple algorithm of actions, anyone can use a program file to cheat messages:

  1. We go to the social network VKontakte.
  2. Click on the “Messages” tab, which is located on the left side.
  3. Open the element code with the F key.
  4. A window pops up at the bottom of the page. At the top there is a panel with sections. Click on the “Console” item.
  5. Copy (selection, Ctrl+C) and drop it into the lower text area (Ctrl+V).
  6. We press “Enter” and watch the messages arrive.
  • Do not close or refresh the page. The number of SMS messages can reach from 100 to 10 thousand.
  • If you have achieved the desired result, press "F5".
  • Refresh the page.
  • And you can find about scripts for getting subscribers in the material at the link.

How to create messages on VK without a script

There are many ways to cheat without specialized software. Let's look at the most popular of them:

  1. Communities for fake DMs
    - you can always resort to the services of one of the thematic communities on the social network. The main principle of the work of such groups is collective mutual assistance. By joining them, you send a request to receive private messages. Of course, you will have to send them back.
  2. Job exchanges
    - many sites on the World Wide Web allow you to post tasks on their pages that are similar to sending personal messages. You can carry out similar orders, receiving the internal currency of the exchange, which you will later spend on promoting your account. And you can always easily find performers who are ready to literally spam your account for a small fee on freelance exchanges.

Deleting individual dialogs

In case of mass deletion of messages on the VK social network, there is an option to delete the dialogue with the user completely. This will significantly speed up the process when you have a lot of emails with a particular person, and can also be used if you need to delete all dialogs altogether.

So, we will again need to go to the “messages” tab and find the correspondence with the user that needs to be erased.

Deleting individual VKontakte dialogs

By clicking on it with the left mouse button and hovering the cursor in the upper right corner, we will see a small cross, which activates the launch of a complete deletion of the dialog. When you click on it, the site will ask you to confirm this action and warn you that it will be impossible to restore them.

Deleting individual VKontakte dialogs

In fact, if you accidentally deleted important messages, there is a chance to restore them. You need to contact site support as quickly as possible and indicate what specific dialogue you need. From personal experience I can say that it really worked for me.

This function can also be activated through the dialog window itself. To do this, after selecting a user in the “messages” in the upper right part of the window, move the cursor over the three dots and select “clear message history” from the list.

Deleting individual VKontakte dialogs

These methods are identical and differ only in the location of the activation, so it is not so important how you do it. Focus only on your personal convenience.

And now, I propose for analysis the following method of how to delete all messages on VK. With the last method, using a third-party script, you can save a lot of time and erase absolutely the entire correspondence history in your profile at one time. This is done in a more complicated way, but it's definitely worth it.

Cheating messages VK script

On the Internet you can find a number of resources that provide scripts, which, according to the developers, must be inserted into the body of the site page through the console. Here is an example of how to generate messages through the console: https://pastebin.com/Sv0Q9yn0. According to the creators, this should lead to large volumes of unread messages. However, the administration of the social network regularly records all sorts of vulnerabilities that previously made it possible to manipulate statistics through the console. So the performance of such tools today is in question.

Cheating VK messages in 2021

It is strongly recommended not to thoughtlessly use the script to boost VK messages on your main account. Automated security systems may well ban them, considering them malicious. In some cases, pages are not unblocked at all.

Scripts for VKontakte

Scripts in a social network are small programs created in the JavaScript programming language and used to expand the standard functionality of the site. Many scripts for VKontakte are very popular and useful, some are just entertainment, and there are also frankly “wrong” ones that violate the rules of the service. Most are an extension of functions already familiar to everyone, making using the site more convenient and faster.

To use scripts for a contact, do the following:

  1. open the desired page on vk.com;
  2. copy the script text;
  3. paste the script text into the address bar of the browser;
  4. press Enter.

What else is needed for scripts to work?

The vast majority of scripts run on the browser side, so it will need to be improved a little - install additional plugins to ensure the scripts work.

For Mozilla Firefox you will need the Greasemonkey extension: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/748. After activating this extension, custom scripts are installed automatically. Internet Explorer requires IE7Pro: https://ie7pro.com/. In order to activate the script, you will need to copy it to the Program Files/IEProuserscripts folder and rename it to the name ieuser.js (the name without spaces and in English). Opera supports user scripts by default. The script needs to be rewritten to the user scripts folder in the browser profile.

List of scripts

1. Flying avatars

javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.getElementsByTagName("img"); DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=(Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5)+»px»; DIS.top=(Math.cos(R*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5)+»px»}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);

flying avatars using a script

This script will make all the pictures on your page jump out of place and start spinning. Looks pretty impressive.

  • In the Google Chrome browser, do not forget to add javascript at the beginning:
  • The script does not work in the Firefox browser.

To stop the script, just click My Page or open any other page.

2. Script for cleaning walls, messages, news

javascript:(function(){var s=document.createElement('script'); s.src='https://all-for-vk.com/delmsg.js'; s.type='text/javascript' ; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s); })();

This script instantly deletes up to 30 messages. Enter it from the page you want to clear.

3. Script for downloading music from a contact

This script for downloading VKontakte music makes working with music files more convenient: it adds buttons for downloading music. No browser extensions are required for the script to work.

Go to audio recordings, instead of the address bar in the browser, type

javascript:(function(){var%20s=document.createElement('script');s.src='https://kontaktlife.ru/music.js';document.body.appendChild(s);})( );

That’s it, next to each song the inscription “Download” will appear, click , download. The script works under Firefox, Chrome, Opera browsers. Doesn't work under Internet Explorer.

4. Extension for Google Chrome browser

This add-on significantly increases the functionality of the social network, opening up the following opportunities for users:

  • graphic animated emoticons;
  • the ability to download audio and video from a contact;
  • removing advertising from the site;
  • notifications about new messages;
  • display groups d column and more.

You can download the add-on from the link https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hanjiajgnonaobdlklncdjdmpbomlhoa

Tip: If you constantly or frequently use a certain script, you can bookmark it for convenience. This will allow you to use it without having to copy it into your browser every time. In this case, you must open the bookmark with the script strictly from the page on which you want to use it.

The social network is constantly changing and expanding, so many old scripts for downloading music and videos from a contact no longer work.

Cheating messages through a bot

All kinds of free and paid bots can free you from numerous routine tasks necessary for successful page promotion.

  • The program is able to send mass invitations to friends based on the specified parameters. For example, you can send applications to all members of a certain community or set more flexible user search settings.
  • Send invitations to the group. Targeting allows you to very accurately select the audience that suits you.
  • Give mass likes. This is usually done on a mutual basis and you will not have to spend long hours completing such tasks yourself.

    Cheating VK messages in 2021

  • Mass mailing of invitations. You can easily gather participants for any type of event.
  • Anti-captcha - many modern bots include a captcha bypass function. This way you will save quite a lot of money.
  • Cleaning/Filling Accounts - Removing unnecessary content or adding new content in an automated manner will make your life much easier. A number of bots are equipped with integration with file storages, from which they can collect fresh photos and videos for high-quality content.
  • Anti-ban system - allows you to cheat behavioral factors and imitate the actions of a living person. Any effective bot should be equipped with such tools. Otherwise, you may simply be blocked.

Where and how to download scripts for boosting VKontakte messages?

We figured out how to enter the script. Then the question arises, where can I get it? Let's look at the most common resources:

Thisiseasy· thisiseasy.ru/vk-10k-messages.html
  1. We go to the site.
  2. Click on the green “First part” button (when clicked, the text is copied to the clipboard).
  3. Follow the link below.
  4. Subscribe to the opened group.
  5. Open the developer console on the community page.
  6. Paste the text into the text field.
  7. After completing the work, refresh the page.
  8. Click on the “Second Part” button.
  9. We repeat points 5-7. After a few seconds, messages begin to arrive.
  10. When 10 thousand messages arrive, we reload the page.
GamePlay71· https://vk.com/topic71565317_36586490 – 6 thousand messages · https://vk.com/topic-71565317_36606428 – 23 thousand messages.VKontakte groups often distribute free scripts that are very easy to download.
  1. Follow the link.
  2. Download the file/files from the first message.
  3. Open the downloaded text document and copy the entry.
  4. We carry out all the actions from the paragraph “How to increase messages on VKontakte” using the copied script.
  1. We go to the site through the link.
  2. Click on download and download the script file, or copy it in the text field after the download button.
  3. If you have downloaded the file, then open it and the script is automatically copied to the clipboard.
  4. We carry out all the steps from the previous paragraph on using the script.
  1. Using it you can dial a large number of messages per minute (about 1500).
  2. Follow the link.
  3. We copy the script under the number “1”.
  4. We proceed according to the instructions described in the previous paragraph.

Pros and cons of boosting messages in VK with scripts

First, the user must decide whether this type of cheating is suitable for him? To make everything clear, let’s consider all the positive and negative aspects, as well as risks in the table:

prosCons, risks
Boosting messages ensures visits to your page.The ability to pick up malicious files using unverified links.
Creates the appearance of account and group activity.All users are just bots who are not interested in you or your page.
The imaginary popularity of the page to “show off” in front of friends.

How to boost VK messages for free

To achieve your plans, you can use three popular methods, some of which you will have to use at your own peril and risk:

  1. Cheating personal messages using special VKontakte bots:
  2. Self-promotion (with the help of numerous PR communities on VKontakte). There are plenty of groups on the social network that allow users to mutually exchange certain activities. “Litter DM”, “Like Time”, “Add as a friend” and much more. For an influx of personal messages, it is enough to leave a comment with a specific request on the group wall;
  3. Cheat through a service (for example, CashBox). Recently, many exchanges with tasks for social networks have appeared. networks. Even a child will understand the essence of working on the service: like/repost/personal message on your part = response from another user.

Working script for boosting VKontakte messages 2021

The site https://pastebin.com/Sv0Q9yn0 offers you to download the code for cheating. Right on the main page you will see a working script. We checked the site and found no viruses on it. To start cheating.

  1. Select the structure so that all code elements are highlighted in blue.
  2. Press CTRL+C and go to your VK page.
  3. Press the F12 button to open the area for inserting the code.
  4. The page code will appear in front of you. Select “Console” at the top. Hover your mouse over a free field and press CTRL+V.

Do not refresh or close the page. In a few seconds you will see new messages. Their number can reach from 100 to 10,000. To stop cheating, click on F5. Please note that there are no scripts for increasing subscribers or likes. VK does not like artificially created activity and blocks accounts that have gained a lot of likes and friends in a day. If you want to increase the number of subscribers and likes without losing quality, contact professionals.

Our company has been engaged in promotion since 2009, and we guarantee that your . You can ask for likes, and you can order more friends. For those who want to promote their page on their own, we have prepared a post.

Script for boosting a large number of messages on VKontakte

If the previous script did not work, use this platform for cheating https://thisiseasy.ru/vk-messages.html This resource offers to cheat 2,000 messages in 2 minutes. To copy the code, tap the green button. Then, move to the console and insert the structure. Watch how the number of dialogues increases.

In addition to scripts for boosting messages, there are applications for determining the statistics of your dialogues. The program is located at the link https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/vkontakte-stats/ To download it, click on the install button. The application shows the dynamics of dialogues, information about who wrote to you the most, how many sent and incoming messages are in the dialogue. It doesn’t cheat anything, but serves as a convenient tool for collecting statistics. Suitable for advertisers and people whose activities involve working on social networks.

If you want to receive messages on VK without scripts, take advantage of promotion offers from real people. There are special communities on VK where people help each other create messages. Don't forget to set your privacy so that your messages are open. To do this, go to the main page settings. Open the privacy tab and scroll down. In the Contact Me area, make sure the All Users checkbox is selected. Otherwise, strangers will not be able to write to you.

If a user wants to show off a large number of messages on VKontakte, then he can use several methods: ask friends and acquaintances, beg from other users, use groups where people exchange messages and likes, or choose the easiest way - use a script. Now many users have a question: “What is a script for boosting VKontakte messages? How to use it?" Let's look at this in detail.

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