Checking a VK group for bots: identifying the enemy in a couple of clicks

Who are bots?

On the one hand, these can be specially created programs that help the admin perform routine work: send out newsletters, welcome new group members, give simple answers to basic questions, etc. Essentially, these are codes that contain ready-made answers to certain key phrases or words. As you understand, such robots provide great assistance to VK group administrators; they relieve them of their workload and save time for more important tasks.

However, unfortunately, it is customary to call bots not only smart mechanical assistants. They are also called fake accounts that do not bring any benefit to the group. These are profiles that were created solely for dishonest activities. For example, they are used for various cheats, because everyone knows that developers can block people for such things. Why risk a real VK page?

Also, fakes are created deliberately to increase one’s chances of winning sweepstakes or competitions. According to VK rules, one person can have only one profile. And if he creates an additional 5 fakes, and everyone participates, he will significantly increase his chances of winning.

Also, fakes are actively used by scammers to trick people into extorting money, information, content, etc. It’s clear that no one will use this page for illegal activities. Meanwhile, with the help of a bot you can advertise prohibited services (casinos, sex), engage in blackmail, extortion, stalking, conduct illegal activities (drug trafficking, recruitment into extremist groups), etc.

It is against such pages that you need to check!

You must understand the main thing! These profiles are not real. Often these are one-day pages, because not today or tomorrow they will inevitably be banned and sent to the digital cemetery. And it’s good if your group or its members do not have time to suffer from their activities!

Method number 4 - Lack of activity in the group

Well, everything seems to be logical here too. But not everyone pays attention to this. Usually everyone looks at the number of participants. Yes, I’m the same, to be honest.

I look at the group: “Wow, there are 2 million participants, and the price for advertising is only 150 rubles - you have to take it”

. And then you go through this group and everything becomes clear.

So, you can determine the vitality of a group by the number of likes, reposts, etc.

By the way, the sociate exchange has wonderful functionality that shows the social activity of participants. It also shows the “reach” of readers of other advertising posts.

Therefore, with the help of this advertising platform, you will be able to create a competent picture of the adequacy of the groups and will be able to choose a normal advertising offer. So that your budget doesn't go down the drain.

By the way, the example shown (screenshot) shows a group of 6,000 people. Do you think this band is alive or dead?

Well, that's what I know about the topic given today. Who thinks what? Let's think!

Why is it important to check the number of bots?

Let's find out why in VK it is so important to recognize a bot and not allow him to join your group?

  1. Fake people will never add life to a group. They will become “dead” ballast, an inactive audience, a liter of ointment in your humble honey bucket. Don’t expect normal comments, regular likes, or active communication from them. Most often, they will simply remain silent, in the worst case, they will spam, send viruses, be rude, write obscenity, etc.;
  2. No matter how much you would like to increase the number of participants, fakes will only provoke the opposite result. After all, there will be no return from them, which means your coverage will drop. And this means a decrease in positions in search results, an outflow of participants, a drop in ratings;
  3. You will have to constantly check the contents of the wall - remove other people's and unnecessary advertising spam;
  4. The guaranteed future of any fake is a block. Therefore, the higher the percentage of fakes in your group of subscribers, the more, accordingly, there will be future blocked or deleted (dogs or profiles without avatars) in the contact list. A large number of such participants means a risk of ban for the group itself.
  5. Well, if you do not regularly analyze the VK group for bots in order to remove them, you will never be able to see the real picture of the results of your promotion strategy.

Analysis of open statistics of VK communities

If for some reason you do not want to contact the administrator, you can view the community statistics yourself, if they are open.

How to do it? One caveat: to view the statistics of any group, you yourself must be an administrator of the community, even an empty (test) one.

Now open 2 tabs:

  • The first tab is your community statistics
  • The second tab is the photo or video album of the group you want to analyze.

From the browser line of the second group you need to copy the digital code (group ID). Example:

Now paste these numbers instead of the numbers in your community statistics and press Enter.

The page will be updated, and all the statistics of the other group will be available to you!

Main statistics indicators

I suggest now going over the main indicators that are presented on the statistics page.


Graph Unique visitors and views

Unique visitors are those who directly entered the group. All subsequent visits of visitors to the group are already counted as Views. Views also include those people who saw the group’s new posts through the news feed.

Graph Gender/Age

Gives an idea of ​​the composition of the group by gender and age. Using this graph it is very convenient to track the main core of the group.

Schedule Geography

It will tell you from which countries and cities people most often “visit” this community.

Device Chart

From the diagram we can see from which devices (mobile phone or computer) views are coming. Typically, the more views from a mobile phone, the younger the community's audience.

Graph Referral Sources

An informative graph, from the analysis of which one can conclude where the most traffic comes from to the VKontakte community, i.e. track entry points.

  • Direct links: jumps to bookmarks, in personal messages, to addresses entered into the browser line. Please note that advertising through Yandex Direct to a group is also taken into account in direct links;
  • My Groups: Navigate from the My Groups page to your personal profile. A large percentage indicates that people consciously return to the group, and these are the most valuable visitors;
  • News: transitions to posts from the news feed;
  • Communities widget: transitions to a widget installed on an external site;
  • Targeted advertising: conversions will be taken into account here if advertising is set up for the group;
  • User pages: these are links in posts, in headlines, reposts or in the block on the left Interesting pages;
  • Community pages: block with links in communities;
  • External sites: any links from the site;
  • Search engines: links from search engine results Google, Yandex, etc.;
  • VK search results: transitions to the community from search in VK results;
  • TOP communities: these are transitions to the page In order for the VK community to be included in this list, it is necessary to offer it to the VK administration, subject to the prescribed conditions;
  • Audio recordings: transitions from audio recordings that are uploaded to the VKontakte website.

Schedule Participants

Through it you can track the number of people who joined and left the group over certain periods of time: a day, all the time.

Graph Section Views

Displays the community sections that group visitors are viewing.


Graph Audience coverage

This takes into account users viewing community posts on the wall or in the My News section.

Subscriber coverage is the number of group members who view the news of the VK community.

Full coverage – views of all VK users who saw the group’s news (including through reposts in friends’ profiles).

Viral coverage is ensured by the virality of content through reposting and dissemination among users.

Graph Gender/Age

I think no explanation is required here. Reflects the gender/age of users, but only by coverage.

The same can be said about the graphs below.


Schedule Feedback

This graph takes into account not only user actions performed directly on the wall of a group or page, but also the entire further path of your post. If a user posts a link to a post on their page using the “tell friends” function, the reaction of other users to such a copy is also taken into account.

On this graph, by day, you can see the number of likes given to the group by readers, the number of reposts, the number of comments left and the number of posts that users hid from the news.

Chart Activity

The graph reflects the activity of visitors in the sections of the group: in Photos, in Discussion Topics, the number of comments left on photographs and videos.


The Posts section is connected automatically when a promotional post is launched in the advertising account. Here it is easy to track the activity of participants for each post on your wall.

Feedback tab

The Reach column shows the number of all users and the number of subscribers who viewed the post.

For each post you can see the number of likes, reposts and comments. Here you can analyze which content and which post format evokes a greater response from your audience.

Hiding tab

Shows on which posts readers clicked on the Hide post, Report function, or even hid all community posts.

Transitions tab

Displays the number of users who followed this post from the news feed to the group; the number of people who joined the group and came through this post; and the number of people who followed the link in the post.

We can conclude that the Posts section is very informative for statistics, which in the future will allow you to set up advertising more effectively.

How to check a group for bots?

Let's talk about how to distinguish a bot from a real person on VKontakte, because it is easier not to let him into the group initially than to look for him and delete him later.

Signs of a fake page:

  • An empty profile with a minimum of content, no photos, and especially no avatars;

  • Instead of the main ava there is a photo of a dog, a showbiz star, a cartoon, a flower, etc. And in general, even if there are photographs inside, it would be a good idea to run them through any photo search. Bots often fill their pages with other people's photos. The check will show how popular the images in question are online;

  • There are a lot of “dogs” in the contact list;
  • How else can you find a bot on VK to be sure? Check his profile for content - study his first name, last name, places, wall, sections with audio, video, photos. New pages have all the content, usually fresh, added at the same time. Old profiles are filled out gradually;
  • Analyze the activity of his friends - if the contact list is huge, and there are “dead” counters under posts and pictures, most likely it’s a bot;
  • Other warning signs: a lot of advertising, explicit photos, participation in hundreds of groups.

Taking into account all the factors listed above, you will be able to control the audience of your group and not add suspicious pages to the number of new members. However, what if the fakes are leaked?

How to check a VK group for bots online to see a clear picture? There are only two solutions:

  1. Manual check of the list of participants;
  2. Or you can check the VK group for bots using special services.

Manual analysis

Based on the name, you will have to go to each suspicious VK profile and study it for signs of a bot. First of all, check the “dogs” and those who most actively spam in your group. Finding out the exact number of bots in a VKontakte group in this way is very difficult. After all, if a community has hundreds or even thousands of participants, verification will take a huge amount of time.

Software method

For this purpose, many programs and services have been developed and launched. One of the best is auto check for VK bots AntiDogs -

It has a convenient and intuitive interface, and all you need to do to scan the percentage of bots is enter the link to your VK group.

At the end of the check, you will receive a full analysis of community members: how many are alive and “banned”, as well as what part of the latter is blocked temporarily and what part is permanently blocked.

If you are interested in how to find out the percentage of bots in a VK group, you won’t find a better service. By the way, you can use it to perform cleaning, but this service is paid, about 300 rubles.

If you are interested in free applications, we recommend VK Bot - This program has a lot of other interesting options, we recommend that you carefully study them all.

Method No. 3 - Online users

To come up with this method, you need even more convolutions :). May my readers forgive me. I didn't want to offend anyone. Click on this button here.

The fact is that bots, for the most part, are “online” only when they are performing some kind of paid work for their owner.

Well, for example, you ordered boost offers (bots), the contractor launched the program, and the program logged in under each account, performed an action, logged out, logged in under the next one, and so on.

As you can already understand, the time spent online by bots is extremely short. This means that the ratio of the number of online subscribers to the total number of subscribers must be adequate.

So, we clicked the button that I showed just above “Search by participants). And click on the “now online” button. And we see this number.

So there we have it. The total number of participants in this group, as we saw above, is 6,450. And online there are only 315.

I read somewhere that a ratio of 1 to 10 is just right. those. For every 10 people offline, there is one who is now online.

It turns out that in our group, which we are currently watching, the ratio is as much as 20 to 1. Which is not very good... Do you think these guys promote groups well?

How to remove the bot check?

Finally, we would like to cover one more issue! The social network VK is very actively fighting fakes and other illegal activities, so very often users encounter annoying captchas. It is assumed that in this way they will prove that they are living people and not fakes.

You can enter the captcha a couple of times, but when it is repeated ten times in half an hour, it can’t help but begin to irritate. So, how to remove the bot check in VK?

  • First, make sure that they are not trying to hack you. To do this, in your profile settings, in the “Security” section, check your activity. If you see inputs from unfamiliar sources, end all sessions and immediately change your password;

  • You can connect special anti-captcha programs. They will enter the necessary data themselves, without distracting you from your work. As a rule, the software is paid, but inexpensive;
  • Try to reduce the number of similar actions in a short period of time. It is to such cases that the VK system responds by checking captchas.

Well, that’s all we wanted to say about checking for bots in VK groups. This task must be on the admin’s to-do list at least once every 3-4 months. We hope we were able to explain why you need to regularly check for fakes, and we wish that there were as few such pages in your contact list as possible!

What are VKontakte dogs and where do they come from?

Hello, friends! Anyone who makes money via the Internet, or constantly communicates with new people, faces such a problem on social networks as VKontakte dogs. What it is?

Essentially, these are just frozen user pages that can be temporarily frozen - for a day, for a week.

They appear both on the main page of the social network user and in groups that you have created. Where do they come from? There are several reasons for the occurrence of frozen pages. One of them can be considered a cheat. For example, you create a group and you need to promote it.

Typically, users use various promotion services for this purpose. According to the rules of the VK social network, this should not be allowed. This is why frozen pages occur. After all, such services do not provide live participants for the group, but ordinary bots.

Another reason is too much user activity. For example, constantly adding strangers as friends, spam, and so on. Later we will review methods that will help us remove frozen pages from a group.

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