How to set a contact status for another person. How to change marital status on VKontakte

What is status in VK, why is it needed?

Hello, friends! Social networks are needed for communication between users and the provision of various information. One type of information is status. Let’s look at the question of what a status is in VK, since not all users understand the meaning of statuses on social networks.

So, the status in VK is a certain message on the user’s page, which is displayed under the name of his page. Statuses are installed in the social network in the form of text, icon, various symbols, and are broadcast by music tracks from this social network. As an example, you can see my VKontakte status (Screen 1).

how to put status on VK

If we talk about status in a person’s life, then it denotes his position (poor, rich, married, married).

The user’s status in VK allows you to clearly understand what his mood is at the moment and what he is doing. After all, many people who make money on the Internet put links to their projects in their status.

Next, we will understand the types of statuses, set the status on VKontakte according to the instructions from your computer and phone.

How to insert a symbol (smiley) into VK status?

For example, if you insert the special character - © , then after reloading the page (F5) the symbol © .

If you already have a status on VK, you can change it in the same way - by clicking on it.

Don't forget to click the " Save"


What does “Broadcast playing music to status” mean?

This means that when you listen to any audio recording (in VK, of course), the name of the audio recording and a link to it will be displayed in your status.

If you hover the cursor over the status, the “tell friends” button appears. If you check the box next to it, your status will appear in the news feed of all your friends.

Important! Status length cannot exceed 140 characters

If you want to make your VK status empty , just delete all the characters in it and save.

What is status in VK? We will answer this question in this article for beginners. Let's look at how to set a status from a computer and phone, what types of statuses there are, and whether it is possible to set a status in VK using symbols.

What are the VKontakte statuses?

VKontakte statuses come in different types. As a rule, they are divided into status categories:

  1. Humorous statuses. They can be in the form of jokes, various funny sayings and stories.
  2. Business status. In this case, it will only concern the user’s work, which he is currently engaged in. For example, “I work on the Internet as a freelancer” or “Internet entrepreneur and blog author.”
  3. Life statuses. In this case, they will be shown from the side of human life. For example, statuses about love, relationships, sad statements and other options for statuses.

Many examples can be given. Statuses are easy to install on your VK page. Next we'll figure out how to do this.

Changing the font of a VKontakte page

If you are tired of the standard font in VK, you have the opportunity to change it yourself to your own, without using any applications or extensions. This is done quite simply. First, decide on the required font.

You can view the available options as follows:

  1. From your PC, launch Notepad;
  2. From the top panel, go to “Format”;
  3. Most likely you will see 2 items there - “Word wrapping” and “Font”. Select Font;
  4. In the last window all available fonts will be presented, from which you will need to make a choice. If none of the fonts suits you, there is an option at the bottom left to “Show additional fonts”;

  5. You will see another window with a large number of different fonts. In this window, you must right-click on the required font and click “Copy”. To copy the required font from a notepad, select the name from the top window and perform the same manipulations;
  6. After that, go to your VK page and right-click in an empty space. Click "View Code". In the window that appears, behind the “body” tag, you will find the “font-family” heading. To quickly find it, press CTRL+F and type this title in the search bar.
  7. There you need to paste the name of the font that you copied into this line in this form - font-family=”comic sans”. Reloading the page.

You will receive a font change for all profile sections. Fonts that don't work need to be replaced with others. But, unfortunately, you won’t be able to change the font of messages and statuses this way. Previously there was such an option, but as a result of several updates it was removed. But you have the option of using the same character pages to select bold text from them.

How to set status in Contact

Above we examined the question of what status is in VK, the purpose of status and types of statuses. Now, let's install it on our VKontakte page. Before setting the status, it is important to say that it has a 140 character limit.

If you don’t have it in the status section, you can publish it below on the page and pin the post.

So how do you set the status? First of all, open your VKontakte page. Next, choose or come up with your own status for your page. Then, decide where you will install it:

  • on the computer;
  • from a telephone device.

After that, we move on to step-by-step instructions.

How to set status in Contact from a computer

So, let's try to set the VKontakte status on the computer. Go to your VK page and click “Change status” under your name. Next, you will see a field in which you can enter a text status message (Screen 2).

status in vk

For example, we write the following status: “I work on the Internet” and press the “Save” or “Enter” button on the keyboard. After this, your status will be displayed on your VK page.

You can also set an icon for the status. Open this panel again, where you need to enter the status and click on the smiling emoticon on the right (Screen 3).

what is status in simple words

After that, select any icon you like with the left mouse button. Next, click the “Save” button so that the selected icon is saved in your VK status.

Immediately after saving the status, a button “Tell friends” will appear at the bottom. Click on it so that it will be published on your VKontakte page.

You can pin this entry and thus not lose it. To do this, click on the arrow at the top right of the published post and select the “Pin” button (Screen 4).

how to secure status in VK

After this, your status will be fixed on Vkontakte. This version of statuses is suitable for those users who publish a large amount of text and pictures on social networks.

How to set status in Contact from your phone

On your phone you can set your status in Contact. Open the VKontakte application and log into this social network. Next, click on the three lines on the left and launch the settings menu.

After that, select your account. Just click once on the account photo and you will go to the VK page. After the name and photo, click “Change status” and write there the text that you need (or symbols). Then, save the status with the “Save” button.

As you know, the social network VK has a limited version on the phone. Therefore, click the “Go to full version of the site” button at the very bottom of the social network to save all the settings without any problems.

Is it possible to set the status in Contact using symbols

It is possible to set various symbols to the status in Contact. They are available on the Internet for free (Screen 5).

symbols for status in VK

To find them, type in the browser search - “symbols for status in VK” and press the “Find” button. Next, you can immediately open the first site that publishes such symbols (Screen 6).

Is it possible to set the status in Contact using symbols

All you need to do is select the symbol with the left mouse button and right-click the option from the “Copy” menu (CTRL+C keys). Next, go to your VK account and simply paste this symbol into the “Change Status” field using the “Paste” mouse button (or using the CTRL + V keys).

After that, click on the “Save” button to set the status in VK from the symbols to your phone.

How to put an emoticon in VKontakte status

Sometimes users want to stand out from the crowd not only thanks to an original written status, but also because it will combine letters and emoticons. VKontakte statuses made from symbols are becoming more and more popular today, but not all users understand exactly how such a status can be created.

And so, in order to make such a unique status, you must first know the codes of emoticons. For example, a person decided to use an emoticon with the code 🍱. To do this, you need to select the appropriate code, paste it into the field where the status is written and save.

how to put an emoticon in the status in contact

After this, you must update your personal page and the status will be visible to both the account owner and all users who visit the page.

  • How to tag all friends in a VKontakte photo
  • How to repost on VKontakte
  • How to like on VKontakte
  • How to change a photo on VKontakte
  • How to insert a smiley in VKontakte
  • Boosting Instagram likes
  • Boost Instagram subscribers

secrets, vkontakte

How to quickly make a hyperlink to a VKontakte page?

If you don’t want to bother with BB codes, and the text of the hyperlink (the words from which the link will lead) in the form of the first and last name of the desired person suits you perfectly, then I can offer you a slightly simpler method

(quickly). In this case, you will not need to use square brackets.

Just put , and then without a space you can specify either the short address of the page of the desired person, or its ID, or you can even start typing his last and first name, and select the desired option from the one that appears.

Actually, as soon as you enter the symbol * or @ from the keyboard, the Contact will tell you everything:

Let's see this with an example. Let's say I start typing the short address of my personal page:

After clicking the “Submit” button, this design is automatically converted into a hyperlink

with the username or community name as the anchor text of the link. As a result, we get the same result as using BB codes - a link from the text of the message left in Contact, written with the first and last name of the person we wanted to link to (see screenshot in the previous section).

You can also do this:

The result will be the same.

Marital status VKontakte

Next you will be taken to the information editing page. Find the term “Marital status:” and select the one you need. When you decide on your marital status, choose your soulmate below. The information will not change immediately; you will have to wait until your significant other does the same.

What to do if there is no line, marital status?

It is necessary to select the gender in the line, male or female. When you do this, a marital status line will appear.

How to hide marital status in VK?

To hide your marital status, go to Settings > Privacy. And in the section: “ Who sees the basic information of my page

» select those people to whom you want to show your marital status. You can completely prevent everyone from seeing it if you select the “Only me” option.

If you are registered in VK and at least sometimes visit your page, then you have probably come across such posts where there are smiling people. Not all users can add emoticons to the VKontakte wall. Some are even sincerely surprised after what they see! They also want to add smiling faces to posts on their wall. Today we will tell you how this is done correctly. If you start to figure all this out on your own, you will probably need to spend a lot of time, so we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information we have provided, and then everything will immediately become clear.

If you pay attention to the wall in VK, you will notice that in the comments it is no longer possible to find a translucent round button with which you could install emoticons. Of course, the question immediately arises: what to do? Let's try to figure out how to put emoticons on the wall in VKontakte.

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