How to confirm sp in contact from your phone. How to confirm marital status in VK. How to hide marital status in VK from your phone

Setting marital status on VKontakte, or simply SP for short, is a common practice for the vast majority of users of this social network. However, there are still people on the Internet who still do not know how to indicate their marital status on their page.

Within the framework of this article, we will touch upon two intertwined topics at once - how to directly establish a joint venture, and methods of hiding the established marital status from outside social users. networks.

How to set or change marital status on VKontakte

To set or change your marital status, you need to click on the “edit” menu on our account page . (editing). After this, all our data will appear on a new page: First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Gender, etc.

To select the desired status, simply click opposite the “Marital status” cell and select the required parameter. After that, click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the page. To check, go to “My Page” and check, if everything is correct, then leave it. If we want to change, we start the procedure again.

Features of the joint venture on VKontakte

It is difficult to underestimate what SP means in VK: for users it is an opportunity to publicly confirm (refute) the status of personal relationships. Today you tell the world that you are dating, and tomorrow you can announce that you are free as the wind and are looking for a new crush. One short line on the social network replaced such sweet and touching messages on the asphalt like “Natasha + Sasha = L.” In general, if you ask: “What is a joint venture in Contact?”, then we will answer you: “This is one of the important points of discussion for users from 8 years old to infinity.” The “Marital status” section has a number of subtleties:

  1. It happens that users do not indicate their gender when registering, then the gender identity is not available in the settings; This can be corrected by specifying the gender: female or male.
  2. It is not necessary to clarify what your status is on the personal front.
  3. You can hide or change your marital status in VK at any time with a couple of clicks (step-by-step instructions below).
  4. To select personal relationships, the social network offers a list, but not everyone knows that for some types you can choose a partner.
  5. You don’t have to specify a partner, but if the user decides to do so, then you can only specify another user of the social network. In this case, all statuses except “In love/In love” must be confirmed by the partner, only after that his name will be displayed on the page.

Thus, knowing this, you can put the status of personal relationships.

How to confirm marital status in VK

After you choose the status that requires the presence of a partner. On the editing page, under the list of all family provisions, the inscription “awaiting confirmation from ...” will appear.

Partner confirmation is required for all couple statuses except the In Love\In Love status

In turn, our partner will have an additional inscription on the main information editing page: “Ivan Ivanov is in love with you.” To confirm this status, you must select the same position as your partner and it will appear on your page.

Marital statuses may not match, if one selects “Engaged to ....,” and the other “Married\Married to ..”, then this will be displayed on the page of each of them.

How to put a joint venture on VKontakte. What is a joint venture in VK?

Within the VKontakte social network, you have the opportunity to set the so-called marital status. This allows you to quickly find out what the user's relationship status is. And this worries many participants, believe me.

So, how to put sp in VK ?

What is sp

Marital status - this is how this abbreviation stands for. This status can take the following values:

  1. While actively searching, it’s time to meet such a user
  2. Everything is complicated - and who has it easy now?
  3. In love
  4. Not married (not married)
  5. Dating
  6. Engaged
  7. Married

It's time to decide which of the proposed options is right for you. Now we will put it on our page.

How to put SP on VKontakte

Go to your page and find the “Edit Page” link under your profile photo. Click on it.

Have you already decided which status suits you? Now select it from the Marital Status list.

Please note the following point. If you set a status that implies a relationship with another person, then another menu item is automatically added. It asks you to indicate the page of your chosen one.

If you wish, you can specify a person, or leave this field empty. When finished, click the "Save" button.

Your marital status information will now be displayed on your profile page.

Install SP from your phone

Here the process is almost the same. In the main menu, click the “Settings” link. Next, “Edit Page”. And here we establish marital status.

If you want to hide this information and hide it from the basic profile data block, go to your privacy settings and disable the “Who can see the basic information of my page” item for viewing.


How to remove or hide VK marital status

If for some reason you are tired of this whole “Santa Barbara” with all the relationships, then it is possible to remove the joint venture. To do this, you need to stop at the first status among the statuses - “Not selected” and save it. After this, the corresponding line will not appear on your page.

To hide your marital status from prying eyes, you need to set up privacy. To do this, go to the “My Settings” menu - the “Privacy” tab. The first point, “Who can see the basic information of my page,” is exactly what we need. Let's take a quick look at each option:

  1. All users - SP is visible to absolutely all registered users;
  2. Friends only - the SP is shown only to our friends;
  3. Friends and friends and friends - I don’t think it’s worth explaining;
  4. Only I can admire this. the position will be only you;
  5. Everything except - here you can add any of your friends;
  6. Some friends is, in my opinion, the best option if you want to narrow down the list of those who will be able to see your relationship. You just need to select friends from the general list.

Other meanings of the word "SP"

Unfortunately or fortunately, the modern Russian language is developing so quickly that it is simply impossible to keep track of all the new words. And a joint venture in VK is not always just a matter of marital status. In circumstances not related to personal relationships, you may also encounter this term. So what else does SP mean in VK?

JV on VKontakte is also:

  1. abbreviation for St. Petersburg;
  2. Joint Purchases (something like wholesale purchases with discounts from the seller due to bulk purchases);
  3. Joint Venture (business topics);
  4. Married couple;
  5. System Programming;
  6. Spasibo (new abbreviation to replace the popular SPS);
  7. Sexual Partner;
  8. Sponsor.

Most likely, this is a far from complete list of designations for one capacious word “SP”. If you know any other meanings of this word, be sure to share them in the comments. We'll be happy to expand your vocabulary!

Find out marital status on VKontakte

Even if marital status is hidden, it can be found out. Now I'll tell you how. To do this, we need the full First and Last Name of our object and nothing else.

  1. Enter your First and Last Name in the search, in the people section;
  2. If the person we need does not appear on the list, then we enter clarifying information (City, University, Age, etc.) until we find the “object” we need;
  3. Now we look on the right side in the advanced search settings for a choice by marital status;
  4. We begin to sort through the joint ventures in order;
  5. If a person disappears from the list, it means he has a different status, we carry out this procedure until we find out his family status;
  6. Profit.

How to choose marital status

On the main page, under the avatar, look for the “Edit”

and go to the settings mode for the most basic data of your account. Under the gender selection field, there is an opportunity to change your marital status by choosing one of the options:

  • not selected - leave it as is and this item will not be displayed
  • not married (not married)
  • dating
  • engaged
  • married)
  • in love
  • it's Complicated
  • Actively looking
  • in a civil marriage

For the dating options, you can choose with whom, engaged - the groom or the bride, married - respectively the wife or husband, in love - with whom, everything is complicated - the partner with whom you have a strained and unclear relationship. As we can see, the choice is not small, there are many opportunities to express your range of feelings and life status. There are also interesting features: when choosing a partner with whom you want to associate the status, for a lover, you can choose any person, just indicate a link to him and that’s it.

For other points where the choice of a partner is implied, the user you indicated must confirm on his page the fact of your relationship. And you can only choose from friends, so make sure you have a future partner in your friends list and if not, add him.

Indicate your marital status

Indicating your marital status on the page, regardless of privacy settings, is sometimes quite useful, since it’s no secret that on social networks people not only make friends, but also get to know each other. This is quite easy to do on the VK website, and the variety of possible settings for a joint venture will allow you to demonstrate the type of relationship as accurately as possible.

Two of the possible types of marital status do not have the ability to indicate a link to another VKontakte user, since this is contrary to logic. All the other six options provide the ability to set a link to another person who is your friend.

Today, the social network VK allows you to choose from eight types of relationships:

  • Not married;
  • Dating;
  • Engaged;
  • Married;
  • In a civil marriage;
  • In love;
  • It's Complicated;
  • Actively looking.

Additionally, on top of this, you are also given the option to select “Not Selected,” which is a complete absence of any mention of marital status on the page. This item is the basic one for any new account on the site.

If your page does not indicate gender, then the functionality for setting marital status will not be available.

  1. To begin, open the “Edit” section through the main menu of your profile, which is opened by clicking on the account photo in the upper right part of the window.

In the navigation list of sections, click on the “Main” item.

Find the Marital Status drop-down list.

Click on this list and select the type of relationship that is convenient for you.

For the settings to take effect, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “Save” button.

In addition to the basic information, it is also worth considering several additional aspects related to this functionality.

    Of the six possible types of joint venture indicating the object of your interest, the options “Engaged”, “Married” and “In a civil marriage” have restrictions on gender, that is, for example, a man can indicate only a woman.

In the case of the options “Dating”, “In love” and “It’s complicated”, it is possible to tag any person, regardless of your gender and his.

The specified user, after you save the settings, will receive a notification about their marital status with the ability to confirm at any time.

This notification is displayed exclusively in the section for editing the relevant data.

The only exception is the “In Love” .

In addition to all that has been said, please note that there are no restrictions on user age on the VKontakte social network. This way, you are given the opportunity to specify virtually any people added to your friends list.

For which statuses confirmation is possible?

In VK it is necessary to confirm the following statuses - Married, Dating, Engaged, In a civil marriage. The rest do not require the consent of the second party, because they do not concern their personality. This also applies to the status In Love / In Love, which does not require reciprocity.

Now you know how to confirm your marital status in VK: Married or other options discussed in the article. To do this, just look at the request in the notifications and agree on the changes made by another person. If you wish, you can choose a different option, taking into account personal preferences and your vision of the situation.

In the comments, tell us what difficulties you encountered when making such changes, and how you managed to overcome them.

We hide marital status

The specified SP on the page of absolutely any user is literally part of the basic information. Thanks to this aspect, each person using VK can set privacy settings in such a way that the established marital status will be shown only to some people or hidden completely.

    While on the website, expand the main menu in the upper right corner.

From the items presented in the list, select the “Settings” section.

Using the navigation menu located on the right side, switch to the “Privacy” tab.

In the “My Page” setting block, find the item “Who sees the basic information of my page.”

Click on the link located to the right of the previously mentioned item name, and through the drop-down list, select the settings option that is most convenient for you.

Changes made are saved automatically.

If you want to make sure that your marital status is not displayed to anyone except the designated circle of people, scroll to the bottom of this section and follow the link “See how other users see your page.”

Having made sure that the parameters are correctly set, the problem of hiding marital status from the eyes of prying users can be considered solved.

Please note that hiding SP from your page is only possible in the named way. At the same time, if you indicate your love interest when setting your marital status, having received confirmation, a link to your personal profile will be displayed on this person’s page, regardless of your account privacy settings.

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I noticed that many users of the social network VKontakte ask “How to set marital status on VKontakte?” Of course, I don’t understand why they have this problem, because everything is very simple there. But if a problem appears, it is my responsibility to fix it! In this article I will not talk about the secrets of Vkontakte with the help of which you can edit your marital status. I’ll just tell you and show you how to make your marital status in VKontakte!

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