How to become a subscriber in VKontakte without adding as a friend – How to become a VKontakte subscriber

Who are the subscribers in Contact on the page?

Previously, in order to somehow contact an interesting person, the user could only send him a friend request. If this application was rejected, communication became impossible. As far as everyone knows, many celebrities from the world of sports, show business, cinema and other public spheres have accounts on VK. Many people are interested in following their lives, looking at photos, commenting on news, etc. At the same time, this person cannot add as friends everyone who wants to watch his content. That is why the “subscriber” status appeared in VK.

Who are VKontakte subscribers on the page of an individual or an entire public? Essentially, these are observers who see posts and photos of someone they follow in their news feeds. Let's find out what a subscriber in VKontakte means and what actions he can perform on his idol's page:

  1. Send private messages;
  2. See the news;
  3. Like, leave comments, repost;
  4. View the wall (if the user did not manage to close it);
  5. See lists of friends and groups (if they are open);
  6. View photos.

At the same time, the subscriber’s capabilities are limited by privacy settings, which, in turn, allow a person’s friends much more. To explain in simple words, even if you managed to follow a person, you are still a stranger to him. He won't even receive an add request, just a notification that you were able to subscribe. A subscriber is an outside guest of the page who sees your news in his feed. He has as many opportunities to contact you as any person from VK who is not your friend.

Rules of the VKontakte social network for mailings

Before you start creating a mailing list in VK, it is important to know a number of rules that must be followed:

  1. You cannot provide links to other social networks. Even if you have groups in all networks, the posts are very interesting and you need the client to join them - this is considered advertising, which is prohibited by the administration. There have been precedents when large publics had their mailing capabilities disabled because they sent links to their Insta;
  2. You can only advertise yourself, your brand and your community in your newsletter. You cannot send out a group of a neighbor, girlfriend or friend to subscribers, and this is written in paragraph 5.13.4 of the rules;
  3. The client should be able to unsubscribe from your mailings. This rule has been introduced since 2021 and you must follow it, otherwise the possibility of mass mailing will be taken away;
  4. You cannot send messages to participants who have not subscribed to the mailing list;
  5. You cannot ask in the mailing list to join the community, “Like” or repost.

The rules are periodically updated, so I advise you to regularly visit the PS and study it for any changes and adjustments, so that it does not turn out that everything that you are accustomed to has long been prohibited.

How to become a subscriber of an individual on VK

We found out what subscribers are on VKontakte, but we explained it using the example of celebrity profiles. You may have the impression that in VK subscriptions exist on the same principle as, for example, in Instagram. This is not entirely true. Subscriptions here are interesting not only to famous people, but also to ordinary users. You can get here by accident and not even know it.

So, how to subscribe or how people get into the category of subscribers, let's find out.

If the friend request was rejected

If you offer a person friendship, he has the right to disagree. In this case, he will have to press the “Keep as subscribers” button. Thus, you will automatically migrate the list of its observers. You won't know about this unless you go to his profile and see that the friend request was not satisfied.

Subscribing to a profile is impossible if you are blacklisted there.

If you have been removed from the list of friends on VK

After being removed from the list of friends, the user automatically becomes a subscriber. The condition applies if it was he who submitted the friend request. Otherwise, to follow, submit the friend request again and wait until the person selects “Keep as followers” ​​(“Reject request”). Although, of course, a person can always take the simple route and simply delete the application.

We told you how to become a subscriber on VKontakte if you can’t add yourself as a friend. Let’s summarize once again what needs to be done both on the computer and on the phone:

  • Go to the person’s page on VK;
  • Press the “Add as friends” button;
  • You are waiting for an answer. Even if the request is accepted, you will become a friend, and this is even cooler.

To see who you managed to follow, do the following:

  • Go to your VK profile;
  • Go to the "Friends" section;
  • On the right there is a subsection “Applications”;
  • You need Outbox.

  • These are the people you managed to subscribe to, willingly or unwillingly.

Please note that if you do not add a person as a friend, but leave him as a subscriber, he cannot be included in your list of important friends.

Through the “Subscribe” button instead of “Add as friend”

If a person has set the “Subscribe” button through the settings, anyone can click on it and easily become his subscriber.

How to make a “Subscribe” button on VKontakte, let’s study the instructions:

  • Go to your VK profile and find the small avatar at the top right of the screen;
  • Select “Settings”;
  • You need the “Privacy” block;
  • Scroll the page to the “Contact me” item;
  • Find the field “What applications are notified about”;

  • Select "Friends of Friends";
  • Ready.

Now all users who do not have common contacts with you will see a “Follow” button on your page instead of the “Add as a friend” button. If there are common pages, then a person will be able to send a friend request.

  • The following actions can also be performed from a mobile phone:
  • Launch the application and click on the three bars to go to the menu;

  • Click on the gear icon in the top right;

  • Then everything is the same: the “Privacy” item, etc.

Adding a profile to bookmarks

If you add an interesting account to your bookmarks and set up notifications about new posts, all the news from this person will be in your feed. This is the same as if you managed to subscribe.

So, to subscribe via bookmarks, do the following:

  • Go to the person's page;
  • There are three dots next to the “Add Friend” button, click;
  • Select “Save to bookmarks”;
  • Click on the three dots again and select the “Notify about posts” command. And if suddenly notifications stop coming, check your profile settings;
  • Ready. Now you can look at your bookmarks at any time and don’t have to waste time searching for a page.

Working with the library

To operate the bot, we use a self-written library in PHP. (If the link does not work, then here is the archive) you can find documentation for the library and download the library itself. Here is a short listing of ready-made functions for writing a bot, look for more details at the link above. If you want to learn about changes in the library, then write at least one message to our bot on VK, through which we will notify you about changes.

$vk = new vk_api(vk_key, version_api) — bot initialization. Parameters: community key (vk_key), API version (version_api).

sendMessage(id, text) - function for sending messages to the user. Parameters: user id(id), message text(text).

sendImage(id, patch) - function for sending images. Parameters: user id(id), path to image(patch).

sendButton(id, text, buttons, one_time) - function for sending a message with buttons. Parameters: user id(id), message text(cannot be empty)(text), array with buttons(buttons), optional parameter one_time, false by default, if set to true, then after pressing any button the keyboard will hide.

request(method, array_arguments) is a universal function for working with methods. Parameters: method - name of the method from the official api, array_arguments - array of parameters.

sendOK() — Beta function. Used instead of echo “ok”, it helps in cases where the script takes a long time to run and the bot starts repeating messages several times. IMPORTANT: if you use this function, you will not see error output. When debugging, replace it with echo “ok”

How to subscribe to a community

We told you how to subscribe to an individual person’s page in Contact, then we will find out how to subscribe to a group or public page:

  • Go to the community you like;
  • Find the “Join Group” button on the right side of the central page;

  • That's all, you have managed to subscribe to updates from this community;
  • If this is not a group, but a public page, instead of the “Join” button you will see “Subscribe”.
  • Feel free to press and it’s done.

Well, we have found out what it means to subscribe in VKontakte - to become an observer, to show one-sided interest in a page. For you, this status means absolutely nothing, except that you are not a full-fledged friend of a person.

On the other hand, for promoting a page, the number of subscribers is very important - after all, the more there are, the more popular the profile. The sooner it will be possible to monetize it and attract advertisers. Well, that's all, the material has come to an end. Now you know how to subscribe to the page of a person or group you are interested in. Don't lose important contacts and stay up to date with all their updates!

How to add many friends on VKontakte

The first method is the simplest, but not very convenient:

1. From your page, go to the “Groups” section, open the “Search for Communities” tab and write the request “Add as a friend” in the search.

2. We go to any community (or several) and, if the wall is open, write something like “I’ll add everyone! No subscribers! .

  • Or copy the URL of the picture and paste it on the wall;
  • In a couple of moments you will see new friend requests;

You can also add users as friends who write the same thing on the wall (remember that you can send messages per day).

Just make sure that they have few subscribers - this is a guarantee that they will add you.

Publish entries in similar communities, add people like you as friends. And soon you will see quick results.

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