How to get likes in the Likee app in 2021: free, fast and a lot

How to get likes in Likee? Hearts under videos are the main indicator of your authority in the digital space. This is why professional and novice bloggers are willing to go to great lengths to get audience activity. And here you won’t surprise anyone with an ordinary dance to rhythmic music. It is important not only to comply with the algorithms of the social network, but also to be able to distinguish yourself from others and show unique content. To make it easier to recruit an audience, there are special programs that help artificially add hearts under your publications.

Why are likes needed and how do they affect promotion?

Many social networks have long used the practice of ranking feeds. This means that the publication is not seen by all subscribers, but only by those with the most interactions. If a video has received a lot of likes, comments and saves, the Likee algorithm assumes that this is an interesting post and shows it to more people. This way your video gets to the top in terms of views and interactions. That is, the logic is this: the more people like you, the more audience you reach.

If the target audience does not react to the post, then the algorithm perceives it as potentially uninteresting and “hides” it behind other publications on your account.

Learn to use light

Natural lighting is extremely important for a successful photo - it is the light of the sun that provides natural colors and softness of facial features. On the other hand, it should not be too harsh. Don't look at the sun, otherwise your eyes will squint on their own, and no one likes that facial expression. And make sure that your hand with the phone does not cast a visible shadow on you.

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How to get a lot of likes on Likee in 2021

There are two options for promoting content on the network - natural and artificial. Natural is the use of an active audience, its response to interesting content, “live” answers. Artificial - cheating services. If you correctly use all the levers of these methods, you will get the result in any case, so it is difficult to identify which of them is less or more productive.

Useless ways

If it is only possible to speculate about the effectiveness of some methods, then in 2021 there are a number of manipulations that will definitely not give any result. For example, if you manually spam in a personal message or in a comment with a request to like the feed, then if it brings any results, it will be very insignificant. The algorithms of many social networks are now configured to ban and hide spam, so few users will see comments with such content. And 99% of those who see it will not go to your profile. Previously, during the hype of VKontakte, this brought a little more success, but now this method should be put on the back burner. In addition, you will spend a lot of time on mailing.

How to remove a watermark in Likee on Android and iPhone

Methods that work

But there are many alternative methods with different productivity rates.

Here you can order promotions or advertising from popular bloggers.

Collaborate with popular likers

Popular likers are individuals who have from several hundred thousand to several million subscribers. It is possible not only to buy advertising from them. It would be appropriate to use them in your videos and live broadcasts. This way their active followers will come to you.

How to take the best selfies and get 1,000,000 likes!

I have long wanted to write a manual for all girls on how to take a selfie. I have not met a single representative of the female sex who did not try to capture herself. However, taking a high-quality selfie is not so easy - if you have already tried it and were not too happy with the result, then this instruction is especially for you.

And if you successfully take selfies, but want to diversify your Instagram or social network page with original pictures, then I have prepared something special for you.


What is it all about
Important rules
Practice, practice, practice
What is it all about

Selfie is a newfangled trend that has taken over the whole world. Nowadays, almost everyone takes selfies - politicians, movie and show business stars, public figures and, of course, ordinary people. This is a self-portrait taken with your own hands. What are the advantages of such a photo:

  • you can make it yourself - no need to ask friends or family;
  • it is appropriate in absolutely any situation;
  • you can control the quality of the photo.

This is a good way to take beautiful photos of yourself on your own phone. There are some secrets on how to take a selfie correctly, and I will tell you about them.

Important Rules

Usually a selfie is taken on a phone using the front camera, but, of course, you can use anything - a regular camera in your mobile, a compact camera, a good webcam, and even your favorite DSLR camera. It is important that the photo was taken by you (otherwise it is simply not a selfie), and that you like it.

  1. Try to treat yourself with humor. This is a great way to cheer up your subscribers and get a good photo, and you also need to take into account the fact that a funny selfie is judged according to completely different rules - the composition is not important here, and the light does not play a big role, only the idea of ​​​​the photo.
  2. Take selfies in different places. Yes, your face takes up most of the photo, but the background plays a very important role - remember the selfies of popular roofers, and you will understand what we are talking about. Take photos at home, in your own bed, in a cafe and at work, while traveling and on vacation.
  3. Always take a large number of photos, changing the shooting angle, position of the face and body, angle and phone settings. This will give you a lot of material to work with and choose the best selfie.
  4. Shoot yourself in a non-glossy format. Yes, many girls like good makeup and duck lips, but you must admit, sometimes it’s so nice to see photos of a person in his natural form - without makeup, tired, angry, tear-stained. Any such photograph is a record of your life, a reminder that anything is possible.
  5. Tired of selfies? Take a selfie! This idea belongs to Irish farmers, who were the first to promote a new trend on Instagram - photographs with animals. Do you have a photo of you hugging a horse? That's the same!
  6. Don't try to look too seductive in the photo. The erotic selfie has become obsolete as a genre, and you will no longer be able to charm anyone with your duck face, and you won’t be able to put a sexy photo on your avatar.

Now you know how to properly take selfies for girls, and we are gradually moving on to practice.

Practice, practice, practice

Let's move on to practice - how to take a beautiful selfie with your own hands on your own phone? Look in the settings - set them so that they are neutral, and if your phone has special settings for selfies, try taking pictures with and without them - usually this mode smoothes out facial imperfections. How to take a beautiful selfie at home:

  • choose a good angle and take on a natural look;
  • you shouldn’t try to take a glamorous selfie at home, beauty lies in naturalness;
  • try taking a couple of pictures near the window
    - natural light looks best;
  • try to film yourself doing some household activity - take a selfie while styling your hair or cleaning, film yourself preparing cupcakes - in general, try it.

How to take a cool selfie on the street:

  • find an interesting background, it is best if it is deep (not a brick wall, but a multifaceted landscape);
  • choose a good angle;
  • give your face a meaningful expression (I’ll talk about this later);
  • take a few shots.

Want to figure out how to take the perfect selfie? Try to put some meaning into it. One of the main modern trends is storytelling, the skill of telling stories in any situation, using any content.

Before you start shooting, think about what the photo could be like? Whether it will be happy or sad depends only on you, and if you want to take a meaningful photo, then by all means find a special facial expression for it. This could be facial expressions, tilting and turning the head, angle, gaze. All these aspects are visible in the photograph.

Learn beautiful selfie poses from photos and videos. Do not forget that in a good photograph there must certainly be dynamics, the viewer’s gaze must move. When you take a photo, be sure to take it from several angles, for example these could be:

  • frontal view;
  • view from above;
  • at an angle of 35 degrees.

How to take a good selfie? Remember that the best weapon for a successful selfie is sincerity and naturalness. You shouldn’t chase super sexy images, there’s no point in trying to look like a glamorous FIFA if you’re tired after working out in the gym - take an honest photo on one of the machines or with sports equipment, hug your trainer for a photo - this way you’ll be honest, and this is always attractive . Do you want a highlight and don’t know how to take an original selfie? Find a cool idea. What can be interesting about a selfie:

  • face and makeup, human image;
  • proximity to friends, passers-by, stars;
  • background;
  • photo idea.


Don't know how to use a selfie stick correctly? Watch a short video that explains this. The selfie stick is a great invention, but for it to work properly, it needs to be matched to your phone.

The background and environment greatly influence the face - remember that there are glare, color juxtaposition and reflections. If you are taking photos in some bright place, you can do initial color correction using photo filters.

Yes, what you need to consider is good software. Now there are different applications that you can use to take a cool selfie - for iPhone, Android and Windows. Don't deny yourself the pleasure, choose a good application and find the best filter in it.


Getting likes through services without spam

There are three options for cheating about under posts. All of them are effective, and the conditions are on the official website of each brand.


Using socpublic, in order to gain likes and subscribers, you are offered to contribute either money or earn virtual points by completing tasks of other users. To register for the service, you only need a valid email and verification through it.


This resource works with social networks. Registration is quick - enter your nickname and email. The admin panel is intuitive, so you won’t have to figure it out for a long time. The amount depends on the number of marks ordered, and starts from 7 rubles.


On the CashBox website, you can set up tasks for money to increase likes and subscribers in Like. They are completed quickly, and you follow the process on the website.

Cheating views using boxes

Books are job exchanges. For tasks in boxes, there is usually a special form that you fill out and click on the task to work on.

Tasks on wmmail

Verified box - wmmail. Although his site is not design-oriented, it has fairly developed functionality. After a short registration via email, you get access to the key tools of the service.

Assignment on

The task of promotion is accepted by This website is newer and more modern. This is a unique service that was created specifically for organizing the effective promotion of Internet projects, services or a brand. There are many methods of promotion here, and one of the most frequently used is the promotion task.

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