Guide to buttons with calls to action on VKontakte

Who are the subscribers in Contact on the page?

Previously, in order to somehow contact an interesting person, the user could only send him a friend request. If this application was rejected, communication became impossible. As far as everyone knows, many celebrities from the world of sports, show business, cinema and other public spheres have accounts on VK. Many people are interested in following their lives, looking at photos, commenting on news, etc. At the same time, this person cannot add as friends everyone who wants to watch his content. That is why the “subscriber” status appeared in VK.

Who are VKontakte subscribers on the page of an individual or an entire public? Essentially, these are observers who see posts and photos of someone they follow in their news feeds. Let's find out what a subscriber in VKontakte means and what actions he can perform on his idol's page:

  1. Send private messages;
  2. See the news;
  3. Like, leave comments, repost;
  4. View the wall (if the user did not manage to close it);
  5. See lists of friends and groups (if they are open);
  6. View photos.

At the same time, the subscriber’s capabilities are limited by privacy settings, which, in turn, allow a person’s friends much more. To explain in simple words, even if you managed to follow a person, you are still a stranger to him. He won't even receive an add request, just a notification that you were able to subscribe. A subscriber is an outside guest of the page who sees your news in his feed. He has as many opportunities to contact you as any person from VK who is not your friend.

Operators used to “unique” a greeting in a community on VKontakte

Currently the following variables are provided:

  • {Firstname} – first name. That is, the application will address the user as the name is written in the profile of his page. For example, Andrey, Anton, Vladislav and so on;
  • {Lastname} - the last name of the group visitor, respectively, also indicated in the profile.
  • {City} is the city in which the person who entered the community lives.
  • {Career} is the last profession also listed in the profile.

Let's look at their action using an example. Let's return to the “Personal” widget type. In our case of direct appeal, we entered the following text in the “Title” field: “{firstname} {lastname}! Come over to the light side of the force!” And in the sub-item “Text” related to the title: “Only in your city {city}, when arriving in a light-colored car, you will receive a 25% discount.”

As a result, we got the following:

Some points require clarification:

  • 1 – the assigned operators work by directly addressing the visitor. In this case everything is fine;
  • 2 – the set {City} variable did not display the city, since it was not specified in the profile that was taken as an illustrative example. If it is registered in the profile of the person who visited the page, it will be displayed in the text area where we registered this operator.

How to become a subscriber of an individual on VK

We found out what subscribers are on VKontakte, but we explained it using the example of celebrity profiles. You may have the impression that in VK subscriptions exist on the same principle as, for example, in Instagram. This is not entirely true. Subscriptions here are interesting not only to famous people, but also to ordinary users. You can get here by accident and not even know it.

So, how to subscribe or how people get into the category of subscribers, let's find out.

If the friend request was rejected

If you offer a person friendship, he has the right to disagree. In this case, he will have to press the “Keep as subscribers” button. Thus, you will automatically migrate the list of its observers. You won't know about this unless you go to his profile and see that the friend request was not satisfied.

Subscribing to a profile is impossible if you are blacklisted there.

If you have been removed from the list of friends on VK

After being removed from the list of friends, the user automatically becomes a subscriber. The condition applies if it was he who submitted the friend request. Otherwise, to follow, submit the friend request again and wait until the person selects “Keep as followers” ​​(“Reject request”). Although, of course, a person can always take the simple route and simply delete the application.

We told you how to become a subscriber on VKontakte if you can’t add yourself as a friend. Let’s summarize once again what needs to be done both on the computer and on the phone:

  • Go to the person’s page on VK;
  • Press the “Add as friends” button;
  • You are waiting for an answer. Even if the request is accepted, you will become a friend, and this is even cooler.

To see who you managed to follow, do the following:

  • Go to your VK profile;
  • Go to the "Friends" section;
  • On the right there is a subsection “Applications”;
  • You need Outbox.

  • These are the people you managed to subscribe to, willingly or unwillingly.

Please note that if you do not add a person as a friend, but leave him as a subscriber, he cannot be included in your list of important friends.

Through the “Subscribe” button instead of “Add as friend”

If a person has set the “Subscribe” button through the settings, anyone can click on it and easily become his subscriber.

How to make a “Subscribe” button on VKontakte, let’s study the instructions:

  • Go to your VK profile and find the small avatar at the top right of the screen;
  • Select “Settings”;
  • You need the “Privacy” block;
  • Scroll the page to the “Contact me” item;
  • Find the field “What applications are notified about”;

  • Select "Friends of Friends";
  • Ready.

Now all users who do not have common contacts with you will see a “Follow” button on your page instead of the “Add as a friend” button. If there are common pages, then a person will be able to send a friend request.

  • The following actions can also be performed from a mobile phone:
  • Launch the application and click on the three bars to go to the menu;

  • Click on the gear icon in the top right;

  • Then everything is the same: the “Privacy” item, etc.

Adding a profile to bookmarks

If you add an interesting account to your bookmarks and set up notifications about new posts, all the news from this person will be in your feed. This is the same as if you managed to subscribe.

So, to subscribe via bookmarks, do the following:

  • Go to the person's page;
  • There are three dots next to the “Add Friend” button, click;
  • Select “Save to bookmarks”;
  • Click on the three dots again and select the “Notify about posts” command. And if suddenly notifications stop coming, check your profile settings;
  • Ready. Now you can look at your bookmarks at any time and don’t have to waste time searching for a page.

In Group

If you are a community administrator, you cannot install a “subscribe” button in it. Users will only be able to apply to join.

But on the official pages - you can. Therefore, if you want to expand your audience in this way, simply change the group settings, making it an official page.

Good day, my dear readers.

As I promised in previous issues, today we will continue to study VKontakte message distributions


In previous issues we have already figured out this new tool for your own group in VK.

Now it’s time for the most important thing - quickly collecting subscribers for your own newsletter. After all, we may be well versed in the topic and know how to set up this function for ourselves, but if there are no people who can send messages to whom, everything will be in vain!

I decided to consider only those methods of collecting subscribers that would satisfy two key conditions:

  1. They are free
  2. They are easy and quick to implement

So, as soon as you study the material below, do not put it off, but immediately begin to apply the recommendations received to develop your MLM business


Well, let's get started!

11 methods for quickly recruiting subscribers for your VKontakte mailing list

This button is called “Subscribe to news”, and it appears immediately after you set up the application that is responsible for sending messages. We have already discussed this point in detail. Just implement the recommendations that are there, and the first tool for collecting subscribers to your mailing list will immediately start working.

2. VKontakte post

This is one of the simplest and fastest methods. Simply write a post that explains the benefits the reader will receive from subscribing to your newsletter, and post it in your group and your personal profile.

There are a couple of nuances to consider here:

No. 1: Subscription works for absolutely all VKontakte users, and it is not at all necessary that your subscribers to the mailing list are also members of your group. This is very good!

No. 2 Your post must have a call to action (subscription) and a link to your customized application. Now I will teach you how to find this link.

The first thing you need to do is go to your community management and select the “Applications” link. Next, a familiar window will open in front of you, in which you will need to click the blue phrase “Copy link”, like this:

By the way, so that you don’t have to go far, here is an example of my VKontakte post, which I posted in my group:

3. Pinned post in your VKontakte group

Essentially, this is the same as a simple post. The only difference is that it will always be at the top, and everyone who looks into your group will see information about subscribing to your mailing list. This will significantly increase the number of those who will ultimately express a desire to receive your letters in their “VKontakte dialogues”.

Setting up is very simple: click on the three dots in the upper left corner on the desired post and select the “Pin” command. Refresh the page, and now your post with instructions and benefits of subscribing to the newsletter is always at the top!

Just remember, if you have a wiki menu in the group, it will stop working with this option. This information is for experienced VKontakte community owners; if you haven’t heard anything about such a menu yet, don’t be alarmed - in the future, perhaps you’ll implement it at your place :).

Here's an example:

This is a classic post with a quote from a mega-famous personal growth author. There are several options for posting a subscription link:

  1. At the beginning of the post, before the content (the most intrusive option - I don’t recommend it!)
  2. At the end of the post, immediately after the content (for example, I could insert a postscript after “@ Robin Sharma” with a call to action and a link)
  3. Below the post is the most interesting option!

I would like to dwell on this option in more detail.

Firstly, in order for the area highlighted with a red frame to appear at all, you need to insert the link into the post, wait a couple of seconds, and then delete the link.

Secondly, you can insert an image into this field, which, when clicked, will transfer to the newsletter, and change the blue text above the word “Application”.

Immediately after finishing reading this article, be sure to set up such a link in your group and/or profile if you have already created your own newsletter

If you have already created your free subscription and, for example, are already collecting your subscriber base using various advertising methods, then add a call to action to the text with a link to your VKontakte newsletter.

We have just looked at very simple and fast ways to recruit subscribers for sending VKontakte messages

, which are also quite effective.

But, as you remember, there are 11 methods in the topic of this post, not 5. And you reasonably ask: “Paul, where are the rest?!”

I’ll tell you honestly, after I finished writing all the material and saw the amount of information that came out, I was a little scared!

The content is so powerful and detailed that some will find it very difficult to fully master it.

But, on the other hand, I know that among my readers there are a lot of proactive people who love to learn and are not afraid of lengthy articles. They just wish they had more material to implement and more practice!

Are you one of those people?

If this is so, then I have come up with one way to give you all the valuable material without overloading newcomers who have just entered the business.

All you need to do is follow the instructions below, and you will receive the remaining 6 methods for quickly recruiting subscribers for sending VKontakte messages in just a couple of seconds!

How do you like the material? Powerful?

If I had read this 2 years ago, I would have felt faint :). I hope this is not the case for you, and you are ready to implement the information received!

Write in the comments what methods you are using right now.

I will be glad to learn about your plans and answer questions about methods of recruiting VKontakte subscribers

which we discussed in this article.

And that’s all on the topic for today. See you in the next issues!

Best regards, Pavel Vinogradov.

This article answers the question of how to make buttons and snippets for promotional posts in a VK group. Creating buttons and snippets is a fairly simple process; for your convenience, I have described step by step what you need to do in order to create an attractive post with a VKontakte button.

How to subscribe to a community

We told you how to subscribe to an individual person’s page in Contact, then we will find out how to subscribe to a group or public page:

  • Go to the community you like;
  • Find the “Join Group” button on the right side of the central page;

  • That's all, you have managed to subscribe to updates from this community;
  • If this is not a group, but a public page, instead of the “Join” button you will see “Subscribe”.
  • Feel free to press and it’s done.

Well, we have found out what it means to subscribe in VKontakte - to become an observer, to show one-sided interest in a page. For you, this status means absolutely nothing, except that you are not a full-fledged friend of a person.

On the other hand, for promoting a page, the number of subscribers is very important - after all, the more there are, the more popular the profile. The sooner it will be possible to monetize it and attract advertisers. Well, that's all, the material has come to an end. Now you know how to subscribe to the page of a person or group you are interested in. Don't lose important contacts and stay up to date with all their updates!

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