How to find out the secret sender of a gift in Odnoklassniki?

Received a gift but don't know who it's from? How to find out a secret admirer on Odnoklassniki, is there a way to find out the identity of the donor? Let's try to figure it out together! If you receive an anonymous gift, you need to find the sender and respond to the postcard - we will deal with this issue in our review.

What are private gifts?

As we wrote above, you can send gifts to each other in OK. These are simple or animated images for any occasion: birthdays, anniversaries, poems, declarations of love and wishes for a good day. Users love this feature so much that every day millions of postcards are sent to their addresses, and presenters never tire of wondering what else they can offer their audience.

There are free gifts on the social network, and there are those for which you will have to pay OKI. OKI is the internal currency of the community, which allows you to pay for certain options within the system. You can top up your OKOV balance in different ways: by card, through terminals, using electronic wallets and a mobile phone account. If you use a Sberbank card and have accumulated “Thank you” bonuses, then you can pay for OCI with them (see also the article on how to buy OCI in Odnoklassniki, and whether you can get them for free).

Usually postcards cost no more than 5 OK. But there are copyright ones at a higher price.

Quite often, Odnoklassniki hosts promotions and gift sales, and you can have time to send a postcard to a friend at a low price or even for free.

Among the variety of gifts, private gifts in Odnoklassniki stand out. What is it? This is an image whose sender will only be visible to the recipient. All other people who want to see who it was received from will see the inscription “Private gift”.

For your information: if the postcard was sent openly, then next to it the sender will be indicated and when he sent the image. This information will be available to everyone.

Secret gift

There are three categories of gifts in Odnoklassniki: public, private and secret. If you send a regular gift, your name will be visible to everyone registered on the social network. If the surprise was private, full information about it will be available only to the recipient and the sender. The most mysterious is the third group - secret gifts. Information about them, like the name of the sender, will be classified.

Before making a surprise, the user most likely visited you. Accordingly, in order to identify him, you need to go to the page’s guest list. You will be taken to the chronology of her visit. All that remains is to study the provided list, compare it with the date the gift was received and draw conclusions about their possible sender.

Unfortunately, this method will only allow you to make assumptions, but, if desired, it is quite possible to calculate the name of a secret admirer. In addition, he could send a surprise without going to the recipient's page.

However, there is no function to recognize the user who gave you the gift. If you find information that someone is offering similar services online, do not doubt that this is a scammer.

If the profile is closed, then only friends can give gifts.

Is it possible to find out who a private gift came from?

How can you find out who sent you a private message? You need to go to the section with pictures and select “My gifts” in it. Find the image whose sender interests you and open it. You will see your username on the side.

Not many people know, but even a simple present can be made hidden. It is enough, before clicking on the “Accept” button, to check the “Accept as private” line. There is one point worth considering. If you were sent two identical pictures and one of them is personal, then you will not be able to find out which one.

What kind of gifts are they and how much does it cost?

There are several options on a social network to show someone your attention:

  • static pictures;
  • “living gifts” - interactive animated congratulations;
  • Gift Designer is a special application that allows you to create your own greeting.

All gifts, with rare exceptions, cost 30 web units, “OK”. When replenishing your wallet on a social network through Sberbank online, 1 OK = 1 ruble. But when purchasing web units from a phone account, 110 OK, for example, will cost 203.39 rubles. (at tariffs of September 2019).

As you can see in the screenshot, the service offers promotional gifts that are very inexpensive - such price tags are highlighted in blue. If the price is not indicated, then it is 30 OK, which can be seen if you place the cursor on the gift.

If you don't accept or delete a gift, will the sender see it?

Not all cards are to your liking. And not all senders are dear to you. Therefore, having received an ugly or unpleasant picture, you hesitate between “Accept” and “Reject”. Are you wondering whether people will see your actions? How will it affect him if you don't want to accept his gift?

If you reject a postcard, the sender will receive a notification about this. Agree, this can be very offensive, especially if the gift was paid. The system does not refund money if the recipient did not like the sent image.

In order not to quarrel with a person if he is close to you, you can do two things:

  1. Talk to the user and explain why you don't want to accept their picture.
  2. Accept the picture and then close the section with gifts from other users so that they cannot see the donated images. But this feature will only be available if you purchase the Private Profile option. From January 2021, it costs 30 OKOV and is valid indefinitely.

We recommend reading the article “Instructions for canceling gifts in Odnoklassniki.”

"Guests" and "Events"

Everyone in childhood dreamed of owning a magical invisibility cloak. The creators of Odnoklassniki provide people with this opportunity. If someone visits your page invisible, you won’t even know about it. It is almost impossible to figure out such a cunning person. But there is a small chance that the mysterious guest will reveal himself. For example, if he doesn’t just silently watch you, but shows some activity: he gives ratings or writes comments.

If you already have a guess about who this secretive guest of your page is, try to provoke him to take some action online. Once the user leaves a trace, it will not be at all difficult to calculate it.

Please note that page guests are displayed for the last 30 days, after which information about them is deleted.

If a person is not registered on a social network, then he will not be reflected in the guests. This also applies to cases where the user is registered in Odnoklassniki, but has left his profile.

Odnoklassniki offers several ways to remain unnoticed in a given situation. You can use the above methods to reveal the secret. There is no 100% guarantee that you will find a secret admirer, but it is worth trying at least one of the options.

How to send a private gift?

To send a personal postcard you need:

  1. Go to your profile and among your friends find the person you want to give a postcard to. If the person is not your friend, then just use the search bar.

  2. Open his page and click on “Make a gift”.

  3. You are taken to the section with gifts. For greater convenience, it is divided into tabs: Popular and Categories. Categories have their own subsections, which also make it easier to find the file you need.
  4. In the “Sending a Gift” window, move the slider to the right in the “Private Gift” line. In the same section, you can make a musical card by adding a song or giving it secret status. In this case, no one will know who the sender was.

As soon as a person accepts a gift, it will appear on his main profile photo - avatar.

Types of gifts in Odnoklassniki

As you know, the popular social network Odnoklassniki offers its users a choice of three gift options:

Regular giftVisible to all users who visit the gift recipient's page. Like all types of gifts, it is displayed on the user’s avatar.
Private presentTypically, such a gift costs twice as much as a regular one (although Odnoklassniki now offers a large selection of free gifts, including private ones). Both the sender and the recipient can see the data of the sender of the gift. This information will be hidden for other users.
Secret giftThe sender of such a gift will remain incognito and is not accessible even to the recipient of the gift. According to the Odnoklassniki administration, it is impossible to obtain information about the sender of the gift.

In each case of a gift, you can either accept or refuse it.

You can accept the gift or decline it

Upon acceptance, the gift will be displayed on the recipient’s avatar; if rejected, the money for this gift will not be returned to the sender.

This may be useful: How to find out the unknown sender of a gift in VK.

Hacking private gifts (is it possible)?

If you find information online that offers to help you find out the name of the sender of a confidential gift, this is an ordinary scam. This service is paid; the user will be asked to transfer a sum of money to the specified account.

After you transfer the money, in the best case, you will receive instructions, following which you need to find out the login and password of the owner of the page and go to it to find out the name of the secret sender. But if this data is available, then you don’t need to transfer money, you just go in and look.

There are currently no other ways to obtain confidential information in Odnoklassniki.

How to see who gave a gift

If you are just wondering who exactly the picture came from, we are talking about ordinary ones, then when it was accepted, they should have seen the person’s name. Suppose you didn’t pay attention to this, then go to your profile page and in the main menu click on the “Alerts” button.

On the right, go to the section with the appropriate name, find the one you need and see who it is from.

If you want to know who sent it to your friend, then while on the user’s page, wait until the picture appears on the main photo and hover your mouse over it. If it is not private or secret, you will see the name.

Accept as private - what is it and why?

It also happens that the recipient himself does not want to advertise who gives him gifts on Odnoklassniki. The social network allows you to hide the names of recipients.

After the gift has been selected and sent, the recipient receives a corresponding notification. It has buttons: “Reject”, “Accept” and “Accept as private”. If you click the last one, the sender's name will become unavailable to guests of the page.

If the gift was initially private, this is immediately indicated in the notification, and there are two buttons left: “Accept” and “Reject.”

How to give a confidential surprise to a friend yourself

Every user can send private congratulations if there are Okies on the account. But even if your score is zero, you can still enjoy free gifts. The Odnoklassniki administration provides a simple gift for each account owner.

As soon as the user accepts your gift, you will receive a notification.

But if your account is negative (this also happens), you won’t even be able to send a free gift. First, the user will have to top up the account.

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