How to view the blacklist in Odnoklassniki and guests on the site

The social network Odnoklassniki is widely popular among millions of users. Here they find their old acquaintances and friends, and also meet new people with whom they continue to keep in touch. However, in the process of communication, many users understand that it is important for them to maintain their own confidentiality and at the same time be able to know more information about their social circle and visitors to their page. Below we will look at the important functionality of the Odnoklassniki social network regarding your privacy, so that you can comfortably use the service and apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

SS Odnoklassniki

Who are guests and what are their rights?

Each user registered in the social network in question has the opportunity to access the personal page of any user in Odnoklassniki. However, he may not be added by this user to his friends. Also in this case, the profile of the person being viewed must be public. Such a visit to a personal page will be recorded by the system and displayed to the profile owner as the presence of a guest.

Any guest on someone else's profile has the opportunity to look at photos, read personal information, take part in forums, make comments and communicate their desire to the account owner to enter into friendly relations with him. If you have friends on your profile, they are also displayed as guests in Odnoklassniki.

Reasons why you can't see who watched the video

The account owner can see visitors who have liked the video. If users only watched the video but did not check in, you cannot identify them yourself.

The main reasons for this situation are the rules of privacy, which are scrupulously observed on many Western web resources, incl. and on Instagram. It is impossible to see all the people who have watched the video on the site. The creators of Instagram put account confidentiality and copyright compliance first.

How to view guests

In order to view the list of guests on your personal page, you need to click on the item called “Guests” in the top menu. You can view the list of guests in your profile not only on a computer and laptop, but also on a smartphone and tablet. The procedure for this action is the same everywhere, regardless of what electronic device is used. After you click on the “Guests” icon in the top panel of the window, a section will open in front of you in which each visitor will be displayed in detail with his personal data and dates of visits. Now you know how to find out who visited your profile.

Profile guests

In cases where the service administration or profile owner has not blocked specific guests, they are saved in his history for 30 days.

Things are completely different with guests in hidden profiles. By hiding their profile, such users have deprived themselves of the opportunity to see on their page those users who visited them, and they will only be able to see their friends.

Hidden profile

View in the event feed

You can view your own event feed, but this method is only convenient if you rarely like. To view the feed, you need to open the main page and click on your name.

Next, just roll the mouse wheel and scroll down the page. Here you will find your "Classes".

How to recognize friends' guests

There are often cases when people meet on the social network Odnoklassniki and begin to be friends for a long time. However, some of these users want to know more information about their friend and be aware of what kind of friends he has. As a result, he has a reasonable desire to find out how, through the means of a social network, he can look at all his friend’s guests. However, the service does not allow you to view guests of another profile directly from one account.

However, you can use other methods and get to know some or all of the guests of the user you are interested in. If you have a great relationship with the user and there is trust, you can offer to show each other screenshots of the guest pages. In cases where there is incomplete trust between you, you have the opportunity to carefully evaluate the comments made by other users on the photographs of the person you are interested in.

To do this you need to follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the page of the person you are interested in and open his photo album.
  2. Move the cursor to the photo and in the window that opens, click on the numbers indicating comments on the photo.
  3. Look and read the comments carefully and here you can see whether they were made by friends or guests.

The above information will help you not only to be an informed user of the social network, but will also be useful in cases where you are thinking of creating a group on Odnoklassniki.

How to see guests in Odnoklassniki who visited the site

The Odnoklassniki website compares favorably with other social networks by having a “Guests” section. Curious to see who looked at your profile. Although some users do not like the fact that their visits to other people's pages are visible to the owners. But for such lovers of mystery, a new function “Invisibility” has been created; we will tell you all the details about it in a separate material. And how to view invisible guests in Odnoklassniki is discussed below.

For now, let's find out who is called a guest on a social network and what rights they have. Each user of the site can go to the profile of any person without adding him as a friend. If, of course, the page is completely open to visitors (the creation and functioning of private profiles is discussed in another article). The guest can find out publicly available personal information, admire photographs and leave comments on them, take part in a discussion on the forum, write a message to the owner and, of course, send him an invitation to make friends. By the way, friends who visit you are also reflected in the number of visitors.

Information on how to view guests on Odnoklassniki is a secret only for inexperienced users of the site. But what's the secret here? The section is located on the personal page in the most visible place: approximately in the middle of the top line. All you have to do is click on the symbol representing footprints to see who “inherited” your page. Doing this on your phone or tablet is also easy. Open the main menu to enter the section.

How to gain subscribers on Odnoklassniki to make your page more recognizable? Just follow the link provided and see how low the prices we offer.

However, in the newest versions of the site, according to the administration, “Guests” have moved. This section has become part of the Friends tab. But all options for “Guests” have remained unchanged. The profile owner can go to the visitor’s page, as well as write to him, call him, invite him to a group, gift him, and finally block or hide him. We devoted an entire article to the topic of how to remove guests on Odnoklassniki. And we prepared detailed instructions on how to send and read messages.

Some Odnoklassniki users noticed that the “Guests” section (especially if there are a lot of visitors) lives a life of its own. Some faces appear, others disappear by themselves, without the participation of the page owner. This movement is easily explained. Guests stay on someone else's profile for no more than 30 days. Unless, of course, they were previously deleted or blocked. This can be done by the site administration or you yourself.

But in hidden profiles with guests, everything is not so simple. Mysterious users voluntarily deprived themselves of the opportunity to see who visited them. Only friends will appear in the corresponding section of their page, and other visitors will not be able to appear. Since the profile from the inside is not visible to outsiders.

Sometimes as soon as a person makes friends with someone on a social network, he already wants to know everything about his new friend without exception. In this case, the question arises of how to view a friend’s guests in Odnoklassniki. The site administration did not satisfy such a request. It is impossible to see who visited someone else's page. By the way, there is an option to view friends of a friend.

You can buy advertising on Odnoklassniki to tell a wide range of participants in this social network about yourself and your project. At the same time, the prices will clearly not leave you indifferent.

And yet there are options to meet some, and sometimes all, of your friend's guests. If you have a trusting relationship, you can exchange screenshots of guest pages. And if communication is not so close, try to see the most active visitors. You just need to pay attention to the comments on your friend’s photos and see who tagged him with ratings or “classes”. Do this:

1) Log in to your friend’s profile, open your personal photo album and hover over the photo;

2) A window will open at the bottom, where there will be a symbol indicating comments and the inscription “Class”, and numbers next to them, click on them to find out who has already tagged this photo;

3) You can open the comments and see who wrote them, if they are not your friend's friends, then they are guests.

Now you know how to see visitors to your page in Odnoklassniki and whether you can see your friend’s guests. This information will be especially useful to you if you are planning to create a group. In this case, read articles on how to attract people to a group and how to promote a page or promote a group on Odnoklassniki.

"Invisible" guests

If you have an open profile on the service and you do not hide your personal data from other users, it may be uncomfortable for you to observe the presence of an unknown visitor on your page.

However, the social network Odnoklassniki has recently introduced a service called “Invisible”. Thanks to this service, any user of the service who ordered it and decided to become invisible can visit the personal pages of other users and be invisible at the same time. This one is activated. You can use it completely free of charge for three days. If you want to use this service in the future, you will need to purchase packages for specific periods of time.


Previously, the invisible person was displayed in the guests section of a social network user’s profile. However, at this point in time, it is not displayed in this section at all, and thus you will not be able to know whether you had a mysterious visitor. Thus, it is almost impossible to detect an invisible person, since his interests are protected by the social network on paid terms. However, if it is very important for you to determine who is secretly visiting your profile, you can try to reveal them. To do this, you need to create a provocative situation, thanks to which invisible visitors will show their activity. The fact is that entries in comments, discussions and remarks cannot be anonymous, and if an unknown user leaves a post, then you can identify him and blacklist him in the future.


Through browser history

You can actually find your “Classes” through your browser history, if you haven’t cleared it and approximately remember the day when the mark was made. Go to the “Menu” of the browser (in our case it is “Opera”) and click on the “History” section.

You will have to work hard here, as there may be too much information. Using this method, you can view not only “Likes”, but also any information that interested you at a given time. For example, the user simply watched videos or other people’s photos without “Classes”.

Other guests of a certain profile

If you are wondering who visited my Odnoklassniki page, then you should already know most of the answer by reading the information above.

However, there are other ways to visit your page without you being able to identify guests. So, if your profile settings allow search engines to index your personal page on a social network, then people can visit it even without registering with the service. Computer or mobile device users can search for your personal information and then find your social media profile. However, such people, due to the fact that they are not registered in Odnoklassniki, will not be able to see all the information on your page.

Additional options

In addition, even your best friends can visit your page incognito.

To do this, they can use several methods. The first way is that, knowing the static address of your Internet page in the service, they will access it from another browser, or log out of their social network account and then access your profile using the previous browser.

The second method is a little more complicated than the first, however, it is also quite easy to use. To do this, your friends can register a new account on a social network and then access your profile from it. In addition, no one has canceled the opportunity for your friends to turn on the invisible service and visit you invisible.

Enabling stealth

What is it and why is it needed

Let's start the review with a definition - let's talk about what “browsing history” means in Odnoklassniki settings.

Browsing history is data about user visits. The section displays the following information:

  • Connection date and time;
  • IP address;
  • City and country.

We figured out what “visit history” means in Odnoklassniki. But why do users need this information? The main goal is to strengthen the security of social network participants. Thanks to the data from the section, users can:

  • Track the list of visits;
  • If necessary, see unauthorized entry;
  • Take timely measures against intruders and protect yourself.

Note! You won’t be able to clear the data yourself – it is stored on servers for thirty days. After this period, the information is reset and replaced with new connections.

What loopholes exist

By enabling the private account function, the user receives additional publicity settings. A person can hide not all information, but only some sections. This means that even in a classified profile it is possible to find some information about the owner.

Closed account in Odnoklassniki

From the photos of a classified account, the user’s avatar will always be available for viewing, but in a reduced form. It is unlikely that you will be able to view the albums, since most people hide them first. Among other data, feed, friends and notes are usually hidden. But groups, videos, music and games are often left open.

Useful information about the owner can be found in the “About” section. At a minimum, you will find the person's date of birth there. But often there you can find out the user’s place of birth, city of residence, list of hobbies, and even see the user’s subscribers.

Section “About Me”

So when you come across a classified page, the first thing to do is look through its entire menu to see what information is available to you.

Some users even leave the option to subscribe to them. Follow the person and turn on notifications for new posts. You won’t be able to get to the page this way, but you will see all the user’s latest posts in your news feed.

Let's sum it up

Odnoklassniki is an ideal social network, especially for women, since there is no need to search for your ex and current boyfriend. News constantly appears in the feed about who put “Class”, commented or added as a friend. Moreover, we are even talking about strangers (if the profile is not closed or the event was not hidden).

Even your latest actions are displayed on the pages of your friends and you, so finding “liked” posts will not be difficult. But to save posts (as is often done in VK), it is better to use bookmarking. It’s not difficult to understand the system, and putting likes is no more difficult than on Facebook or Instagram.

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Third party apps for viewing guests

Since many people are very interested in finding out who secretly visits their page and leaves without leaving likes, comments and other traces of their presence, quite a lot of products have appeared in the Play Store, App Store and on the Internet that promise to provide such information.

I don’t recommend wasting time on them and here’s why:

  1. At the moment, there is not a single service or application that can bypass Instagram restrictions regarding visitors. This is an objective reality and it is better to accept it.
  2. Most “honest” programs will show you exactly the same information that you yourself can find out without installing additional software: the number of likes, comments, subscriptions.
  3. If the service shows prospective guests, then you will not be able to verify this data in any way, and there is a high probability that the system will select visitors at random. The owners need to make money from advertising or paid services, so they will feed you such exclusive information.

And the last and very significant reason is that most applications ask you to enter your login and password for your Instagram account, which means you risk its security and may lose control over your account. Whether curiosity is worth the risk is, of course, up to you to decide. I prefer to avoid such unnecessary risks and not test services with questionable reliability.

Be careful not to fall for scammers.

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