How to find friends on Odnoklassniki

The question of how to invite friends to a group in VK arises immediately after you have created a community, stylishly designed it, and filled it with original content. For a community to thrive, it must be made up of people—and the more, the better.

The first thing you can do is call your friends from your contact list. The next step is to attract unfamiliar users. If you don’t know how to invite people not from your friends list to a VK group, don’t worry, the process is not complicated, but painstaking. After all, it is important not to just mindlessly send out applications in order to avoid getting banned, it is necessary to interest the target audience. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you initially think about the attractive appearance of your community. Don’t forget to make a beautiful cover for the group, fill out all the fields as completely as possible, and think through every little detail.

By the way, the number of invitation messages that can be sent out within 24 hours is limited. The VKontakte resource allows you to send only 40 applications from one account per day.

How to invite friends

Let's look at the step-by-step instructions for sending out invitations:

from PC

  • Open your VK profile on your computer;
  • Go to the community, pay attention to the menu under the avatar;
  • Find the “Invite Friends” command;

  • A window with contacts will appear - next to each name there will be a command “Send an invitation”;

  • You can click on the “Invite friends from the full list” link. A form will open with the ability to set a filter: sort people by age, gender, location.

Please note that if you want to send an invitation to a person who is not yet in your contacts list, you will first have to find a friend online, then add him, and only after that invite him to your community.

From phone

Here's how to do it in the mobile version of the service (in the browser):

  • In the “Actions” section, find the “Invite friends” item and click on it.
  • Select the person you need or use the list search.

Here's how to do it in the app:

  • Go to the group and click on the three vertical dots in the right corner of the screen.

  • A menu with commands will open - the first of them is “Invite friends”;

  • In the shortened version, you cannot expand the form with filters - just click on your friends and the applications will fly out.

Next, we’ll look at how to invite people not from your friends list to a community on VK, and send an invitation to an unfamiliar audience - because these people, as a rule, are objects of direct commercial interest.

Don't be prejudiced

No first impressions, no preconceptions. The first impression is an illusion that greatly interferes with our lives. So we saw a person and in the first second we already formed our opinion about him. It’s not for nothing that psychologists say that the general impression of a person is 50 percent of the first impression.

Don't be prejudiced
Don't be prejudiced

But what is this most notorious first impression based on? Exclusively on some template and absolutely abstract ideas. About the fact that if he looks like this, then he is such a person. Seriously?

Meanwhile, this greatly prevents a person from actually opening up. After all, if we want to find a deep connection and a true friend, then how can we rely on some external stereotyped and standard manifestations?

Useful tips

Before we look at ways to invite strangers to a VKontakte group, we will share the necessary recommendations so that the process leads to an impressive result.

  • To increase the number of subscribers, it is not enough to attract your friends to the public. Even if they join the mailing of applications to their contact lists, the desired number of participants will still not be reached. But there will be a risk of being blocked - if in a day a critical number of users mark your account as a source of spam, the first time you will be banned for several hours. When this happens again, the community will go to the block forever.
  • Before sending an invitation to a VKontakte group, prepare the text of the message - it should be concise, catchy, and not banal.

Give a couple of catchy arguments to interest a potential subscriber. Read articles with tips on writing short messages that work as a call to action.

And now we invite you to find out how to invite a person to a group on VK if there is no “Invite friends” button - this is possible if you chose the “public page” variety when creating a community. Just temporarily move the page to a group: the desired command is under the avatar, the very last one in the list. You will need to confirm the action, enter the code that will be sent to the mobile phone linked to the account of the page owner.

How to find new contacts. Be sociable and friendly

It often happens that in order to find one good friend you need to contact many people. This will require sociability skills and interest in people on your part.

Be sociable and friendly
Be sociable and friendly

Develop the ability to speak easily and naturally in any environment with any person. This will greatly help you find new contacts. That is, literally, when you meet a person and can exchange two phrases “how are you, everything is fine?” .

If you support this with each person, then it will be much easier for you to be with him and communicate on more serious, deep topics later.

It will also be much easier for you to make new connections and new acquaintances, because you will generally come across as a friendlier and more sociable person

How to attract subscribers from an unfamiliar audience?

So, you invited your friends from VK to the community, and they, in turn, invited some of their contacts. Thus, it is quite possible to invite the first thousand subscribers. This is necessary from a psychological point of view - after all, a stranger is unlikely to want to join a community in which there are few participants.

However, what to do next? Remember, you won’t be able to simply send out invitations to strangers. Let's look at several working methods that will increase the number of participants in your public.

  1. You can invite friends to your VK group via phone not only if you are an admin; the function is active for moderators and editors. By the way, the type of device and the format of the site version do not matter.
  2. Organize sending out invitations manually - the selective method is good for selecting target subscribers, that is, people who are really interested in the activities of the community. Look for these people in similar groups, filter them by interests, gender, age, location.
  3. Surely, you were looking for a way to invite participants to a private VKontakte group using a mailing program, and most likely you came across the “VTope” application on the Internet.

This is a shareware service for promoting groups/communities and accounts on any social networks. You can download it for free using this link but to use it you will need to enter a code. To receive it, you will need to send an SMS.

Essentially, this is a program that converts bots into subscribers - a “dead” or inactive audience. We do not recommend that you use such services. Firstly, because of them it is easy to migrate to the block, and secondly, these profiles will not bring any benefit to the group - there will be no orders, comments, reposts or other activity from there. Although if you want, you can make a bot and test its effectiveness!

  1. Ordering targeted advertising. It is expensive, but gives the best results in attracting targeted subscribers. It is configured in such a way that it covers a small circle of accounts whose owners will definitely be interested in your community.
  2. Advertising in communities. You prepare an information post about your group and post it in a selected VK public page with a similar topic.
  3. Another option is to analyze potential contacts through search engines. This is a difficult and expensive project that is left to professionals. They will monitor the niche in which the group operates and create a website or blog in which specially prepared articles will be published. The texts will contain hidden advertising of the public on VK, as well as links, appeals and other attraction tools.

But remember that not all users are ready to tolerate such content on their page. There are small loopholes especially for them, how to remove advertising from the page and video. Therefore, take this fact into account when placing.

We looked at how to send out invitations to a VKontakte group, invite all your friends, and attract outside audiences. At this stage, it is important to understand that attracting subscribers is not enough - you need to be able to retain them. To do this, pay attention to filling the public, publish interesting posts, organize competitions, create surveys, encourage the audience to take active action.

Be active in finding friends

You need to be active. Friends, they don’t come on their own and they don’t lie on the road on their own. They really need to be found. You should not rely on the unfair fate that they did not come to you and did not appear on their own. They will not appear on their own and will not come on their own.

Friends don't lie on the road
Friends don't lie on the road

Some effort needs to be made, something needs to be done, so it is imperative to be open to new contacts and generally friendly.

Don't be principled

Forget about principles, for example, he offended me and this is a matter of principle. I'll never say hello to him again. I'm not saying you shouldn't be unprincipled. No, I’m saying that there shouldn’t be far-fetched principles that actually prevent you from living.


If you have come up with the principle that he offended me and now he must apologize to me, you will simply suffer from it .

If you want to communicate with a person, but you think that he has offended you, then just come to talk to him and say: “I don’t hold a grudge against you, everything is fine, I just hope that this won’t happen again... Let’s continue communication.” This is the position of an adequate person.

Just invite for a cup of coffee or tea

Invite a personInvite a person
Invite a person for a cup of coffee somewhere in a cafe, or for a walk, or to sit, just like that, for no reason. In fact, people don't need a reason to date. This may seem strange to some, but in fact it really works and you can really find a friend than just another number in a notebook.

Also read: How to become successful and confident

Become a volunteer

This topic is cool, but not for everyone. Become a volunteer. Volunteer in absolutely any field, because both in your city and I’m almost sure in any country there are a huge number of organizations that invite volunteers.


Yes, people work there, either for free or for a nominal fee, but they work for an idea. And most importantly, they work in a community of people who share common interests and common values. They have something to talk about together and have fun spending time together.

That’s why people volunteer, well, of course, not only that, but this is one of the reasons. Moreover, there are even international volunteer organizations where people from all over the world are invited. You may have the opportunity to travel and communicate with like-minded people.

Be interested in other people

If you have a large number of acquaintances, but you suffer from the fact that you can’t have a heart-to-heart talk with any of them, it may very well make sense to try to deepen your relationships with those you already know .

Be interested in other people
Be interested in other people

Because, in fact, a huge number of people think exactly the same as you. They, in the same way, have a large number of acquaintances, but there is no one to talk heart to heart with. And people begin to think that everyone around them is superficial and will not understand you.

To do this, show interest in people , namely in what they are interested in and what they like to do in their free time. Perhaps your interests will coincide greatly and you will find a true friend, and your conversations will drag on for hours.

Show and express your feelings

Talk openly and honestly about your emotional state. Here you are experiencing some emotion, some desire, or anxiety. If this is a positive emotion, then speak about it boldly. If this is a negative emotion, then express it, but not in the format of a complaint, but give it the color of self-irony, for example: “listen, I’ve been so sad all day today, it’s good that I saw you.”

Show and express your feelings
Show and express your feelings

It is very important to express your emotional states, and not keep them inside. Because when we share emotions, we really build trust, respect and mutual interest in each other. The more we hold back our emotions, the more difficult it actually is for us to build trusting and deep relationships.

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