Why does VK write an access error? VKontakte access error when adding audio

loading error, its elimination
When trying to log into the VKontakte social network, users may be deprived of this opportunity due to an error. The pop-up window usually indicates the error number and a small text to help diagnose the problem. VKontakte
loading error
can be resolved using standard Windows tools.

If the site does not load on VK, then first you should check whether there is internet. If available, try to solve the problem by accessing the vk.com website from another browser. A positive result indicates a problem with the program that needs to be cleaned or reinstalled. Sometimes you just need to wait a while due to a reboot of the VKontakte server, which happens extremely rarely. VKontakte has encountered an error for another reason, namely, the specified login and password are not accepted. You need to make sure that you entered them correctly. However, if this notification is repeated, then your account has been hacked (we will tell you what to do in this case) and your data has been changed. Availability of the page is also returned by phone number. High-quality and inexpensive promotion on VKontakte is available here


To do this, click on the “Forgot your password?” link, then indicate the phone number to which this page is registered. After clicking on the “Next” button, you need to reproduce the designations from the picture and confirm whether this is your page. Having received the code by phone, enter it in the specified field and click “Change password”, which is what you should do. To avoid hacking, install an antivirus if you don’t have one, or keep it updated. In addition, if as a result of your search you find the vkontakte.exe program on your computer (this is a fake program that contains errors and has come to you), then delete it. In addition, you should edit the host file, which has apparently been modified by the virus. You can get likes for photos and posts on VKontakte by ordering this service


You will need the etc folder. A quick search is performed by entering the following entry into the address bar of Explorer - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. There is a hosts file that can be opened using Notepad, one of the standard programs. Except for line 1127. 0.0. 1localhost, you can delete everything and save the file. If saving is not carried out, first select “Properties”, then “Security”. After that, click “Change”. In the new window, check all the boxes in the “Allow” column and click “Apply”. Now you can edit the hosts file and save it. After this, the access rights should be returned to their place for security purposes. After these steps, you need to restart the computer - and access to VKontakte is free. If VKontakte does not open, you can find additional information.

Error in
At least once you might have seen the entry “An error occurred while loading the audio recording” in the window. To do this, you need to refresh the page by clearing the cache (F5 key or Ctrl+R combination) so that
audio recording error is eliminated.
If VKontakte writes an error
, then now you have enough information to eliminate it. You can add subscribers with high-quality accounts to the VKontiakte group on this

Full error text: An error occurred while loading data. Check your network connection. This error occurs in the VK application. The application does not load news, messages and other sections. There may be several reasons for the error:


In the device settings, find the VKontakte application. Go to the permissions section. You will see "Memory" in the list. You need to disable this item, restart the phone and enable this item again.

An error when loading data could have occurred due to a glitch with access rights to certain files - cached avatars of your friends and other files.

When you try to turn off this permission, you may see a similar message: “This app was developed for an earlier version of Android. Revocation of permission may cause operational problems.” Select the “Reject” item, because later this item will be enabled again.

If the error still appears, go back to the application settings again. The problem may be not only a lack of Internet connection, but also a damaged file in the memory cache. The application is unable to display the page and ends up throwing a data loading error. First of all, go to settings, find the VKontakte application and clear the cache memory.

Clean and try to launch the application again.


On Apple devices, the problem most often occurs due to an outdated application. From time to time, older versions of the application are no longer supported. Therefore, first of all, we check for updates. After the update, go to settings and clear the cache, reboot the device and look again:

Other possible reasons related to the Internet connection:

  • If you are using an older version of the application, please update it. An outdated version may not be supported.
  • Make sure that the Internet connection is stable and there are no traffic restrictions set for the application.
  • Try going to vk.com. If the site is not accessible, it is probably blocked by your operator or network administrator (for example, Wi-Fi at your work). Try switching to another Wi-Fi router or connecting via mobile connection. If access is blocked by the operator, use proxy services.

If you find another solution to the error when loading VK data, share the solution with us in the comments.

“Access error 5” on VKontakte is a frequently encountered message for users, usually occurring when viewing files is restricted. It may be due to the emergence of internal problems in the operation of the social network or the desire of other users to limit viewing of their own content. This means that problems cannot always be fixed on your own, but there are several ways to influence them.

Problems may occur regardless of the browser used and the quality of the connection. In this case, viewing the content is obviously impossible or is interrupted after it is turned on. After this, it becomes unavailable completely or temporarily, depending on the situation.

There may be several reasons for restricting access to video files. Most often these are involved:

  • Internet connection;
  • user privacy;
  • inaccessibility of the file itself;
  • copyright infringement, etc.

The problem cannot always be solved by the user viewing the video file.


To be able to troubleshoot problems, it is necessary to identify the possible cause of its occurrence. Basic prerequisites:

  1. Content removed after viewing started. As a rule, this is possible if it loses its relevance, since only the user who added it can delete the file.
  2. Restricting access for public members, subscribers or friends of the account owner. In this case, just add him as a friend or subscribe to updates and news.
  3. Restricted by additional personal settings. This applies to both all video content and individual albums of the account.
  4. A viewing ban that applies to all social network accounts. It is often associated with the author of the video requesting removal.

The reason may also be the presence of internal problems with the social network, which are associated with its incorrect operation or the latest update being insufficiently thought out. In this case, you should not do anything yourself. You need to write to support with a question.

What else do you need to know about private settings?

Sometimes people write: “why can’t I set up privacy in a friend’s VK profile?” Everything is simple here - this function is available only to page owners. No one can change someone's privacy settings without the owner's knowledge. Otherwise, the whole point of the restriction option is lost. We hope there is no need to explain anything further here.

Privacy and blacklisting are not the same thing. For example, you don’t want to close your page to other people’s visitors who are not in your friend zone. But there are certain people who bother, insult and, in general, make it difficult to live in peace. They can be selectively blocked without requiring you to change your privacy settings. People added to the Black List will not be able to visit you, view photos, videos, and they will not have access to open content. At the same time, the rest of the audience will not experience any restrictions.

What to do if “Access Error 5” occurs

It is possible to improve the situation on your own. If “Access Error 5” VK concerns settings, then it can be eliminated by asking the user to change them.

Privacy settings

If you have the specified settings set by the content owner, it is almost impossible to bypass the error with the code. To do this, you should contact the copyright holder with a request to remove the restrictions. At the same time, he reserves the right to refuse the request. But the owner of the file should not abuse the privacy settings, since in this case the administration of the social network may block his account.

System problems

Some viruses and hacking utilities have the ability to redirect the user to new links or restrict access to any content without the knowledge of the copyright holder. To troubleshoot problems, you will need to scan your computer and browser using an antivirus or remove manually detected malicious software. After this, the device must be restarted.

The system stops working properly if the browser with its settings is discordant with it. To fix the problem in this case, just change it to another one. If the reason lies in the absence of a flash player or its latest update, then it must be reinstalled by downloading the current version. This should be done exclusively from the developer’s official website to prevent your computer from becoming infected with malware.

Why is the password incorrect?

Many users have pages not only on one social network “Vkontakte”, plus add to this several email boxes and daily busyness... You can easily confuse one password for one service with another.

In addition, many sites on the Internet do not allow you to have easy-to-remember passwords and always force users to change them to their own generated ones. Well, of course, when before you easily accessed a social network by simply clicking on your favorites in the browser, after a month it would be difficult to remember your password.

To recover your password , click in the left column, directly below the authorization lines, the item “forgot your password?”.

Next, you need to indicate the phone number or login that was used to log into the site. Actually, nothing complicated.

By the way, before recovering your password, it is recommended to clean your computer of viruses, and at the same time check for a virus that is blocking access to the site. More on this below...

The music is gone

Solution: log out and log in

Try logging out of your account in the application (that is, from your page) and logging in again. Just make sure you remember your username and password first. This usually fixes the error when the music is missing:

  1. Fifth button on the bottom row.
  2. The gear button at the top right will open the settings.
  3. At the very bottom is the “Exit” option.
  4. Log into the application again by entering your username and password.

If you don’t remember your password, you’ll have to make a new one, that is, restore access: Recovering a password for VKontakte access. The most important thing here is that the page is linked to your current phone number.

How to write to technical support?

If everything works for him or your problem persists for a long time, contact support. There is another nuance here! The technical service moderators honestly admitted that recently they have been covered in an “avalanche” of unimportant questions, so they have temporarily removed the “Write to us” button. However, there is a loophole; however, there is a risk that they will not answer you...

  • Click on the small avatar in the right corner of the screen;
  • Select the “Help” block;

  • In the right column, select “Privacy Settings” (or Page Access);

  • In this sector, the “Write to technical support” button has been preserved;

  • Describe your problem in detail, say: “I can’t remove privacy on VK for several days,” attach screenshots. Use all your eloquence to convey to the moderators why you had to cheat. If you're lucky, a compassionate manager will answer you.

But, since the developers themselves do not believe that when a person cannot change privacy, this is a significant problem, most likely you will not receive feedback.

In conclusion, I will give advice - if I cannot open or change privacy in VK, I would do this:

  • I reinstalled and rebooted everything I could;
  • I tried to change something the next day;
  • I made sure that my requirements were covered by the settings;
  • I checked to see if the settings are really not saved. I would ask my friends to visit my page and tell me what everything looks like there;
  • I closed my profile and sent everyone I didn’t like to the emergency room;
  • I would relax and move on with my life.

Friends! Sometimes you just need to let go of the situation, accept that changing it, specifically, today will not work. Be patient a little. And try your luck tomorrow!

Errors when playing audio recordings

You want to turn on music in the VKontakte application on your phone or tablet (most often on Android), but the music does not play and you get one of the errors:

  • Error when playing audio recording
  • Unsupported recording format

Sometimes the following error occurs:

  • There is not enough memory to store audio recordings in cache

It is also possible that you go to “My Music” and all the music is completely gone. In “Recommendations” there is “Error. Try again". In audio recordings of friends, music also does not show, it seems to have disappeared.

Solution: clear the audio cache in the VK application

For Android smartphones (not iPhones) there is a solution: clear the audio cache.

This is the memory on your phone where the songs you play are saved. Gradually it ends and this error occurs. But this setting is not available in all versions of the application.

  1. Open the application settings - the fifth button in the bottom row, then the gear button at the top right.
  2. Next, open “Basic”.
  3. Find the item “Clear music cache”
    and click.
  4. Turn off “Cache Music”
    (the switch to the right of this inscription).
  5. “Cache Music”
    again using the same switch.

Now try playing the song again. If it works, congratulations! Now you know how to fix the problem.

If it's still an error, what other ways are there to solve the problem?

  1. Change the location where you save the music - if internal memory is selected there, switch to the memory card (go to the application settings, then “General”,
  2. Delete all VK application data in the phone settings: for example, “Settings - All applications - VKontakte - Erase data”

    “Clear cache” there
  3. Try rebooting your smartphone (turn it off and on again).
  4. Uninstall the VK application completely and install it again from Google Play.
  5. If you open a recording in the application that has music attached, there will be a “three dots” menu at the top right. Click on them and select “Open in browser”.
    A page with this song will open in the browser, and you can play it.
  6. Change your Android phone to an iPhone (or an Android tablet to an iPad).

Logging into a blocked social network using anonymizers and proxy servers

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the options described above, then there are more complex schemes. Let's also look at them just in case.

  • Anonymizers are sites created specifically to bypass such blockades. Having gone to the anonymizer page, enter the address line https://vk.com - and you’ve done it! One piece of advice: be careful when using an anonymizer, as there are known cases of theft of personal data of their users.

Proxy servers - you need to configure a connection through them, for example, using the Opera-Turbo function. By logging in this way, you receive traffic compressed to speed up loading, passed through Opera's proxy server.


In addition, you can configure the installation of an Internet connection through a proxy server manually.

  • To do this, select Browser Options section the “Control Panel , in it – the “Connections” and click on the “Network Settings” .
  • In the window that opens, specify the proxy server parameters: uncheck “ Automatic detection of parameters” and put it in “Use a proxy server for local connections.”
  • All that remains is to enter the server address and port and confirm the changes made - and you are on VKontakte!

Why does this error occur? What should I do to make sure it doesn't exist anymore?

This error occurs when your phone or tablet runs out of memory to save audio. When "Cache Music" is enabled in the application settings,

it saves each song in memory so that next time you don't have to download it again, but play it right away. And the memory is gradually filled with music. Perhaps this defect will be corrected in the future. Don’t be lazy to update the VK application when new versions appear.

In the meantime, there are two solutions: either disable “Music Caching”

in the settings (see above how to do this), or clear the memory from time to time (item in the settings
“Clear music cache”
). Also, if you are good at Android, you can try changing the location where you save the audio. Maybe now music is saved to the internal memory of the phone, but it should be saved to a memory card - after all, there is more space there.

What to do if “Playing this audio is impossible due to the requirements of the copyright holder”?

The fact is that each song has an owner (copyright holder) who controls the rights to copy and reproduce this song. If someone else uploaded a song to the VKontakte website, and then everyone listens to it for free, the copyright holder is not happy with this situation - after all, he does not receive money from it! In essence, they are stealing from him. Therefore, he negotiates with the VKontakte website so that the song cannot be listened to for free. That's when you get this error. What to do? Buy a song or the entire album for money and listen to your pleasure. This is life, nothing personal.

How to log into VKontakte if there is no access from a mobile device?

If for some reason you are in the VKontakte blocking zone, but still want to look into your favorite social network using an Android or iOS mobile device, then one of the options below will help you. Let's take a closer look at them.

  • Option one. Install the special Tor Browser in the usual way (by entering the word “Tor” in the Play Market or iTunes Apple search box) and simply log in to VKontakte.


  • Option two. Install the Opera VPN (the algorithm is identical to the previous option, that is, it involves downloading the application through the Play Market or iTunes Apple, only by typing the name “Opera VPN” into the search) and, again, enjoy the VKontakte community.

Opera VPN

"Background music listening is limited." How to remove the restriction?

Starting from October 1, 2021, the VK mobile application introduced a limit on background listening to music - 1 hour per day, and from November 1 - half an hour (30 minutes). This is done in order to force you to buy a music subscription in the Boom application (149 rubles per month). When the message appears, you can click “Subscription details.”

Just business, nothing personal. Something about this is written here: How to return the old version of VKontakte.

There is no way to remove the limitation (error). If you don’t want to subscribe to music, you can only open the full version of VK on your phone (there is no time limit) and turn on the music in it. But this is not very convenient.

There are other paid music services that are no worse, and maybe even better. Many people even do without VK in order to listen to music (after all, before there was no VK, but they still listened to music).

When access to VKontakte is blocked by a virus: how to determine this?

Sometimes access to your favorite social network is lost not due to a person’s malicious intent, but because of malicious alien programs - viruses, “sharpened” to change access settings in a special file of the operating system. To verify this, you need to run an anti-virus scan on your computer using any of the available anti-virus programs.

After removing or curing detected spies, you should find the “hosts” file by following the path: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. After opening this file in Notepad, carefully check to see if anything unnecessary appears in it (besides the numbers If the file contains extra characters or lines, ruthlessly delete them - and return to the browser to log in to VKontakte.

Getting rid of viruses
Getting rid of viruses

VKontakte fans cannot be stopped by any artificially created restrictions. Therefore, experiment with the options we offer for deceiving blocking systems and feel free to dive into the abyss of your favorite social network!

Just wait

In most cases, the problem is resolved after some time. It is possible that these are temporary problems on the server side, so you should wait a little or search for the desired audio file uploaded by other users.

If you cannot add an audio recording to VK, a VKontakte access error

When adding audio, you shouldn’t panic and reinstall the browser, even if you couldn’t add the file 3-4 times. We will help you upload the song and show it. In this article, Soclike will tell you in detail why the file is not added and, most importantly, how to solve this problem. So, you went to audio and decided to upload a track from your PC, but nothing worked. Read the instructions carefully again - VK writes that the entry:

  • Should not be more than 200 MB
  • MP3 format only
  • Does not violate copyright

If you can't add audio, you've violated one of these conditions. Check how much the track weighs. Select it in a folder on your PC and look at the information in the bottom line. Or click on the song on the right button below. Go to the "Properties" section and you will see how much the song weighs. If it is significantly larger, you will not upload it to VK. How to reduce the weight of the track? Programs or special online applications will help you with this. For example, Audacity. This is a program that you don't have to pay to install. To start working with it, download it from the link https://mysoftdom.ru/multimedia/audio/szhatie-mp3-faylov After installation, import the music file into the workspace. Then, in the menu settings, you can perform an operation to compress it.

Where can't you change privacy?

  • So, if your question is “I can’t change the privacy settings of the VK microblog,” then, alas, nothing can be done about it. A microblog or status was originally intended as a public feature that allows you to display your mood at a given moment in time. If you don’t want anyone to see your status, delete it completely. Otherwise, it will be available even if your profile is closed.
  • A similar point applies to the main avatar. It is also always visible to all VK visitors and this cannot be changed;
  • You also cannot change the privacy of your location (but you can specify the “left” city), the number of friends and posts on the wall. But outside users will not have access to the last two if the profile is closed;

  • You can't stop people from sending you a friend request, but you can ignore them. In this case, the person will become your subscriber, but unilaterally. You also cannot change this fact;
  • I also became interested in why I couldn’t change the privacy settings for gifts in VK, after which it turned out that you can only hide lists of gifts, but not prohibit sending them.

There is one more point regarding the start of the settings that were changed. Most often they start working right away, but there are exceptions. For example, if you only allow friends to send you messages and remove someone from your contact list, they will still be able to write to you within 7 days of your last message to them. By the way, ignorance of this particular nuance most often makes people think that their privacy settings in VK are not changed.

I can’t add an audio recording to VKontakte error

We have considered only one reason why you cannot add an audio recording to VKontakte.

Now you know that you can compress the file and try to upload it again. The same can be done with the format - convert it from any to MP3. There are also a lot of programs for this. For example, the online converter https://online-audio-converter.com/ru/ In it, in three clicks, you can change the song format to the one you need. Do you often upload music and want to create MP3s offline, even when you don’t have access to the Internet?

An error occurred while loading an audio recording on VKontakte.

Why else might Vkontakte have an error when loading an audio recording?

This may be due to the fact that the service has detected a copyright violation. In this case, you need to go to the track settings and clear all information about the author. Did you do this, but still couldn't post the audio? Then try changing the song title to something unique. If this step does not work, contact VK support. We explain how to do this in. Sometimes it happens that an entry is not added from a search on VKontakte. There may also be several reasons for this problem: wi-fi is not working well, you have an old version of the browser installed, the song was deleted and became inaccessible. Try reconnecting to the network, updating VK and try adding a track from another browser. If all else fails, go to the site from your gadget and add a track from it. Now you can do this in VK.

What is this setting?

Before you shout: “Privacy doesn’t work for me on VK” and angrily write “towels” to technical support, figure out what this option is all about.

These are special settings that allow you to change access for certain groups of users (not only from VK) to information on your page. Everyone knows that all visitors to the VKontakte page can be divided into categories: friends, friends of friends, some friends, certain lists of friends, just me.

Each person can set and change specific privacy settings for any type of content on their profile. For example, change access to basic information and photos, allowing it only for friends. Stored pictures, lists of groups, audio recordings and gifts - generally close them from everyone except yourself. You can make it so that only selected people will be visible in the list of your subscriptions, and someone secret will be invisible to everyone.

You can change the visibility of comments and the possibility of their publication by other users, limit access to posts and posts on the wall, set up options for contacting you, and prohibit the import of your contact using the linked number. Privacy settings apply to Stories, media content, correspondence, updates on the page, and any other personal information.

The setting to completely close the page is in particular demand - in this case, strangers will not be able to visit you at all. If you do not want your profile to appear in Internet search engine results, you can hide it from everyone except registered VK users.

Each person is free to change privacy settings as he likes. However, there are points to which the latter do not apply. Therefore, before you start looking for why VKontakte privacy settings are not changing in a particular area, make sure that it is included in the “victory circle”.

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