How to post a story on behalf of the community on VK?

There are often questions on the Internet about how to make a history on VK and share personal information with other users. This opportunity has migrated from Instagram and is available to VKontakte users from 2021. Already in the first month, more than 15 million people took advantage of the new option and are still successfully using it on the social network. Today the method is actively used on personal pages and communities. Below we will look at how to add a photo or video to a History on VK, what are the features of creating it from a phone or PC, and what are the requirements. We will also look at other features that are typical for creating personal stories.

How to make a story in VK?

You can make a story on VK from your phone or computer. Let's consider each of the methods in detail from the perspective of creating a personal page and community.

On your personal page

Before you make stories in VK on your personal page, it is worth understanding the main idea of ​​​​the developers of the social network. The option was invented specifically for those who do not let go of their phone and want to share every moment of their life. That is, you won’t be able to make a story from a computer using the official method. There is simply no creation section in the full version.

Therefore, we’ll immediately look at how to create a story in VK from your phone. This method is more in demand, because recently more and more people are using the social network from a smartphone. To solve the problem, take the following steps:

  • Enter the Stories section.
  • Take videos/photos or upload files that are recorded on your device.
  • Design the story (text, stickers, graffiti, masks). When you do this for the first time, ask your friends to see how it displays for them. After all, if something goes wrong, users will see “failed to load history” on the screen. It's unlikely that anyone will like this.

In the lower menu you can save stories to your phone, select recipients, and send them stories by message.

When you switch to the mobile version, you can view statistics and respond to stories.

In the community

Above we looked at how to make a story on VK from your phone. A similar approach can be used when posting stories in the community. This feature is new and is currently being tested. Until November 2021, publishing stories was available to large communities with at least 10,000 subscribers. The stories function is now available for all communities. Posting is available to editors and administrators. So, if you don’t have them yet, you should think about making at least one person a group administrator.

Let's look at how to add a story from a phone to VK (for the community):

  • Enter the Stories section.
  • Take a video/photo or upload files that are in your gallery.
  • Design the VK story (text, stickers, graffiti, masks).
  • From the bottom menu, select the community publishing option.

If you need to make a story in the community via PC, follow these steps:

  • Enter the community section and click on the Add story button on the right under the menu. The system transfers stories to the management section.
  • If you have previously published this information, you can go to the management section with one click on already published stories.
  • Select files. You can upload multiple photos or videos at the same time. To do this, click on the Select files button or move the data from your PC to the browser window. If you receive an error after the download completes, it means that some files do not meet the requirements. To do this, click on the appropriate button. If you wish, you can publish separate stories and later combine them into one story.

Now all that remains is to publish the story on VK. To do this, press the appropriate button and make sure that the work is done correctly.

Stories in the VK community are divided into two groups - active and completed.

At the top you can see views, reposts, messages, replies and subscriptions. The number of clicks on the link is shown next to the thumbnail. Deleted stories are saved in the section with completed stories (trash symbol). In a separate group you can find stories that have run out of time. All active and deleted stories have their own number. However, you will not be able to archive or delete data from statistics.

Although in 2021, an archive of stories appeared on the social network itself, which any user can view. And you don't need any third-party service for this.

In the latest update of stories for communities, selections from groups are collected in one block. This is more convenient for users, since the social network does not mix material from friends and public accounts.

Tip for admins: to make your community appear in the feed as a separate block, invite users to pin stories. This way, users won’t forget about you and the material won’t get mixed up with your competitors.

Links that can be placed in stories

This feature is available from all user devices in both mobile and web versions.

Android and iOS : It is worth choosing a post that will be attached to the story. Then you need to select the “Share” and “Add Story” function.

The next step is to remove the history or download it from the device using the methods described above. You will also need to select on whose behalf the publication will be made.

Web version : upload the image and click on the “Add link” button, after which you need to insert the desired link into the field that appears.

Terms and restrictions

Before you do anything, it is important to understand what kind of story can be posted on VK. It is prohibited to post stories that violate the rules of the social network (they are specified in detail at the link They need to be studied in order to make the right story in VK.

Before posting stories on VK, you need to take into account a number of recommendations that will help avoid refusal to post and increase the effectiveness of stories.

Let's highlight the main points:

  1. Try to surprise with your stories. It is advisable to make a story with exclusive and interesting contact information, useful news and creativity. It is recommended to decorate the information with inscriptions, drawings and other elements (more on this below).
  2. Please note that posting a story on VK with advertising will not work. According to the rules of the social network, this is prohibited and can lead to blocking. The only exceptions are native integrations. However, advertising is allowed on business pages through the user’s personal account.
  3. The duration of one story is limited and is three seconds for photos and 15 seconds for videos. Before posting a story on VK from a phone or PC, you need to take this point into account and plan the scenario in advance.
  4. The validity period of a story is limited to 24 hours. After this time, you can make a new story.
  5. You are allowed to attach purchased and free stickers to stories, write inscriptions and draw.
  6. You can attach only one photo, and in communities - three.

To get the effect, it is important to make a story in VK, taking into account several factors:

  • place information and text labels closer to the center;
  • do away with arrows to indicate story interface elements;
  • monitor statistics after placement.

Before making stories on VK from your phone or PC, understand the technical requirements. Let's highlight the main points:

  1. video duration up to 15 s;
  2. file size up to 10 MB;
  3. audio codec/video codec - AAC/H.264;
  4. photo/video size - 1080*1920/720*1280;
  5. Photographs and videos must be in vertical format.

Who can post stories in the group and where it is shown

Publishing stories is available to all communities. Only community administrators and editors can post stories on behalf of a community.

Community subscribers will see the story:

  • In the news feed. The user sees stories from communities to which he is subscribed, collected together - in a separate “Communities” circle in the stories section.
  • In your community. When you publish a story, a block with relevant stories will appear in your community.

The subscriber can bring all his favorite pages to the news feed - to do this, they need to be pinned. The two communities in which the user is most active will be assigned automatically.

Any content that violates the rules of VKontakte is prohibited. Third-party advertising and links in stories are also prohibited. Native integrations and advertising placements through the advertising account are allowed.

How to add a video to your story?

Many people ask how to upload a video to a VK story. This is not difficult to do if you follow simple instructions. The general algorithm is as follows:

  • Enter Manage Stories (PC) or Stories for Phone.
  • Click on the add story button.
  • Select the desired Video History section below.
  • Click on the button to make the desired video. If you have completed it in less than 15 seconds, press the button again to stop recording.
  • It is possible to record up to the end of the established limit. In this case, recording stops automatically.

After this, a special window appears where the video you made is played. A picture with a speaker appears at the top right.

It allows you to add a video with or without sound. There are also buttons for changing the appearance (you can create different effects). If you wish, tag a friend to whom you plan to send the video you made as a personal message and click Send.

You can post one video to VK history or several. In the latter case, the story is divided into several parts. Near the image of the eye below you can see how many people have viewed the story.

How to delete VKontakte History

If you added something that is not exactly what you wanted, and now you need to remove a photo or video, then follow the following instructions:

  1. Click on your Story.

  1. You need to delete photos and videos separately. That is, you won’t be able to delete the entire History at once.

I have 2 added entries: the first is a photo, the second is a video. I'll delete the video. To do this, you need to wait until it starts playing on the screen. Then click on the three vertical dots in the lower right corner.

  1. In the window that appears, select “Delete history.”

  1. After this, there will be one less bar at the top. I had two of them, now she has one.

I'll delete the last photo too. Click on the three dots at the bottom right.

  1. Then I press the “Delete history” button again.

  1. After you delete the last photo or video from a created Story, it will disappear from the News Feed.

That is, in order to delete a VKontakte History you have made, you need to separately delete all photos and videos from it.

What effects can be added to stories?

With that said, we figured out that making stories in VK from a phone or PC is simple and interesting. But there are a number of additional tools that cannot be ignored. Their use allows you to create a real masterpiece. Let's highlight the main functions:

  • While taking a photo or recording a video, select any of the masks. The available collections are constantly updated, allowing you to choose the most suitable option. When choosing, it is important to focus on the suitability of the mask for the event.
  • Use stickers. It is important not only to post a story on VK, but also to make it original. To do this, use stickers that are suitable for each specific holiday. To add an image, select the appropriate option and move it to the desired location. If you don't like the changes, remove the sticker. To do this, click on the picture and move it to the bottom of the screen.
  • Draw. The system allows you to make any drawing using one of three methods. In addition, eight shades are available to give stories more vibrancy and attract users.
  • Add a signature. A good way to make your story unique is to add a caption to it. The system offers you to choose one of several fonts.

To make a cool VKontakte story, it is better to use special editors. The optimal solution is Photoshop. You can use it to make any changes. In the future, it is enough to make changes to one template and thereby speed up the posting of stories. Alternatively, you can download ready-made templates on the Internet. Let us note one more point. The story sizes for Instagram are the same as for VK. This means that they can be used for two social networks at the same time.

Adding VK history from your phone

In general, the creation of such posts is more suitable for smartphones. You don't need to think about story format, size and volume. The application will independently set the necessary initial parameters and stop recording when necessary. The function of creating a disappearing publication is provided to all users of the social network completely free of charge.

How to add a personal VK history from a mobile phone:

  1. Sign into the app, then into your news feed.
  2. At the top you will see your friends' stories. Nearby is your avatar in a circle with a “+” icon. Click on it.
  3. The service for adding a new entry will open.
  4. Set options on the main screen (front camera, flash, masks, stickers, etc.). To set more precise options, go to the “Settings” menu in the upper left corner. Here you can set the option to save the video to your phone, limit viewing only to friends, the ability to leave comments, etc.
  5. Shoot a short video by holding the round button, or upload a photo.
  6. Confirm publication.

Please note that if you are making a video, you can hold the button for up to 15 seconds. If photo only, the recording will be 3 seconds long. In addition, you are allowed to post one story; you cannot post several videos at the same time.

After publication, your story will be available to all subscribers and friends in the news feed. If you wish, you can delete the story at any time or change the settings. To do this, go to your story, click on the “…” icon at the bottom right of the screen and select the appropriate link. If you do not delete the post yourself, it will disappear in exactly one day.

Posting to the community is a little different:

  1. Log in to your group as an administrator.
  2. In the menu you will see a “Stories” button, click on it. You will be taken to the same post creation screen that we described above. The publishing process follows a similar process.

The recorded story will appear in your community immediately under the header. After 24 hours it will be automatically deleted. It is worth noting that the option to add such an entry is not available to all communities. Only business communities with more than 10 thousand subscribers and information resources with an audience of 100 thousand users received this right.

Be sure to check out our article about VKontakte hashtags.

What topic can you post a story on?

The next question that requires consideration is what can be put into the history of VK. Here, users have many options at their disposal:

  1. Creation of announcements. You can advertise future events, posts, communities, online performances, and even the stories themselves.
  2. Advertising of goods and services. Today, many business page owners are trying to make stories to promote their products. This is one of the most effective and fastest promotion methods.
  3. Quotes. To make your story as useful as possible, you can post your own quotes or phrases from famous people. Such content is interesting to other users, so they will read it.
  4. Animations. We are talking about colorful pictures in motion. You can make animation on the Internet or using special programs.
  5. News. Stories are often used to post the most important news that will be of interest to visitors to a personal page or community guests. It is important to pay attention that the topic corresponds to the needs of the public.
  6. Infographics. We are talking about conveying important information through special pictures. Today this is one of the best ways to convey certain information. To create infographics, you can use online services or special applications.
  7. Stock. Owners of personal or business pages can present future promotions to increase the interest of existing subscribers and attract new subscribers. This is an effective promotion method. Information about the promotion can be made in the form of a picture or video.
  8. Horoscopes. It is difficult to find a person who is not interested in reading the horoscope for the next day. This opportunity is worth taking advantage of to attract new people.
  9. Instructions. Alternatively, you can make small instructions on how to solve certain problems, posting them in VK stories. Users will be grateful.

Now you know what kind of story you can make in VK. The above are just a few solutions, but in reality there are more. Alternatively, you can immediately make a series of stories so that they appear one after another.

Ideas for stories on VK

Much more time has passed since the feature appeared on Instagram than on VKontakte, so most of the ideas for stories were borrowed from Insta users.

Let's look at the brightest ideas for stories on VK


  • Publishing photos in a “relay race” style. The essence of the idea is simple - you post a photo with the text “I’ll write a few facts about you to everyone who wants to,” then wait for your friends’ reaction and publish a series of text pictures about them;
  • Stories with elements of a “challenge”, in which you encourage your friends to take unusual, fun actions, thereby stimulating them to be active;
  • Riddles and quizzes. Publish an interesting question or riddle in your story, and then wait for a response from your subscribers;
  • Polls.

Still, stories with digital newsletters are the most popular. Your subscriber or friend sends a number, after which you send him the following information:

  • Data;
  • Interesting tips or so-called. "lifehacks";
  • Funny stories, news and reviews of products and services.

Almost all of these ideas explain how to create a VK story
, getting the greatest return from friends and subscribers of your page.

How to open stories?

To open another person's story or your own, just one click is enough. To move between pages, you need to click on the screen.

When viewing a story, information is recorded and displayed in the form of statistics. Many people are interested in how to bypass the internal systems of the social network and view stories in anonymous mode. The following paths are available here:

  1. Using the vkcoffe application. There is a feature here that allows you to view stories anonymously.
  2. The katemobile software includes functions that allow you to anonymously watch stories.
  3. Creating a fake page and adding a friend to view stories.

Most often, there is no point in hiding from another person. If such a need arises, you can use the above methods.

How to respond to a friend's story

This possibility is also provided. To send a reply, click on the arrow icon at the bottom of the screen. To do this, first click on the story and friend you want to reply to. All replies are displayed when viewing stories. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to respond to a story from a computer – this function is only implemented in the mobile version.

I hope that now you will not have any difficulties with how to make a story in contact. Use this feature to express yourself and communicate with maximum pleasure.


Now you know how to create a new or add another story to VK, you understand the features of this process and the requirements of the social network. Don't ignore the possibilities of stories. With their help, you can promote a community or personal page, promote a brand, convey useful information to your audience, or sell any goods. The possibilities of VKontakte stories are almost unlimited. The main thing is to carefully study the requirements of the social network and follow them when posting information.

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