Detailed instructions for registering VK Method 1: standard registration Method 2: via Facebook Method
How to find a person on VK by phone number It’s best to search by phone number
When to change your credentials I've been noticing a lot of hacked pages lately
Registration conditions Firstly, to register you will need personal data: last name, first name, phone number
The social network “Vkontakte” has been the most popular in Russia for more than 10 years and
Many users, after changing their browser or clearing their browser cache, are surprised to learn that
Current ways to register Previously, users were able to register in VK via email (e-mail)
Why might you want to delete your VKontakte page permanently or temporarily? Every person registered
Author: Maxim Potashev Before the innovations, it was easy to find out how to make eternal online in VK
My Odnoklassniki Page is one of the most widespread social networks. Widely used to achieve