Instagram has surpassed VKontakte in terms of the number of active authors in Russia

It is foolish to deny the popularity of modern social networks, because they are used by billions of users around the world. In Russia, social media is most in demand. VKontakte network. To truly be convinced of the love of users for this site, just look at how many people are registered on VK. This number has long been considered to be in the thousands and even millions. Registration of new users does not stop for a moment. Every second, registered people write messages, read news, check updates, or argue with others in public discussions. This process is continuous and is only becoming more active, while there are no signs of changes that could affect the popularity of Vk.

Where can I see the number of registered people?

how many people are registered on VKontakte

There are 2 main ways to find out how many people are registered on VKontakte. Those wishing to obtain accurate information should refer to:

  • all kinds of statistical data and reports;
  • catalog of registered ones, which can be seen by going to

The second method is especially interesting, since the specified list contains absolutely all created pages. This list is regularly updated with new names.

Currently there are 468 million people in it. But after a few days, this number can change noticeably, so to obtain accurate information, you must follow the link provided and view the catalog in person.


For greater clarity , we have summarized the above indicators into charts. Everyone loves diagrams? To estimate the real audience, we usually take the number of active users per month or per day.

number of social network users who have been active over the past month

The fact that Facebook is the most popular in the world did not raise any questions. This preponderance is striking; the number of active Facebook users is almost equal to the audience of all other mentioned social networks. networks in total.

capitalization of companies owning social networks

The Chinese telecommunications giant is not far behind the undisputed leader. Not surprisingly, in addition to QZone, Tencent owns other social networks, several instant messengers and free-to-play games. Reminds me of Russian, enlarged several times . By the way, despite its modest capitalization compared to others, the Russian company pursues a bold investment policy and diversifies its assets. Of the six social networks reviewed. networks, capital is represented in four directly, and in one indirectly.

Without a little survey :

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