Kate mobile secrets. Kate Mobile: VKontakte is more convenient than VKontakte

A modern computer user cannot imagine life without social networks. But smartphone owners are also trying to keep up. At the dawn of the Android OS, everything was very bad with social networking clients. But now the situation has changed. For example, the most popular social network on the Runet, VKontakte, has a huge number of clients. And only one of them is official. But he doesn't represent anything interesting. That's why everyone tries to use third-party products. The most popular of them is Kate Mobile. What kind of client is this and what is interesting about it? This is what we will try to figure out.

What it is?

As soon as the developers released the official application of the VKontakte social network, it became clear that this product was completely unviable. Then independent developers got down to business. And, as often happens in such cases, their product turned out much better. What this is connected with is unknown. Perhaps there are “crooked” programmers working on social networks? Be that as it may, the Kate Mobile application for Android was born. And it immediately broke all download records. The official work of VKontakte programmers remains somewhere on the outskirts of the Market.

It is worth noting that some developers have made attempts to outdo Kate, but no one has succeeded. The most famous third-party client at the moment continues to break download records. And it seems that no one can stop him. The Kate Mobile app somehow managed to win the love of millions of users of the VKontakte social network. What's so special about it? Let's try to figure it out.

With Kate Mobile on Android you can:

★ Communicate with your favorite friends wherever you are at that moment ★ Listen to mountains of music and watch the most varied videos, even movies and TV series ★ Find a lot of useful information, share it and post it all on your wall ★ View profiles of other users, rate them photos and leave likes ★ Do everything that you are used to in the full version of the site, but only faster and more mobile.
Now let’s digress a little and look into the settings of the Kate Mobile application. Here, too, there is something to pay attention to, for example, you can choose a new theme or change the sound for incoming messages, in general, use exactly the parameters that you like. You will find a lot more interesting things in this amazing program, we recommend downloading Kate Mobile

to all mobile devices in the house. You will definitely be satisfied with your purchase and will never want to exchange it for any other tools!

And especially after you learn simply amazing news! Dear users, you have been waiting for this for a long time and now you can finally download Kate Mobile with audio cache

– an improved version of your favorite application. Now nothing can stop you from listening to a huge amount of music, wherever you are, even without the Internet. In addition, the application has many new interesting features. For example, convenient search for discussions in your favorite group, synchronization with the browser and adding community shortcuts to your desktop. As always, the developers corrected minor errors and shortcomings and tried to do everything so that we would not deny ourselves anything. Ultimately, spending time on VKontakte with this wonderful program has become even more convenient and interesting, so join us and let’s enjoy it together.

Kate Mobile is a client application for Android devices that provides its user with access to all the features of the VKontakte social network. According to a huge number of users who prefer unofficial client programs of the VK social network, Kate Mobile is the most convenient, fastest and reliable means of accessing all the functions and capabilities of VKontakte from an Android device. Below is detailed information that makes it possible to fully understand what kind of Kate Mobile program this is and how this offer differs from the standard official client.

The Kate Mobile program for Android owes its popularity and prevalence primarily to a very successful and well-thought-out interface, a wide selection of functions, as well as the ability to personalize the appearance of the product introduced by the developer into the application.

Main functions

The Kate Mobile application is in many ways similar to the official VK client for Android and, of course, performs all the functions provided by the latter. At the same time, access to the main and most frequently used features of the social network in Kate Mobile is organized in a much more convenient and logical way than in the official VKontakte application for Android.


The largest number of options among the sections in Kate Mobile is characterized by “Profile”. By opening the menu of this section, you can almost instantly go to viewing your list of friends, posts on your own wall, groups and public pages, photos, audio recordings, videos, bookmarks and replies to posts posted by the user.

The “Full profile” item has advanced functionality. By calling this option in the described section, the user gets access to information about the number of posts posted on his own wall, the number of photos and audio tracks.

The additional “Full Profile” menu provides the opportunity to edit account data, copy a link to an identifier, look at mentions, and even find out the forgotten date of registration on the VK social network.


It is noteworthy how the option to view news from the feed in Kate Mobile and access to the publication source works. After clicking on the content in the feed, the full version of the post opens, but after clicking on the link-name of a friend or community that published the post, not an ID or group/public page wall appears, as in the official VK client, but information about the user/community and a kind of menu containing information about the number of posts on the wall, photographs, audio recordings, participants and discussions.

Here you can also go directly to the section of interest on a friend’s or community’s page.


For comfortable communication between the application user and friends by sending messages via VKontakte, the developer Kate Mobile has created all the conditions. The list of options available to the account owner and related to messages is quite extensive; almost all the wishes of those who like to correspond with both close friends and strangers are taken into account.


In the vastness of a huge social network, finding the necessary information can be quite difficult. But not if you use Kate Mobile as a means of accessing VKontakte. The search tool present in the application is functional and provides the ability to immediately determine the type of data to which the search query relates, as well as set additional parameters in some cases, for example, when searching for a specific person’s account.

Publishing entries

Posting entries on your own wall, as one of the most popular tasks for a user of any social network, is not difficult when using Kate Mobile. To post a new post, there is no need to even go to your profile. Any type of information available for publication can be instantly attached to the text.

And it is also possible to protect the recording from the eyes of strangers, giving access to it only to people from your friends list.


Despite the restrictions introduced for VK users in terms of access to audio compositions, social network users using the latest versions of Kate Mobile continue to listen to music both from their own collection and from friends’ playlists, without feeling any inconvenience or limited access.


The Kate Mobile interface customization capabilities allow each user of this unofficial VKontakte client to customize the appearance of the application “for themselves.”

In addition to an extensive list of ready-made design themes that can be changed at any time, you can change the parameters of the color scheme, font size, type of avatars and icons, etc.


Special mention should be made of the widgets included with Kate Mobile. By placing one of them or all of them on the Android desktop, the user gets access to messages, news, music and writing a new post for his VKontakte wall really instantly - just unlock the device screen.

Additional features

Kate Mobile's functions are not limited to the above. It can be stated that the program is a client for the most popular social network with the largest number of features in comparison with competitors and the official VK application. In addition to the basic options that are familiar to many VKontakte account owners, additional features that the application is equipped with can significantly change and expand the model of using VK. This should include:

  • Using the "invisible" mode;
  • Ability to log in from several VKontakte accounts simultaneously;
  • Option to disable image loading, which saves traffic;
  • Built-in proxy that allows you to bypass VK blocking in some countries;
  • Selecting the type of memory for installing the client on an Android device.

Kate Mobile is constantly developing and updating, providing its users with convenience and necessary, often previously unavailable, functions. At the same time, many wishes of VKontakte participants are taken into account, which ensures popularity of the application and comfort for its users when using the tool to access the capabilities of the social network from mobile devices.

Kate Mobile was developed specifically for users who want to remain invisible on VKontakte. With its help, you can enter the popular social network undetected, customize the graphical interface to suit your needs and desires, and also use all the main functions of the mobile version of VK. Also, it is popular due to its light weight and stable performance, relative to a standard program. Exchange messages, images, music, and all this is possible in incognito mode.

Appearance and Design

Externally, this application is very different from the official one. And this is the first reason for its popularity. When the official client switched to a design strongly reminiscent of Facebook, millions of users switched to Kate, since only there the original appearance of VKontakte was preserved. Square photos, familiar news layout, no unnecessary recommendations. For many people this is all they need. This is the first feature of Kate Mobile. That this is very attractive for users who do not like global changes for the worse is understandable.

But that is not all. Unlike the official client, Kate can be customized to your taste. To do this, there are many themes that will help make “Contact” individual. In addition to the pre-installed themes, you can change the colors of the themes at your discretion. The design is simple and clear. The tab structure is also very simple. Unlike the official application, where the devil himself will break his leg. In the Kate Mobile Pro version, you can even organize the elements of the application as you wish.


The answer to the question of which is better, Kate Mobile or VKontakte, depends on each individual user. Ardent supporters of Contact, a la “2007,” like the new design of the official application, much like Putin does to Navalny.

Users who value flexible and versatile appearance settings also believe that Kate Mobile is better.

However, we still agree with the statement that “Kate Mobile is not the same anymore.” Hand on heart, its main advantages have always been the Invisible mode, Music without restrictions and the ability to preserve the nostalgic appearance of the program. Today Offline, in fact, does not work, the music is limited, and the old design... Well, OK, maybe someone still needs it.

Otherwise, there are many complaints online about late notifications, failures to update news and messages, and other minor issues. In our opinion, the only thing in which Kate Mobile is really better so far is the smaller number of paid services, advertising, spam and other wallet-draining nonsense.

Otherwise, the legal VK client is clearly better.

Shall we discuss in the comments?

Application features

They are unusually wide. And this is the second reason people switch from the standard client. Only here the user can anonymously use the social network. There is an "Invisible" mode. In the program settings there is an item “Be offline if possible.” And it really works. The user is online, but the application makes the social network think that he is not there. For many, this is a great opportunity to get rid of annoying “friends.” The computer version of Kate Mobile also has this useful option.

It is impossible to imagine a good VKontakte client without music and video. And Kate Mobile is great at playing this content. For this purpose, the application has a built-in player. He does his job very well. Music is loaded immediately, and video with minimal delay. Unfortunately, due to a recent mental crisis among copyright holders, Kate Mobile (latest version) no longer supports music playback. But this is the misfortune of all VKontakte clients after the release of this inadequate law imposed by copyright holders. Perhaps in the future the situation will change for the better.


Now let's talk about where you can download Kate Mobile for free. It all depends on which version you need. If the standard version is sufficient, then it can be easily uploaded to Google Play. By the way, this option is the most preferable.

The instructions are as follows:

  1. Launch the Google Store on your device.
  2. Type your search query and app name into the top line.
  3. Go to the first result from the list that appears.

  4. Tap on the installation option.
  5. Confirm the procedure if required.
  6. Wait for it to finish and click on "Open".

  7. We go through the authorization procedure.

The Pro version can be obtained by paying the developer. Or download a hacked modification of Kate Mobile from some third-party resource. Although the latter is not recommended. You can catch some kind of virus.

But with the Lite version everything is much worse. It is not currently on Google Play. And on third-party resources you can only find some outdated version. And what's the point of Kate Mobile Lite? After all, the music works fine now.


Everyone knows that the official VKontakte client is insanely gluttonous. Even very powerful smartphones sometimes think for a long time before launching it. It's a completely different story with Kate Mobile. What kind of client is this, one might ask, if he requires super-powerful hardware? But Kate works quickly even on very weak smartphones. Its structure is such that it does not require any extreme speeds from the processor and RAM. In addition, you can freely install the application on your memory card, and it will continue to work as if nothing had happened.

Usually, social network clients are incredibly slow when loading photos or videos. But this is not the case here. To save traffic, you can set the lowest quality for photos and videos in the settings. And then the page will load at lightning speed. Kate Mobile for Android can even cache frequently visited pages to speed up loading. This is a very good option, which until recently was only available in browsers. All this makes this application very attractive for those who are still using the slow official VKontakte client.

Main differences from the official client

How is it different from the official Kate Mobile client? What is this general migration to this application? Let's try to understand these “miracles”. The official application has a standard design and cannot be customized in any way. This time. The official client does not know how to work with video and music. That's two. The official utility cannot provide the “Invisible” mode in any way. That's three. The application from the VKontakte developers does not have image and video quality settings, which does not allow users to save traffic. That's four. The official client is incredibly “gluttonous” and demands a lot even from powerful smartphones. And that's five. All these points are quite enough to immediately switch to Kate Mobile.

Among other things, the Kate Mobile Pro app works great not only on smartphones, but also on tablet computers. Moreover, working with a client in the latter is a pleasure. Thanks to the big screen. The developers plan to release a version for iOS. But so far work in this direction is moving very slowly. Difficulties arise with Apple Corporation. However, perhaps soon iPhone owners will be able to appreciate all the delights of this application.

About the application

How many applications have been created so that people can communicate?
Probably a lot. And if at first developers headed for programs that included many useful functions, now the opposite trend is observed. Users sometimes don’t need fancy software. They just need programs for communication. If you also want something similar, we advise you to install Kate Mobile on your computer or other device. This software can become a worthy replacement for a social network, and the developers have done everything so that users do not feel that they are missing something. Here you can set up access not only to profiles and friend pages, but also to news files that may be useful to you.

Positive reviews

This is a very important part, since it is from the reviews of real people that you can understand how a particular application works and whether it is worth installing at all. Kate Mobile for the computer, for example, did not particularly please users. Compared to the mobile version. This is understandable. Computers have a full-fledged web. And there is no need for such an application. As for the mobile version, positive reviews prevail here. Many people note fast operation, interesting design, extensive customization options, support for the “Invisible” mode and much more. Almost all smartphone owners prefer this client to the official one.

Application functionality

Now let's talk about what functions Kate Mobile has and why they are good. In fact, the functionality is quite rich. There is nothing even close to this in the official client. For greater comfort, we will arrange all the features of the application in the form of a list. It will be clearer this way.

  • Stealth mode. This is exactly why users love Kate Mobile. The application is capable of hiding your presence on the Internet. Previously this option worked fine. But now (due to the VKontakte administration) as soon as the user refreshes the feed or likes it, the program will immediately show you the last time you were online. However, this is not the developer's fault.

  • Unread messages. The application can leave messages that you have viewed unread. Your opponent will not understand that you read his letter. And you can, with a clear conscience, not answer it.
  • Music and cache. This application allows you to calmly listen to music from VK. And even offline, since all tracks are saved in a cache, which is located on the device itself. A very convenient thing.
  • Fully customizable design. This is one of the few clients that allows you to completely customize the color design of the page and application itself. The dark theme has only recently appeared in the official client.

  • A huge number of settings. The user can configure the client in a way that is convenient for him. This is one of the most flexible applications of its kind. That is why it is so popular among users.

These are the main functions available in Kate Mobile. This client is head and shoulders above all the others. It is incredibly flexible and allows the user to decide for themselves how it is more convenient for them to view a page on a social network.

Naturally, these are only the basic functions. In fact, the program has much more features. They are simply insignificant compared to those described above. But we must not forget about them. In general, Kate Mobile is an excellent application for VK. You won't find anything better.

Negative reviews

However, there were also those who saw shortcomings in this gorgeous client. First of all, they complained that music and video stopped working. But this has already been said: the copyright holders are to blame here. Also, many were upset by the incognito mode. Lately he has started to work very poorly. But again, this is not a problem with the application. The VKontakte administration is weird. They don't want to support this feature since everyone uses Kate and no one pays attention to the official client.

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