How to gain subscribers on VK: growing a group quickly and without cheating

Keywords in the title

Even when creating a group, think carefully about the name: about the pros and cons of different options. For example, I believe that both your brand and keywords should be in the title. For example, Blog of Abdullin Ruslan | how to build muscles.

A brand is useful because over time people will begin to recognize you. And keywords are useful especially at first, when no one knows about you yet. And keywords immediately make it clear what your public page is about.

And that is not all. People often search for groups through keyword searches. If the name of your community contains such words, then people will find you.

It is important that the frequency of requests for different phrases differs. There are topics that are more popular, and there are narrower, more specialized ones. You can roughly estimate the frequency using the Yandex service (only it shows the frequency of queries in Yandex search, in the non-social network Vkontakte).

Don't neglect this free traffic source.

How is it different from friends?

What does it mean to become a subscriber and how does this status differ from ordinary friends? It is known that initially there was no subscription on the VKontakte social network, and people could only add each other as friends.

After clicking the “Add as a friend” button, the person receives subscriber status until the application is approved. People on the user's friends list have the capabilities and functionality that the user has provided for his friends list. This may concern the following points:

  • Sending private messages.
  • View the wall and interact with posts.
  • Access to personal data.
  • Access to additional contacts.
  • Mode for displaying a list of friends, audio and video recordings, a list of publics, etc., etc.

People who received the status in question have the same rights that they had when they first visited the page, that is, they were outside users.

If you remove a person from your friends list like this, he can move to the subscriber category. They will not be subject to privileges available only to the friends list, but all restrictions provided for outside users not included in the friends list will apply.

Invite friends and tell friends

Here I combined two free methods at once. They are similar and very simple. You are required to do very simple actions, a little even routine if you have a lot of friends.

What you need to do:

  1. Login to your group
  2. In the menu on the right, click on the “invite friends” link

  3. A window will appear to invite friends. At the bottom, click on “invite friends from the full list”

  4. We invite you to our group. As a result, each of your friends will receive a notification asking them to join.

If I'm not mistaken, you are allowed to invite up to 50 friends per day this way. You will have to stretch out the pleasure over several days or weeks.

And there is one more action left. In your community menu, click the “tell your friends” link. And send yourself a message like this on your wall:

You can get creative and come up with a better call to action.

How to recruit members to a group in contact?

The number of people registered on VKontakte is so huge that it exceeds some countries in the world. And this is not surprising, since social networks are capable of uniting people from many countries in one virtual place. Therefore, it is no coincidence that some VKontakte groups have gained crazy traffic, attracting thousands and millions of users with interesting information. This traffic is even greater than that of many popular sites. And it’s much easier to create a group and then promote it on a social network than to create and promote an autonomous site. True, not everyone manages to easily and quickly recruit participants into a group in contact. We will talk further about how you can “lure” new people into your community.

How to recruit members to a group in contact?

First of all, you need to understand for what target audience

Your group has been created. You can choose either a narrow niche (which is certainly better, since there is less competition) or a wider one (it’s more difficult to promote, but if successful, the audience of your group will be simply huge). For example, you can create a group about music of any type (broad niche), or devote a group to classical music (narrow niche). It is also worth understanding who the people who are in your group are. If these are 14-15 year old schoolgirls, then they are unlikely to be interested in audiobooks on marketing and business, and adults are unlikely to be attracted to communities with “vanilla” statuses and quotes. A serious mistake of group administrators is that they promote their community in the wrong segment.

Constantly adding interesting and unique content to the group

very important. Don't expect that once you create a group and fill it with a minimum of information, you will then be satisfied with excellent results. Users are hungry for new information. And if you don’t constantly give it to them, then they will stop returning to your group and will find another interesting community. Interesting posts are a great way to promote. Users will “like” interesting notes and add them to their wall by clicking “Tell Friends,” which will easily attract new members to your group. The service can help you find good and popular content. It makes this job much easier. You can also schedule the publication of postponed posts and add watermarks to images. You can test this service for free for 14 days.

To successfully promote a group, you cannot do without creating some activity

, albeit artificial. It consists of the presence of comments, discussions, and how many likes a post has. To do this, it is enough to buy 10-20 “fake” accounts, or register them yourself and use them to create live communication in the group. Living users do not like to be added to “dead” communities, but if they notice “live” activity on the wall, they most often join the group without hesitation.

Users also pay attention to the number of participants

in Group. The more there are, the better. People have a herd instinct. They often go where others go. Therefore, at the initial stage of promotion, it is very important to somehow increase the number of participants in the group, at least to 1000 people. You can buy bots or live users on specialized groups or forums. Depending on the quality of accounts, this service costs 100-300 rubles.

You shouldn't overdo it with bots. If the number of bots is almost equal to the number of live participants, then for this reason the VKontakte administration has every right to ban your group. Therefore, when recruiting 3-5 thousand real people into a group, you need to carefully look at its participants and remove bots (they are easy to find - their avatar shows a gray dog). The number of dogs in the group should not be more than 10-20% of the total number of participants.

On the following sites you can buy likes, shares, as well as subscribers themselves:



You can invite your friends to become the first participants in the group. You should easily gain one or several hundred such subscribers, especially if you have many friends. But if they are not there, you can use some trick. Create new users in your contact and add new friends to them. You can add no more than 40 friends per day to one account. And then, after a little communication, send these friends invitations to the group. Some will join, but some (most often the majority) will refuse. Sometimes you can use an additional trick. Agree with the person that if he joins the group, then you will join his, or like his posts and photos.

But just N'T SPAM

. Because of it, your group may be at risk of being banned if users complain about the annoying ad to the administration of the social network. For example, it is better not to post links to your group on the walls of other groups, especially if your information is not related to the topic of the group in which you publish this information. Do not write to a large number of people and give a link to the group in the first message. It’s better to start slowly, with a simple hello. If the person answers something, you can continue the conversation and along the way invite him to join your group.

Don't forget about mutual PR

with other VKontakte groups. In order to attract subscribers, you place advertisements in your group for their community, and they advertise for you in their community. This will benefit both you and them. But you just need to work a little and find groups whose owners agree to mutual PR and agree on the terms of cooperation.

For successful mutual PR, you should pay attention to the following points:

1. The topics of your groups should match each other or be somewhat close. Don’t look for communities with a target audience that is unlikely to be interested in what is written on the wall in your group. For example, if you are promoting a group about car repair, you are unlikely to find many interested people in groups about hairstyles or cosmetics.

2. It is not recommended to do mutual advertising at the same time. For example, you need to do this: you advertise someone else’s group in your community now, and they advertise your group in a few hours or even days.

If you don’t want to promote other people’s groups, but would like to somehow get a post on the wall of other communities, then you can buy such advertising. Just find the right community and negotiate with its owner that for a certain price at a certain time he will publish your advertising post in his group. Or you can buy similar advertising using special sites, such as

There is another, albeit expensive, but effective way - buying contextual advertising on VKontakte itself. When launching an advertising campaign, you need to think about an intriguing and enticing ad title that will briefly and effectively tell you about the topic of the group, upload a suitable picture and decide on the cost of clicking on the link. The higher the cost per click, the more users will come per unit of time. But here no one can guarantee that these users will join the group. Here a lot will depend on your community itself. How interesting is it for them, how many participants are there, are there any comments and discussions. The listed and other factors can influence their choice. The better your group, the more visitors will become its members.

Using our tips for recruiting participants for a VKontakte group, you will go far in its promotion. Do everything wisely and naturally. Don’t try to take the lead in the title of “most visited group” on the very first day. For daring and active promotion, you can get a ban. Even in promoting a group, as in life, the slower you go, the further you will get. But if you go too fast, you can fly into a ditch.

Write to people from groups on your topic

Now here's a rather complicated method. It's my opinion ?

You should find other communities related to your topic. Use the search function in the VK community section.

And then you need to somehow bring these people into your community. Here are a few options at a glance:

  • Write to people in personal communities and suggest your group (some will complain and you may be blocked)
  • Participate in comments, discussions and casually advertise your public page (moderators or admins may block you)

As I wrote above, this method is not easy. You need to show imagination, creativity and find a lot of free time. I don't really like this kind of work. Moreover, the return from such actions is unlikely to be decent.

I know that there are even paid programs that monitor the public pages you specify. As soon as a new person joins the tracked community, you automatically send them a message with your offer. In this case, you need to use specially created accounts, as they block.

Some tips for running a group on VK

Above I have listed the main ways to increase the number of subscribers in communities. However, you can make sure that users themselves find your group on the social network and join it. To do this, you should follow these recommendations for maintaining a public page:

  1. Choose the right name for your group. It is important that the title reflects the main topic and, if possible, contains keywords (those that users often type into the search bar). Also fill out all fields regarding the public description. The most detailed information about your community should be reflected there.
  2. Get started with the design. There are a lot of both paid and free materials on designing VKontakte communities, thanks to which you can create an attractive and interesting cover. You also need to choose the right image for your avatar, using only high-quality pictures (preferably photos taken by you, so as not to violate copyright).
  3. Think over and create a content plan. The number of views of posts and other indicators of activity can be increased if you publish interesting and useful content every day at different times. It would be advisable to hire an SMM specialist who will help you correctly draw up a plan and give recommendations on how to promote the group.
  4. Use the “Article Editor” option to design your publications competently and visually attractive. This will make your content easy to view on different devices.
  5. Share stories with your subscribers. This is a very convenient VKontakte function, thanks to which you can publish important announcements or provide users with other information that will be available to them within 24 hours from the moment of publication.
  6. Analyze your competitors' communities. It is important to identify your strengths or weaknesses in a timely manner in order to only improve your public in the future.
  7. Encourage users to leave comments. To do this, you need to post interesting and discussed posts, touch on topics for discussion, etc. All this should be within the general theme of your community.
  8. Use hashtags in your posts so that interested users can find your group and subscribe to it. The optimal number of hashtags in one post is from 5 to 10.
  9. Regularly attract subscribers. Use not one, but several options that I described in this article. Take time every day to increase your participation.

By following all the above tips for recruiting subscribers, you can quickly develop your community on VK and achieve the desired activity indicators. In the future, the promoted group will become an excellent source of additional or even main income. I wish you success in all your endeavors!

Mutual PR

This option is suitable if you have already gained your first subscribers. Now find similar communities with approximately the same number of participants as yours.

Pay attention to whether there is movement in the group: if there are likes, comments. If people are active, that's very good.

Write to the admin and suggest mutual PR. The point is very simple. You share his post in your group, and he shares your post in his. As a result, some members of his group will follow you, and some of yours will follow him.

As a result, everything is positive. It is important to find communities that are close to your level of development.

How to attract subscribers to a VK group with competitions

Competitions are an effective engaging tool that makes it possible to quickly gain VK subscribers. The main thing is to offer really good gifts and not go too far with the conditions.

Algorithm for organizing the competition

  1. Decide on the purpose of the event - how many VK subscribers you want to attract.
  2. Outline the conditions—what the person must do. Usually they ask to join the group, like, and share the post. You can come up with something more interesting - for example, post a photo, write a couple of lines. But there is a risk that people will not want to take unnecessary actions. Contests with complex conditions may not work. But gamification works well in business - try to include game elements in the competition and increase the excitement of the participants.
  3. Allocate a budget, decide on the number of prizes. Prizes must be valuable and of high quality. The better the prizes, the more participants. The more prizes, the higher the chance of winning, and the more interested the participants.
  4. Set deadlines. If the gift is inexpensive, the competition can last 3-5 days, if expensive - 2-3 weeks.
  5. Think about how you will advertise the competition - paid in thematic groups, with the involvement of opinion leaders, through mutual PR, and so on.
  6. Announce the competition in your group a few days before the event.
  7. Hold a competition and sum up the results.
  8. Repeat competitions regularly - optimally once a month. This way you will keep subscribers in the group. To reduce churn after the competition, do not forget to create interesting content.

Examples of competitions designed to gain VK subscribers

The Pavel Ryabinin Dresses group regularly holds the same competition - they give away 10 dresses for reposting. Engagement is consistently high.

Example of a competition in a designer clothing group

And here is an example of a simple competition with gamification in the Dodo Pizza group. You need to not only like or repost, but also play - remember the song containing the word from the comment of the previous participant. The winner will be chosen randomly.

Example of a competition with gamification

Guest Posts

What is a guest post? This is when you have prepared unique interesting material and post it on the page of another thematic public. This post contains a link to your blog.

The number of clicks on your public link directly depends on the interest and demand of your post. So try and show your target audience that you can solve their problems.

If you have really cool material, then your guest post will even be published for free. Everything is positive. If you have nothing special to share, then the option of posting a post for money is possible.

Advertising in groups

As a continuation of the paid methods, you can buy advertising in thematic groups. Advertising for your public page can be placed in different places:

  • on the wall,
  • in the message pinned above on the wall,
  • In the link block,
  • and other places.

I have never used this type of advertising, so I don’t know all the nuances and placements.

When I just started actively recruiting subscribers to my public page, one advertiser immediately wrote to me and offered his services. I refused:

  • Firstly, the public was off topic,
  • secondly, the prices were high,
  • thirdly, I didn’t plan this at all.

But keep in mind, you will also be offered advertising services. But it’s better to find groups of your competitors that are suitable for advertising.

Competitions and giveaways

I am sure you have encountered this phenomenon in contact. When you subscribe, like, or share, you participate in a drawing and have a chance to win a valuable prize. Sometimes it's money, sometimes it's free services, sometimes it's a real valuable prize that you can touch with your hands.

And you can launch a similar competition.

My advice. To give people real motivation to participate, prepare a good, valuable prize. If you have a fitness or rocking group, you can raffle off some useful equipment, or if it’s about self-development, then a best-selling book. And also such thematic prizes will cut off unnecessary people who are not interested.

In general, think about how you would interest your target audience.

Targeted advertising

There is a “Community Advertising” link in your group menu. After clicking on it, you will be taken to the mode of creating an advertising post, under which there will be a button to join the community.

Write why your group is valuable, make a call to action to get people to join. Add a picture or video. Change the button text if necessary.

This is a paid service. There must be money in your advertising account balance. If you don’t know, your advertising account is located at

This option is suitable for those who already have a sales funnel set up. In this case, the money will be returned, or at least part of it. If you don’t sell anything, then it’s better not to even try, you’ll just waste your money.

External sources

If you have your own website, YouTube channel, Instagram, telegram channel or other platforms on the Internet, then use them.

My blog has detailed instructions on how to create a website from scratch. Use it if you don't have a website. If you don’t know how to create your own channel on YouTube, then I also recommend filling this gap.

Ask your subscribers and readers from these sites to join the VK group. If you have established contact, many will join.

And also simply place a link to your VK group in the description of these sites. And from VK, put back links to the sites.

Demographics of group subscribers

You need to understand exactly what people you are creating your group for. This will be needed when setting up targeted advertising, inviting people to a group, and when writing content.

The picture below shows the general demographics of the VKontakte audience.

The second nuance is the age of subscribers. You can notice that mostly the younger generation is in contact, and the older generation, for example, is in classmates. I'm not talking about all, but about the majority of users.

Services for boosting subscribers

The topic of recruiting subscribers is in great demand, so even special services have been created for this purpose.

On my blog I already told you how to get subscribers to a VK group using the BossLike service. You can get subscribers both paid and free.

  • For free. First, complete the tasks yourself: join other people’s communities, like them - earn the internal currency of the service. Then spend it on buying subscribers.
  • Paid. Immediately top up your balance with your money and create a task to subscribe to your group.

Of course, in this case the subscribers are either completely dead or uninterested. But for initial promotion, this is sometimes useful.

You need to understand that people earn money from these services by completing tasks. That's why they join the group and like it just for the sake of money. They will either leave your public in a few days or weeks or will simply be inactive ordinary people.

Also, non-living subscribers will be brought to you, who will eventually turn into “dogs”. These dogs need to be deleted, since the VK Administration does not like groups with unrealistic participants. As a result, your public may be blocked, and you will have to start all over again.

Therefore, treat cheating with caution; don’t cheat too much – it will backfire.

How to become a subscriber and what is it?

Absolutely any user can become a VK subscriber, and this does not require fulfilling complex conditions. You can become a subscriber in three cases:

  • When one user sent another a friend request, and it was rejected or ignored.
  • When the first user removes the second from his friends list, the second will become a subscriber of the first, provided that it was he who sent the request to be added as a friend.
  • When the page owner has configured privacy settings in such a way that all friend requests are instantly transformed into subscriptions.

This is what the page looks like where the ability to add friends is disabled. What does it mean to become a subscriber? This means that a person who subscribes to a certain page receives limited access and functionality to interact with the page of the person he subscribed to. Often, users become subscribers in order to follow publications on the page and wall of their idol. Subscribers have the opportunity to interact with publications: like, repost, leave feedback, etc.

Buying a group

This is the last method I decided to consider.

You can buy a ready-made group with your subscribers. Unfortunately, I will not provide you with step-by-step instructions, since I have never bought groups on exchanges.

If you are interested, just enter the request “buy VK group” in Yandex or Google and study the offers and conditions.

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