What is VP in VK between groups and in communication between people

Hello, friends! In today's article I will tell you what VP is in VK. Many users on various pages of the social network VKontakte come across such an abbreviation. It comes across both on the pages of people and on the pages of various groups, public pages and communities. This abbreviation has several meanings. The most common meaning is mutual PR. Read below about what it is and other meanings of the abbreviation.

How to make VP on VKontakte?

What is VP is an exchange of reposts, mutually beneficial cooperation to attract people.
Mutual PR is an opportunity to bring new subscribers to the community without major financial investments. But this is a very time-consuming method. As a result, the audience of similar communities sees your posts and can register for your page. If you have interesting content, you have a chance to get up to 300 people a day. Only groups with similar content agree to VP in VK. Women's public pages cooperate with each other, pages with the topic 18+ and men's communities are changed separately. There are many groups, and making VPs with opposite content is not profitable, then some people may be deleted who do not want to see other content. This is why you need to choose the right audience for VP.

VP in VK is beneficial with communities with large coverage . Of course, you can look at the number of subscribers, but this is often a false indicator. There may be 100 thousand people in the group, but most are inactive. And there are pages with 5 thousand subscribers, but they constantly visit the community and participate in discussions. Therefore, you need to look at your reach; the higher it is, the more people will see your post.

What is VP? This is a promotion method that works. Well-designed posts can increase your audience. But this method is suitable for groups with more than 2000 people. With a smaller number of people, the time investment will be too difficult, since mutual PR will bring in 1-2 people per day, and attracting them will take a very long time.

What is Chlenix on in cs go?

Often Chlenix on in cs go

They write when the team is about to pull or have already made a couple of clutches.
This phrase became very popular after Na'Vi's
at the championship, where they made a tough comeback.

In their game, each team member wrote: "Chlenix On" and after that they released all their ardor on the opposing team.

If you still have questions, write, I will be happy to answer!

Author of the material: RISkakov.!
In almost every game you can see a gg wp recording, and it can appear both at the beginning and at the end. Let's figure out what this means.

Gg wp is an acronym that is an abbreviation of the phrase “good game, well played,” which literally means “Good game, well played.” However, there are quite a lot of situations in which this phrase is used and has one meaning or another.

What does Gg wp mean in public?

In principle, GG VP can be used in two situations. The first and most common is at the end of the game after the main building falls. This is how teams express respect to each other and thank each other for a good match. In parallel with this, especially from the players of the losing side, you can find bg - Bad Game, which means “Bad Game”. In this way, the gamer shows his dissatisfaction with the confrontation.

Gg wp can be written by players both at the beginning and in the middle of the game. This is a fairly common practice, especially in a Russian pub. Actually, in this way the players demonstrate either that they are ready to give up or show complete dissatisfaction with what is happening. For example, after unsuccessful hero picks.

What does Gg wp mean in Dota 2 at a professional level?

Professional teams use this abbreviation when they accept defeat. This can be either a full abbreviation or an abbreviation - gg. In tournament matches, after writing this phrase, the time countdown begins (10 seconds), after which the throne of the team that wrote these treasured letters automatically falls.

Many gamers, after finishing their battles in chats, often see the phrases gg wp or gg vp, without understanding what it means. Meanwhile, these short words written in the chat mean a lot both to the public and to the outcome of the match. It is worth noting that the initial form of gg wp was the combination gg, which also has its own history, but first things first.

Setting up a VP in VK

First you need to find groups that make VPs with similar coverage indicators and the same audience. There are several methods for this:

  • search for groups by topic via VK search;
  • selection of options among groups for VP;
  • monitoring of competitors' VPs.

VP in VK is not very common. Not all group owners know about this method. Therefore, you can write to the admins, tell them about the opportunity and negotiate. Some will agree, some will refuse. You can find admins through search. Then write a “message to the group” or the owner directly. There are no groups with fewer than 1,500 people in the search; smaller communities need to be searched differently.

Special groups for VPs in VK are formed every month. There you can leave a message on the wall about your desire to exchange posts. You can also look at other people’s advertisements and respond to their offer. Frequent posting on such resources can lead to account blocking; you should not get carried away.

Groups for VP can also be found at competitors. Just watch who they change with, and then contact the admins of these pages. Sometimes entire communities are created where people regularly exchange posts. This is beneficial for everyone involved.

The content of the VP proposal must be specific; when sending it to admins, you need to be polite and immediately provide the necessary data.
It is worth indicating the name of your group, target audience, link to the public page and link to statistics. After reviewing this information, the owner of the other resource will respond to the request.

Ways to mutually advertise Instagram bloggers

Placing a link in your account for promotion is an outdated method. Now the main focus is on quality and originality. Here are a few techniques to help make your advertising as attractive as possible.


Bloggers unite into one team and talk about the organizers. That is, about each other. For those who view these reviews, there is a condition - subscription to accounts using the links that will be indicated under the marathon.


Each participant composes original text for the post and publishes it on their personal page or story. A link to the advertised account or hashtags is also placed here. This method is considered the most common. There is a very high probability that he will be noticed. You can see an example of a story with a VP in the screenshot below.


It is done more often using special programs. Send the publication using your account to other networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook. Mailing to groups via WhatsApp and Viber messengers is also available.


Translated, it means “mention for mention.” That is, your subscribers talk about you in their posts, leaving a clickable link. You, in turn, recommend them. This option is also free, but is suitable for those who already have their own follower base.


Translated as information for mentioning. In his posts or stories, a person must mention each subscriber who shares information about his profile. Sometimes they even offer a symbolic payment for this.

Guest Blogging

What do we have to do? Invite a blogger to your profile, ask him questions that interest your followers. The user replies to everyone and does the same in his account. You can also record a joint video, and then put mutual links to each other’s profiles.

Mutual posts for feed and stories

To publish to the feed, you must send the PR person several photos or one photo to be posted. A selling description is drawn up for the image; the text contains a call to action for users: like, leave a comment, ask a question, subscribe.

For promotion through stories, a slightly different advertising format is provided:

  • in addition to the photo, a link to the promoted account is also used;
  • personal video with a story about another page;
  • performing a repost, under which the author’s name is written (usually it is marked with a link to the profile).

This kind of PR has a significant disadvantage. The story disappears a day after publication.

On a note! VP with the help of Stories best reaches business profiles; for a traditional information or entertainment blog there is very little such advertising.

Like time

The format is mutual likes and comments. Mutual PR participants evaluate each other’s publications, ask something, leave intriguing and even provocative comments. It is important not to ignore them, but to respond.

The other side of the VP does the same. For this purpose, you can use the 1gram service, set appropriate hashtags, and comment on each other’s posts.

VP result

There are no uniform statistics regarding mutual PR; VP results may vary. It all depends on the characteristics of the audience, the uniqueness of the content, etc. But a public page with 10 thousand subscribers per day can increase by 100-150 people with 30-50 VP. The figures can reach up to 300 people, but this is rare.

Subscription activity decreases during the summer months. This trend is observed in all networks. Little activity on weekends in summer. Even advertising in VK on Saturday often costs 10-15% cheaper than on other days.

Large public organizations also do VPs. But they are only interested in equal partners, so you can pay them for reposting. It is often equated to advertising, and the cost can be high. But you can talk about the lack of “sales” and additional links, and this sometimes makes it possible to “bring down” the price.

History of GG

The abbreviation gg or gg in Russian means “GoodGame”, which means “good game”. Many people think that this is a waste of time, but professional players treat this two-letter GG line very carefully.

It is used in the following situations:

  1. Admitting defeat at the tournament. After writing a team, a timer starts counting down, after five seconds the throne of the writing team will be destroyed, and their opponents will become the winners.
  2. Confirmation of defeat in a public game. Here gg means about the same thing, with only one difference: the winning team itself must demolish the barracks and the main building, and the defeated ones will not interfere with them.
  3. Agree that the game was great. After the match is over, the winning team can recognize the efforts of the defeated opponents, thereby agreeing that the time was not wasted.

As you can see, GG is not just letters, it is respect for enemies and a sign of good manners.

What is VP, what are its rules

  1. Mutual PR on VKontakte is done for a certain time. A post from another community is often left for several hours and then removed from the group. It is more convenient to use repost exchange for 2-3 hours. The deadline is discussed in advance.
  2. VP in VK is not an advertisement, so no one guarantees that it will hang in the first place for an hour or more. Therefore, immediately after the VP, you can post new messages or make another VP.
  3. Repeating mutual PR with the same groups every day is not recommended. It is better to alternate posts with an interval of 1-3 days. It is ideal to draw up a VP schedule for the week in advance and work in accordance with it.
  4. You should not break the agreement and delete messages earlier. Most admins check the availability of a reply post and the deadline for posting it. Honesty is the key to mutually beneficial cooperation.
  5. The maximum number of posts in the VKontakte community is limited. You are allowed to add no more than 50 messages per day. And even if some are deleted, it is still not recommended to go over the limit.

Making VP in VK is convenient, profitable and even interesting. But to get a good result, you have to do a lot of work. Creating a VP schedule, communicating with the owners of other communities, monitoring the VP and cleaning the group from other people’s messages is not difficult, but it does take time.

What do abbreviations mean in dating advertisements?

“Quite often in marriage advertisements you can see a lot of abbreviations (to fit more words), such as h/y, a/m, b/p, etc. And this is understandable, because not a single publication is interested in free advertisements the size of a newspaper sheet. And if information costs money, then God himself told us to save on signs and write a lot about ourselves, but in short. After all, the cost of an advertisement is always calculated based on the number of characters... However, while looking through a newspaper of free advertisements the other day, I came across this: I’m looking to meet a girl d/s/o. I ask my husband: “What do you think, for s/o - how does it translate?” “For sexual relations,” he answers. I, in a more romantic mood, said: “No, he probably wants to meet a girl for a serious relationship.” Word by word, with nothing else to do, they began to sort through all the advertisements and compose their own decoder from them. Reading the advertisements, I couldn’t help but be surprised: for some reason, each of those who “presented” themselves in the newspaper was sure that they would understand him! In general, a marriage announcement can be divided into two parts: about yourself and about him/her, that is, what her/his partner should ideally be like. Reality, reality and dream. Interestingly, very often among the qualities that a virtual dear friend should have is a sense of humor. Obviously, in our country we cannot do without humor. After all, it is important for each of us to believe that your chosen one will not grind his teeth into the pillow from the imperfections of life. It is important to know that he is a light person, not a heavy one. Or maybe it’s all because people are most afraid of stupid and boring people, and the presence of a sense of humor excludes both the first and the second? But we digress. Let's get back to deciphering the abbreviations. So, the easiest option, where there was no need to guess for a long time, was this: “mil.dev. b/c with v/d” - lovely girls without complexes, with home visits. As you can see, nothing complicated. But I had to pore over the second, “conspiracy” message like “Eustace to Alex”. My husband dug it up somewhere in the wilds of the World Wide Web. So: an intelligent man, 40/180, m/o, with a/m, v/o, v/p, b/u, b/c, b/p, looking for a wife. from 25, b/c, a/b, with r/i for p/v and i/o. This is what we got after decoding: an intelligent, forty-year-old man, 180 centimeters tall, financially secure, with a car, higher education, bad habits, a sense of humor, no complexes, no problem looking for a woman over 25 years old, no complexes, a/b - ambitious or what?, with diverse interests for regular meetings and intimate relationships. If we arrange all our transcripts in alphabetical order, we get the following: a/m - car, p/o - post office box; b/d - no children, b/c - no complexes, b/p - no problems; v/o - higher education, v/p - bad habits, v/s - military personnel, v/t - your territory; g/p - main post office; d/v - on demand, d/o - long-term relationship; w/n - housing independent, w/o - provided with housing, w/n - housing problems; i/r - intellectually developed (intellectual development), i/v - interesting/intimate meetings, i/d - interesting friendship (interesting business), i/o - intimate relationships, i/n - intimate problems, i/u - intimate services and/f - the same photo; m/v - meeting place, m.l.s - places of detention, m/t - my territory, m/n - financially independent, m/o - financially secure, m/n - financial problems ; n/s is not a sponsor, n/t is our territory; o/a - return address, o/d - wealthy lady, o/n - special problems, o/f - candid photo; p/o post office, p/o - regular meetings; r/i - diverse interests, r/o - diverse communication; s/n - serious intentions, s/o - serious relationship, s/n - married couple, s/s - creating a family; t/p - creative profession; b/w - black and white, b/w - sense of humor... Of course, this is not a complete and absolutely correctly interpreted list of all abbreviations in dating advertisements. After all, everyone’s h/u and i/r are different. Therefore, if you have already chosen a risky way to build interpersonal relationships with the help of a marriage announcement, then it is better to write it in an accessible and digestible language. After all, such a message today is the only document that can preserve the contours of your dream.”www regionlove ru Common conventional abbreviations used in dating advertisements.

a/m - car a/s - an. sex PO Box - PO Box b/d - no children b/c - no complexes b/p - no problems b/s - bisexual b/o - free ad v/c - video cassette v/o - higher education v/n - bad habits v/s - military man v/t - your territory v/f - video film g/n - main post office g/s - gr. sex d/v - on demand d/o - long-term relationship w/n - housing independent w/o - provided with housing w/n - housing problems i/v - int. meetings i/d - int. friendship i/o - int. relations i/n - int. problems i/u - int. services i/f - int. photo i.t.u - correctional labor institution (simply a zone) l.i.u - medical correctional institution (LTP in the old way) m/v - meeting place m.l.s - places of deprivation of liberty (simply a zone) m/n - financially independent m/o - financially secure m/n - financial problems m/t - my territory n/s - not a sponsor n/t - our territory o/a - return address o/a - secured lady o/n - special problems o/s - op. sex o/f - candid photo p/o - constant meetings p/o - post office r/o - diverse interests r/o - varied communication s/m - sad.-maz. s/n - serious intentions s/o - serious relationship s/n - married couple s/s - creating a family s/u - self-satisfaction s/n - creative profession b/w - black and white b/u - sense of humor

Sincerely, Your Vizavi (Information updated in 2005)

How to promote a channel on Telegram?

Digital marketing gurus, who already have access to a loyal audience, immediately wrote “general” articles about promoting channels on Telegram, in which they promoted their channels and the channels of their colleagues from the crowd.
From all the articles, one thing is clear - download your channel yourself as best you can, if you can, tell me. When there are 10,000 subscribers on your channel, you will be in “chocolate.”

What internet marketers offer in their articles on such platforms as Kossa, VC, Spark, etc.: - distribute information about your channel on your platforms (accounts in social networks, if any - websites), - add your channel to channel catalogues, some advise buying advertising (without specifying where or how to do this, except for PR, the advertising exchange on Sociate that has not yet launched, while the beta test is in progress).

But everyone (of the articles that I read at the time of writing this post) lost sight of such a powerful tool as Mutual PR (aka VP). Once upon a time, thanks to VP, large public pages on VKontakte and networks of accounts on Instagram were rocking. Of course, not without mass following... But in Telegram there is no way to mass follow.

Agree on mutual PR

But even if you passed the filter by the number of subscribers, don’t relax! Almost all directories post information about channels on the terms of so-called “mutual PR”. The term is exclusively Telegram. Previously, this was called “information barter.” That is, this is a kind of partnership when site X places advertising Y and vice versa. It is clear that catalogs also need to somehow live and develop their project, but you understand that your collected subscribers are unlikely to be delighted with push notifications advertising something that they do not need at all. And why? Because a person has subscribed to, for example, a specialized news stream on EGAIS - it is convenient for him to receive this news in the messenger. Or he is used to receiving photos of beautiful fish at the beginning of the day. And then there’s a message about some “new catalog”, and then again about some “super catalogue”, and again about a “rashkatalogue”, and so on. Do you think he can endure it for long? In general, from such a VP you can lose your subscribers, obtained with blood and sweat, in the blink of an eye. Therefore, it is probably possible to negotiate on such terms, but with extreme caution. Especially considering the fact that you don’t know who the people are in that directory. Or maybe there are no people there at all - just virtual people.

In this regard, Telegram is now similar to the development of VKontakte public pages several years ago, which were filled with an army of bots. Many directories and channels that seem very large actually have no real audience. They are pumped up with virtuals. You can understand this by looking at the number of views under several posts and comparing this figure with the number of subscribers. The number of views most often means the real audience of the catalog or channel.

By the way, not only catalogues, but also other channels offer placement on the terms of “mutual PR” - especially many offers from channels for adults. Of course, I believe Lena Torshina that everyone watches porn and specialists in the field of cash register automation are no exception. But IMHO advertising a porn chat in a channel about EGAIS is already too much.

Pay money

At first glance, advertising in catalogs and other channels seems like a very attractive proposition. Firstly, it is inexpensive - the price starts from 50 rubles and the maximum price that was quoted to me for a ten-thousandth catalog is 3,000 rubles. Secondly, you don’t need to look for photos of kissing fish, cashiers, programmers, etc., so that advertising for a porn channel looks more or less natural in your feed. And, of course, you can play around with this if you have a few extra hundred and a little time.

What is GIMS and why is it needed?

It will be useful for newcomers to shipping to learn what GIMS is , its meaning and functions. The abbreviation stands for State Inspectorate for Small Vessels .

GIMS is an executive authority that establishes and controls the rules for the use of small vessels on the water, as well as in adjacent areas. For example, in a parking lot, beach, crossing.

GIMS functions

  1. The State Inspectorate is authorized to monitor compliance with safety rules on water and the surrounding area. With its help, compliance with labor protection requirements is monitored.
  2. GIMS inspects, records and registers water vehicles.
  3. This is where you can pass certification and receive a boatmaster's license. Therefore, when you need a license for a boat, you need to contact the state inspectorate.
  4. This authorized body carries out technical inspection of watercraft and also maintains a general register of small vessels.
  5. The functions of the state inspection include search and rescue activities on the water.

The importance of GIMS for navigation

Thanks to the state inspection, new systems for training navigators are being developed and implemented. Explanatory work is being carried out among the population in order to reduce accidents on water.

The State Inspectorate is involved in eliminating the consequences of water-related accidents and disasters. This includes conducting search and rescue operations.

If you can learn navigation even in a private organization, then you can pass the exam and obtain a license to operate a watercraft only at the State Medical Inspectorate. During the exam, state inspectors strictly monitor compliance with the requirements and compliance with the student’s level of knowledge. After all, other people's lives depend on it.

Dominate, write "GG, VP"

The “modified” version of the meme looks like “GG, VP easy.” Even fewer people know what such a phrase means, because in fact it does not carry any meaning at all. This is a kind of insult in the form of a moral finishing touch to the opponent, who is told: “The game is over, we have blown you to pieces.” In the vast majority of cases, this version of the meme is used by those people who do not even approximately know about the original meaning of the phrase, since when deciphered it naturally looks absolutely meaningless. The last stage is “GG, VP easy skating rink”.

Thus, depending on where and with whom you play, the phrase “GG, VP” can have completely different connotations, and here only you yourself can determine what exactly your interlocutor meant when he used it. However, despite the fact that it is often used in the latter key, it is best to always perceive it in its original sense, carrying it only without losing the fighting spirit.

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