The best libraries for working with VK API in C++, Java, Python and other languages

can contain no more than 25 calls to API methods .

The same thing can be written more briefly as follows:


  • arithmetic operations
  • logical operations
  • creating arrays and lists ([X,Y])
  • parseInt
  • concatenation (+)
  • if construct
  • array filter by parameter (@.)
  • API
    method calls
    length parameter
  • loops using the while
  • Javascript methods: slice
  • delete operator
  • assignments to array elements, for example: row.user.action = “test”;
  • search in an array or string - indexOf
    , for example: "123".indexOf(2) = 1, [1, 2, 3].indexOf(3) = 2. Returns -1 if the element is not found.

Creating functions is not currently supported.

Accessing array elements with the result of any method must all be based on a JSON structure, not XML. For example, the correct call is [email protected] _id;, not [email protected] @.owner_id;

execute method

can also be used to obtain the results of several unrelated queries.

In the execute

The logical operators (greater than),
(greater than or equal to),
(equal to) and
(not equal to) are supported. Comparisons of two strings, two numbers, and a string and a number (in which case the string is converted to a number) are currently supported.

The result of a logical expression can be used in an if

. [
. ]:

Returns the data requested by the algorithm. When working with the execute

The response structure in
is closer to
and may differ slightly from the standard representation of other methods.

Note that the API version specified when calling execute is not automatically applied to methods called within code.


There is a limit on the length of the response. If the data in the response takes up more than 5 MB, error 13 will be returned with the comment “response size is too big”.

It's no secret that the VK API returns in one request to the groups.getMembers

no more than 1,000 participants.
In one second, you can get a maximum of 3,000 participants, since the number of requests per second is limited to 3. This problem is solved by the execute
, with which you can get more than 100,000 participants in one second and up to 25,000 participants in one request . In this article I will tell you how I implemented it.

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