How to see subscribers on VK: get to know your readers by sight!

If you are interested in how to see who I am following on VK, welcome to our page. This question is especially relevant because in this social network the signing process occurs automatically, without confirmation from the user.

For comparison, on Instagram, a person himself presses the “Follow” button, so he clearly knows all the accounts whose updates are displayed in his feed. In VK the process is completely different and many people have no idea who they are following and how they ended up on someone else’s list.

Today we will tell you how to find out who I am subscribed to on VK, how to view the entire list, and how to edit it.

How to find out who I'm following

Next, we will look at how to see your subscribers on VK - this question also often worries many users, and also how to find out who a person has subscribed to on VK.

By the way, the more subscribers a person has, the better his profile is ranked in the feed, so now there are many services that perform automatic promotion. True, then it will be problematic to delete subscribers if necessary.

Via computer

To see who a person is following on VK, namely you yourself, you need to do the following:

  • Go to your account in the “Friends” section;
  • On the right, find the “Applications” subsection;
  • Go to the "Outbox" column;

  • This is the list of people you follow. To correct the situation, next to each name, click on the “Unsubscribe” button.

Via phone

Some resources publish instructions asking users to see subscriptions to interesting pages from their phone, but this list is not subscriptions to profiles. Unfortunately, there is no way to view your VK subscriptions from your phone, but the mobile application is constantly improving and most likely such an option will appear in the future.

How to view subscribers on VK: step-by-step guide

The terms “subscriber” and “subscription” have different meanings. The first is a user of the VK website, subscribed to your profile or created community. The second is the community you subscribed to. The built-in tools of the VKontakte website allow you to see the number of subscriptions and information related to the group. In this article we will look at how to view subscribers on VK.

How to view subscribers and subscriptions

A large number of people following your page is not a bad thing anyway. But perhaps these are bots, fakes or inactive users, and it is advisable to get rid of them. If this is your group, then it is better if these are active people; filtering is needed so as not to fill the list with unnecessary garbage.

Let's look at how to view subscriptions via a computer. First you need to log into your profile, then perform the following sequence of actions:

  • Find the following entry on the page.
  • Click the "Subscribers" tab.
  • A list of people following you will appear.

When you click on any person, you can get to his profile. The creators of the VKontakte website do not provide for canceling someone else’s subscription, but it is possible to block anyone. Click on the cross on the photo, the user will be blacklisted. This way you can get rid of unnecessary people, bots or deleted profiles.

To view subscriptions, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Friends" section.
  2. Next, click on “Outbox”. These are the people you follow.
  3. In this section you can see people following your updates.

A block with interesting pages is an accessible way to view subscriptions. This can be done via a mobile phone in the VK application or by visiting the site through any browser.

For both Android and iOS, in the VK application it is possible to view your subscribers by following several steps:

  1. Open the application and log in to your account.
  2. Find the "Subscribers" item.
  3. Click on it and information will open about who has subscribed to your updates.

If you want to see the subscribers of a person, the VK website does not hide this information. Login to the main page and see them where they are and on your profile.

Possible problems

It happens that you can’t see subscribers, this happens for several reasons, for example:

  1. If you don’t find the “Subscribers” section, then they are missing.
  2. The user submitted a friend request and then unfollowed your profile.
  3. If it is not possible to see the subscribers of any user, then it is possible to view interesting pages, but not personal information.

Anyone can follow the recommendations to view the information of interest.

Who follows me?

Now you know how to view my subscriptions on VK via a computer, and you are aware that this cannot be done from a smartphone. Next, we will tell you how to see a list of profiles that, on the contrary, follow you.

  1. Go to the main page of your account and pay attention to the block with numbers to the right of the avatar: there is the number of friends, photos, tags, videos, as well as the number of subscribers.
  2. Go to the “Friends” - “Requests” - “Inbox” tab. It's the same list. If desired, delete friend requests and clear out unnecessary people.

How to attract subscribers to a VKontakte group for free?

We welcome all readers and subscribers of the project! Today we will tell you about how you can attract subscribers to the VKontakte group for free. The article presents an effective promotion strategy, which has been repeatedly tested and fully proven its effectiveness.

What are subscribers for?

Nowadays, groups on social networks are an excellent tool for creating your own business. Through communities you can sell not only various goods or services, but also earn money by advertising. But no matter what type of earnings you choose, its size will depend entirely on the number and quality of subscribers.

This is interesting: How to view guests on a VK page?

Group promotion methods: automatic and manual .

Automatic method

Now there are a huge number of different online services with which you can gain hundreds or even thousands of subscribers in a matter of hours, completely free of charge. But unfortunately, they are all bots and do not provide any benefit. Such subscribers will not buy your product or use your services, and potential advertisers will immediately notice the low quality of your audience and refuse to advertise.

Manual method

Using the manual method, you can attract live subscribers who are active. Among these people there will definitely be your potential clients. Also, if you have real subscribers, you can quickly find advertisers and earn money by advertising. Now let's move directly to the strategy itself.

Promotion strategy

Step #1 - Populating the group

Before you start attracting people, you need to create what exactly you want to attract them with, namely, publish interesting materials.

Related article: How to publish a post on VKontakte?

You must write or find really interesting and useful information, which must be supplemented with attractive pictures. The information should be thematically focused, that is, there is no need to publish posts about fashionable dresses or jewelry in the automotive community. So, prepare at least 10 posts that meet all the recommendations described above.

Step #2 – First subscribers

There is a certain feature in human psychology that causes fear of doing something before everyone else. In our case, the user will see that no one has joined the group before him. If no one has done this, then in this person’s opinion there is nothing interesting in the group, and accordingly, he most likely will not join it. To solve this problem, we will use a free tool to automatically increase subscribers and add about 50 “people”. At the beginning of the article, we wrote that we are not interested in automatic means, and this is true. The fact is that these 50 subscribers are a means to attract real people. In the future, we can remove these bots and leave only the natural audience in our community. the most , there are several reasons for this:

  • it's free
  • has a simple interface
  • subscribers are of relatively good quality

Attention! To use this service, it is recommended to use an unnecessary account or create a new one.
The fact is that you will have to join a number of groups, from which you will not be able to unsubscribe in the near future. To avoid littering your profile with unnecessary information, use another account. The only requirement for this account is the presence of a photo. 1)
Go to the main page and click on the “Log in via Vkontakte” button:

2) Now click on the allow button:

3) If everything went well, you will see the following:

4) Now we need to earn hearts and then exchange them for subscribers. To earn these hearts, you need to join other groups or like photos. Initially, 15 hearts are credited to the account: We will need from 200 to 250 hearts. This will be enough to attract 40-50 followers. So, go to the “VKontakte” link in the “Earn balance” menu: Then go to the “Subscribe to groups” tab:

Now we find the most expensive tasks, click on the link with the group address and join it.
After completing these steps, payment will be credited to your balance: Continue joining groups until you collect the required number of points. You can check your balance by clicking on the “Home” link in the main menu: To earn 250 points, we spent about 10 minutes:

5) Now we need to buy subscribers to our group. To do this, click on the “Wind up” menu item:

Then select the line “Vkontakte” and go to the “Get group subscribers” tab. Next, you need to enter the address of our group, indicate the number of required subscribers and enter the price for one subscription. We recommend setting 5 hearts per person. Then click “Submit”.

If the process is launched successfully, we will receive the following message: Result after an hour and a half:

The process of getting 50 subscribers took 2 hours and 10 minutes. Now you know how to attract subscribers to a VKontakte group for free.

Step #3 – Invite Friends

Friends are the most accessible category of potential members of your group. Some will be truly interested in your group, others will subscribe out of respect for your person, but in the end, both will bring significant benefits. To invite your friends to the community, you need to click on the “You are in a group” button and select the “Invite friends” line from the drop-down menu:

After which you will see the following window:

Send an invitation to those friends who you think might be interested in the group. The invitation will look like this:

Step #4 – Send private messages to friends

If the invitation does not produce tangible results, you can send private messages to your friends and friends of friends in which you briefly describe your group and ask to join it.

Step #5 – Mailing personal messages to people with similar interests

An additional source of subscribers will be sending messages to people with whom you and your group have something in common. For example, it could be the same city, hobby, work or study. But be careful not to send too many messages to everyone! For mass mailing, you can very easily get your account banned, and, accordingly, the community banned.

Step #6 – Using Keyphrases in Posts

Keys or key phrases are sentences or phrases that people use to find information in search engines. Using keywords will help bring people from search engines to your group, a certain percentage of whom will definitely become your subscribers. There are many services for selecting key phrases, but one of the most common is wordstat from Yandex. To start using this service, just create an account in Yandex and follow the link To demonstrate how the service works, let’s take the key “buy Infiniti FX35”

The number 578 is the total number of ad impressions for this query. This means that approximately 600 people were interested in this key per month. Below the frequency are additional queries that we can also use. We recommend that you take advantage of additional information about this service, as we have talked about its basic capabilities.

Step #7 – Sending invitations to communities of similar topics

Despite the fact that this method is effective, it must be used very carefully, as it may be considered spam and your account may be blocked. Look for communities with topics as similar as possible to your group. Publish messages only in resources with an open wall; do not try to leave invitations in the comments to posts.

Step #8 – Sending invitations to communities with similar targeting

This method is an addition to the previous one. It involves sending out invitations to groups that can be selected by audience, for example, gender, age, city, and so on. When using this method you also need to be extremely careful and try not to overdo it.

Step #9 – Posting comments on thematic resources

All previous methods were implemented within the social network, but this method goes beyond its scope. This means that you need to select blogs, forums, any portals, YouTube videos, groups and communities on other social networks that are suitable for your topic, and publish comments on them, in which you need to try to advertise your group as gently as possible. The most important thing is that the comments are meaningful and do not look like spam or typical advertising. Ideally, you should share some useful information or advice and hint that you have a group with more similar information. Then you can provide a link.

Step #10 – Promotion through YouTube video hosting

YouTube is currently gaining incredible momentum, and this is just the beginning! More and more people come to this service and literally live in it. So why not take advantage of this gigantic audience for your own purposes?! To do this, you need to create your own channel, shoot videos and post them on it. In each video, advertise your group or public, and be sure to publish a link to it in the description.

Additional ways to attract subscribers In addition to the promotion methods described above, there is another very effective method - buying advertising for your community in other promoted publics or groups. This method is the most effective, but it has a large minutes - it is paid. Since this article talks about free methods, we will talk about buying advertising in the next article.

In this article, we described in detail how to find subscribers to a VKontakte group using a strategy consisting of 10 effective methods. That's all for us, if you have any questions, ask them in the comments or write them to our VK group. See you again!

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Who does the other person follow?

There is no way to see who a friend is following on VK - if you do not have the opportunity to log into the social network on his behalf, you will not be able to obtain this information. If you go to his profile, right under the avatar you will see the “Subscriptions” / “Interesting Pages” section - all the interesting public pages are collected inside, the updates of which the user monitors. This is the only information that may be available to the curious public.

Please note that subscriptions and full-fledged adding as a friend are two different things! Therefore, in order to find out who your friend added as a friend, you will have to perform other manipulations.

Where can I see subscriptions?

So, now you know where in VK I can see who I am following in the new version - if you remember, in the old interface the block on the main page was placed in a different place. If you need to find out a list of interesting pages and subscriptions to user groups, go to his profile and study the information right under the main avatar. The required block is located immediately below the Online Friends section.

On an Android-based mobile phone, you need to go down to the video and music bar (under the photo) and slightly move the tape to the left.

But if you are the proud owner of a smartphone with a bitten apple, then pay attention to the icon with an exclamation mark in a circle. When you click on it, you will see a link to interesting pages and subscriptions of your friend.

How to see new members of a VKontakte group

March 3, 2021 Social network VKontakte

Has this happened to you too? Do you see that a number of new members have joined your VKontakte group and you really want to find out who these people are?

In this article I will tell you how to view new members of a VKontakte group depending on the sequence of their entry. Personally, I want to get to know the people who have joined my community better. Look at their profiles - how they live, what excites them, what their hobbies are. This is how I meet my target audience

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