Subscribers and friends
11454980 Person in the database 71876 Universities and universities 439139 Schools, lyceums, gymnasiums Enter known ones
Since we started working on the Internet, most of us have created a huge number of accounts in
How to remove your date of birth in VK and not show your real age to your friends? Despite
Users who no longer wish to communicate with a person or want to be removed from the list
Hello, friends! You and I are used to communicating in Russian, or the language we use
There are three ways to block VK. The first is to edit the hosts file. The second is to install the extension
Hello, friends, visitors, subscribers! If you are reading this note, it means you are users of the social network.
This issue worries many users. The goals pursued may vary greatly from location
02/06/2019 Our favorite social network is constantly changing. And although this happens very gradually, everything
In today's article we will try to figure out whether the “Online” option with VK Me really works.