Where can I view my friend requests on Odnoklassniki and how to cancel them?

If you are interested in how to cancel a friend request in VKontakte, that is, in fact, how not to get on a one-sided list of someone’s subscribers, our article will definitely be useful to you.

Let us explain in more detail. The system for creating a list of friends in VK is organized in such a way that, if you are not blacklisted by someone, you can apply to be added to their contact list. However, a person may well not accept it. But now there is no “cancel” button. Therefore, if the user ignores your request, you will automatically be on their list of subscribers. You will be able to monitor his page, see news updates, write messages - but everything is strictly within the privacy settings he has set. Real friends, as you understand, have much more opportunities.

In essence, a subscriber is an outside observer, to whom the object of attention has absolutely nothing to do. Not the most pleasant situation, is it?

If your friend request is not confirmed, you will automatically be transferred to the list of subscribers, and will not even receive any notification. And yet, you can end up there if your friend removes you from his contact list. By the way, you won’t know about this either until you check his list of friends yourself.

This is why it is so important to know how to revoke a friend request in VKontakte if there is a risk that it will not be confirmed. And in general, try to periodically check whether you have added to someone’s list of subscribers, and unsubscribe from this scoundrel in a timely manner. Unless, of course, he is a famous person who is not so embarrassing to watch.

How to view your friend requests and how to delete them from your phone and PC?

There are situations when you need to see a list of applications. If you don't remember who you sent the request to or if you made it by mistake and need to cancel it. How can I see who I have sent a friend request to on Odnoklassniki? This cannot be done either from a phone or from a PC. The lack of a general list of outgoing applications is the main flaw of this community. You will have to search for a user, go to his profile and only after that see whether you offered him friendship or not.

Update for the beginning of 2021: to view outgoing requests, you need to go to the general list of friends and click on the “outgoing friend requests” item.

To cancel a request from your phone:

  1. Find the user to whom it was sent.
  2. Go to his page.
  3. Click on the inscription “Application sent” and in the window that appears, select “Cancel application”.

To cancel a request from a PC you need to:

  1. In the upper right corner, enter the person’s name into the search and go to his account.
  2. To the right of the avatar there will be the inscription “Application sent.” Click on it and select “Cancel request”.

how to cancel a friend request in Odnoklassniki

Is it possible to cancel all outgoing messages at once?

As you can see, canceling friend requests on VKontakte is not difficult, the option is officially permitted. But not everyone is familiar with the confusing “Friend-Subscriber” system in VK. For some, checking the outgoing requests section turns into a surprise in the form of a list of several hundred profiles. This means, let us remind you, all these people did not want to become friends with you or first accepted the request and then removed you from the contact list.

It would take a lot of time to manually cancel that many subscriptions. Therefore, many people are interested in how to delete all outgoing applications on VK at once.

Unfortunately, there is no such option, neither officially nor through special scripts or third-party services. At least we didn’t find any on the Internet, but believe me, we searched very carefully. Therefore, try to clean this section in a timely manner, keep your finger on the pulse, as they say.

If you are interested in what kind of notification a VKontakte user whose friend request you have decided to cancel will receive, relax. He won't know about this unless he checks your list of contacts himself. Well, or it won’t go into its outgoing requests and won’t find your page there.

Well, now you know how to cancel outgoing friend requests on VKontakte using all existing methods. And knowledge, as they say, is power. We wish you never to find yourself in an uncomfortable situation on VK! Peeking through glass isn't your thing, is it?

How can I see requests that have been sent to you?

From a mobile device:

  1. Download the application.
  2. Go to the menu and select the “Friends” section.
  3. It has three tabs: All, Applications, On Site and More. Click on Applications.
  4. If someone wants to make friends with you, they will be reflected in the list below. A list of people you may know will also appear here.

On PC you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the social network site.
  2. Go to the "Alerts" section.
  3. In it, click on “Friendships”. All friend requests should be displayed here.

how to view friend requests in Odnoklassniki

We recommend reading the article “Ways to find out who has been unfriended on Odnoklassniki.”

How to get rid of a computer?

Next, we’ll look at how to clear friend requests in Contact from a computer. The principle remains the same - to delete incoming ones, we temporarily add people to the emergency situation, outgoing ones - through unsubscribing.


  • Open the VK page and go to the “Friends” block;
  • In the list of subsections on the right, select “Friend Requests”;
  • Inbox will be displayed. To delete them, you need to go to the profiles one by one, click on the three horizontal dots under the avatar and select the “Block” command. After an hour, in your Settings (click on the small avatar in the upper right) you will go to the “Black List” section and unblock people;
  • Ready.


  • In the same subsection, click on the “Outbox” line;
  • Methodically unsubscribe from everyone on the list;
  • That's all, you have managed to remove yourself from the followers of all these users.

As you can see, deleting friend requests on VKontakte is a simple process. However, due to the need to work manually, it can sometimes take a very long time. Especially if you have hundreds of accounts in your requests. Unfortunately, there is no automatic method. That is why we recommend periodically checking the lists and trying to promptly remove everything unnecessary from VK friend requests. Good luck with your cleaning!

Why do few people confirm applications, and how to fix it?

Many social network users do not confirm friendships with people they do not know. It seems strange to them to have on the list those with whom they have neither common interests, nor acquaintances, nor memories. Other users are willing to communicate and get to know everyone. Some do it out of sheer desire, while others pursue business goals.

A large audience is very significant for bloggers and entrepreneurs. Without her they are nothing. There is no one to offer services, goods, no one to share information with, the latest events in life. Therefore, with all possible forces they try to get people: both friends and subscribers.

To make people more willing to accept your offer of friendship, you need to:

  • Be interesting. Your page should be of interest: beautiful photographs, videos, unusual and necessary products.
  • Conduct drawings with valuable prizes.

holding competitions and sweepstakes in Odnoklassniki

  • Arrange promotions for your products and services.

Independent manipulations

In the first case, you just need to go to the social network on your profile and click on the “My subscribers” button. The result of the work done will be a list of all people showing interest in your page. Your goal is achievable, because to achieve it you just need to find the right person, click on his avatar and add him as a friend. This key is located directly below the profile owner's photo (upper left corner).

Everything would be fine, but it takes a lot of time, because the number of people who want to become friends is constantly growing. It turns out that early applications are moved to the bottom, therefore, the queue reaches them last. And it also happens that the user has already lost interest in your offers. Do you agree?

High-quality services for recruiting friends on Odnoklassniki

All services for recruiting friends in OK differ in the conditions for providing their services. They can be paid or free. The second option sounds more tempting. After all, you don’t need to invest money there. But instead, you will have to spend your time earning local currency. That is, payment is still needed, but not in monetary terms. These sites work on mutual actions: you help participants, receive “money”, participants help you and also receive their earnings into your account.

  1. BossLike is the most popular job exchange. By doing them, you can make more than just friends. Classes and comments available.
  2. Fastfreelikes is an exchange that is only slightly inferior to Bosslike in terms of speed.

    fastfreelikes site for cheating on Odnoklassniki

  3. Yourliker is a paid platform for cheating. The price for one person is only 0.26 rubles.
  4. Prtut – you can turn friends and subscribers on all social networks. Prices for Odnoklassniki start from 0.38 rubles per person.
  5. Doctorsmm – this service has a wide range of services for recruiting users. For example, slow promotion costs 0.2 rubles per friend, and fast execution will cost more – 0.35 rubles.
  6. Avi1 is the cheapest site for cheating. For example, offers and bots can be bought for 41 rubles (500 pieces), Russian friends for 45 rubles (100 pieces), and active accounts cost 18 rubles for 100 pieces.

Read about how to add VKontakte friends using programs in the corresponding article.

Removing VKontakte friends using VkCleanAcc

There are also programs and plugins for different browsers that significantly expand the capabilities of a VKontakte user to manage their profile. Let’s try as an example to use one of these applications, which is designed, among other things, to quickly remove all your comrades from your friends list. It's called VkCleanAcc.

Download VkCleanAcc from the official website

Download the archive file with the VkCleanAcc program, unpack it into a directory convenient for you on the screw. The application takes only a few megabytes and does not require an installation process. We go to the directory with the program and turn it on. In the window that opens, left-click on the item “Authorization” .

Enter the login and password for accessing your VKontakte profile in the appropriate fields. Click the “Login” .

The app confirms that the authentication was successful and your friends list is loaded. We put a mark in the line “Delete all friends” . We think carefully about the consequences of our actions and click on the “Start” and wait until the deletion is completed.

You can also delete VKontakte friends through this application according to certain criteria, which is also very convenient and fast.

Well, as we have established, to simultaneously delete all VKontakte friends, you can use special scripts or programs. The choice of method is yours. The main thing is to thoroughly consider the possible consequences of your manipulations. People you actually know may be offended and regard your actions as unfriendly.


Installing the script

  1. Buy a script. Sales are carried out using the Interkassa
    . A link to download the file will be sent to the e-mail you provided upon purchase. Be careful!!! If for some reason, after making payment, the link did not arrive by e-mail, or the file is not downloaded, immediately write to me by e-mail: .
  2. Download the archive using the link that will be sent to your e-mail after payment.
  3. Unzip. Copy files from each folder to files of the same name in the iMacros folder, namely:
    • VK-add_friends+capcha.js
      file and the
      with all contents - in the
    • File vk_base_add_friends.txt
      - in the

  4. How to find the iMacros folder on your computer, read

  5. For the scripts to work, you must be registered in the Anti-capcha.com service and top up your account with at least the minimum amount.

Preparing files for running the VK Add Friends Pro macro

Examples of all files can be found in the archive when purchasing the script.

  • vk_base_add_friends.txt
    — Create a list of users who need to be added as friends.
    You can use any other program for this. Copy user links to vk_base_add_friends.txt
    , which is located in the
  • In file VK-add_friends+capcha.js
    — in line No. 9 enter your key for the Anti-capcha service:

    var key = " ";

Working with the VK Add Friends Pro macro

  1. Open the Firefox browser, go to the VKontakte social network and enter your username and password.
  2. Launch Firefox and enable iMacros, find the script VK-add_friends+capcha.js
  3. Run the script by double clicking.
  4. After finishing the work, the macro saves the work data in the file vk_report_add_friends.txt
    . Following the instructions, you can open it in Excel.

Features of VK Add Friends Pro

  • The list of users is placed (manually) in a separate file vk_base_add_friends.txt
  • The macro automatically answers related questions during operation;
  • The macro automatically inserts the answer into Capcha. The captcha pops up quite often, approximately every 5 friends. Attention!
    Capcha is solved using the Anti-capcha.com service. This service requires an additional fee.;
  • The macro creates a report about added friends in the file vk_report_add_friends.txt
    , where it indicates: Time of the action;
  • User link;
  • Completed action: Friend request sent
    - the macro has just sent a friend request;
  • The user does not accept friend requests
    - the user has disabled the ability to add friends;

Developments that work wonders

A new software development comes to the rescue, because if you use a special script, you can perform the manipulation much faster (add everyone if the number of subscribers is small, otherwise the operation will have to be repeated several times). To do this you need:

  • log into your own profile on social networks;
  • select the “friend requests” tab;
  • enter the script in the address bar field:

javascript:var buttons=document.getElementsByTagName("button"); console.log(buttons); for (key in buttons){buttons.click ();}

  • Click on the Enter key.

In the same way, you can remove unnecessary people, remove fake subscribers and even those profiles that came to you as a result of cheating. This procedure, namely deletion, can be performed thanks to VK Bot. When you open this program, such a function is easily found, and the procedure itself does not take a long time.

By the way, this program also has a function for instantly converting subscribers into friends. Just open the program, go to the “Profile” section, then select “Friends”, and click on the key of interest.

As you understand, the procedure for assigning a different status to subscribers is quite simple, and most importantly, it can be done in various ways: by adding it yourself, using a script, thanks to the VKBot program. All the options presented work, but which one will you choose?

Best regards, Elena Izotova.

UPD: August 27, 2021.

VKontakte now has a new design.
to solve the new captcha .

Macros and VK Add Friends Account Dif

add as friends to users whose list has been created in advance and is located in a separate text file
Also, these macros can solve captcha using the Anti-capcha.com service. Important!
Anti-capcha.com service is paid. For macros to work, you first need to register and top up your account with a minimum amount. VKontakte allows you to send requests to no more than 40 friends per day. In this case, about 8 captchas will be used for 40 additions. From this calculation, top up your account with the required amount.

There are two macro options for your attention:

Macros are written for the iMacros plugin of the Firefox browser. Version at the time of creation of macros: iMacros version - 8.8.9

version Language -
Macro Add as friend on VKontakte - VK Add Friends Pro

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